• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 617 Views, 10 Comments

Dethronement - cajunbrony25

The peace and harmony of Equestria is shattered when a mysterious foe attacks Canterlot. This evil warlord is able to defeat Princess Celestia and even the Elements of Harmony in one fell swoop, leaving only Luna to escape. With her throne lost and h

  • ...


The evening sun shone brightly over the lush fields of Canterlot Castle with an orange sunset, truly beautiful and romantic, capable of bringing a smile to even the most depressed ponies. The aura-like glow from the sun hit the city of Canterlot, as sounds of happy ponies conversing, laughing, and playing. Summer’s embrace had waned as the autumn season's delightful chill began to touch upon the manes and muzzles of the many ponies in the city. Princess Celestia, Shining Armour, Princess Candace and their daughter were stretched out on a lawn inside the walls of castle, the sounds of casual chatter sprinkled with laughter easily heard by any who cared to listen. Their happy smiles indicative of the tone of the day. The general tone was that of merriment. At least it was, when a strange wind began to blow in, and a figure masked in a black veil cloak approached the small group of royalty.

“Good evening,” it said, its voice rather deep but almost charmingly masculine. The cloak’s hood fell revealing a navy blue stallion with a horn atop his head, and a mane whiter than the first snowfall with eyes as red as blood, “I am Sir Landcastra, I come from a far away country and have come to visit on a diplomatic mission.” He said, politeness oozing from his features. In an instant, the guards stood alert. All eyes were on Landcastra. As Celestia took a step towards him, curious, but also very wary of this stallion’s request. Looking to Shining Armor and Cadence, she turned her attention to this mysterious stallion.

“A diplomatic mission, you say?” Celestia asked, “It is not often we get such a request from one of our own kind. How curious. I am intrigued with your 'Diplomatic Mission'. What exactly would we be discussing?” Landcastra smirked, running a hoof through his mane.

"Well, Princess, I’ve come on behalf of my country’s findings into the art and understanding of magic. There is much we do not know of how powerful our abilities are, your majesty, and my work for some time has been to understand and better allow my subjects to use and understand their own magics. What I offer is a chance to share my findings with this great nation. The northern region of Marescow has something I hope Equestria is interested in, maybe even enough so to agree to a possible alliance between your country and my realm of estate, to the benefit of all pony kind."

Celestia smiled warmly, quite intrigued by what this stallion told her, though she couldn't help but feel a bit unsettled. something about his power was almost frightful, but the Sun Princess wasn't one to sway away an idea that could benefit her subjects, so she nodded in agreement.

“Very well, Landcastra, let us discuss our countries’ cooperation,” she said, turning about and leading the black stallion to a shady tree. He then gave her a smile back and approached her, sitting under the tree.

“So tell me, Sir Landcastra, what methods have you uncovered about improving our magical capabilities?” Celestia asked, leaning towards him with curiosity evident on her features. Certainly, it would be a great service to ponykind if they could strike an alliance. Of course, it sounded like a splendid idea to help teach some of their royal guard casters better magic, but the possibilities of every-day ponies being able to harness even greater magic was a thought of great delight. But that thought also brought some concern as great power also brings great responsibility.

“My subjects and I have been able to come to an understanding of how magic is harnessed in, not just unicorns, but in all ponies of our great land, from the simplest earth pony, to the fastest Pegasus, to the most powerful unicorn. All ponies possess some latent magic within them, allowing them to attain feats thought unimaginable. For example, earth ponies possess a keen magic of the land, able to till and sow seeds of all kinds, and have them prosper wherever they grow. Pegasi have the innate ability to control weather, from sunny days to violent storms, they can shift and move the clouds and even the very wind to their favor, and let us not forget unicorns.” He raised a hoof to his own horn, and continued, “Unicorns are the mightiest in magic, able to channel not just their own magic, but magic of the earth ponies and pegasi combined. Such an ability can unlock the true potential in all of pony kind!”

