• Published 24th Dec 2014
  • 653 Views, 13 Comments

Hearth's Warming Eve in Ponyville - EloquenceInkwell

Fluttershy spends her first Hearth's Warming Eve in her new home in Ponyville, away from the only town and only family she's ever known. All she expects is some peace and quiet, but some of her new neighbors have a different idea

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Fluttershy's Holiday

Fluttershy hovered about her small cottage with a basket in her mouth, giving all of her animal friends their evening meal. She finished and landed softly, setting the empty basket on a small end table before sitting down on her couch. No sooner did she touch the inviting plush sofa than she heard a shrill insistent chirping from above her. She looked up to see a very angry robin watching her.

“Goodness, did I forget your dinner Robinette?”

The bird continued to chirp angrily in reply.

“Oh, oh my, I’m so sorry.” She said as she rushed into her kitchen, poured a mix of seeds into a tiny bowl, and flew out and up to the robin. “I always seem to miss someone, keeping track of all of you is harder than I thought it would be.” She lowered herself down with a sigh. “It’s already been three months since I moved out of Cloudsdale, I’m not sure I’m ever going to get the hang of this.”

She dropped down onto the couch. That was the last of her chores for the day, and she could see the sun setting as she stared out the window. Hearth’s Warming Eve had officially begun, and the best plan for the evening that she could think of was to sit quietly with a book in her home. No other ponies would join her that evening, and she had nowhere to go, but she didn’t mind. She liked the peace and quiet of her home, and that didn’t change just because it was a holiday.

She walked over to her bookshelf and pulled out Animals in Translation by Tender Glider, a book she’d initially found at the library and purchased not long after, as it had become one of her very favorites. She deeply admired Ms. Glider, and as a fellow pegasus mare with a special ability to understand animals she felt a certain kinship with her, like she was not an inspiration for many but just her own special guide and mentor.

Fluttershy carried the book back to her couch and settled down with it, opening to the first page for what must have been her fifth or sixth rereading by now. Before she could immerse herself in the words of her role model, however, she heard a loud knock on her door.

She opened the door to find Rarity on the other side, bundled up in warm but fashionable clothing, wearing two large saddlebags that appeared to be empty, and breathing rather heavily.

“Fluttershy darling, I am so glad to see you! I was worried you might have stepped out or left for the evening or even for the whole day, and that walking all the way here after walking all around Ponyville would have been completely pointless.” Rarity said all before Fluttershy could stammer out a hello. “After I finished my new Hearth’s Warming line I had quite a lot of fabric left over, and that gave me the fabulous idea to make scarves for all of my family and friends! I’ve spent the entire day delivering them, and you my dear are my very last stop. I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but after you treated and took care of my dear cat Opal when she had the flu, and were even so kind as to groom her before you returned her to me, I just couldn’t possibly leave you off my list!”

She levitated a red scarf out of her left saddlebag, finished with gold tassels on each end and butterflies embroidered in gold thread on one end.

“Oh, wow, it’s beautiful Rarity. I just, I don’t think I could…”

Rarity levitated the scarf around Fluttershy’s neck, carefully arranging it to best show off the embroidered butterflies. “Oh, it looks stunning on you, just like I knew it would! It compliments you perfectly, and if I may be so bold, you wear it quite well. So elegant, so poised, why I’d say you could even be a model if you had half a mind to.”

Fluttershy looked down, blushing furiously. “Oh, thank you…”

“Of course dear.” She looked back towards the setting sun. “I must be going; I would like to get home before sundown. I wouldn’t want to miss dinner with my family. Have a wonderful Heath’s Warming Eve Fluttershy.”

“You too, umm, bye.”

Rarity waved and walked back towards town, leaving Fluttershy to watch after her for a moment before closing the door to her cottage. She paused near the door in front of the coat rack, one hoof on her new scarf. After a brief pause she turned away, leaving her new scarf on as walked back towards the couch.

“It is a little cold in here, I suppose…” she said to nopony in particular.

She curled herself back up with her book, but as she read she found herself loosing focus and letting her mind drift off.


Fluttershy and her family were gathered around the Hearth’s Warming tree after opening all of their presents.

“Did you like all of your gifts Fluttershy?” Flitterwing asked warmly.

“Oh, yes mom, I like them very much.” Fluttershy replied as she looked towards her pile of gifts, doing her best to conceal the trepidation she felt as she looked at the flight goggles on top of the pile.

“We can exchange the goggles if you don’t like them. I just thought they would be useful. I know you’re more of a graceful flyer like your mother but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to use them at least every once in a while.”

