• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 2,785 Views, 63 Comments

Millennia: Beginning - Thunderblast

Star Shooter is your average pegasus. He does everything everypony else does. There is just one thing that stands him out from the crowd; he is a Marine.

  • ...

38. Somber Days


"Hmmmrr... What?"

"It's time to get up."

I opened my maw and yawned silently, rubbing my eye with a hoof. "Already?"

Nightpath nodded. He had already been long awake and was drying himself off from the shower. "Afraid so, Star."

With a soft murr of sleepiness, I turned over from laying on my chest and sat up, blinking slowly as I adjusted to the light shining from the bathroom. I winced the moment Night flicked the lamp on in the bedroom. Once my body was booted up, I pushed the sheets off of my lower half gently and stood completely out of bed. I needed to get washed up and ready. Today was going to be a long day.

The long, cold days that followed the end of the war were anything but bittersweet. I may be repeating myself here as well. It's been no different than returning on the Eclipse. This was on a much larger scale. The ponies of Manehattan were allowed back into what was left of the city. Damage estimates have been put in the millions of bits and to date was still climbing. It was expected to reach nine-hundred million bits by New Years.

In the last few days, I had attended four funerals of ponies lost. One of which, a Marine, passed hours after the rocket struck the ground beside him while I was there. The others before that were the sailors lost in the Eclipse attack. Due to the chaotic schedule, there could only be one funeral per day. This meant we would be attending funerals for days to come.

Today would be the worst though. Today was Solar's turn.

My body ached slightly as I moved into the bathroom to shower. I reached inside and twisted the knob until it was on the warm side, then stepping into the shower when the water began to form steam. I hoped the water would ease the pain in my muscles, but it didn't. Maybe it was stress. Maybe it was lack of sleep.

Since returning to base five days ago, Night and I combined couldn't have gotten more than three hours of sleep. So this is what it was like to have post-traumatic nightmares for real. Before, they were minor and we could still sleep. Added with the remorse and despair that came with the past funerals was a deadly combination. After today, I could not come to myself to go to any more. I simply couldn't.

After the shower was followed by brushing my teeth and combing my mane. I didn't typically style my mane and simply brushed it to where it was no longer looking like I had recently woken up. These past few days I felt the need to appear as nice as I possibly could. Thankfully, my dress uniform arrived at the base outfitters recently and allowed me to wear that.

Walking out of the bathroom, I found my uniform laid out for me by Night while he also got himself ready. We were to meet up with the others at the train station where we would take a train to a somewhat secluded place north of Manehattan, just east of Hollow Shades. The place was well-known within the military as well as the ponies of Equestria. It was where soldiers were buried with the highest honors, no matter their rank. The place was known as Valor Lake.

At the start of the week, my uniform felt tight to fit in, though as the days went by it quickly became more comfortable to wear. The uniform was an all-black jacket, our ranks in white and dark blue on our left shoulders, and shiny, silver steel buttons lining up the center. The collar went up a bit higher, about halfway up our necks, the outside matching the black of the uniform but the inside being Luna's dark blue. The collars around our hooves were also a royal blue with one silver button on opposite hooves of each other.

The uniform also included a pair of pants, tightened at the waist with a black belt with a silver buckle. The belt had Princess Luna's moon in center and wrapped around the lower half of the jacket. The pants themselves matched the dark blue on the coat absolutely perfect and were that all the way down, with a silver stripe down either side of our legs. We were also given polished black short shoes to fit on our hooves to keep them from becoming dirty.

What each of us found to be strange was, despite it being late December going into January, a very randomized wave of heat swept across the region, melting away the ten inches of snow coating the ground within a couple of days time. This winter had been a strange one indeed.

Now the forecast called for persistent rain showers over much of the northeast of Equestria—almost completely fitting to the mood. The world worked in mysterious ways at the right time, it seemed.