“I would agree, Sir Landcastra, but how does this affect our subjects, what potential is unlocked, and by what means?”

Landcastra gave a wicked grin “It's... not an easy process, I admit that. We've spent many seasons perfecting and understanding our research into our own subjects. At first, we had some setbacks, but we persevered, and have just begun to understand these hidden magics within all ponies, and slowly, we've been able to unlock even the slightest magic from the lowliest earth Pony. The only issue, however, is it only works on the elderly of ponies, when their magic may be waning. It is also the easiest to manipulate, thus allowing a whole new functionality of magic to be unlocked when at first they might not be able to have done so at all.”

“And what of the subject, do they fare well?” Celestia asked as Landcastra sighed.

“To a point, some can embrace it. Others, however, grow too strong and must be silenced, but necessities of progress deem those unfit to be rooted out, and those strong to survive, isn't that right?” Celestia felt a pang of uneasiness with what he had said, and she blinked.

“That is not true, none should be cast aside while others prosper, it is unjust for those who are not as capable as others to be rooted out, all our subjects are equal to one another.”

Landcastra smirked, “My Dear Celestia, you forget. Both you and I are rulers of our land, knowing that we must sacrifice the few for the good of the many is a notable cause, not only that, but those stronger can continue to be stronger and forever make your country greater.”

“At the expense of those who aren't?” Celestia retorted, “Such... such a vile means of progress!” Landcastra shook his head.

“You forget, Princess, that our kind, our very society, is frail and weak. We have not done nearly the amount we could for our subjects and place our kind at the top of this wretched place. When we had war with the Griffons, we could have easily bested them, but you sought to have diplomatic means, and even still, they do not abide by our notions and continue to disdain us, finding us ‘too weak’ to bother. Then there are the dragons. We could have easily cast them aside, but you let them sleep upon your land, even migrate through it. How such wretched beasts are permitted free access is a travesty in and of itself! And do not get me started on other sp-”

“Sir Landcastra!” Celestia barked, “Have you lost your sense of dignity! As ponies, we are open to all races and are kind to them, no matter what they are to us in turn. It is the right and proper way of dealing with other cultures and societies. We are not above anypony, no matter what you assume.” Landcastra paused, slowly smirking as he eased back into his place.

“Understandable, and that is why I have sought my means of improving our species, our capabilities with magic, and making us stronger so we may do what we should have done… Conquer this entire world under our hooves!” he grinned, looking at Celestia with glee. “Do you not agree, Princess Celestia?” The Solar Princess was in dismay, she was in utter shock by this stallions claims as she huffed, shaking her head.

“I’m afraid not, Sir Landcastra, I cannot condone such actions to MY subjects by somepony with such tasteless thoughts. We do not plan on embracing your methods, or your desires. Now, I ask you to leave this place at once. ” Landcastra only gave a witty smile, his grin cackling as he began to laugh. Suddenly, clouds began to roll in as thunder and lightning began to rippled across the sky in the distance as a troubling wind began to pick up around them.

“I knew you would decline, and that’s why I am here. To take over.” The princess looked confused.

“Take over? You mean you’re-”

“Going to dethrone you, yes.” Landcastra muttered "And I was hoping you would make it easier and submit. It seems I have to use my resources to topple you from your crown." Shining grew angry, having heard the conversation, the very fact this stallion wanted the best of their country yet sought to rule it with such evil ideas was ludicrous. With a steering growl, he drew his sword, pointing it before Landcastra.

“Alright buddy, I don’t know who you think you are, but you gotta go!” He demanded as he slowly approach the black unicorn, only to suddenly see the horn of Landcastra glow vibrantly before a magical field suddenly tippled about around them. Shining was sent back as the cloak and hood whisked away, exposing the stallion for his true nature - an Alicorn, as blue as the midnight sky and his eyes a shimmering gold, as his mane, gray as cold steel, waved and flowed in the coming storm. As Shining recovered, Landcastra smirked wickedly, suddenly casting his horn a blazing red of magic as he looked over to Shining.

