• Published 24th Dec 2014
  • 653 Views, 13 Comments

Hearth's Warming Eve in Ponyville - EloquenceInkwell

Fluttershy spends her first Hearth's Warming Eve in her new home in Ponyville, away from the only town and only family she's ever known. All she expects is some peace and quiet, but some of her new neighbors have a different idea

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Fluttershy happily packed up her presents into two very large saddlebags in preparation for a pre-Hearth’s Warming party with all of her best friends at Twilight’s castle. She hummed to herself as she packed, thinking about how excited everypony would be to get their gifts, and how happy she was that everypony had decided to have this party. They couldn’t all be together for the real Hearth’s Warming Eve, so Pinkie Pie had thought up the idea to have a special Hearth’s Warming party a few days in advance for just the six of them, plus Spike of course.

She finished packing and looked around the cottage at the decorations she’d put up for the holiday. As usual her eyes caught her favorites, a Cloudsdale snow globe and a framed glittery party invitation. She pulled on her saddlebags and threw her scarf around her neck before trotting off to the castle.


Fluttershy entered the castle’s study where the party was being held and her jaw dropped. She had seen this room before, but she still hadn’t gotten over how beautiful it was. It was huge, and full of rows and rows of crystal bookshelves filled with books on every subject imaginable. There were also a number of cozy chairs and other furnishings surrounding a roaring fireplace that operated on magic alone, yet still felt as cozy as a normal wood fireplace.

There were of course beautiful decorations too, garlands and lights and a big Hearth’s Warming tree with gifts piled under it, and a long table that was both beautifully set and piled with food and drink, enough for twenty ponies, or in this case for five ponies, a baby dragon, and Pinkie Pie. Most importantly though, all of her friends had already arrived, and greeted her excitedly from their places scattered about the room.

“Hey Flutters! Need a hoof with that?” Rainbow Dash asked as she flew above Fluttershy and lifted her heavy saddlebags off her back with little effort.

“Oh, thank you Rainbow. Those bags have all of my presents for everypony in them.”

“Gotcha.” Rainbow Dash replied as the two pegasi made their way towards the tree and unpacked Fluttershy’s gifts. Rainbow Dash paused when she found the one with her name on it and began to examine it, sizing it up and shaking it lightly. The gift was quickly swiped from her by a blue aura of magic.

“Honestly Rainbow, you’re not a filly, you can wait to open it and you know you won’t guess what it is.” Rarity chastised.

“But I wanna know what I gooooot!” Rainbow said with a pout, playing up the sad filly routine. Rarity responded with an eye roll and a sigh before turning her attention to Fluttershy.

“I’m so glad you’re here darling, the group could stand to be balanced out with somepony a bit more demure.”

Rainbow Dash stuck her tongue out at Rarity before flying off to go chat with somepony else. Rarity tried to look offended, but couldn’t stop herself from smiling. She turned back to Fluttershy and quickly noticed her scarf, picking it up in her magic.

“I can’t believe you still have this old thing.” She said as she examined it. “I really have come a long way in the years since I made this, the stitching is certainly not my best, and I really should have gone with a smaller tassel and a more muted red. I would be happy to make another one like this for you dear.”

“Oh, thank you Rarity, but you don’t have to do that. This is the first thing you ever made me, and I’ll always be happy to receive anything from you, but I wouldn’t trade this for the prettiest scarf in Equestria.” Fluttershy said, holding the scarf against her cheek.

“Bu-bu-bu…” Rarity stammered, her face twitching until it formed a huge smile. She hugged her soft-spoken friend, nearly knocking her over. “You’re so adorable!” She bellowed in a rather unladylike manner.

“Fluttershy!” Pinkie tackled her friend, taking Rarity down with them. “I’m so glad you’re here, now everypony is here!”

Twilight and Spike followed close behind, giggling. “Welcome Fluttershy.” The alicorn said as her dragon assistant helped Rarity and then Fluttershy to their hooves, which given his size wasn’t all that helpful, but was graciously appreciated by the two mares nonetheless.

