• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 8,268 Views, 649 Comments

The Wandering Warrior - Onomonopia

  • ...

Over the Rainbow

"Hey Ryu, you know how they say that after rainstorm there's a rainbow, right?" Tiara asked before stifling a laugh, yet as Ryu gazed out the window at the land before him he found that even Tiara's bad joke couldn't take the smile off of his face. Dozens of rainbows hung in the sky with all of their colors glowing bright, while some bled into the ground and rivers to paint the land like a canvass.

"I will admit that I have never seen anything like this," Ryu replied as he stared up at the dozens of rainbows above him, having never seen so much color in the sky at once. "It brings a sense of optimism and peace to myself...and it is gorgeous to look at, of course."

"Well I'm glad to hear that you like it so much Ryu, because that's our next stop. Welcome to Rainbow Falls," Filthy informed Ryu as the carriage came to a dead stop. Tiara let out a laugh as she raced out the door, with her father right behind her. That left Ryu to slowly walk after them, ignoring Spoiled who also ignored him.

Ryu stepped off of the carriage to step in a puddle of the purest green, painting the bottom of his foot. He lifted it slightly to see his new paint job before a smile crossed his face, barely feeling irritated by the inconvenience. He spied Tiara and her father talking to numerous ponies holding cameras and figured that he should avoid them.

He spied a waterfall made of rainbow barreling into a pool in the distance, a smile crossing his face as an idea came to him. 'I've trained under many a waterfall, but I've never trained under a rainbow one. This should be fun.'

Ryu marched over to the waterfall and looked towards the top of it when he reached the base. Sprays of rainbow mist colored the air and the rainbow water caused even smaller rainbows to shine in the air around the pool. Ryu stuck a toe into the water to see that it was just as cold as all the other falls, not that the temperature of water bothered him all that much. He then lifted a foot, preparing to step into the lake.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Ryu turned his head towards the tree behind him to see a rainbow haired Pegasus resting in the tree, a mile on her face because she knew what was about to happen. "The rainbow in the water can be really nasty to get out of clothing. Trust me, I know. I accidentally dropped a friend's dress in there and had to spend a week cleaning it. That dress was black. Your outfit's white. I think you can figure out what happens next."

"Yes, I can. Thank you," Ryu said with a small bow before he took notice of her mane. "Does it also stain hair?"

The Pegasus looked up at her bangs before a her face turned red with rage. "No, this is my natural mane color!" she snarled with some heat as she hopped out of the tree, landing in front of Ryu and glaring up at him. While Ryu wasn't intimidated in the least, he did observe a little more about the mare that stared up at him. She had a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt on her flank and he could see that her muscles were more defined than most that she had seen.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I just saw the water and your hair and then assumed..."

"You assumed what? That I dunk my head in the water for fun? That I dye my mane?!"

"They have a rainbow colored dye? I do not know anyone that would want their hair to be a rainbow color...except perhaps Mika."

"You know, I would deck you for those insults if I wasn't going to deck you already," the Pegasus said with a smirk, while her words made Ryu lift an eyebrow in interest. "That's right, I know who you are. You're Ryu. You're the person who did what nopony else in all the land could do. You knocked Zangief on his ass. Something I've been trying to do for three years. Impressive."

"So you say," Ryu said in a dry tone before he turned and walked away from the Pegasus, only to come to a stop and spin around while in his fighting stance. "But I can tell from your tone and your eyes. You don't believe that I'm good enough to beat him. So you want to see just how good I actually am."

"Heh, that's pretty observant of you," the Pegasus replied as she stood up on her hind legs and threw out a few fast jabs with her forehooves. "No, I don't believe you have what it takes to beat Gief. I think you got lucky. Course, you can always prove me wrong."

"Enough talk. We'll let our fists decide this...er, hooves. Fight."

Faster than Ryu thought possible, the Pegasus launched herself forward and drove a hoof right into the gut of Ryu. He doubled over and clutched at his stomach, trying to process the speed at which the Pegasus had hit him with. Another blow connected with the back of his head which sent him tumbling, though he was fast enough to kick back up onto his feet.

"Having trouble keeping up? Don't worry, nopony can keep up with me," Ryu's foe taunted before she vanished in a burst of speed again, but this time Ryu was ready. He sensed her attack coming from the right and swung a punch out to intercept her...only to be struck in the back of the head a moment later. His right foot shot out to keep him from falling on his face, but when spun around he found the Pegasus resting in the tree.


"See, a few years ago, I was only concerned with being fast. Never really trained anything else," she admitted with a flippant tone before smirking at Ryu. "But after Gief kicked my flank for three years straight, I've been training more than my wings. I've been training my reflexes as well. Now not only am I the fastest pony in Equestria...but I have the fastest reactions as well. That punch of yours? Too slow."

The Pegasus vanished in another burst of rainbow speed, forcing Ryu to glance around to see where she'd appear next. He snapped his head to the side just in time to avoid a punch, but before he had the chance to counter attack a blow struck him in the knee and knocked his leg out from beneath him. Ryu slammed a fist into the ground to keep from falling over, snarling as he pushed himself back up.

"Fine. Use you're speed. I'll just draw you in. Tatsumaki," Ryu said before whirling in place, creating a vacuum as his body flashed with a yellow light. "SENPUKYAKU!"

Leaves were ripped off the trees, rainbow water was sucked out of the lake and even the ground itself was ripped up from the force of Ryu's attack. Yet even with all that might and power, when he came to a stop a moment later he realized that the Pegasus hadn't been sucked in. The sound of clapping overhead made him look up to see the Pegasus looking down at him, smirking while she clapped her hooves together slowly.

