• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 617 Views, 10 Comments

Dethronement - cajunbrony25

The peace and harmony of Equestria is shattered when a mysterious foe attacks Canterlot. This evil warlord is able to defeat Princess Celestia and even the Elements of Harmony in one fell swoop, leaving only Luna to escape. With her throne lost and h

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Chapter 5

The group headed south west from Hoofington. Stencil flipped through the book quickly, looking for anything that might give insight into this “eighth element” that Luna had mentioned in her letter. It would be an arduous ride from Hoofington, but the cart was sturdy enough to handle it with little difficulty. Alnna and Aero were asleep in the rear bed compartment, sleeping off the stress of the day before.

Stencil sighed in frustration, “I don’t understand any of this. How is there even an eighth element? I thought there were only six,” he mumbled to himself, counting out each element out loud, “Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Magic… There are only six! what else am I missing?” He pounded his hoof into the floor and pondered for a while.

Luna turned her head from the window. She had been lost in thought when the slightly raised voice of concern took her from her meditation, “Stencil, hast thou uncertainties about the information on the eighth element?”

Stencil shook his head and asked, “Luna, what are the seventh and the eighth elements? Wasn't really standard in our boot-training.”

Luna smiled, “Why, Stencil, thou hast not remembered the royal wedding?”

“Well, yes, err… I heard about it, but wasn't really around Canterlot when it happened.”

“Cadence and Shining Armour fended off Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen, with a powerful display of love. As you may conclude, the two of them made a completely new element.” She let out a sigh. Stencil's expression deepened, “I hope thou hast not forgotten the deeds of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor? If thou recalls correctly, thou would remember the Changeling Invasion, which the couple thwarted. It was discovered that day that they both create the element of ‘Love’. However, before then, there was a seventh hidden element. One far more powerful than the others my sister and I created it as a failsafe, in case we needed a trump card to use the other elements. Now that Shining Armor is dead.” She remained silent for a while as Stencil's eyes went wide.

“You… can’t be serious!” She nods, her eyes swelled with tears

“During the opening invasion, he drew his sword to defend his Princess, and he was taken as the first victim to this sullen atrocity. I swear by the name of the Sun and the Moon, that I, Luna of the Night shall avenge him and his departure without a moment hesitate!” Her confidence grew as her horn shone slightly, before her eyes softened once again, returning to her thoughts.

“Now that Shining Armour is dead, the Element of Love is incomplete. We must find this last element and use it to beat this monster!” Stencil had been writing everything down, levitating a note pad and quill.

Just then, Cermina walked in, taking in a big deep yawn before noticing Luna, “Hey, Moonbutt Princess hitting on comrade Stencil? No no no, this vill not do, not at all! Come, ve have work to do, and if you stay under our roof, then you got to do chore, too.” Luna shot the drakess an angry look and simply walked away.

“Thou had best learn some manners! We keep things like the 8th element hidden from the eyes of incompetents such as thee!” Cermina’s eyes went alight, their crimson hue glowing as a small whiff of smoke shot from her nostrils.

“You take me for a fool? Cyka, you not realize I do not care for your pathetic element, but… you are under care, and that means you got vork to do. You can talk about silly eighth vhen you done your part. But you are night princess, do you not have patrol?” She smirked.

Suddenly, just as the two began their fight, Aero burst out of the back room with a very stern expression.

“Enough!” The two stopped and looked at him in surprise. His mane was untamed with bed hair and he slowly approached the pair with a rather unsettling grin.

“Me and Alnna… are trying to get some bucking sleep!! We escaped a burning building today, so I think we deserve some peace and quiet, and having you two arguing doesn’t help that in any way! Now, please, either go ourside, or shut the buck up, so we can get some sleep. Please!” He turned back to his room and closed the door.

The two look at one another, a smirk and a restrained giggle escaping between them before Luna sighed, and bowed her head.

“Very well, Miss Cermina, I will assist with whatever needs doing for as long as I must stay beneath thy roof.”

