• Published 1st Aug 2016
  • 8,254 Views, 649 Comments

The Wandering Warrior - Onomonopia

  • ...

The Rematch

"...and that building over there is where the greatest chefs in all of Equestria will gather to cook food for the contest," Filthy explained as he pointed towards a large structure that was shaped like a cake. Ryu nodded before glancing to his side to see dozens of sets of eyes staring up at him with awe and wonder. He waved slightly to the ponies gazing up at him and they went wild.

"It is strange to be so well known, especially on an alien world," Ryu muttered to himself as he leaned on the carriages railing, while his words got a laugh out of Filthy before the stallion patted Ryu on the back.

"Well, you're Equestria's only hope," he reminded Ryu with a smile, yet his eyes showed that he was far away. "After all, no pony, dragon or other creature stands any chance of defeating Zangief. All have tried and all have failed, thus the changelings are the champions of the world. But with you, Equestria finally has a chance. We can bring an end to their tyranny before they can build a dynasty. That is why they look up at you with such hopeful eyes, Ryu."

"I do not know how I feel being so...adored. All I wish for is to improve myself," Ryu said softly to himself, but Filthy Rich still heard what he said and nodded.

"That is what I like about you Ryu, more than your ability to draw in money for me. It's that you only seek self improvement, to rise above where others decide where you should be and stand atop the mountain, above all those who sought to bring you down," Filthy said with a nod, his eyes similar to Ryu's for a second. Ryu raised an eyebrow through his headband and motioned for Filthy to continue, but with a sly smile the stallion winked. "Story for another time, my dear friend. Right now your only thought should be on the battles that you are going to have."

"The sixteen best fighters in the world, that is what I was told," Ryu repeated, getting a nod from the stallion. "I know already of Zangief and Rainbow Dash, but there are still thirteen others that I have not heard of."

"Well they aren't important right now," Filthy muttered as a massive shadow covered the carriage, causing Ryu to look up to see a massive stadium rising over their heads. It reminded Ryu of the massive coliseums that they had back in his world, but with all forms of life pouring into it. "Yep, that's where you'll be fighting in the tournament. The greatest tournament the world has ever seen."

"Yes..." Ryu agreed before he glanced down at his fist, remembering how helpless he had been when faced with Rainbow's speed. Filthy noticed the change in expression upon Ryu's face and slapped him on the shoulder, a small smile on his face.

"Hey, no real pressure. I know I said all that stuff about only hope for Equestria and all that, but honestly...after saving my daughters life, you don't owe me anything. I'm in your debt if anything."

Ryu glanced at the stallion for a long moment, before a thin smile creased Ryu's lips as well. "You are not like the other men of money that I know. Despite your business like demeanor, you have a soul beneath all that gold."

"Yeah, you can thank Tiara for that. She really does bring out the best in me. My princess is the star of my life after all," Filthy said with a shrug before pulling out a bag of bits and waving in front of Ryu's face. "And considering how I owe you for saving her life, I figure I should start with this."

Ryu waved away the bag, but Filthy would not be told no. He tried to place the bits into Ryu's hands, but Ryu tightened his fist. Filthy tried to pry them open, but after a few attempts he gave up, figuring that not even alicorn magic would be able to pry those hands open. Ryu figured he would give up after that, but when the warrior wasn't looking Filthy slipped the bag into Ryu's belt.

"I appreciate the offer, but for the last time: no," Ryu said with finality in his voice when he discovered the bag, pulling it from his bag and pushing it back to Filthy.

"I always repay my debts, Ryu. That is how I'm such a good business pony," Filthy retorted as he tried to find another opening, but Ryu wasn't giving him any.

"If the two of you are done playing "no you go first", I could use that money."

Both Ryu and Filthy looked behind them to see Spoiled walking out of the door to the carriage, joining the two of them on the already cramped front of the carriage.

"How is Tiara doing?" Filthy asked.

"She's fast asleep. She's still very tired out from the ordeals she suffered over the past week," Spoiled snarked while turning her nose up at both her husband and Ryu. Ryu slightly narrowed his eyes while Filthy simply sighed. "Judging by the smile on Ryu's face, I take it that you didn't tell him the news."

"I was going to wait until we got to the stadium first," Filthy replied, but another look from his wife silenced him.

"What news" Ryu asked.