"Not bad, Ryu. Not bad. But after years of fighting Zangief, I've gotten really good at getting out of vortexs. Surprised you can flash yellow like him too, though. Might have to watch out for that," she muttered before landing across from Ryu, crouching down as every muscle in her body tensed up. "But I think I've seen enough. It's time to end this."

"No. You haven't seen anything yet," Ryu said in a deep voice as he crouched down, tucking a fist in as he felt his muscles tense as well. The Pegasus shot forward while shattering the air, while Ryu swung his fist up with a roar of, "SHORYUKEN!"

His fist collided with her jaw even as her hoof struck Ryu dead in the chest. The Pegasus was sent hurling into the air while Ryu was rocketed back. He slammed onto his back, causing pain to flood through his body. He forced himself to move beyond the pain as he picked himself up, just in time to take two hooves to the face. His head was driven into the ground, pain flooding his senses as the Pegasus wound up for a second blow.

Ryu raised his arm and blocked the attack, before driving his forehead right into her nose. She cursed before staggering back, giving Ryu a chance to hop to his feet and throw a roundhouse right at her side. Yet with the speed that he had no answer for, she caught the kick before giving Ryu a wicked grin. Then, with strength Ryu did not know she possessed, she swung the warrior around and threw him into the rainbow waters.

"HAHAHA! Look, we match now!" the Pegasus said as she cackled with laughter when Ryu pulled himself out of the water, his white gi now stained with the colors of the rainbow. "Man, I'd hate to be your tailor. It's going to take them a long time to get that out of your outfit."

"My master made this for me before I went off on my journey," Ryu said in a voice that was the calm before the storm, rising out of the water with his eyes covered in shadows.

"Well, maybe your master will now know not to give you a white outfit next time. Way too easy to stain," the Pegasi said with another laugh. "He must not be very bright."

"Do not mock my master," Ryu said in a voice unusually deep for him. Rainbow smirked in reply, yet in a flash Ryu was on her, fist brought back. She let out a yelp before tackling the warrior, bringing the both of them to the ground. She brought a hoof back just as Ryu went in for a strike.


Both the Pegasus and Ryu looked over to who had screamed to see Diamond Tiara standing next to the tree, a look of rage upon her face that Ryu did not know she could make. Neither pegasi nor warrior could move underneath of Tiara's menacing glare and as she marched over to the both of them they remained frozen in place while completely silent.

"I thought I told you Ryu, no fighting anypony in the tournament unless it is absolutely necessary!" Tiara roared at Ryu before rounding on the Pegasus with an equally rage filled stare. "And as for you Rainbow Dash, what the heck are you thinking attacking my fighter before the tournament?! Do you want to get banned like last year?!"

The pegasi winced at the filly's words before she hopped off of Ryu, brushing the grass off of her coat. Ryu picked himself up a moment later, physically calm but the thunder was still in his eyes as he glared at the Pegasus. Tiara looked up at down his gi before shaking her head with a sigh.

"It's a good thing that we're going to Ponyville. We can get that cleaned up for you there," she said to Ryu before turning with a glare to Dash. "And again. What? The hell?!"

"Relax kid, I was just testing out your fighter," Dash said with a shrug of her shoulders before smirking at Ryu. "He's not as good as I've heard though."

"The next time we fight-"

"You don't get it, do you? I was barely moving at half my speed during that fight," Dash informed Ryu, whose eyes widened slightly at her words. "And you couldn't keep up with me. How do expect to beat me when you can't keep up when I'm going easy on you? Simple answer. You can't. Good luck in the tournament, by the way. Seems you'll need it."

"Really? Well I hope you enjoy the bronze medal, Dash, because after you lose to Zangief again, Ryu's going to beat him and leave you with third place!" Tiara called after Dash, but the mare simply flicked her mane in response before kicking off the ground. She created a sonic boom a moment later and left the two looking up at her rainbow trail.

Both Tiara and Ryu watched Rainbow Dash take off with glares on their faces, before Ryu let his anger out in a sigh as he looked down at his rainbow stained gi. "So...who was that?"

"That was Rainbow Dash, the second best fighter in the whole world," Tiara explained with a shake of her head. "Sorry about her attitude. She was always competitive, but ever since Zangief showed up and piledrived her out of a tornado, she's been on a warpath to be the best. But every year at this tournament Zangief beats her. We don't know how, but he does. And Faust do the changelings lord it over us."

"She also swore to be the first to defeat Zangief. So now that you're here and you've shown that you can contend with him puts her victory at stake," Tiara continued, but Ryu wasn't really listening at that point. "But she is strong, I'll give her that. You'll have to be on your A game if-"

"She was right," Ryu admitted after a moment of silence, making Tiara raise an eyebrow at Ryu as he stared at his fist. "I could barely lay a hand on her. And if what she is saying is true, then she didn't even use half of her power to push me that far. If we were to fight at my current state..."

Ryu spun on his heels and marched off, leaving Tiara to call out to him and ask where he was going. But Ryu ignored her words as he walked through the town of Rainbow Falls, also ignoring the looks that the ponies were giving him. He only came to a stop when he found a place filled with trees and large rocks.

"I need to make myself faster," Ryu stated aloud before he ripped vines off of the trees and tied some of the rocks to them, hoisting them onto his back before he started to run. But as he sprinted through the hills and valleys a far more disturbing thought then he lack of speed came to him.

'He almost came out. The Satsui no Hado almost came out again,' Ryu swore with clenched teeth, the anger of what he had almost done making him sprint even faster. 'I need to get a hold of myself. I cannot allow even the slightest trace of the dark hado to emerge. Especially around Tiara. I need to stay in control. I am stronger than the dark hado...I am.'