“Please to hear it, now come on, Moonbutt, there is vagon to pull, and we pull it together.” Luna huffed as she trotted towards the door, slowly passing by Cermina, who leaned in close to the midnight mare.

“Besides, you have the flank for it,” she whispered with a soft swat and grin before she followed the princess out.

Stencil just rolled his eyes with a slight chuckle. Seems they would be pretty good friend.

“Sure she is...” he whispered to himself, before slinking down and into his library.

Later that morning, as the drakess and the princess continued pulling the cart, Luna started to get tired, her eyes growing heavy.

“Niet, Princess, ve must keep going, no time for rest! Hey, Moonbutt, did you hear me or not?” Luna was half asleep and too tired to even answer. The drakess gave a sigh, her horns vibrating slightly as she noticed a pair of eyes watched on them at this moment. Aero exited the cart with a rather upset look on his face. He flew backwards in front of them, a sorry expression on his face

“Look I’m sorry about last night, that wasn’t me, and it wasn’t the proper thing to do, so I’m sorry for yelling at you like I did.” Cermina looked at him before turning to Luna.

“I know she vould agree, ve vere not ourselves eider. Sorry, Aero...” she huffed, powering forward to grip Aero into a tight hug.

“You see, ve do better to be friends,” she whispered the last part before releasing the little stallion. Aero gasped for air as he was released and gave her a smile.

“Well I’m glad everything worked out ok. Who knows, one of you might end up saving the others li-” He was interrupted by a strange whining noise.

“Wait... I recognize that sound, I've encountered creatures that make that noise before...” He thought for a moment, trying to remember what it was. “Its a golem!” He turned around to see a small short creature that looked like a big rock. It groaned again and looked ready to charge. Cermina detached herself from the cart and laughed.

“Comrade Aero, you are scared of this tiny monster? Golem looks slow and veak.”

“It’s also tough. Best we leave it alone.” Cermina ignored him and charged at it, swiping at it with her razor sharp claws, but it had no effect. The golem charged, ramming into the surprised drakess as she was even knock the drakess on her rump.

“Vhat!?” She exclaimed, quickly returning to her footing to keep her guard up.

She hissed, looking back to Aero, who sighed.

“I tried to warn you.”

The creature tried to charge again, Cermina jumped into the air avoiding the attack, “Vell then, smarty pants Aero, how do ve beat such a creature?”

Aero shook his head, “Few things can penetrate it’s shell, watch out!”

The monster charged for her again. Cermina flipped over it as it went for Aero, who flew up, avoiding it as well.

Luna, on the other hoof, by sheer will or just force of habit, unhitched herself from the cart and fluttered onto the roof. She was on the edge of collapsing into sleep as she laid down upon the roof of the cart.

“Spoiled kid...” Cermina muttered as she saw the beast charging her again.

Without any warning, a shadowy figure jumped from nowhere and stood before them. Its body was similar in size to Cermina, bipedal with a tail, yet harder. Stronger, maybe. Its teal scales were slightly concealed by a long, white flowing robe, and two swords were sheathed in its belt. The samurai dragon remained still, his green eyes focused entirely on the golem.

Cermina was surprised, then gave a slight grin as she recognized the figure. “So you came to save the day again, eh?”

The stranger said nothing, but drew a katana. He charged at the monster and slashed at it horizontally, cutting through it like a hot knife through cold butter. He sheathed the blade in one swift motion and turned to Cermina. Approaching her, he reached into his robe and pulled out a piece of salt water taffy and chewed on it.

“It has been a while, hasn't it? Cermina of the Scortchlands!” He had a serious look stuck on his face, not even cracking a smile.

Cermina grinned and nodded. “Is true, ve have not spoken in nearly five years. How have you found us then, Comrade Aelu?” She smirked as she approached her old friend and patted him on the back.

Aelu nodded. “Five years. You make it sound like an eternity,” he said in a calm and deep voice, “It’s only half a decade, Cermina.”

The drakess hummed to herself, giving him a firm pat on the back. “Oh Aelu, still so serious as I remember, dis shall be a great adventure indeed!” she declared, having become excited at seeing an old friend.