"You didn't know? We've found out the brackets and who you will be going up against first," Spoiled said with a look that Ryu couldn't read, one that looked like both disdain and concern. "And your first opponent in this tournament will be Rainbow Dash."

Ryu felt his fist tighten at the mention of the mares name, his mind flashing back to their battle a few days prior. Her speed was impressive, that much he could not deny, but Ryu knew that there had to be a hole in her defense or an area that she could be bested in. She was far too arrogant to not make any mistakes.

"Tiara told me about how she kicked you up and down the Rainbow Falls," Spoiled continued, snapping Ryu out of his thoughts and turning his attention to the mare once more. "And with a performance like that, it is hard for me to believe that you'll be able to keep your end of the bargain and fight Zangief in the finals. All you'll be doing is disappointing all those ponies who've come to believe in you."

"That's enough dear, Ryu doesn't need that kind of pressure," Filthy tried to butt in, but Ryu held out a hand to silence him before he glared down at Spoiled with a look that made her back away from the warrior.

"Rainbow Dash insulted someone who is very important to me. She embarrassed me and made a mockery of my masters teachings," Ryu said in a voice so calm that it terrified Spoiled far more than any amount of shouting ever would. "I promise you that I will not lose to her a second time. I WILL defeat her."

"Okay," Spoiled said with a slight whimper. Before the situation could escalate any further, the carriage came to a stop at the base of the stadium. Without a word Ryu hopped off of the carriage and walked off on his own, pulling out a folded up map of Canterlot that Tiara had given him the other day in case he got lost. What he needed at the moment was a quiet place to train, to prepare for his rematch with the rainbow haired mare tomorrow.

He followed the map until he found a small garden, one with numerous statues that made Ryu raise an eyebrow as he walked past them. But they were quickly forgotten when Ryu found an open area free of distractions or those who could annoy him. He placed the map back inside of his gi before closing his eyes and placing his hands close to one another, feeling the power of his energy flowing into his hands. He then tightened his focus and felt the dark hado begin to flow into the hadouken as well, forming the Metsu Hadouken.

Then he went beyond the Metsu. He began to pour more of his dark hado into the fireball, turning it from purple to a sickly black. He felt his skin crawl as the dark power began to crawl up his arm, but the warrior did not break his focus. Not until he felt the very presence of the demon on his back. Ryu then snapped his eyes open and hurled the hadouken into the sky. But the power that he had fused to the fireball caused it to dance around in the sky before finally exploding in a blast of dark energy.

'I see. If I pour more of the dark hado into my attacks than I can handle, it causes them to lose both their power and form,' Ryu realized as he started to pant heavily, just realizing how tired he was after that one attack. 'Not to mention the toll on my body is far greater than I would believe. But if I cannot access that power, then how can I hope to defeat Zangief?...How can I hope to defeat Rainbow Dash? Even my greatest attacks are too slow to tag her. Have I truly reached my limit?'

Ryu then locked himself inside of his mind, trying to find the solution to his problem. Yet while the answers never came, his train of thought was broken up when he heard the sound of wings flapping behind him. He turned his head to see the two alicorns that he recognized from the one hundred being battle, where he had fought Gief.

"You must be Princesses Celestia and Luna. Diamond Tiara has told me about you two," Ryu said as he turned to face them before bowing his head.

"And we have hear just as much about you, Ryu," Celestia said with a bow of her own head, while her sister Luna followed suit. "You are the Wandering Warrior. The fighter that has taken our world by storm. The only one, if my sources are to be believed, that stands any chance of dethroning Zangief."

"I will admit, it has been a long time since our world has been taken by such a storm," Luna added with a polite chuckle before she walked over to Ryu, looking up and down him before resting her eyes upon his arms. "May I?" she asked, waiting until Ryu nodded before poking his biceps. "Wow, those could break diamond."

"While I appreciate the...kind words, I am trying to train. May I ask why the two of you have interrupted me?" Ryu asked, before he caught his tone and bowed once more. "I am sorry. I do not mean to be rude, but I have a lot on my mind."

"You are preparing for tomorrows fight. You need all the concentration you can get," Celestia said as she waved away the apology with a wave of her hoof. "And honestly, while we don't wish to add any additional pressure, "I would love to see you defeat Zangief."