"Learn your place!" He barked as he levitated the stallion effortlessly and threw him with incredible force into a nearby tree. Cadence gasped, galloping to check on her husband as Lancastra stood and slowly approached the pair, levitating forth a very thin, yet sickly looking sword.

“A pity such a strong stallion as yourself is merely a lapdog to the Princess who seeks so little for her subjects. You should have laid down your arms, little soldier, and stepped away. Now, the only price for your insolence and ignorance to dare attack me is the very loss of your own mind, you stupid foal!" He cackled as he rose his sword, pointing the tip at Shining before he found himself surrounded by several other guards, lances grazing his throat.

"Stand down!" barked one of them, "Leave the captain alone!" Lancaster only laughed loudly.

“What are you laughing at?! Put down your weapon, and surrender to the Equestrian Royal Army!” a guard shouted, nearly drowned out by Landcastra's laughter, as his horn began to glow with a crimson aura. The guards took notice and approached him slowly.

“You have to the count of three to stop whatever you are doing, or we will attack! One... Two... Three!” As the lead pony shouted, three all of the surrounding guards were brought to their knees, screaming in agony and pain, as a shock wave of the crimson aura shot out of his horn. After the fact, the guards laid on the ground, dead eyes still holding terrified, pained expressions. Shining stood up and looked in shock as he saw his comrades fall so easily before he turned to Landcastra, seeing the stallion laughing almost manically.

"Oh, such a treat! I never expected the guards to be so full of spunk, a shame they carry so little to defend their country with, haha!" Shining grew angrier and angrier as he rose, slowly bringing his sword to bear. As he turned to his wife, he knew what had to be done.

“Cadence, get Celestia and fly. Get away...” He turned, leveling a stare at the black alicorn, "Go, and don't look back!" Cadence, afraid and speechless, only nodded. She rushed to the Princess, seeing her expression of equal shock as she turned to Shining.

"Shining... you can't-"

“Princess Celestia, please. Go on with Cadence, I’ll take care of this one myself.” Celestia huffed, she didn't wish to abandon the captain, Shining, Twilight Sparkle’s brother, but as his words rang her ears, she could only nod, going with Cadence as they teleported away.

“I don’t know what you are planning, but it stops now!” Shining shouted to Landcastra, who replied with a little chuckle.

“Oh, but Shining, it has only just begun. Even if you think your brave little heart can stop me, it will not stop the inevitable domination I have for your land.” He cackled again. With a loud battle cry shining came at the black alicorn with his blade, to only be met with Landcastra’s own. Dazed, Shining stepped back and tried to regain his balance. Landcastra, came at him with a vicious swipe, Shining barely dodged the attack as the blade managed to cut through his mane. Shining, now back on balance, went for another attack, which Landcastra blocked with ease.

“Is that all you have? Please, my own mother fought better then you, best hope for your sake this 'fight' doesn't end the same way that one did.” He cackled again as shining let out another battle cry, attacking the alicorn with a flurry of sword attacks. It was nearly effortless for Landcastra to block every one before a swift counter sent the captain of the guards trotting backwards as several cuts were grazed across his white coat. Landcastra grinned, pointing his sword to Shining.

“Although, to your credit, you are blocking some of my attacks. That doesn't mean that you’ll live through this. I’ll not only kill you, but your dear sister too.” The black alicorn grinned widely, watching eagerly as Shining became filled with absolute fury, charging in for another round of strikes. Try as he might Shining could not land a single attack on the mad stallion as Landcastra's sword moved liked water, ebbing and flowing against the captains strikes.

“Die, you heartless son of a bitch!” Shining yelled. Landcastra replied with a cackle, and continued to deflect each strike until he saw his chance and swiped, cutting Shining on the front left leg. Shining yelped in pain, falling to the ground, his leg oozing. He looked up to the black alicorn and weezed heavily, as his vision slowly fading. With what little strength he had left he glared fiercely at him.