“Once in a while?!” the old stallion exclaimed from his seat next to Fluttershy. “I’ll bet our little Flutters is going to be zooming around at top speed all the time before you know it, just like her grandpa used to!” He continued, grabbing her with one foreleg and hugging her much too hard. “At the very least she can use them when she’s flying away from all the colts who’ll be chasing after her.” He laughed and gave her what he saw as a playful punch to the shoulder.

Fluttershy did her best not to blush as the rest of the family laughed. Her aunt chimed in. “Fluttershy’s already growing into a fine young mare you know. I’ll bet you’re already fighting them off with a stick, aren’t you dear?”

“Well, no, I, umm…” She attempted to reply.

“Oh, you don’t have a colt-friend we don’t know about, do you?” her aunt asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

“No!” she exclaimed, bringing her voice a bit above its usual shy murmur.

“You don’t have to be so defensive dear, Aunt Iris is just asking you a question.” Flitterwing said before turning to Iris. “She won’t tell me anything either. Every time I ask if there’s a special colt at school she acts so embarrassed.”

“Oh, fillies are just like that at her age. I’m sure in a few years she’ll be telling you all about her first colt-friend, and then her first break up, and on and on until she’s asking you to help her plan a wedding.” Aunt Iris said as she sipped the last of her tea. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m just going to help myself to more tea.”

“Oh, don’t get up! I’ll take care of that for you.” Flitterwing said quickly as she held out a hoof to beckon Aunt Iris to sit back down.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course!” Flitterwing turned from her sister to her daughter. “Fluttershy, be a dear and get your aunt some more tea. In fact, while you're up if you could just bring the teapot over here for everyone who wants their cups refilled.”

“Yes mom.” Fluttershy said as she got up from her seat. She walked over to the kitchen and picked up the teapot, letting out the tiniest most inaudible sigh.


Fluttershy was abruptly returned to the present by a knock on her door. She stretched a bit as she got herself up to answer it.

“Hey Flutters.” Rainbow Dash said. “Long time no see.”

“Hi Rainbow.” Fluttershy said quietly.

There was a brief pause, presumably because Rainbow Dash was waiting for her to say something else.

“I heard you’re not coming back to Cloudsdale for Hearth’s Warming.” Dash said.

“No, I, I can’t really leave the animals. Some of them are sick and injured, and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them while I was gone.”

“So, is your family coming here then?”

“Oh, no, they couldn’t make it. It’s a, it’s a busy time of year for them, you know?”

“I… guess so?” Rainbow Dash replied, trying not to look too quizzical. “Isn’t anyone coming down to visit you?”

“Um, no, I mean, not that I know of.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Flutters. I didn’t know. I was just going to drop by before heading back home to go to a party with my dads, but I can stay and hang for a bit if you want.”

“No, it’s ok. I wouldn’t want you to miss your party. Besides, I’ll be busy anyway. Animals don’t take a day off from needing to be cared for.”

“Are you sure? I wouldn’t miss much if I just stayed for a few minutes.”

“I’m umm, I’m sure. I’m really very busy.”

Rainbow Dash arched an eyebrow, but otherwise didn’t press the issue. “All right, but before I go I have something for you.” She grabbed a small gift bag from where she had set it against the wall of the house and handed it to Fluttershy.

“Oh, thank you!” Fluttershy said as she opened the bag, removing tissue paper to get to her gift; a snow globe containing a miniature Cloudsdale.

“I thought you might be homesick, so I got you your own little Cloudsdale.”

She looked down at the globe and smiled. “Thank you Rainbow, I…” She trailed off.

“Oh, come here you little softie.” Rainbow Dash pulled her foalhood friend into a hug. “We just miss you up there, you know?”

“I know you do.” Fluttershy said, her quiet voice muffled by Dash’s fur so that it was barely audible. “I miss you too, but I’m really happy here. This is where I’m supposed to be.”

“I know. You’ve even got the cutie mark to prove it.” Rainbow Dash replied with a laugh as she let go of her friend. “Come back and visit some time, ok? I shouldn’t be the one flying down to see you all the time, and I’m sure your family misses you too. Get a pet-sitter or something for…” She gestured inside the cottage. “…all of that.”

Fluttershy giggled a bit. “I’ll come back soon, I promise. It’s just been a lot of work getting the animals here to really trust me.”

“Yeah yeah” Rainbow Dash left the ground, hovering in front of the door. “Just don’t be a stranger, ok?”

“I won’t. Bye Rainbow.”

“See ya Flutters.” Rainbow Dash took off as Fluttershy watched her fly away at what she knew her friend considered to be an easy, comfortable pace, though that pace was faster than she would likely ever fly.