Aero, however, was not as happy to see him. He was hiding behind the cart, trembling, at the sight of the large warrior drake. Cermina walked behind the cart and laughed.

“Aero, still scared of dragons? You make Cermina laugh! Come, say hello to comrade Aelu.” Cermina held him by the scruff of his neck and carried him to Aelu.

“Aelu this is friend, Aerohead. He seems to be scared of you.” The drakess laughed again.

“Say hello to the big scary dragon, Aero.”

“Hi.” He said quickly and flew behind the cart as fast as he could, still trembling. Aelu let out a small chuckle as the pegasus retreated behind the cart.

“I see your pony friend has a sense of humor,” he commented.

Cermina let out a gasp jokingly. “Aero, you have done the impossible! You have made comrade Aelu laugh! I can not believe vat my ears are hearing, have I gone insane?” She laughed loudly, surprised her usually stoic friend had actually laughed at something. Aelu approach the trembling pegasus and nodded.

“I will not hurt you, young pony, I have come to help. I know what has been happening, with this dictator ruling your land. From what I have seen, I am disgusted by everything which he has done. Meeting Cermina was just a coincidence. I was given a message of distress from your Princess of the Day while roaming the wind lands, and upon reading the letter I learned that your country was under attack. What I found odd was that my country was also seized. This ‘Landcastra’ is a powerful stallion, and clearly will stop at nothing to see Luna dead. However, I know where you can find this ‘eighth element’ to stop him.” Aelu went on as Aero inched his way closer nodding his head to all of this.

“Chances are comrade Aero has been to there before, more than once even,” she said, turning to the little pegasus.

“It vont be a problem for him, yah Aero?” she chuckled pulling the stallion closer, he blushed and said,

“I, uh, well...” He said, being humble and shy to admit how good he was at navigation to a stranger. Carmina just laughed

“Oh Aero, you can trust Aelu vith your life. No harm will come to you vhen he is around. Don’t vorry about it.” Aelu approached the two and Looked at Aero with a slight smirk

“I promise to protect you Aerohead...” Aelu said as Cermina smirked

“Don’t forget his love bird, Alnna,” Aero blushed as Aelu chuckled again

“I see, then we may need to soundproof their room.” the dragons laughed and soon moved back to the cart Aero slowly following behind.

Stencil tossed a few small logs into the fire as he placed his kettle upon the stove to boil. He had been up a tad later than normal; perhaps the exhaustion of the past days had worn on him. He turned back into the kitchen to prepare brunch. He was quite glad to be out of Hoofington, his run in with Blueblood was unsettling at best, seeing the once proud Prince reduced to a mindless servant of that bastard Landcastra.

It made him shiver. He wondered how Celestia would be faring, she had been able to send out the note about this eighth element, but they still had little to no idea just what to look for. It was unsettling, but Stencil knew he and his friends could do it. They had to.

Meanwhile, back in the bedroom where Alnna and Aero slept, Alnna slowly rose from her sleep. She huffed, slowly easing out of the bed as she suddenly started feeling a tad light headed. She shook her head, her vision fuzzy as she left the bedroom, and saw Stencil and Aero standing not too far away.

“Ah, good morning miss sunshine, sleep well?” Stencil said.

Alnna huffed, “Ah don’t wanna talk bout it, been feelin’ all sorts of silly the past few nights.”

“Is Aero snoring too much, again?”

Alnna blushed, “Wh-n-no, he’s fine! best snuggle buddy ever! But...” she sighed.

“Ah don’t feel like myself, Sugh, yah think ya can look me over when ya got some time?”

Stencil was perplexed. He wasn’t too pleased to hear that one of his friends was sick, especially in these circumstances.

“Alnna, alright, if it makes you feel better. Has this been happening for a while?”

She nodded, “For the past few months shug. I have no idea-” She stopped suddenly, shoving a hoof in her mouth and bolting to the bathroom. Several gagging noises were heard soon after.

Stencil turned back to the kitchen quickly putting something together to eat, and bringing it to the bathroom door, “You okay in there? I made you some vegetable soup.”