“Damn you, by Celestia, I shall prevent you from having this day!” he declared, continuing to huff and puff. Landcastra just laughed.

“Celestia has no will nor might to stop me, it is foolish to even think she will once you fall.” With that, Landcastra looked deeply into the unicorn’s eyes, giving him a wide stare. Shining suddenly felt something grinding him at the back of his skull as if his head were being drilled into and then filled with some kind of liquid. Shining's gaze dazed, his sword clattered to the ground as he gripped his head, after a few seconds, the liquid seemed to burn inside him, bringing about excruciating pain. He covered his ears as he heard a loud buzzing sound, a sound like nothing the Guard captain had heard before. It dug into his mind, digging deep into his memories, his past, he felt even his most mundane thoughts suddenly deteriorate as though somepony ground a piece of steel wool upon them, shredding what he knew from existence as his brain began to pound within his skull. Shining exhaled, shouting vigorously as he tried to move, to fight back, but nothing he could do, let alone even focus to cast magic of his own, was futile against this alicorn’s attack.

“Stop, stop, STOP!” He let out one last scream of pain as everything suddenly stopped, Shining felt everything leave, his memories, his thoughts, even his essence passed from his mind as his gaze suddenly focused off into some direction as even his eyes began to glaze over, zombie-like. Landcastra smiled and laughed as the captain simply stood there, motionless.

“I love doing that...” The alicorn said as he trotted over to examine his handiwork “A simple, if not somewhat brutish, method of erasing one’s mind from their body. Such a thrill to see how they handle the execution.” With a smile he left the park, returning to the city, where the once blue and clear sky was covered with a sheet of gray dull clouds, lightning striking constantly, as soldiers clad in red and black armor were seen killing the innocent, taking them prisoner, burning buildings, and started to advance to the castle. One by one, guards from both lunar and solar armies retreated, or met an early demise.

Landcastra trotted towards the castle unopposed as the storm raged above the capital, his eyes glowed calmly as each step seemed to shake the very ground around him as his aura glowed. Every attempt made by the guards to stop him was futile as he soon made his way to the front gate, casting it aside with a flick of his horn as if it were paper, but before he could approach, the sudden clop of hooves echoed behind him.

"Landcastra, your tyranny ends now!" Shouted one Twilight Sparkle as she, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, all elements bared, stood to the stallion's flank. Landcastra turned, eyeing the group with glee, "We've known of your plan all along and we won't let you get away with it!" Landcastra smirked, vanishing his sword as he turned to face the element bearers.

“Ah, the elements of harmony, how very expected of you. I'm quite glad you were able to make it in time for the demise of your mentor and ruler, a shame, really, if you think a bunch of fillies can stop me.” The mane six replied with silence, and angry stares. Landcastra Looked at each one with a grin on his face, which only got wider with each passing second.

“Landcastra, stand down, or we will unleash the elements’ power!” Twilight Sparkle announced. Landcastra laughed hysterically in response.

“Stand down? Elements? My dear Twilight, you obviously do not see the sheer power I possess.” He chuckled to himself “You see, I already have the upper hoof, your mentor is running scared and now, your brother is nothing more than a shell, certainly with less of a splendor than his former self. A pity, for you, too, will be joining him soon.”

Twilight grunted as the rest stood ready to unleash their power, "We won't let you get away with this, Landcastra! The Elements of Harmony will stop you!" With a smirk, he sent a crimson red shockwave of magic from his horn, the blood red wave bolting toward the mane six. The shock wave hit the group sending them flying. Rainbow Dash growled loudly, soaring into the air.

“Alright then, you wanna get violent, then come on! Let’s get violent!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, charging right at the alicorn at full speed.

“Rainbow! Don’t, he’ll just-” Twilight attempted to warn her friend, but before she could finish her sentence, Rainbow had been gripped by the neck with Landcastra’s magic. The remaining five all gasped in unison, wondering what he was prepared to do. The black alicorn merely laughed as he tossed Rainbow forward, her body rolling toward them, just stopping in front of the groups hooves as she slowly got up.