She shut the door, but instead of returning to her couch and her book she sunk down with her back against the door, looking down at the snow globe in her hooves. She had wanted Rainbow Dash to stay, but she didn’t want her to ask more questions about why she wasn’t with her family, or have to tell her that she wasn’t actually doing anything tonight, or hear more about all of “their friends” back in Cloudsdale who were all really only friends with Rainbow.

She shook the globe gently and studied the miniature recreation of her hometown as the snow fell. It wasn’t a very close representation; it was just a collection of generic cloud buildings with the weather factory in the center. The flight camp where her and her foalhood friend had met was nowhere to be found, which she wasn’t quite sure how to feel about given that she had such mixed feelings about the place. She feared and dreaded going every day, the school made her feel like a failure, and the students didn’t exactly help remove that feeling, but it was also where she met Rainbow Dash, who was always there to stick up for her, and it was somewhat inadvertently where she had discovered her special talent and earned her cutie mark.


Fluttershy’s flight instructor walked with her into the school’s foyer, where Flitterwing sat waiting nervously. She saw her daughter and rushed over to her.
“Oh, Fluttershy honey, I was so worried!” She turned to the instructor. “Where was she?”

“She had fallen.” The instructor said, apology thick in her voice. “She’s alright though, not a scratch on her. She didn’t hit the ground, but she wasn’t strong enough to fly all the way back up.” Her concerned frown turned up into a small smile. “Actually, the only mark on her is a very exciting one. Look!” She gestured to Fluttershy’s new cutie mark.

“Oh, sweetheart! That’s wonderful! How in Equestria did that happen?”

Fluttershy recounted her tale almost at a whisper. “I, I fell out of the clouds mom, but before I hit the ground a big flock of butterflies stopped me from falling. When I landed on the ground, there were lots of animals around me. There was a loud noise, and they were scared, but I helped make them not afraid anymore.”

“That’s amazing honey. Now, why don’t you go pack up your things so we can go home? I’m sure your father and brothers will be very excited to hear about your cutie mark.”

“Yes mom. I’ll be right back.” Fluttershy answered. She turned and walked towards the cubbies, but as she turned the corner out of sight she stopped, picking up the sound of her mother’s voice.

“She has quite the imagination doesn’t she? A flock of butterflies!” Flitterwing laughed. “I’m sure she just happened to right herself while some butterflies were passing by. She’s not a very confident flyer, and being around them probably just made her feel more assured.”

The instructor nodded. “You must be so proud. Her cutie mark is so much like yours.” She said, gesturing to the single ornate butterfly on Flitterwing’s flank.

“I am! She’s on her way to becoming a charming, graceful flyer, just like her mother. Even the animals respond to her charm. I’m sure it won’t be long before she realizes that it isn’t just animals, but ponies too who will respond to her.”

Fluttershy looked at her butterflies sadly, wondering now if she had misunderstood their meaning. If she was really meant to work with ponies like her mother…

“Tell me though, Ms. Star…” Flitterwing continued. “Did she say anything about how she fell? Did anyone else tell you anything?”

“Fluttershy said that she just went too far towards the edge and lost her balance. I know that a few of the other students were having a race though, one that was not among our scheduled activities, and she might have gotten nervous or distracted in all of the excitement. I am really sorry about this Flitterwing, I feel just terrible.”

“Who were the students having this race?”

“I’m sorry, but it really isn’t my place to talk about students with anyone but their own parents.”

“Tell me, please. You know I wouldn’t say a word to anyone else, I’m just trying to figure out what happened to keep my child safe.” Her tone turned from pleasant to almost icy. “I really wouldn’t want something like this to happen again.”

Ms. Star gave a short nod. “I believe it was Hoops, Lifter, and Rainbow Dash who were racing. They’re good kids really, I just think-“

“I knew it.” Flitterwing interjected. “Of course Rainbow Dash was involved, it is always something with that girl. I don’t know why Fluttershy has chosen to befriend her.” She stopped and quieted her tone. “She seems like a sweet girl really, but I’m sure you’ve noticed that she can be a bit… rambunctious. If you would be so kind Ms. Star, perhaps you could try to keep the two in separate groups from now on. I just don’t want any more accidents, and I don’t want my Fluttershy being… encouraged to do things she otherwise wouldn’t do. She’s very impressionable, and not the strongest of ponies.”

Ms. Star gave another, much shorter nod. “I’ll see what I can do…”

“Thank you, and I promise this will just be between you and me.” She returned fully to her charming graceful self and looked around. “Now where is that little filly? She should be back by now.”

Fluttershy silently trotted off to get her things, tears brimming in her teal eyes.


A sudden loud noise sent Fluttershy rocketing forward with a yelp, knocking into a wall and falling over in a crumpled mass of pony. After a few deep breaths she realized that the loud noise was nothing to be afraid of, just a knock at the door, a very loud, very enthusiastic knock.

