• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 2,785 Views, 63 Comments

Millennia: Beginning - Thunderblast

Star Shooter is your average pegasus. He does everything everypony else does. There is just one thing that stands him out from the crowd; he is a Marine.

  • ...

16. When September Ends

The many hoof-biting and face-desking days of Radar Academy went by slower than ever, but before I knew it, the final days of class were upon me. I was elated that the classes were almost over with, but not for what was to come. With two days left, we were expected to write down everything we've learned in one massive essay. My high school memories flooded back to me the moment we were given the seven pieces of paper needed to finish the assignment. Seven pages I needed to squeeze everything I've learned in the last three weeks, neatly and in order.

Maybe it would have been better if I took the janitor position on the ship instead.


The 25th of September was a brisk and breezy Thursday morning, much like the other mornings over the last month or two, and was not much of a rush to me. Unlike the first day of the academy where I ended up late after a long night of drinking, I was keeping good with the times and even arrived at the campus a few minutes earlier than the others. That day and Friday we were to spend on finishing our essays and not have to worry about picking up anything else in class. What surprised me the most was we were required to work on it in class.

Going over the notes I've kept in an almost-full binder notebook, I worked through the essay very slowly, putting down the important things about everything we've learned—which was beginning to come together more like an explanation as to what radar and sonar were.

After each sentence, I went back over my notes and the pages itself to make sure nothing important was left out. So far so good. Until I realized I only had two pieces of paper left, and still a very large amount of information from my binder that needed to be put down. I had two options—either find a way to squeeze everything in neatly in the two remaining pages or less, or worse, erase everything and go back to square one.

I went with the first option and prayed to Celestia I would make it by skipping the less-important-but-still-important things, such as rock density and marine life that can be picked up by radar or sonar. I wasn't one for cutting corners, but here I felt the need to for the sake of fitting everything on the amount of paper we were given.

My attention bounced back and forth, from writing down a sentence to moving back to my notes to make sure I worded them correctly. I literally felt like I was in high school again.

Then, around four in the afternoon, I wrote down the last words on the final piece of paper, just barely fitting onto the remaining space there was. It was a great relief, though I was sure the moment my pencil was laid down, the others wanted to tear me apart, seeing they were still working. Well, two of them that is. One of the sailors had already finished and had gone home.

I scanned back over the essay carefully to check for any mistakes one final time, before I filed it neatly and in order and stood up and walked to Mrs. Ping's desk where she was reading a book—ironically it was about a radarpony going through tough times. At least, that's what I had heard about the book.

I set the essay down on her desk, the noise itself making her look over her book and see it, then me.

"You finished quick. You sure you didn't cheat?" she said to me with sarcasm that I failed to catch.

"You said we were allowed to use our notes," I grimaced and reached a hoof to take the essay back, annoyed.

She placed her hoof on mine and pushed it back. "Sarcasm, Private. Good job. Sit back down and I'll give you your final grade once I finish reading, alright?"

I nodded and threw up a salute to her, then turned and went back to my seat where I waited patiently.

About ten minutes after turning my essay in, Mrs. Ping filed the papers back together and set the small pile down on her desk and looked directly at me, motioning for me to come to her desk. I stood up and walked to the foot of her desk. I was nervous to hear what my grade on the essay would be. Who wouldn't be?

"Private Shooter."

"Mrs. Ping."

She held the essay up and waved it gently. "A-minus. Good job. I noticed some things were missing in the essay, but you still did a good job," she cracked a smile to me.

My brow furrowed. "I tried my best. There wasn't enough room to fit everything in my notes."

"You do know you could have asked for more paper, right?" she grinned. "The pony before you did the exact same thing," she then turned to the other two ponies in the class. "That goes for the rest of you. If you need more paper, just ask me."

All I could do was facehoof at that moment. It brought a small laugh out of Mrs. Ping and she picked up a stamper, pressing it into some red ink and stamping my essay at the top corner with an A- on it, then stapled the papers together. "You'll make a great radarpony, Shooter," she stood up from her chair and saluted me. I saluted back with a smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Ping," I replied, then we both dropped our salutes.