Alnna trotted out of the bathroom and said, “Maybe if ah had some chocolate covered pickles, it’ll go away.”

Stencil paused, turning slowly to Alnna, “Did…” He shook his head in confusion, “Did you just say chocolate covered pickles?”

Alnna blinked, “Did ah?” she replied, only to be interrupted by the entrance of the two dragons with Aero.

“Ah comrade Stencil, let me introduce Comrade Aelu from wind tribe!” Cermina called as Aelu bowed.

“Ah, you must be Stencil Sketch. An honor to make your acquaintance.”

“Comrade Aelu has come to Equestria to fight dark pony menace,” Cermina explained to Stencil.

Stencil’s eyes widened. “Ah! So you’ve heard of this Landcastra too?”

“Yes...” Aelu said, almost whispering.

“He has been attacking all threats to his crown, according to your Princess Celestia. She sent me a letter about this land’s urgent situation, so I set out for here as soon as I could. I have been running into more feral beasts and more of Landcastra’s troops the further I explore these lands… it was by fortune I found my friend Cermina, and with her, you.”

“Well...” Stencil began, looking at the now steaming kettle, “I am always one for more company. We can never be too short-hoofed in these times.”

“Yes, I understand well,” he looked about, turning to the table near the kitchen.

“May I sit there?”

“On a table?” Stencil asked “Why?”

“Meditation requires a steady surface. It shall suffice and be out of the way, and I don’t like to sit on the floor.” he said as Stencil nodded.

“S-sure...” he answered as the dragon sat atop the table, crossing his legs as he laid his sword atop his knees before lowering his head.

“Leave it to Aelu to make an entrance,” Cermina muttered as she looked at Stencil, then at Alnna as Aero fluttered over, noticing the uneasy look in Alnna’s eyes.

“Alnna, you alright?” he asked.

Alnna shook her head. “Been feeling a tad uneasy sugh, been takin’ to Stencil to see if he can run a check-up on me.”

Aero turned to Stencil. “What's going on with her?” he asked.

“I don’t quite know, Alnna’s not feeling too good and from what I could guess, she might have caught a bug or something.”

Aero gasped and ran to his wife, checking over her to make sure she was ok. “It’s not serious, is it?” Aero asked nervously.

Stencil shook his head and replied. “No, but she is sick; something’s not agreeing with her body or maybe just stress. We’ve been rather pressed lately, seeing as we all had to deal with the forces of Landcastra’s men. In order to see what is completly wrong with her, I’ll need to run a check up.” He levitated a pad of paper and a quill over as he opened the door to his medical room.

“Come with me Alnna, we’ll check you up in a jiffy.”

Minutes turned into hours as nothing but unintelligible muttering could be heard from the room. The pegasus paced back and forth, the drakess went from leaning idly against the wall to sitting on a nearby couch. Aelu remained motionless in meditation on the table.

Finally Stencil stuck his head out from the room and looked at Aero. “Aero... I... we need to have a word.”

The little pegasus nodded, then gulped as he slowly walked into the room. As he entered he saw Alnna laying on a bed with several bits of medical equipment next to it.

Stencil sighed and said, “I’m not sure… how to really tell you this Aero, but...” Stencil began choking a bit as he looked at the pegasus.

Aero was trembling, beginning to expect the worst. Finally he grumbled with a defiant glare in his eyes as he swept right into Stencils face. “Out with it! What's wrong with my wife!” he shouted “By Celestia, if she’s got some illness I want to know what the hell it is!”

Stencil blinked, pushing Aero back. “Uh, I don’t think its anything bad Aero… In fact, I think its the exact opposite!” He fixed his glasses as he pulled out a pad of paper.

“Aero, your wife is pregnant... She’s not suffering any flu or illness, just the general signs thats she’s begun to process of foal bearing. Congratulations, you’re going to be a father!”

Aero’s jaw dropped open as he sat down, trying to take the news in. Alnna laid in the bed, looking at Aero with a smile.