She opened up to find Pinkie Pie on the other side, who tossed several hoof-fulls of confetti in the air as soon as the door opened so that it rained down on the startled yellow mare.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve Fluttershy! I came over because I’m having a party, a really big super-funtacular Hearth’s Warming Eve party that I invite every pony in Ponyville to every single year, but you’re so new here and I haven’t talked to you that much because you live all the way out near the Everfree Forest and also you don’t talk very much at all, so I forgot to put you on the list which was really awful and I realized I forgot today, and then I went-“ She made a loud, exaggerated gasping sound. “-and I finished up all of the decorating I was working on as soon as I could and I checked the food to make sure none of it would burn while I was gone, and I made the bestest prettiest invitation I could make and I ran all the way here to give it to you and tell you I’m really sorry I forgot to invite you sooner, which I am, I’m really really really REALLY sorry Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy did her best to process everything that was just said to her by the incredibly fast-talking mare while Pinkie dug through her saddlebag and pulled out the invitation. She held a glittery, bright red envelope out to Fluttershy, who took it with a shy smile.

“Well?” Pinkie said after a few seconds of watching her very confused companion. “Aren’t you gonna open it?”

Fluttershy nodded and gently tore open the envelope, which contained the invitation and, somewhat unsurprisingly, more confetti. She pulled out the invitation and held it out to examine it. It was beautiful, if not a bit gaudy, and coated in hearts and gold glitter. She read quietly to herself.






“Oh, umm, thank you Pinkie Pie. That’s very nice of you, but I’m not sure I can…”

“Contain your excitement? Make it til nine? Stop yourself from bursting into song and dance right here and now?” Pinkie threw a foreleg around Fluttershy’s neck and took a huge breath.

“I’m…. not sure I can make it…”

Pinkie let out her breath in a large huff, instead of in the first note of a rousing song as she had hoped. “You’re not?” she asked sadly.

“I’m sorry, but I just, I don’t think I should leave the animals alone at night. Some of them are sick, and…” She trailed off.

Pinkie Pie gave the shy mare an exaggerated pout and looked at her with big sad eyes. “Are you really really sure you can’t come Fluttershy? Can’t you just visit, please please please pleeeasssseeee?”

“Well, I mean, I don’t think, maybe I could visit for a minute, or…”

“Yay!” Pinkie Pie tackled Fluttershy to the ground in an over-enthusiastic hug. “I’ll see you there! It’s going to be the best party EVER!” She let go and jumped off of her companion. “I have to go finish getting everything ready! I’ll see you later Fluttershy!” She called back behind her as she ran off.

Fluttershy continued to lie in her crumpled pile on the ground for a few seconds as she processed everything that had just happened. When she was ready, she lifted herself up and dusted off her fur and her new scarf. She then retrieved the invitation, which she was happy and surprised to see had not been wrinkled or torn during the affectionate attack. She went back inside and set the invitation gently on a shelf before returning to her couch and opening her book to the first page for the third time that evening. Though she tried again to focus on her book, she was distracted by her exchange with Pinkie. She wondered if the bright pink mare would be disappointed if she didn’t go to the party.

In the end, she decided that she could just say there was an emergency with one of the animals if Pinkie ever brought it up. Besides, Pinkie probably wouldn’t even notice. She had more friends than Fluttershy could even count, and if she had barely remembered to invite her in the first place, then she probably wouldn’t really care if she weren’t there. She had probably just invited her to be nice anyways, it wasn’t like she had given Pinkie a reason to think of her as anypony important, she had barely even talked to her. With that in mind, she curled up tighter around her book and settled into the quiet of her reading.


Several quiet, soothing, uninterrupted chapters later, Fluttershy jumped at yet another pounding at her door. After the initial shock had faded, Fluttershy took a deep breath and walked over to the door, wondering who could possibly be visiting her at this hour.

She opened the door to find a pony she didn’t recognize this time, carrying a basket in her teeth. She set the basket down at Fluttershy’s hooves, promting her to look down and find a white bunny with two badly wounded legs lying on a blanket therein.

“Ah hear you’re the new mare in charge of critter care ‘round these parts?”

“Umm, yes, that’s me…” Fluttershy answered quietly with a nod.

“Thank Celestia. Name’s Applejack, pleasure to meet you uhm?”

“Fluttershy” she whispered in reply.
“Didn’t quite catch that sugar cube.”

“I’m Fluttershy.” She tried to say a bit louder.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Flutterby, but there ain’t much time for small talk right now. Ah, umm, found this little feller out at my farm. He’s hurt real bad, and ah know it’s Hearth’s Warmin’ and all but I was wonderin’ if y’all could take a look at him?”