"Damnit, what this guy made of?"

“Foolish pegasus! Can she not see the sheer power that is Landcastra!” He continued to laugh as Applejack glared at him.

“Oh, now ya’ll gone and made me mad!!” she screamed as she rushed him, turning about face to strike a powerful bucking kick, only to have it stop in mid air.

Applejack looked in surprise as Landcastra smirked, "Please, a simple earth pony like yourself holds no challenge for me." and with a flick, the same force sent out, went right back into Applejack, sending her slamming into the still recovering Rainbow as the pair tumble over in a heap.

“I grow tired of your games, Elements, you cannot hope to do anything against me. And, as punishment for daring to defy me, your lives are all forfeit!” Landcastra replied as figures began to descend from above, pegasi clad in black and red armor roared down from the sky, invading the city as a large group of them suddenly surrounded the elements of Harmony.

“Now then, why don't you be good little children and watch the fall of your precious capital. Move out!” He ordered as the guards began to escort the mane six towards the castle.


Inside the castle, soldiers of both Lunar and solar factions ran, as they were not only outnumbered, but outclassed. They were given orders from the princesses themselves to retreat, making the take over almost too easy for Landcastra.

“Find the remaining princesses, tell them that we have their students and will kill them if our demands are not met.” He ordered one guard, who only replied with a barked 'Sir!'. As the guards ran about the castle, eliminating anypony left who would either resist or fight back. One by one either new prisoners or new casualties would be noted, Landcastra only calling them ‘necessary losses’. Fluttershycurled up in a bundle on the floor, faint sobs obvious to those who listened. Pinkie pie, who was furious, tried to break free from her shackles, but simply could not, while Applejack and Rainbow were still beat out of it as the southern belle was trying to bring Rainbow to her senses.

Celestia and Luna both teleported in, each firing a magical bolt at Landcastra in one deft motion. The black alicorn grunted as he flew across the room, slamming against the wall. He opened his eyes to find the two princesses of the night and day standing before him, as Rarity ran away in the confusion.

“Well, you’ve decided to show yourselves to me. You have saved me the time and effort to track you down.” He grinned as he teleported from against the wall to just a few feet in front of the princesses, who only gave him angry stares. Landcastra turned his head slightly to one of his guards and commanded,

“Guard, Bring the element bearers to me, I want them all to see this.” He cackled as he turned back to the princess and waited, they said nothing, for nearly thirty minutes. There was nothing, nothing but pure silence, Landcastra held a huge wicked grin, which only grew bigger as each second passed, the princesses, giving a look of anger, with flames practically consuming their eyes. Finally the guard brought the mane six back to the throne room, stilling in chains and shackles. As he was the one to break the silence.

“Sir, The elements as you have-” He was interrupted with a magic blast to the head, killing him.

“I was enjoying the silence.” as the mane six, along with the princesses gasped in shock to witness such a random murder, and for such a trivial reason.

“Now that everypony is here, I can finally begin the fun. The fall of Equestria, and the raging of a new order, the order of the Empire of Landcastra!” A loud laughter followed as the princess.

“I shall offer you one last chance... Join me, or-”

“Never!” Landcastra was interrupted from the shouting of Celestia, whose rage only grew, seeing her subjects chained and in pain.

“I never thought I'd have to see combat ever again. Luna, help me fend him off!” She shouted as she lept into the air, her horn alight as it shot a magical blast, the brilliant green aura came careening at the black alicorn, as he simply chuckled as a red shield formed around his body deflecting the blast, sending it back Celestia’s way. She gasped, twisting wildly, narrowly avoiding the blast.

“Come on, Sun Princess, is that the best you’ve got? I want a challenge! I want to kill you at your peak!” He screamed as he charged for the mare, his horn glowing a crimson red, read to attack. When he was close enough, he shot a massive shockwave out of his horn, spreading it throughout the room, hitting everypony, including the mane six. He laughed again, “Too fast?” He taunted as Luna let out a war cry from ancient times, firing a strike of lightning from her horn, following with a stomp of her hooves.