“Ya’ll gonna have a wonderful filly or a colt Aero, ain't that wonderful?”

Stencil smirked. “She’s going to need a lot more food intake as well as plenty of rest, which means I won’t have her pulling the cart anytime soon. We should see some larger effects of her pregnancy showing up within a month or two. Congratulations again, you two!”

“Aero, shug?” Alnna said, looking at her dumbstruck husband.

“Ya’ll okay?” she asked as the stallion took a deep breath and stood up. With a smile, he trotted his way towards his wife, gently planting a kiss on her cheek.

“Yeah… It’s wonderful news,” he said calmly as he hugged his wife. Alnna could only blush as her husband kept close. She nestled in tight to his hug.

“Alnna...” Aero began as he patted the mare, “I promise you, by the spirits of my mothers tribe, by the spirit of my mother, I will protect you, and our foal. Landcastra won't lay a hoof on either of you. If anypony, and I mean anypony, even says a threatening word about our foal… I will make sure they don’t have a second chance to do so.” Aero’s eyes were filled with tears, he was trembling, nearly overwhelmed.

Stencil smirked, easing over to Aero. “Hey, buck up, you gotta relax Aero. The foal hasn't even been born yet and you’re already vowing your life to protect it.”

“Its not like that!” Aero barked, “Its...my child...my foal. I must do all I can to protect it, even if it hasn't even left the womb, I will make sure no harm comes to it.” he barked, somewhat as Stencil shook his head.

“Aero!” Alnna shouted, looking rather angry with her husband as she placed a firm hoof on his shoulder. “Ah know that you want me and the foal to be safe. Ah know ya want nothin’ more then to be a father, but ah think ya might be a little over reactin’.”

Aero took a breath and looked up at his wife’s face as she continued. “Now you ain't the only one in this marriage. We took a vow to always be there for each other, and Ah promise ya Aero, Ah’ll be fine with all of mah friends and mah husband, all here. Besides, it’s me. Ah doubt anypony will hurt me; Ah’m too tough for ‘em!” She let out a laugh and smiled at Aero, who sighed and nodded.

“Ok Alnna, I trust you...” Aero hugged her again before turning to Stencil. “I’m… sorry, Stencil… I didn’t mean to yell.”

Stencil sighed. “Not the first time... Its okay Aero, just don’t get your tail in a knot. You’re wife’s not the only tough one here.” He smirked.

“Besides, you got the protection of both two dragon and the Princess of the Night for the moment. I doubt anything is going to happen.”

There was a knock at the door. “Comrades, vhat is all da noise?” Cermina called in as Stencil looked at Aero.

“Should we tell them?” he asked as Aero nodded, opening the door for Cermina.

“Vhat is all dis noise comrade?” The drakess asked.

“No… not really - actually… I just found out that, well...” Aero clopped his forehooves together as he hovered before the two.

“Alnna’s… pregnant. I’m going to be a father!”

“Vhat!?” Cermina exclaimed. “You mean beloved Southern Belle is Pregnant?”

“If by that you mean Alnna, yes, yes she is.” Stencil said as the drakess looked between the little pegasus and the big mare.

“ This is certainly very… interesting. Did not expect young colt here to land young kin so soon. That must be potent stuff Aero packing.” Both Alnna and Aero blushed a vibrant red as Cermina grinned.

“That little boy is turned to big stallion, vas concerned tad if you vould not be… big enough for this mare.”

“Cermina!” Stencil exclaimed as the drakess gave a wry grin.

“Haha, I kid comrade, I kid.” She let go of Aero before walking over to Alnna.

“This is good, yah! Do you feel vell?”

“As well as ah can be, sugh.”

“That is good, very good...” she gently placed a claw on the mare’s belly

“You have my vord… both you and Aero, dat I shall do utmost to keep little one safe from harm.” she smiled and clicked her talons, creating a soft, ember spark that gently fell upon the belly, casting a soft glow before fading.

“Dragon’s honor.”