“Oh of course!” Fluttershy quickly picked up the little basket and took it inside. “I would never turn away an injured animal on any day!”

Applejack followed her in. “That’s mighty kind of you Flutterby.”

Fluttershy quickly went to work, flying to the kitchen to boil water and gather rags and bandages and splints. She then returned to where she’d left the bunny and gently took him out of the basket for an examination.

Applejack watched curiously as she grabbed an examination kit from the nearby closet and went to work, carefully examining the animal, palpating the injured limbs to see what was hurt and how, looking in the eyes and throat for signs of shock or other trauma, checking over every inch of the little creature in the time it took for the water to boil. She darted back into the kitchen as soon as it was ready and returned with a bucket of hot water and rags, using it to gently clean the wounds before applying antiseptic cream, bandages, and a splint. After flying back to the kitchen and returning with a shallow dish of water and a bowl of vegetables, her work was just about done. She pulled an eyedropper out of her kit and used it to slowly squirt a few mouthfuls of water into the bunny’s mouth before moving him to one of the safe, warm beds she had prepared for these occasions, placing the food and water nearby in the bed, and addressing the bunny in a soft and soothing voice.

“Now you just rest up little bunny, and you’ll be just fine. There’s more water and food here for you whenever you’re feeling up to eating and drinking, but other than that just rest, all right?”

The bunny responded by curling up as best he could with his injured limbs and yawning.

Applejack quietly walked over to peer into the bed and smiled. “Thank you Flutterby. I would’ve felt just terrible if you hadn’t been able to help the little guy.”

“Oh, it’s no trouble,” Fluttershy answered, feeling a bit more at ease and speaking a bit louder than before. “and, umm, it’s Fluttershy…”

“Oh, pardon Fluttershy. Guess that does make a bit more sense come to think of it.”
Fluttershy let out a giggle, a genuine giggle rather than the sort she usually gave when somepony said something about her shyness.

Applejack giggled too. “Ah hope you don’t mind that I kind of let myself in, ah was just concerned is all.” She looked down. “To be honest, I felt real bad about the little bunny, because it’s my fault he’s hurt. I was finishin’ up some chores and didn’t see him, so I ran him over with my plow. Ah shouldn’t have been out plowing when it was dark like that.”

Fluttershy nodded and gave a comforting smile. “He’ll be just fine before you know it. The important thing is that you got him to me as soon as you could.”

“Thank you Fluttershy. I hope I didn’t do anything to mess up your plans for Hearth’s Warmin’ or anything.”

“Oh, no, not at all.”

“Do y’all have plans for tonight?”

“Umm, no, not really…”

“Y’all just going to be here by yourself?”


“Well then,” Applejack started as a smile spread across her face. “Why don’t y’all join my family for dinner? Ah have to repay you somehow for taking care of this little critter, and my Granny Smith always said that nopony should be alone on Hearth’s Warming Eve.”

“Oh, umm, thank you Applejack, but I don’t know if I should…”

“It wouldn’t be any trouble, we have an extra seat at the table, and we always make way too much food.”

“Well, umm…” Fluttershy considered the offer, the idea of being surrounded by strangers, strangers who were all family no less, and the idea terrified her, but something about the gentle, friendly way the orange mare looked at her as she waited patiently for her answer made her say



Fluttershy and Applejack walked to Sweet Apple Acres in relative silence, which Fluttershy was sure was deeply uncomfortable for both ponies and encouraged Applejack to never want to invite her anywhere again. It was a long walk, especially in the dark, but eventually their path started taking them through a thick orchard of apple trees.

“Here we are, Sweet Apple Acres! Finest apple orchard in all of Equestria, at least in my opinion. You’ve probably heard of this place, I’ll bet you get apples and other produce from here all the time to feed all of those little critters you’ve got runnin’ around.”

“I do, I’ve heard lots of ponies talking about your orchard, even in Cloudsdale.”

“Of course, you’re from Cloudsdale then ain’t yah? I should’ve guessed, you bein’ a pegasus and all.”

Fluttershy flared her wings slightly in response. “Yeah.”

“Ah hear Cloudsdale’s awful pretty. Never been there myself of course, but a town made of clouds and rainbows can’t look that bad.”

“Actually, I think Ponyville is much prettier. We can’t grow anything in Cloudsdale, and the only animals we see are birds, and there aren’t even very many of them. There’s certainly nothing like this up there.” She said gesturing to the orchard.

Applejack smiled and gave Fluttershy a playful jab in the shoulder. “Ah knew I liked you Fluttershy.”