Following a couple of minutes of adjusting and fixing buttons to fit neatly, I was ready to go. As was Night, I hoped.

I stared blankly at the other dark blue pony opposite of me. He stared right back with the same expression. The exact, flat, tedious style. Through increasingly blurred vision, I watched him raise a hoof to wipe his eye free of a tear that formed in his ducts, then his muzzle scrunch briefly as he sniffled heavily.

"Star, is everything okay? Are you ready to go?" Night knocked gently on the door prior to asking.

I stiffened my posture a moment after. "Y-yeah, I'm ready."

"Alright, well, come on. The train leaves in twenty."

Giving myself one last look over in the mirror, I turned and took hold of the doorknob, twisting it and pulling the door inward and shutting off the bathroom's light. Standing just out of the door was Night, neatly dressed like myself. His ears weren't necessarily drooping down but were noticeably lower than they should have been. The look he had was more of a bitter, dismal one than my own. Simultaneously I knew how tough it was for him to hold back.

Slowly I gave a couple of nods, and he started toward the door, picking up a basic umbrella along the way. I followed him out the door, locking it behind us as he opened the umbrella. Outside, the rain came down in a gentle shower in which it pattered off of the tin roof and trickled off cleanly.

Down the steps we walked and Night held the umbrella above the two of us. We walked along the concrete path instead of through the grass as a shortcut, the rain having making the grounds muddy.

The base around was relatively calm. Much of the Marines on base had volunteered to aid in setting up temporary housing for those displaced after the attacks, as well as extended patrols to ensure no remaining Constitution troops were hiding out. Much to our relief that wasn't the case.

Outside of the main gate waited a closed taxi carriage to take us to the train station. We hopped up into it and relaxed for the short ride across the river.

Despite all of the destruction left in the wake of the Constitution, life gradually was returning to normal. For everypony else that was. It would still be a long time before the rebuilding process is completed. Even then, everypony from almost every corner of Equestria pitched in to get the city back on its hooves.

The taxi stopped outside of the train station. During times of emergency, despite me insisting to pay the driver, taxi services were available with no charge. After a short argument with the driver, we trotted up into the deco-art styled building. In the station was mostly occupied by janitors, some construction workers clearing the final bits of debris and worked on rebuilding what was damaged. Night collected our tickets while I went to grab something quick to eat for the both of us.

I ordered a couple of coffees and a breakfast sandwich for myself, an omelet for Night, and walked with him to the platform where the train was already boarding. The conductor stood beside the door, checking tickets one by one as ponies entered the train. We were a couple of the last to have our tickets checked and be allowed on board, and once we were, we took a seat in a typical passenger car rented out for those traveling to Valor Lake.

Stepping through the inter-car door, Night walked first and took a seat. I followed close behind, but froze once my widening eyes caught sight of a tan earth mare dressed in all-black facing the reverse direction. I walked up and took a seat beside Night, opposite of the mare. I glanced over at her. "Rose... I didn't think you would be coming."

Her head slowly turned to look at me. She gave a soft smile. "The least I thought I can do is come and pay my respects. I know this is your friend."

My head bobbed in a nod. "He was a good friend. He didn't deserve what came to him. Not one bit."

"Then do him a favor when the ceremony begins and pay your deepest respects. Be there to say goodbye to him one last time."

My eyes slowly moved down to the floor. I nodded once again in acknowledgement. "Then it is that that I will do."

Rose smiled gently some more, then looked forward. Within a couple of minutes, the train pulled out of the station. Next stop, Valor Lake.


The northeast Equestrian countryside, along with the city far behind, remained to be gloomy and rainy. It didn't appear to want to let up any time soon. Nonetheless the funeral would not be called off, no matter the weather.

Valor Lake was situated, as suggested by its name, beside a lake that rested between the thick pine forests east of Hollow Shades. Its history went back as far as one and a half-to-two millennia ago. There were ponies buried there from every single branch from then up to this very day. As some others stated, the place was dubbed as a military burial ground by Commander Hurricane's son himself. Royal guards, Equestrian Army, and honorable members of Luna's army were all buried together there.