Outside, the door opened yet again as an exhausted-looking Princess sludged inside and stood at the doorway. She lowered her head wearily, eyes closed as she fell back into a bit of a sleep as her bandaged wings kept tight to her side.

She nearly would have drifted to sleep completely before the sudden shrill tweet of the kettle woke her from her slumber, causing her to jump and fall to the floor in a heap as she placed her forehooves atop her head, “What?! How!” she cried, “Who beset such a nuisance to our ears!”

Stencil rushed out to see as did Cermina and Aero before the stallion sighed, trotting over. “Your Majesty, it is nothing...” Stencil began, taking the kettle from the stove. “Shall I prepare some tea for you?”

Luna blinked, looking up at Stencil as she slowly rose “Y-yes, we would very much enjoy a cup,” she said as Stencil smiled, trotting aside as Luna eased further into the cart, noticing the new dragon meditating as she looked curiously at him.

“Who might this be?” she asked as Cermina eased beside her.

“This is Aelu, he is old comrade, and dragon that saved cart from destruction.” She eyed Luna, “Vhile you slept atop it, I might add.”

“What!?” Luna felt a tad unsettled, knowing she had missed a chance to prove herself against a foe.

She gave Cermina a look before turning back to Aelu. “What might the warrior be doing now?”

“He is meditating. Best to leave him be; he gets cranky vhen meditation is disturbed.”

Luna gulped. “Y-yes, of course. Then we shall press on!” she said, trotting over to the opened room and peeked into.

“Sir Aero?” She asked, seeing Aero hovering near a bedded Alnna. “What is this, Aero? Art thou in need of aid?” she asked.

Aero smiled. “Oh, your Majesty.” he said, turning to her. “We have wonderful news! Alnna is pregnant!”

Luna blinked as the fact sunk in, before beaming brighter than a full moon as she trotted over to Alnna’s side.

“Huzzah! Great fortune has smiled upon thee, good Sir Aero!” Luna boomed, “Such a joyous occasion to present the next of kin to your family,” she bowed her head.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” Alnna said softly, as Aero huffed.

“I appreciate the gesture, Princess, but Alnna needs rest so....may we ask you keep it down?” Aero said softly as Luna blinked, putting a hoof to her mouth.

“Oh dear us, we apologize...” she said, bowing her head again as she trotted backwards out and closed the door softly.

Cermina chuckled as the mare bumped her flank right into her, eeking in surprise.

“Ah Luna, I did not know you vanted to offer this delicious side of rump to me now?” she said, gripping the mare’s behind firmly. Luna blushed out of embarrassment, finding herself in an odd position as she fidgeted.

“Unhand us, you uncouth beast!” she said as Cermina released her grip, letting the mare plop to the floor yet again in a heap.

The Princess rose, facing the coy drakess in fury. “It is not often such mares like to flaunt dere goods to me. I did not know you swung that vay, princess.” She said through a cheeky grin.

“What? Thou had thought us to admire you? Hah! We would not entertain the least such feeling for such a rude drakess such as thee! We are so superior in looks to thee that stallions from all over swoon!” Cermina grinned.

“Yah, so they say...”

“And what of you, thou has no male companion to flaunt?”

“Hah! I have yet to find male worthy of besting me in battle. Only Stencil has ever come close.”

The stallion perked his ears, sighing as he shook his head. “Ladies...” he said, trotting between them, “Can we just call it a draw? If you two want to come to blows, please take it outside.”

“Bah!” Cermina retorted, taking her mug, “She is injured. Is no sense in fighting veak opponent vith disadvantage.”

Luna flushed bright red. “Thou darest consider us weak? We shall show thee who is weak!”

“Ladies!” Stencil barked. “Enough. We have an expecting mother in one room and a meditating dragon in another. Please take it outside or keep it to yourselves.”

The two blinked at Stencil before giving one another a look then turning their heads upwards and away as they went off to the main room and sat at opposite ends of the couch.

Suddenly, Aelu stood up and approached Cermina, glaring at her. “You are angered easily… A weakness that you have always had, Cermina.”