“Oh, thank you…” Fluttershy replied, smiling and trying not to indicate to her companion how much her shoulder was now hurting.

The two mares made their way to Applejack’s house and were greeted by the rest of the immediate Apple family as soon as they walked through the door.

“Fluttershy, this is my Granny Smith, my brother Big Macintosh, and my sister Apple Bloom. Y’all, this is Fluttershy. She’s the pony I brought that little bunny too, she fixed him right up so I thought it’d be nice to repay her with some famous Apple family hospitality.”

“Hi!” Apple Bloom responded immediately, rushing forward to shake hooves with the new pony. “Wow, you’re a pegasus! We hardly ever have pegasuses over.”

Applejack giggled. “That’s pegasi, Apple Bloom.”

“Right, that. Oooh, can you give me a ride? I’ve never flown before!”

Granny Smith stepped forward to hold back the little filly. “Whoa there half-pint. Let’s let our guest eat first, ok?” She smiled at her nervous-looking houseguest. “You two are here right on time, we’re just about to sit down for dinner. Apple Bloom dearie, why don’t you show our guest to her seat.”

“Yes Granny! Follow me Fluttershy!” Apple Bloom went bouncing towards the dining room with Fluttershy and Applejack in tow. Granny Smith and Big Macintosh followed behind, and Granny Smith took the opportunity to whisper in her grandson’s ear.

“You know, I always thought you’d be the first grandkid bringin’ a pretty mare home for the holidays.”

Big Macintosh just responded with a shake of his head and an eye roll as his grandmother giggled to herself.

Apple Bloom showed Fluttershy to her seat, pulling it out for her before taking the seat right next to her. “So is the bunny ok?” She asked right away.

“Yes, he’s going to be just fine.” Fluttershy replied.

“Is he cute? Applejack didn’t let me see him.” She pouted in her sister’s direction.

“Oh, yes. He’s very small and fluffy, and his fur is pure white.”

“Awww! Are you gonna keep him?”

“I don’t know yet. Sometimes animals choose to stay with me when they get better, and other times they don’t. It will be up to him to decide, although I suppose he is more likely to stay with me, since he’s not quite fully grown yet.”

“What are you gonna name him?”

“Oh, I haven’t thought about a name yet.” Fluttershy smiled at the silly filly. “What do you think I should name him?”

Apple Bloom gave this question some very serious thought, or at least what a very young pony considers to be serious thought. It only took her a short pause to come up with something. “You should name him Angel!”

Fluttershy laughed. “Angel sounds like a wonderful name.”

Granny Smith took her seat at the head of the table while Applejack and Big Macintosh set the last of the food on the table before taking their seats opposite Fluttershy and Apple Bloom.

“Alright everypony, dig in!” Granny Smith announced, before beginning the passing of copious amount of food. Fluttershy piled mashed potatoes, squash casserole, diced carrots, an ear of corn, fresh-baked bread, and a baked apple onto her plate, realizing that she couldn’t possibly eat everything she’d taken as soon as she’d taken some of each dish.

There was a good five minutes of silent face-stuffing before anypony was willing to start up a dinner conversation. Granny Smith was the first to finally speak.

“So Fluttershy, are you goin’ to that big party the kids are having tonight?”

“Do you mean Pinkie Pie’s party? Umm, I don’t know…”

“You should go!” Apple Bloom chimed in. “I only get to go for a little bit, cause Granny says I can’t stay out past my bedtime, but Applejack and Big Macintosh are going to, aren’t you guys?”

“Eeyup!” Big Mac said with an enthusiastic nod.

“We’d love to have you join us Fluttershy,” Applejack started. “but we’d understand if you need to get back to your animals.”

“Oh, right, you have a cute little bunny to take care of!” Apple Bloom said.

“She’s got a lot more than that half-pint.” Applejack said. “Ah don’t think I’ve ever seen so many different critters in one place, she’s got squirrels and chipmunks and mice and rats, birds of every color of the rainbow, a raccoon, a possum, a badger, why I even saw a couple snakes slitherin’ around in there.”

“Wow, that’s so cool! Can we go to Fluttershy’s house? Can we pleeeease?”

Applejack and Big Mac both laughed. “That’s up to Fluttershy sugar cube.”

“Umm, that would be fine. You could visit some time, if you want to.”

“Yay!” Apple Bloom threw herself at Fluttershy in a hug, which Fluttershy very gently returned with no small sense of déjà vu. The other Apples laughed watching the foal’s adorable excited actions, as did Fluttershy. “Can we go tonight?”

“Now hold on half-pint, what about that party?” Granny Smith asked.

Apple Bloom thought about this for a bit before responding. “Ok, not tonight, but really soon, ok Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy nodded in reply.