The place wasn't necessarily a major tourist attraction, although ponies from all over came to pay respects to the fallen soldiers of Equestria's past. This included current military members coming annually to remember their deceased comrades. I would have to as well now that Solar was being buried there.

Two long hours following departure from Manehattan, the train slowed into the small station on the far east side of the cemetery grounds. The station had a small rain cover topping it, as well as an all-stone sign with Valor Lake Station engraved in it. Above the sign flew proudly the Equestrian flag, waving gently in the breeze.

The conductor stepped off, opening the door of our car and welcoming us here as we each stepped off. Along with myself, Night, and Rose, Silver Edge and Anchorage disembarked. The train conductor re-boarded, and within that minute the train pulled away. Once it did, we walked off of the platform onto the cobble pathway that crossed the tracks and led into the cemetery.

Me and Night huddled beneath his umbrella, Silver formed a small shield that covered over Rose and Anchorage while they walked, the raindrops rolling off of the edges and onto the ground. Two cobblestone pillars on either side of the path, a white aluminum sign connected the two with the words Valor Lake National Military Cemetery plastered on it.

Entering the cemetery, it was a melancholy sight. Tombstones and graves as far as the eye could see, downhill toward the coast of a small lake. Normally, the forests of Hollow Shades could be seen on the opposite side, though visibility thanks to the weather conditions made that impossible.

Far down the path and closer to the lake was where Solar's body is to be lowered into a previously dug-out grave. Chairs beneath a small tent were set out and some ponies were already there. Among them were Hardstaff, Ashfall, and Javelin decked individually in their dress uniforms. Two other ponies, a stallion and a mare in black, stood at the casket at the end of the aisle. They were Solar's parents. The mother was an orange unicorn, the father a lighter yellow earth pony.

My heart sank deep at the sight of Solar's mother sobbing while in a tight embrace with her husband while he shed some tears himself. To their side stood the others. The funeral pastor, for the moment, was absent. He would be coming at the last couple of minutes before the ceremony starts.

We walked up to the sergeant and exchanged salutes, then individually met the parents to give our condolences. My turn came to pass mine to Solar's mother, Solar Shimmer.

"Miss Shimmer," I gave her a gentle hug. She returned it. "I express my deepest compassion to you and Mister Flare. Your son was... an amazing stallion. He had the heart and bravery of a true Lunar Marine. He was a great friend as well as a respectful soldier. We spent boot camp together as well as much of our time after that as much as we could, and... it pains me severely to now have to be here for a final farewell. I cannot imagine how it must be for you or Mister Flare. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. He will be missed."

Shimmer levitated up a cloth to wipe her eyes with, then sniffled and replied with a quiet voice. "Thank you, k-kind sir. Your word truly means a lot to us." She gave a nod, then a kiss to the cheek before we parted ways to sit down.

The parents sat opposite of the aisle from us at the front row, myself including Anchor, Silver, Ash, and Night seated at the front, Hardstaff, Javelin, and a couple of other Marines a row behind. In that minute, the pastor stepped up to the small podium between us and Solar's casket. He wore a type of black and maroon robes from a temple in Canterlot that believed in a second life after death. From my knowledge of the group, it didn't have to do with religion, but more of a different type of magic than what most ponies knew.

The pastor levitated a pair of rounded reading glasses with a chain attached to either end up to his eyes and rested them on his muzzle comfortably. He then took a book and flipped through it a few pages. Behind him, two Marines stood silently with their heads pointed down, a musket in both of their hooves. They positioned themselves on either side of the polished wooden casket.

"Now... before we start off," he glanced up to the parents. "On behalf of the Order of the Canterlot Unicorn, I would like to express my most sincere condolences to the family and friends. Loss is... as I understand well, possibly the worst thing to experience. Forgive me for breaking code also."