She growled, turning her head back to stare the staring him down. “I am angered by Moonbutt Princess! She annoys me, I -”

Aelu just walked past her and said, “My point exactly.” Cermina crossed her arms and sat back down.

“Damn you, Aelu… Always vise vith vords.” She muttered.

Aelu ignored her comment and approached Aero. He give the little pegasus a pat on the head and said. “I will protect you, your wife, and your foal, even if it means my death. I will do this alongside Cermina...” He walked past him and approached Stencil. “Mr.Sketch -” he said

“Do not call me that.”

“Dr. Stencil...”

“Just Stencil, please.”

Aelu nodded, leaning against the wall beside Stencil. “In regards to your question of the eighth element.”

“Yeah, what about it?”

Aelu smirked. “If you seek a mare that may possess such a power, then perhaps I can offer some insight. I have traveled much of Equestria, and have seen many strange and wonderful things.”

“As have I Aelu, what's your point?” Stencil said, somewhat annoyed as the drake chuckled.

“There was a mare in whom I sensed, yes... sensed the essence of an ancient power, long ago when I was about in the city of New Foalines. She was a unicorn, and during my moment there, I sensed her presence. It was strong, stronger than any magical element I could have felt in my life. Perhaps she may be the eighth element you seek?”

Stencil paused, blinking for a moment as he turned to Aelu, “Why didn’t you tell us this earlier?”

“You didn’t ask.” Aelu responded, a grin showing under his hat.

Stencil groaned and sighed. “Alright, alright. Point is, we know where we can go. What you said isn’t much, but it’s worth a shot. A long shot, at that.” Stencil trotted past Aelu and stuck his head in the room where everypony else was resting.

“Alright everypony, according to Aelu, there is a slight possibility that we may find this eighth element in New Foalines. So, that's where we are going. Head south, towards the Maressissippi River!” he exclaimed.

Aero looked nervous and started to sweat slightly, realizing he was going back to his hometown, wondering if it was under attack. If his father, Anetaius, was there… The only way to find out was to go.


Meanwhile, back in Canterlot Castle, Landcastra had kidnaped two foals, an eight year old colt and a 7 year old filly. He smirked at them as they arrived in his throne room in chains.. Landcastra slowly approached them and chuckled wickedly.

“Now then, little foals. I have a deal for you both.”

The colt looked up at the terrifying alicorn and whimpered, “What do you mean?”

“I want you to entertain me. Ruling over this country has become boring, and I want some amusement.” He levitated a jester’s hat to the filly and plopped it on her head.

“Dance, fool!” He shouted with a sinister grin. The filly yelped loudly and started tap dancing with her hooves.

Landcastra smirked and turned to the colt. “You! Make me laugh!” He shouted.

The colt nervously looked around and turned to the filly. “Knock, knock.”

“Who’s there?"


“Boo who?”

“Aw, don’t cry!” The colt smiled nervously and turned to Landcastra, who was actually frowning. He didn't like the joke, at all.

He took a deep breath and, shook his head. “I asked you to make me laugh...and you failed me. Now suffer.” He said surprisingly calmly. He looked at the colt deeply into his eyes, his expression changing from a frown to a wide grin. The colt gave a blank stare, almost like a zombie. His mind was no longer there, now lost under Landcastras control.

The Alicorn laughed. “That is more like it. That is indeed funny.” The filly gasped, staring coldly at Landcastra, her eyes suddenly filling with tears.

“Wha...why did you do that?!” she went over to her friend, now nothing but an empty body.

“No... what... no...” she started to cry, her head suddenly twisting in a weird direction before she turned to Landcastra, who had a sadistic grin on his face.

She lunged towards him, trying to attack him, her hooves at the ready as the Stallion huffed and used his magic to hold her in the air.

“I’m sorry...did I just shatter the mind of your brother?”

Trying her best to break free and attack him, she screamed, “Yes! That was my brother! Bring him back! Now!”

Landcastra laughed again. “Guards... throw this one into the hole. One week, no food or water.”