She slid the essay across the desk to me and sat back down. "Go home, Marine. And thank you."

I took the essay in my hoof and my eyes darted side to side in confusion. "Thank you... for what?"

"For attending my class, silly Marine," Mrs. Ping giggled. "I'll see you around."

A small blush grew on my cheeks and I smiled. "Heheh, all right. I'll see you around, too, I guess." I turned and walked out of the classroom, shutting the door behind me. I stopped right there, as if I was frozen in time.

Two moments after the door clicked shut, I let out a deep exhale and looked down at the essay in my hoof, right at the A- on the top left corner of the first page. A great wave of relief came across knowing I was done with radar academy. I could officially inform Shadow that I would be reporting on the Eclipse come the next time it sets sail.

After that, I went back to base.


"You passed?!" squealed a joyful Solar Wave.

I replied with a nod and a smile. "A-minus. I got nervous on it though, I had so much to write down but so little room. Turns out all I had to do was ask for more paper. But, I still passed."

I was then met with a lung-crushing hug that made me drop my uniform jacket onto the floor after taking it off. I grunted and squirmed in the hug as the light yellow pony squeezed my waist area to the point where little if any air was still in my lungs. I eventually turned and bopped him on the tip of his horn. Not hard enough to hurt him, but enough for it to signal him to let me go, which he did. He fell back onto his rump and rubbed his horn.

"Ow! What was that for?"

I coughed and inhaled. "I couldn't breathe..."

"Oh, sorry," he chuckled innocently.

"Don't worry about it," I picked my jacket up off the floor and neatly folded it, sliding it under my bed on top of my hooflocker. "I'm getting closer, Solar."

"Closer to what?" Solar asked, climbing into his bed and yawning slightly.

"Closer to sailing the seas as a radarpony," I smiled, crawling into my own bed and laying my hooves behind my bed as if I were daydreaming.

"Oooh yeah, yeah. That Shadow pony who said he's looking for a radarpony on the Eclipse's bridge, right?"

"You got it," I let out a sigh of both relief and content, but then frowned. "And you and Silver will be somewhere else... Possibly on another ship or a submarine. Or here..."

I didn't look down to see Solar's reaction, but I could only guess it wasn't a good one. Boy was I wrong.

"Hey, that's no problem. Because even when you finish your deployment, we'll all be in the same place again. Besides, you're going to be living your dream. There's no reason to be sad about it. In fact, it would feel awkward if I'm the only one happy about something that isn't even nearly related to me," he chuckled. "But I am certain Silver is happy for you as well."

"Maybe, maybe not," I sighed quietly. "Now I feel bad for bragging about me moving on to a new position..."

"You weren't bragging. Well, maybe just a little bit, but still!"

"Doesn't help, Solar," I turned onto my side.



At breakfast the next morning, me, Solar and Silver sat together in silence. Most of the room was quiet, except for the small groups of other Marines or sailors talking to each other. It wasn't common for us to not converse during any meal of the day. I didn't think much of it and ate my oatmeal. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Solar eating, while looking between the both of us as if he was waiting for one of us to say something. I was tempted to, on the contrary, my mind was in a fog for some reason and had been that way from the moment I woke up.

"So... passed Radar Academy, hm?" Silver spoke with a half-full mouth.

Solar nudged the unicorn's shoulder, swallowing down his own food. "Manners."

"Shut up, Solar," Silver glared daggers at him, then looked back at me.

"Uh, yeah, I did," I said, followed by a short drink out of a small milk carton.

"Congrats," he said flatly.

"Thank you," I replied. I could already tell the beige unicorn wasn't in a good mood that morning.

He didn't reply, and went back to eating. I didn't say anything else either.

"Sooo..." Solar broke the silence a few more moments later. "I hear this winter's going to be a real doozy."

"Where'd you hear that?" I asked, mixing my oatmeal with my spoon a bit.

"Manehattan Times. Farmer's almanac is calling for most of Equestria to get some nasty weather."

"Pfft, those farmers don't know shit," Silver snapped.

"I wouldn't say that, Silver, they've been right since the early years," I said, putting a small scoop of oatmeal into my mouth.