After everypony had stuffed themselves and chatted until Fluttershy felt very full and relatively at ease for being around ponies she wasn’t very familiar with, Applejack looked over at the time.

“It’s getting kind of late. Are you going to be headin’ home Fluttershy, or are you going to the party with us?”

“Well, I, umm, I should probably go home.”

“All right, then we’d better get going if I’m gonna get back in time for the party to start.”

“Oh, you don’t have to…”

“But nothin’, it’s dark out, and even if y’all were more familiar with the paths that’ll get you back home, I wouldn’t send a friend to go walking back all that way in the cold by herself.”

Fluttershy smiled at the use of the word ‘friend’ and nodded. “Thank you.”

Applejack and Fluttershy got up from their seats and made their way for the door, where they stopped to say some goodbyes.

“Bye Fluttershy! Come back soon!” Apple Bloom said, still bouncing with that energy that only foals have.

“Bye Apple Bloom. It was nice meeting you.” She turned to the foal’s older brother. “It was nice meeting you too Big Macintosh.”

“Eeyup!” The stallion responded before putting a forehoof around the much smaller mare in a hug that was very gentle on both ends for very different reasons.

“Wait!” Granny Smith called as she rushed over from the kitchen carrying a set of saddlebags. “Take these!” She set them on Fluttershy’s back, and the yellow mare’s mouth immediately watered at the delicious aroma coming from them.

“I couldn’t send you off without some dessert. Those are Sweet Apple Acres apple fritters, best you’ll ever have. I figured they’d be easier to carry this way, don’t you worry about getting them back to us any time soon.”

“Oh, thank you. Thank you for everything.”

“Of course, you’re welcome back to the farm any time.” She gave Fluttershy a hug before sending her off with Applejack, the whole family waving the two off as they set off for the cottage.

“Thank you again Applejack, for everything.” Fluttershy said quietly, feeling her shyness more poignantly now that her and Applejack were alone.

“Of course sugar cube.”

They walked in silence until Applejack came up with something else to say. “That’s a real pretty scarf you’ve got there.”

“Oh, thank you. Rarity gave it to me.”

“Course she did. Where else does anypony get any of their fancy clothes around here?”

Fluttershy nodded as Applejack looked at her, her brow suddenly furrowing as she seemed to be inspecting the yellow mare. “Ah, umm, think you’ve got a little somethin’ in your mane there.” She brushed a forehoof through Fluttershy’s pink mane and they both watched a piece of confetti drift out of it and land in the dirt. Applejack looked up at her quizzically.

“Oh, umm, Pinkie Pie came by earlier, and…”

Applejack snorted. “Say no more.”

Fluttershy looked down as they started walking again. “I, I think she might be expecting me to go to her party.”

Applejack nodded in understanding. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll let her know you needed to take care of your animals.”

“Thank you.”

There was another pause before Applejack spoke again. “Ah’m glad you came and had dinner with us Fluttershy. Ah mean, a pony should be with family tonight, you know, and I guess yours is all up in Cloudsdale or somethin'. They must miss you somethin' fierce tonight, it bein' a holiday and all. Fiercer than usual I mean. Gosh, I know most mares move out of the house 'round this time, but honestly I don't know how y'all do it, 'specially you, movin' to a completely new place all by yourself. That's mighty brave of you Fluttershy." She stopped talking but heard no response. After a brief pause she turned to see that the other mare was no longer at her side.

"Fluttershy?” She said, turning to look behind her.

Fluttershy had stopped walking. Her head was bent down, and she was staring at her hooves.

“Umm, you alright sugar cube?”


“You’re moving to PONYVILLE?” Flitterwing questioned furiously. “We talked about this Fluttershy, and we already agreed that the best thing for you to do is to stay here in Cloudsdale. Isn’t that right?”

“Well, umm…” Fluttershy tried to respond, words sticking in her throat.”

“We did. We agreed that Cloudsdale is the best place for you to follow your destiny to a successful future. So why are you telling me that you went against our decision without even telling me? I told you all the reasons why I think moving to Ponyville is a bad idea, and you didn’t even care! You clearly just don’t care about my opinion at all!”

“That, that’s not true…”

“Clearly it is! If you cared about my opinion at all you wouldn’t keep talking about this! You wouldn’t even think about it!”

“B-but, my cutie mark…”

“Do not tell me you’re still holding onto the delusion that a bunch of butterflies saved your life when you were little! I never should have let you think that was true, butterflies couldn’t possibly have saved you, you’re a pegasus, you flew, that’s what pegasi do! Honestly, grow up!”