“I can’t wait to show you the new Fluttershy section of my library!” Twilight burst out. “I reorganized the whole library, and I-“ Twilight was cut off by a jab from a scaly elbow. “I mean, we reorganized the whole library, and I had the great idea to organize some of the books based on how they pertain to each of my friends’ interests. I don’t really have enough books to make your sections very big yet, but you all at least have a couple of shelves. I’ve been calling it the Friendship Wing, even though it isn’t really a wing. Maybe someday there will be enough books for a real Friendship Wing, oh that would be so cool!” Twilight pranced in place while Spike rolled his eyes.

“She’s been like this for days.” He said shaking his head. “I’ve go to admit though, my section is pretty cool. Lots of stuff about dragons, lots of comic books, she even found a gem-tasting guide.”

“That you’ve been drooling over ever since I found it.” Twilight chimed in.

“Well can you blame me? They describe some of the rarest, most mouth-watering gems in there…” Spike lost focus and began to salivate.

Twilight laughed and prodded Spike to bring him back to reality.

“Howdy Flutters.” Applejack walked towards Fluttershy, giving her a soft bump with her torso when she arrived at her side. “Before I forget, Granny wanted me to check to make sure you’re comin’ to dinner on Hearth’s Warmin’.”

“Oh of course! I wouldn’t miss it!”

“And then you’re coming to my party afterwards, right?” Pinkie Pie said from Fluttershy’s other side, giving her a not-so-soft bump that nearly sent her careening into Applejack.

“Yes, for a little while at least Pinkie.”

Rainbow Dash and Rarity made their way over to where the group was gathering. “So, since we’re all here, does that mean it’s time to open presents?” Dash asked as she landed in the circle that was forming.

“I don’t see why not.” Twilight answered. “What do you think Pinkie? You are the party coordinator after all.”

“I think that sounds like a great idea!”

“All right, but first, everypony sit in a circle.”

Spike smiled and sat down where he was. The others looked confused, but eventually sat down as well.

“I thought it might be fun to share my family tradition with all of you.” Twilight said as she settled down into the circle. “Every year, before my family opens presents, we sit in a circle and each say one thing that we’re grateful for, to remind ourselves that good things don’t just come wrapped up in boxes, that life gives us presents all year round, and we just have to take the time to appreciate them.”

The other ponies nodded in understanding while Twilight spoke again. “So, who wants to go first?”

“Oh! Me! I do! Pick me Twilight!!” Pinkie replied, enthusiastically waving her hoof in the air like a school-filly.

“Ok Pinkie, you first.”

“I’m grateful for all the parties I get to have this time of year. I get to have a party with my friends and one with my family and one with all of Ponyville!” She turned to the pony to her left. “Your turn Rarity!”

“Let’s see… I’m grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to work with so many amazing ponies this past year. I can hardly believe how successful my little Carousal Boutique has been.” Rarity smiled and turned her head. “I believe you are next, Rainbow Dash.”

“That’s easy, I’m grateful for getting into the Wonderbolts Reserves!” Rainbow Dash tossed her mane and turned to Twilight. “You’re up Sparkle.”

Twilight laughed before taking her turn. “Wow, I don’t even know what to say. So much has happened, I mean, look at me!” She flared her wings for both emphasis and example. “I think if I had to pick one thing, it would be that of all the things a pony can become princess of, I got to become the Princess of Friendship, because I think that’s the best kind of princess I could possibly be.” She bent down and nuzzled her dragon friend. “Your turn, Spike.”

“I’m grateful that I get to be the number one assistant to the best alicorn in Equestria!”

“You say that every year Spike.” Twilight replied.

“Nu-uh. I say the best unicorn every year, but this year you’re not a unicorn anymore.”

Twilight sighed and nuzzled her silly little dragon, who turned to the next pony. “Your turn Applejack!”

“Huh, well ah guess ah could just say I’m grateful to be runnin’ Sweet Apple Acres better than I ever have before, but that’s true every year.” A thought occurred to her and she laughed. “I’m grateful that those Flim-Flam brothers haven’t shown their faces around my farm since summer!”

Her friends all laughed too, and she turned towards the last pony in the group. “You’re up Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy thought quietly for a moment, then a small smile spread across her face. “I’m grateful that, even if we’ll be apart on the actual day, right now I get to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with my family.”

Comments ( 10 )

Nice story! The lesson is low-key, but very suited to Fluttershy and even more fitting given the backstory you gave to her. For your first story, I quite liked it. Fluttershy's past is pretty tragic; honestly, it seems like parents forcing their expectations onto their children is a very destructive force. By the conclusion of Fluttershy's backstory, I see Flitterwing as an utterly despicable pony. It's nice to see that she's finally found a family that loves her.