The stallion spoke with quite conceivably the calmest, most innocent-sounding tone I'd ever heard in my life. It was reassuring that somepony experienced as himself was put in position of a funeral pastor, especially this one. How someone managed to find him was beyond me.

He cleared his throat before continuing.

"We are gathered here on the greyest of days to pay our tribute and respects to a stallion of our dear creator, our brother, Solar Wave, as well as show our love and support for his precious family he has left behind as the result of a selfless act of bravery to protect others in harm's way. Finally, we are all present to seek and receive comfort. We as a group would be less than honest if we said that our hearts have not ached over this situation.

"Solar, best known to his family for his shy nature, his gentle laugh, but more importantly, his dream of defending ponies who cannot defend themselves. Solar, best known to his friends for his courage, his strong will to keep fighting, but will now be known for the sacrifice he made to ensure his comrades' safety, to provide protection to allow them to complete their heroic, gallant mission. While we honor him for his valiant actions toward Equestria, he will be severely missed by the ponies who meant the world to him."

The pastor continued on for a short amount of time, talking about Solar's heroism, as well as mention some things likely Ashfall or Solar's parents informed him about to speak of. It was very touching in the least. Moving my gaze over, I noticed Shimmer wiping her eyes with a cloth some more, Flare's head down along with everypony else's. I looked back forward, down to my hooves and the ground beneath. I felt a single drop begin out of my ducts and roll down my cheek, hoping to find its way to the ground. Before it could, I took a hoof and wiped it away.

When he finished, the two Marines behind him stepped out of the small temporary structure into the rain, perfectly sequenced as they loaded blank cartridges and cocked their muskets and took aim for the sky for the three-volley salute. First shot rung through the air. The second it did, a memory flashed. The Marines cocked again and fired a second time. Another thought raced by. Finally, the third and final shot. The final memory, a still of Solar after graduation. A memory we made together. Now it came to me that such milestones were to be cherished.

The Marines returned to their positions beside the casket, water beading up and rolling down their uniforms harmlessly as a result of unicorn magic. Their faces remained unknown as their caps covered them up as they stared downward. Either ponies were sergeants, their name tags behind the medals they had earned.

After the salute, we stood and positioned up to the casket with our heads down, and remained in silence for a minute at the least. A minute to remember.

Sergeant Hardstaff, resting his hoof on my shoulder, caught my attention. "Private. Would you care to do the honors?" He whispered.

I glanced at him slowly, then noticing a triangle-folded flag of Equestria in his other hoof. My eyes moved back up to him. "What honors?"

"Give this flag to Solar Shimmer, say a few words, then return to your position."

It took a couple of moments to acknowledge the request and nodded once. "Yes, sir. I would be honored to."

The sergeant nodded back, motioning the flag closer. I gently took it in my hooves and looked down at the folded piece, then up toward Solar Shimmer, stepping up to the mare calmly and kneeling slightly before her, resting the flag in her hooves over her lap. I made gentle eye contact, in the quietest yet audible voice, I said, "Keep this as it is. Hold on to it as a piece of Solar. This flag will bring much needed peace to your home, as long as it is kept in good hooves."

The mare's trembling hooves carefully held the flag, catching a mostly silent breath and nodding a couple of times. "Thank you..." She whispered.

I stood back up, returning to the others as we gathered around Solar's casket. The body was dressed in a uniform like ours, the one he would have worn on special occasions. His hooves lay crossed over his chest and held together by each other, a calm expression left on his muzzle as he slumbered peacefully. The sight no matter how it appeared was dispiriting, though all could agree on one thing. Solar was harmonious.

Due to the rain, eventually picking up in intensity, the burial was called off until a later date. This meant only his parents would be able to watch their son be lowered into his grave. Perhaps I was angry about that. Either way, I could not be angry. Why?

I've said my goodbyes.