A nearby guard came and took the filly away. Celestia and Cadence had been forced to watch all this from the corner of the throne room, their magic blocked by dark enchanted rings locked to their horns. Celestia stared angrily at the dictator, wishing she could rip his wings and his horn right off. Cadence however was crying, unable to cope with what she just saw.

“Well, laying about becoming bored has had quite an interesting result. Maybe I should do it more often!” He laughed as he went back to his throne and took a seat. Celestia scowled and growled lightly. She looked at him with nothing but pure fury in her eyes.

Landcastra noticed. “Isn’t it such a wonderful thing to see the strength and willingness of youth?”

“Landcastra...why...why did you you do this?” she asked, her voice filled with anger but tinged with sorrow.

Landcastra smiled, then laughed. “I’m glad you asked Celestia, but first...” He looked at Cadence who was still crying loudly. “Guards...Take the second half of the element of love to the brig.” His guards obeyed and unchained her, levitating her out of the room. “Now then, in answer to your question...Revenge...”

“Revenge? what in Equestria do you-” Landcastra cast a spell, creating a zipper over the princess’ lips.

“Do not interrupt, me you wench! I’m telling the story here! I’m in charge! You listen to me and none other!” Landcastra gasped in surprise at his own outburst.

“Oh… Sun Princess, I do apologize, that was not polite of me. Now anyway, back when I was a small foal, I was not very liked, nor did I have any… friends.” He suddenly grew angry.

“Perhaps it was my superior intellect that had upset them, or maybe the fact I had done my utter best for my own pleasure, but whatever the case, they saw me as a mockery, a freak....” He wasn’t too thrilled about this retelling, but was reluctant to let the princess understand his displeasure.

“You could say, my final day of normality was a day like any day.

I was a mere unicorn colt that day, enjoying my time at Magic High School. I enjoyed it immensely, so much so that I had finally earned some recognition and respect for my talents. But when some little two bit mare spoke down to me, I did my best to stand against her...” He paused.

“But...that’s where this story gets...interesting, I was smacked right in the face for standing up for myself. I honestly don’t remember even remember what we were arguing about, but I didn't like it. After she hit me, I saw them laughing at me. Never did anypony come to help me; I hadn’t felt so humiliated in all of my life. I didn't want to take it anymore, so I… killed her.” He paused again.

“Not in public, oh that would make such a scene... no... no, I followed her home, and killed her right on her front steps.” He made a very insidious crackle

“When I did it felt something...like, I had butterflies in my stomach… I started laughing. Oh how wonderful it felt… I wanted to do it again… so I did.” He trotted around Celestia.

“Each time somepony got in my way or made fun of me, I’d kill them, slowly, painfully, without mercy as I saw the very life drain from their eyes. Its how I got… ahead… in the business world my dear Celestia.” he smirked

“Politics are one thing, industry is something entirely different, and there were many who shared my views and determination that eventually got me to where I am… but money, fame, mares... it was fruitless... I wanted power.” He smirked, and started giggling to himself, eventually leading into maniacal laughter.

“So, I sought dark powers, wicked powers. Powers that only I could afford to seek. It was easy, grease a few wheels here with the ever loyal Royal Guard, bribe a few Griffons there with some shiny bits, oh, it was quite easy to build a little empire right under your hoof. But ah… you see Celestia, no pony can ever be at odds with you because, well, you have everypony at odds. You are a benevolent goddess, princess of this realm...ah...and yet if you asked me, you were simply standing atop a great power that you rarely chose to muster.”

His eyes focused directly on Celestia, a deep seated anger seething through them as he returned to her front.

“You were weak. You were leading out ponies to rot without realizing it. Oh, how I wished I could overthrow you and claim the throne, let alone your idiotic nephew; blind coot he is.” Landcastra turned away and released his magic on Celestia. The Princess gasped, coughing as she was freed from the silence spell.

“But...how...how did you get such power?” Celestia asked, short of breath as Landcastra paused.

“That, my dear...is a story for another day. Perhaps if you hold out that long, you might hear it.” And with a diabolical laugh, the stallion left the mare all alone among the frozen bodies of her students.