The only part that kind of rubbed me the wrong was the conclusion to the first chapter. When Fluttershy has her final flashback, she does nothing except cry, and yet Applejack seems to know exactly what Fluttershy is going through. I might have missed something, but why would Applejack go into such an oddly specific, fitting, and appropriate monologue if she wasn't aware of Fluttershy's plight?

Other than that, great job! This is a strong and entertaining entry into the ongoing Hearth's Warming Contest. Good luck in the competition!:yay:

(I'm obligated to say this because I've entered, too! May the best author win!)


Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me, seeing not just that my story conveyed what I intended it to but that it did so with some subtlety, which is also what I was going for (awfully nice when you get across the message you were going for, isn't it? :p )

As for your critique, I admit that was a bit of a concern for me as I was writing it, and I can see how you're picking up on it now. The idea behind her monologue is that she was talking about her own experiences and how she came to understand that just because she'd lost the parents that are integral to a "traditional" family, that didn't mean that she didn't still have a family that was loving and whole. I think I'll edit Applejack's dialogue before the flashback so that it would clearly be obvious to Applejack that 'family' was the trigger for it, and see what I can do about the monologue as well to better reflect that she's speaking from her own experience.

Best of luck to you too! I'll admit I have not gotten to your story yet, but it's next on my list to be read, and I'll be sure to leave you a comment when I'm done too!

This was an expertly-written Fluttershy fic. I have no trouble at all declaring that with the utmost confidence. What's really impressive is that you really nailed pretty much all of the Mane Six's personalities, and even if someone didn't share your interpretation of them, at the very least you gave them distinct personalities. But writing Fluttershy so well is, in my opinion, the best achievement of them all in this case; too often, fics that revolve around her portray her as being far too introverted. This was a fantastic balance; you had plenty of room to work in the first place since most of this fic took place before she met Twilight, so we could assume she'd be more reclusive than usual, but you rightly recognized that, just because someone's shy, that doesn't mean they don't want friends or aren't willing to open up to others if friendship is extended their way. This is easily one of the best Fluttershy-centric fics I've ever read, maybe even the best.

My one (and I mean one and only) complaint would be that last scene with Fluttershy's mom. I get that there are parents who can be like that with their children; heck, I've butted heads myself with my own mom over my future, albeit obviously not to that extent. It's just that, in Flitterwing's first two scenes, she behaved like a parent. A parent who was invested to a fault even in her daughter's life and future, and had a picture of an ideal future for her, but she still clearly loved her. That last scene, though? It seemed like an entirely different character who was no longer speaking like a parent, even a distant or controlling parent, would speak. Again, I'm not judging the interpretation itself of her mother being distant and not valuing Fluttershy's own opinion; I'm more judging the fact that it didn't seem consistent with the character we'd already been introduced to. Anyways, besides that, this fic was pretty much flawless on every level: great story, sound grammar, excellent writing all around. Thank you so much for your entry and for the wonderful read!!! :twilightsmile:


Thank you so much for your kind review! I am so honored by your compliments, really, I don't even know what else to say :twilightblush:

As for your complaint, I do appreciate your criticism, but perhaps some explanation would be helpful. I did portray Flitterwing differently in the last scene, but that was a very intentional move. It was really important to me that I portrayed that character in a way that shed light on the subject of abuse, and what I intended those scenes to display is that abusive people(ponies) aren't always the obviously troubled, nor are they always abusive all of the time, and that people who seem very kind and personable in public can become monsters when no one else is looking (notice that the final scene is the only one where the two characters are alone). Flitterwing does love Fluttershy, but sadly, people can abuse the ones they love. In fact this is a very common abuse pattern, the abuser will lash out on occasion and then be very kind and generous the rest of the time to "justify" those abusive spurts.

I also employed the concept of "micro-aggressions" when creating Flitterwing's character. Micro-aggressions are small slights and negative behaviors that build up to form a bigger picture of unkindness. These slights were littered throughout the first two flashbacks, ranging from the belittling of Fluttershy's experiences behind her back to the subtle hetero-sexism of Fluttershy's family. I could perhaps see how these might have been too subtle, if I revise this later I might add a few more to better get the point across.