"Let's be realistic, does anypony really listen to those idiots anymore? After that one pony a year or two ago called out that the world would end?"

"That was not a pony. That was a disgruntled griffon looking to cause a panic," I corrected him.

"I'm pretty sure it was a pony, Star."

"Look it up, it was a griffon. To be more precise, one of the many griffons that holds a grudge on all of us. One that wouldn't hesitate to bring our nations into conflict if they aren't already."

Silver slammed his hoof down with his milk carton in it, a couple of small drops spilling out onto the table and floor upon impact, the emerald green aura that originally held it to his mouth fading off of it and his horn. "I'm telling you, those earth ponies think they know everything. All they know is how to plant seeds!"

"Hey, there's no need to yell, and for the love of Luna, there's no need to be racist towards fellow Marines and shipmates."

"Bullshit, they're useless and you know it!"

"I'm sorry, what?" chimed a dark moss-green earth pony dressed in Marines camouflage trotted over with a hardened glare on his face, aimed directly at Silver.

"Oh shit..." Solar muttered to me with wide eyes.

"You heard me," Silver turned and glared towards Ashfall. "Beat it."

Ash slammed his tray down and rested his hooves on the table beside it, leaning across towards Silver. "Who pissed in your milk?"

"No one, thank you very much," Silver didn't flinch.

"Because it suuuure seems like it. I don't like the way you're talking about me or the others. I suggest you cut it out before you're left bleeding on the floor."

My eyes widened slightly and I watched as Silver leaned his muzzle closer.

"Try me."

"What was that?" Ashfall's glare hardened.

"I said. Try. Me," Silver clenched his teeth.

"Silver... stop," I moved a hoof to push him back into his seat.

"Stay out of this, Shooter," he slapped my hoof away and ended up hitting me in the chin.

My head jerked to the side a little and I yelped, putting my hoof up to my chin to rub it. I turned back to Silver slowly and threw a deadly glare at him. "Was that necessary?"

"Guys, stop!" Solar sat up.

At that moment, both Silver and Ash were engaged in a deep glare directed at each other. Neither flinched, until Silver picked up Ash's milk carton and held it over his head in an emerald magic aura, squeezing it until the bottom popped and rained milk all over the larger earth pony. Others watched, some gasping. Both me and Solar's jaws dropped.

Ash's mane was mostly soaked in milk, as was his uniform. It dripped from strands of his mane, and he slowly opened his eyes, blinking once. "Really?"

Silver gave a gentle, single nod, still glaring.

Much to our surprise, and probably the whole chow hall's, Ash didn't jump across the table to drop him dead. Instead, he picked up his napkin and wiped himself off with it, then carried his tray away, stomping his hooves.

Both me and Solar watched Ash leave, and eventually turned back to Silver with wide eyes.

"Silver...what the hell?" I said to him in a somewhat quiet way.

Silver sat back down in his seat. Both me and Solar could easily see the fire burning in his eyes. There's no way this could be our friend.

"He shouldn't have butt in."

"None of that was necessary, Silver. What the heck is your problem?" I threw my hooves up.

"My problem is all of these bloody earth ponies getting in my face, that's my problem!" He turned and glared at me.

"Who the hell are you?" I stared at him, glare somewhat fading. "This isn't the Silver we know."

"Get over it," he raised his spoon to his mouth to take a bite of his oatmeal.

Right out of nowhere, Silver was knocked off of his seat onto the floor following the loud clang of metal hitting his face. Many others watched with wide eyes, as did I. I looked up slowly, seeing Solar was breathing heavily and was holding his food tray while staring down at a stunned Silver.

"That's what you get for being an asshole!" Solar growled.

I stared at the yellow unicorn with widened eyes. Not once had I seen him angry or taking anger out on somepony. But, I had to admit, now was the right time. Silver deserved it whether he was in his right mind or not.

"Shooter, Wave!" Came a loud voice from across the room, grabbing both of our attention.


"Not ONLY was he knocked out cold, but the both of you say he DESERVED IT?!" Sergeant Hardstaff slammed his hoof on his desk hard, causing it to shake upon impact, before standing up on his hinds, pressing his forehooves down on the wooden surface. "What have you two got to say for yourselves?!"