“Thou shalt not take the throne!” She yelled as Landcastra managed to avoid the bolt,
but just barely. He wobbled to his hooves and smiled.

“Then stop me!” He replied, readying yet another shockwave, he kept his smirk as he was charging. Luna, however, saw this as a prime opportunity to unleash something she only tried once before.

“Tia, I’m going to try it.” She said as Celestia stood behind her.

“What? You can’t, it only to be used as-”

“A last resort, I know... I would think we are in that situation now sister. I’m going to use the Titan’s Hammer!” Landcastra laughed as a response

“Please, don’t make it hard on yourself. It would be a shame to have you weak and broken before the true fun begins."Luna ignored him and charged a massive amount of magic, the arua now surrounding her entire body as it made a loud, whining noise while concentrating on her horn. Landcastra would not move a muscle and allowed her to perform the attack, simply standing with a carefree smile upon his muzzle. Luna sent a beam of magic out of her horn, it hit Landcastra, making him the endpoint of the beam, him, and Luna. Slowly she levitated him off the ground, beam still connected, and sent the remainder of the beam to landcastra, now engulfed in a giant ball of magical energy. Luna with her might slammed her hoof down and charged up on more attack, this time the aura had some kind of electric charge

“And with the moons power, I shall smite thee and-” She was interrupted with the orb of magical energy coming back at her.

“What!” she shouted, as the orb impacted, sending rubble in every which way as dust billowed from the impact site, where Landcastra stood, unscathed, over the crumpled form of the moon Princess.

"Just as I thought, all talk and no bite. Typical of such as young, little foal to think she could stand to me." Landcastra smirked, easing from Luna’s form as the Night Princess slowly rose, her body broken, but her will was still strong. Having lost most her energy from her previous attempted attack, all Luna could do was look over to her sister, her eyes filled with fear hidden behind a gaze of fake hope; she didn’t think she could gather the magical ability to do contend with this one a second time.

“Tia! We have to protect the students!” she called, finding herself slammed back into the ground by Landcastra's hoof. Celestia only nodded and looked towards Lancaster, growing both angered and concerned for her subjects she stood firm, watching Landcastra with a hateful gaze.

"It is useless to fight, my dear princess. As you can see by your sisters failure, perhaps you will hold a mind to submit to my word and join me."

"Never... Even if you do seek my throne, you shall not claim it as I still stand."

Landcastra huffed as he closed his eyes, shaking his head "A shame, really, but you give me no choice my dear, I must put you down like the dog you are." he smiled as the sudden lurching noise of outside would echo around them as a strange aura would fill the room. Celestia gasped, finding her magic suddenly sap from her very form as she stared at Landcastra, suddenly lowering her head and rushing towards her, in one final attempt to rid herself of this menace, but to her dismay, she was cast aside with merely a flick as Landcastra laughed "Hah, is that all? You are quite certain you wish for your end so soon, Your Majesty? But no, I do not plan on silencing you yet. My plans with you are only just beginning!" he grinned, looking at the mane six as they all looked towards this new alicorn as he smirked.

“Now, for you, I have special plans. Oh yes, I do plan to keep you alive, but you will soon learn that is not always something to envy.” They could not even bear to speak a word, Fluttershy was sobbing, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were both feeling the most amount of fear they had ever felt, Pinkie pie, speechless and angry, Rarity trembling averting her eyes from the demon, and Twilight staring down Landcastra. With a glow of his horn, and an aura surrounding the mane six, he said, “For now, be... still!” and with that, the mane six all screamed, nearly in unison, then abruptly stopped, turned into statues.

Author's Note:

During uploading, Google Docs dun goofed, replacing many, many edited parts with their original versions. This version is a cursory run-through with only the most glaring of flaws fixed, and as such, the quality will be much lower than that of the rest of the fic. I apologize for any aneurisms.