Again, thank you. It's easy to forget while writing that people might not have the same familiarity with certain subjects as I do, and it's important to write in a way that is accessible and, when it's appropriate, educational (in addition to just being a great story of course!).

And thank you so so much again for all of your compliments! It means a lot to me to see such things from someone with a strong knowledge of what separates the good from the bad in writing :pinkiesmile:

OK, that explanation makes sense. Oh, and I don't think you need to revise the family's more subtle displays of their behavior in the first two scenes, I thought they were fine as they were. I definitely got their hetero-sexism in the first scene, it just didn't leave an impression on me because it didn't factor into Fluttershy's personality in this particular story. That's not a bad thing, mind you, I didn't feel that anything was left out by not having a romantic thread of some type here. It's just I didn't take anything away from that hetero-sexism because, like I said, we weren't given anything to suggest that it factored into this story other than (1) her family clearly has expectations of her, and (2) in that first scene, it was very, very, very mildly suggested that she might not be sure of her sexuality (though on the other hand one could make an argument that you were providing some very subtle set-up for FlutterMac in the Apple dinner scene, though again, couldn't say for sure). Again, I'm not saying you need to make anything more explicit, everything worked just fine (including the last scene with her mom now that you explained it), I'm just pointing out that the only thing I really took away from her family prodding her so much about her love life was that they were really nosy and pushing her to move quicker than she wants to, there was just too little to suggest they might have her sexuality wrong altogether. NOT a bad thing, just a fact. I look forward to reading a lot more of your work; you're clearly a very seasoned writer, or at least you have a fantastic handling of writing. It's refreshing getting to talk with someone who knows so clearly what they're talking about; if you ever took a look at my writing, I'd certainly be honored. :twilightsmile:


I'm glad I could clear some things up. I do see what you mean, I actually considered defining her as not-straight in the story, but I figured that unnecessary romance arcs are usually awful *shrugs*. As it stands, the idea was that it's wrong either way, because you shouldn't presume that everyone is going to be a certain way until the say they aren't, and it wasn't meant to be a stand-alone display of cruelty, rather a small part of a whole (which I know you get, I'm just babbling)

Between you and me though, the themes of heterosexism and racism in this story might prove important in a certain possible future story :raritywink:

I would be very happy to read your story, I'll be sure to take a look at it in the very near future!

It's definitely interesting seeing pegasi being racist. It's usually easy for writers just to write unicorns as racist because so many make up the elite of Equestrian society, especially in Canterlot, but we have to remember that all of the races have a history of not trusting each other. One of the best examples I've seen of writing all three races as having their own problems with each other is in "Lunar Rebellion" by Chengar Qordath, phenomenal story, let me tell you. And yeah, I got the overall point that you were just trying to promote that presuming one's sexuality is wrong, at least if they themselves haven't embraced it yet. Guess I'm not used to seeing it done so subtly, usually people are a lot more explicit about such things in their fics (that's a compliment to you, for the record :raritywink:).

What'll be really interesting will be seeing if you show how people's attitudes can change in the future. Take my own family, for example; I've never been one to hide since joining the brony fandom that I and my family are all conservative Christians. Yet it's fascinating how, especially in my immediate family, I've seen our own attitudes towards homosexuality evolve and continue to evolve in my lifetime, some even as a result of personal experience in my own family. I don't want to go into detail about those views here, seeing as that's both personal and might detract conversation in the comments section, but if you would like to know what I believe just feel free to PM me about it, especially if it might help with your future writing. Anyways, back to your writing: obviously you can't write either that everypony changes who holds a view that you portray as wrong, cause that's not true to life either. But I certainly expect to see some evolution from some of your characters, just because you seem to have a great grasp on the truth that most people in general are well-meaning and only want to do good, even if they don't hold the same beliefs, some of which might be wrong or lead to misguided actions. Obviously there's such thing as evil people out there who genuinely do want to do wrong, but most people aren't that black-and-white, and I'm sure we'll see that in your future writing. Anyways, can't wait to see what you come up with next, my friend! :scootangel:


Hehe, thank you. I've noticed those feels comments slowly piling up :derpytongue2:

The end made me cry (happy tears, of course!) , and I just couldn't hold it back. This was a beautiful story. Infact, I think it's a work of art.


Awww! Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

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