The both of us stood at attention, not flinching once at the sergeant's rant.

"Sir, with all due respect, you are misled on this. If you would please let us explain, it might become more clear."

"I do not like you speaking to a superior that way, but by all means, go ahead," he sat down in his chair, retaining a hardened glare aimed for the both of us.

"For starters, sir, Silver was not acting like himself at breakfast," I started.

"Do elaborate, Private."

"He was far grumpier than normal and after that... well, he started to make racist remarks towards earth ponies. After that, Ashfall walked over and confronted him. Silver proceeded to dump Ash's milk on himself and he went his own way. When he started going again, Private Solar Wave here hit him with his tray," I continued.

"Is that all, Private?"

"Yes, sir."

"Hmm..." the sergeant eyeballed us for a few moments. "I don't know either of you to lie, so, I suppose I have no choice but to believe you. I will have to question Corporal Ashfall after you two. If he says the same thing, I'll have a word with Private Silver," he then sighed. "If it is all true, I would hate to have to get rid of him already."

My eyes widened and I'm certain Solar's did too.

"Get... rid of him?" I repeated.

"Racism towards other ponies is not tolerated. It is one of the biggest rules in our branches. This goes for Celestia's boys, too."

"Sir, please, do not discharge him," Solar suddenly said.

"Enlighten me on why I shouldn't, Private?"

"He is not usually like this. Please, give him another chance. He may not be in his right mind today. I mean... ponies make mistakes. They say things they don't actually mean."

Sergeant Hardstaff eyed Solar closely, then sat up. "Very well. I will still have a word with him about it, whenever he wakes up. You hit him pretty hard."

"I am sorry, sir."

"If what you say is true, don't apologize. Now, both of you, get back to your barracks."

"Yes, sir."

We saluted each other and walked out.


The days that followed were quiet for the most part. After finishing radar academy, I was back to my normal shifts patrolling on the wall of the base. Over the days, I hadn't seen much of Solar Wave, and had not seen any of Silver Edge. I was beginning to wonder if the sergeant did actually discharge him and was going to hold that out on us.

The final day of September was upon us and I couldn't say how fast the month has gone by. It has been a month since I graduated boot camp, and just a few days since radar academy. I still hadn't managed to track down Shadow to let him know that I had finished the academy between my shifts, and I was worried he may not find out before his next deployment.

That Tuesday afternoon was anything but warm and sunny, and overall, wasn't comfortable one bit. I was bundled up in my uniform jacket, a dark blue undershirt, gloves, and a matching beanie covering my ears. Even then, I was still shivering and I could start to see my breath in the air in front of me. The farmers were right, we were in for a long, cold winter.

I took a ten minute break off my shift to warm up a bit, thus heading to the chow hall where hot chocolate was being served for the first time that year that I knew of. Other than coffee, it was my favorite warm beverage and it was the only thing I liked about the colder days.

I sat down and blew into the styrofoam cup to cool my hot chocolate enough where it wouldn't burn my tongue, and once it was cool enough, I took a small sip. Instantly, my body began to warm back up, and soon my wings were dripping with water. I didn't notice before, and there was some ice or light snow covering my feathers and it had started to melt. That was a first.

Before I finished, a shadow loomed over me from in front—literally. I glanced up, my eyes meeting those of Captain Shadow, who stared right back with a mostly blank expression like always.

"Sir!" I raised a hoof and saluted.

"Private," he returned the salute and took a seat in front of me with a cup of hot chocolate for himself. "A little birdy tells me you passed in flying colors."

My ear flicked and I blinked, puzzled. "I was just about to... who told you?"

"Lieutenant Kosec Ping."

I blinked again. "Mrs. Ping?"

"Well, she does send her class grades to me. I go over them with a few others and decide what ship those ponies go on. I kept yours to myself so I could file your grades to the Eclipse," he cracked a small smile.

I eased myself a bit and smiled back. "Thank you, sir."

"Don't mention it. You may want to mention this though," he took a folded piece of paper out of his uniform pocket and slid it to me, then took a sip of his hot cocoa.