“But they…”

“We talked about this too. Cutie marks aren’t always literal. You don’t have butterflies on you because you’re supposed to waste your life playing with actual butterflies. They are a symbol of grace and charm, just like mine is! Just because that happens to make animals more comfortable around you, that doesn’t mean you’re supposed to go shun society like a hermit and live in a forest!”


“You don’t even have a real job down there Fluttershy! You think working some silly position set up by a hick town government is going to get you anywhere in life? What are you even going to do down there, live in some dirty little house and take care of wild animals until you meet some farm-stallion? You’re going to end up living in a barn Fluttershy! A barn!”

“I, I don’t think…”

“My own grandchildren won’t even be able to visit me in my own home! They’ll have to sit outside in a balloon! And even the ones with wings will probably be too dirty and ill-behaved to let in.”

“T, they…”

“That Rainbow Dash is putting you up to this isn’t she? I’ll bet she’d just love it if you wasted your life like she’s going to. I never should have let that troublemaker into this house.”

“She didn’t…”

“I don’t know what you see in that girl Fluttershy. She isn’t anything like you. She’d fit in better in Ponyville than you ever would. You’re going to stick out there, somepony as gentle and demure as you. You’re practically asking to be taken advantage of if you go down there, and you’re just begging for ponies both here and there to talk about you behind your back.”

“I… I don’t…”

“Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?”

“I, I just think, I”


Fluttershy started shaking, tears brimming in her eyes.

Flitterwing sighed. “Fine. Don’t talk to me. Go waste your life in the dirt. I’m going for a flight. I’d ask if you wanted to join me, but I know you wouldn’t unless there was a bee around to catch you when you fall. Just know this Fluttershy, if you go you won’t have a place here anymore. I’m not going to let you visit so you can mooch off me to fund your extended vacation from the civilized world. I won’t be helping you until you’re ready to come back, and you will. You’ll be begging to be a part of this family again as soon as you see how scary it is down there all alone. You’re going to come flying back, and no one down there is going to help you if you don’t. No one is going to care about you and want the best for you like I do.”

Flitterwing slammed the door behind her and flew off, leaving Fluttershy to collapse on the floor and cry.


Fluttershy could feel the tears brimming in her eyes, and much as she desperately wanted to stop them she couldn’t. She started crying, still staring at her hooves, embarrassed and sad and lost and alone. She watched the tears splash against the ground until she felt a hoof on her back.

“Oh, sugar cube, I’m so sorry.” She let Applejack coax her into a hug and cried against her fur. “Ah shouldn’t have said all that, should I have?”

Fluttershy wanted to tell her not to apologize, to say that she was just being stupid and it wasn’t her fault at all and not to feel bad because this wasn’t her problem, but she couldn’t will herself to say anything and her throat felt like it had swollen shut so she settled for more crying.

Applejack stroked her mane as she spoke. “Ah won’t pretend to know just what you’re going through, but I understand what it’s like, having family be a sad thing to talk about sometimes.” She took a shaky breath. “My parents died when I was a foal, right after Apple Bloom was born. After that happened, I felt like my family was broken, I even left home because I felt like things would never be as good as they were before they died until I had parents around again, so I went to live with my aunt and uncle. Doing that made me realize though, that I did have a family back home. I had my granny and my brother and my baby sister. They didn’t look like a normal family, but that didn’t matter. What mattered is that they loved me, and they cared about me, and they wanted to support me and make me happy, the real me, not the uppity Manehattan me that my aunt and uncle wanted me to be. That’s what made them family, because that’s what family is for a pony, and that goes for you too. Whatever might be missin’ right now, you’ll always be able to find your family.”

She bent down and gently lifted Fluttershy’s head to look into her eyes. “I don't know what's goin' on with you and your kin right now, but what I do know is that you’re gonna find people who love you here, even if you don’t feel like you have them back home. Seein’ the way you were with that bunny, and the way you were with my little sis, you’ve got a good heart, and there'll always be ponies who will love you for that.”

Fluttershy wanted to say thank you, and that her words meant the world to her, and that she couldn’t remember ever having been told that she deserved to be loved for who she is before, but the words wouldn’t come, so she settled for more crying.


Fluttershy was eventually calm enough to move on, and the two mares continued walking. They didn’t talk any more, but every so often Applejack would lean against Fluttershy or nuzzle her neck, reminding her that she was there for her. They made it back to the cottage and said a teary goodbye before Fluttershy finally stepped back into her home. She pulled off the saddlebags and set them on the nearest table before plodding upstairs to her bedroom. She brushed her teeth and came very close to collapsing into bed before she realized that Rarity’s scarf was still around her neck. After staring at the embroidered butterflies for a minute, she removed the scarf and got into bed with it, snuggling it against herself as she fell asleep.