I took the piece of paper in a hoof and set down my cup, unfolding it and reading over it. My eyes widened a bit and I looked up at Shadow halfway through. "Already?"

"Already," he stared right back at me, firmly this time.

I looked back at the paper and kept reading. "So we ship out on Thursday?"

"Thursday evening, yes. 1830 is when we leave port. I'd like for everypony to be there at 1600 to help with the final preparations. But, for you, I want you to come at 1530."

"What for, sir?" I folded the deployment notice back up and slid it back across the table to Shadow.

"Well, for one, I want you to get familiar with the lieutenant on the ship. He is my second-in-command, and on the ship, he will be second-in-command of you, so, I hope you like him."

"We'll see about that," I grinned slightly.

Shadow chuckled softly. "I guess we will."


"Deployment?" Solar Wave's eyes went wide as he unbuttoned his jacket, stopping halfway to stare at me in shock.

"Yup. Thursday is when we leave port," I replied.

"Man... already? Didn't they just get back?"

"They did, but I guess that's how it is. Maybe. Unless something is up."

"Let's hope not."

"Yeah, let's not."

Moments after, the door to the barrack opened. A beige unicorn with a grey and single silver-striped mane walked in slowly, eyeing the both of us. We turned to the pony and froze.

"Silver?" I blinked.

He didn't appear angry, and instead looked... depressed. The beige unicorn didn't say a word and walked over to his bed, immediately climbing into it and throwing the sheets over himself, his horn the only thing visible and sticking out of the edge of the blanket.

Both me and Solar stared at the large lump under the sheets in the bed that belonged to Silver as it started to shake like a leaf. Solar finished taking his jacket off and trotted over to Silver's bed, dog tags clinking together on his chest as he did. He raised his hoof and nudged the pony. "Silver?"

"Go away..." came a quiet mutter from under the sheets.

Solar looked at the not-so-well hidden unicorn with a frown and sat down beside his bed. "I won't leave your bedside until you talk to us."

"You'll be up all night..."

"Nonsense," he raised his hoof and yanked the top of the blanket off of Silver, uncovering his head and shoulders. The beige unicorn turned and glared at Solar.

"Do you mind?" His head was still laying down.

"Come on, Silver. Talk to us."

"Why should I?" He turned onto his other side.

"Because we're all friends, aren't we?"

Following a lengthy pause, Silver replied, "After what happened on Friday, I'm surprised you're still saying that."

"That's because we told the sergeant to give you a second chance. He was going to discharge you," I said from across the room.

"You shouldn't have said anything. I made a huge mistake that I can't fix," Silver's voice began to crack. "I can't do this for long."

Solar set a hoof on Silver's shoulder and turned him onto his back. The beige unicorn stared upwards at the ceiling with tears sitting in his eyes. His ears fell down moments after.

"Then apologize to Ash," Solar said.

"What makes you think he'll want to speak to me after that?"

"Show him you mean it. You didn't actually mean all of those things you said about earth ponies, right?"

"N-no! I wasn't in my right mind... I don't know what came over me. I felt like I was being mind controlled to say that!" He said loudly with more tears building, his chest beginning to heave.

"Then you must apologize to him. If you don't, he might hate you forever."

"But... I... can't."

"Yes, you can. You have to. You can't let the friendship you built up with him be destroyed over a mistake. Everypony makes mistakes," I said, walking over to Silver's bed.

He sniffled and wiped his eye with a hoof. "F-fine... I'll try."

Solar and I both smiled. "Good stallion," Solar said.

"Thank you guys... for giving me another chance," he turned and looked at us, cracking a faint smile with tears resting in his glassy eyes.

"Anything for a friend," Solar smiled back, then gave Silver a tight squeeze.

Silver's eyes opened wide and he let out a grunt from the hug. "Too tight...!"

I watched and chuckled, before Solar swung a hoof around my neck and brought me into the hug, squeezing me as well. Damn it, now I was going to be choked to death before I deploy out to sea.

Author's Note:

So sorry for the long wait everybody, but here it is, the latest chapter of Millennia!