"Not that we have anything against him of course. He did save our world. But it's more we want to see the look on Chrysalis's face when he finally looses," Luna finished for her sister before returning to poking Ryu's arms. "I take it you've met her?"

"Yes, I have met her."

"It's just a friendly rivalry. She has gotten a lot more...manageable in the past couple of years," Celestia said with a small laugh before bowing again to Ryu. "Well, thank you for taking the time out of your training to meet with us. I do enjoy getting to know those who will be fighting before the actual match. But I will say Ryu, that if anypony stands a chance of defeating Zangief, it is you. Come sister, it is time we visited the others."

"Sister, have you felt his arms? They're completely solid," Luna said to Celestia, before a look from the elder sister caused Luna to sigh. "Seriously, how does one get their muscles like that?" Luna asked before she and her sister took off. Ryu watched them go, not feeling any better from what they had said to him.

'Even the rulers of this land are expecting me to win. I have not had this much pressure upon me since I needed to defeat Bison,' Ryu thought as he glanced down at his fist, which was still tinged with dark energy. He then tightened his hand into a fist and shook his head. 'I cannot get caught up in winning. I seek to improve myself, not to win at any cost. I will not go down that path.'

→↓↘ + P

The roar of the crowd was deafening as hundreds of thousands of attendants screamed with anticipation for what was about to go down. The day had been made especially sunny by the pegasi that controlled the weather and Celestia had been sure to make the sun at the perfect temperature, so that nopony would complain about the heat during the fight. Even Chyrsalis, who sat with Celestia and Luna in the princesses booth couldn't complain about the weather. Not that she wouldn't find other things.

"Ah, here are our seats," Filthy said to his family and the plus fours as they reached a box reserved for V.I.P's, ushering in his wife, Diamond Tiara and her four friends. "No pushing now, there's plenty of room for everypony."

"Wow, I've never had seats this good at a tournament before!" Scootaloo exclaimed with amazement as she leaned out of the box, gazing down at all of the ponies beneath her. "This is so cool!"

"Yeah, thanks again for inviting us," Applebloom thanked Tiara, who smiled proudly.

"Well, it's the least I could do for my bestest friends," she replied as she sat down in her seat, with Silver Spoon sitting beside her on one side and Sweetie Belle taking up the other. "And it's only right that my friends have the best seats in the house to see the defeat of Zangief at the hands of my fighter."

"Ryu, right? The warrior that has been beating every fighter in the world?" Silver Spoon asked, her eyes going wide when Tiara nodded. The silver filly let out a squeal before pulling out a poster of the warrior (sold to her by Filthy). "Do you think he'll sign this? I'm such a huge fan of his!"

"If I ask him to, he probably will."

While the spectators got ready for the days matches with excitement and cheers, one warrior sat in the locker rooms in the back completely ignorant of the cheering and screams. Ryu sat in a kneeling position, with his hands on his knees and eyes closed. He was lost within his own mind, focusing on his single fight with Rainbow Dash. He did not allow emotion to rule his thoughts, but he instead planned out each and every possibility that might happen. And how to counter them.

'Her speed is her greatest attribute. If I can clip her wings, then she will have to fight me at my speed. And then the battle is mine,' Ryu eventually concluded, his plan on how to fight the mare coming together at last.

"Hey. We're up."

Ryu cracked open his eyes and looked up to see Rainbow standing over him, while the clock on the wall showed that three hours had passed since he had begun to meditate. Without a word he rose up and followed Dash to the entry point, able to hear the crowd roaring both his and Rainbow's name. Ryu bowed slightly to her, but she marched on ahead without so much as a glance at the warrior. Ryu frowned slightly before following her out.

"And now for the match you've all been waiting for! The Rainbow Blur, the fastest in Equestria, versus the warrior that has taken our world by storm! The warrior that managed to pull a double knockout against Zangief himself! Ponies and everything else, put your appendages together for the Wandering Warrior...RYU!"

The crowd went bombastic at the introduction of Ryu, who glanced at all of them with slightly humbled eyes. He also spied Gief sitting in the box with the princess and Chrysalis, with a changeling slightly smaller than Chrysalis at his side.

"Hey, eyes on your opponent," Dash said to Ryu, turning his gaze back towards her. "So are you ready, tough guy? Because the world is going to see that your fight with Gief was a fluke. And how that I'm the only one that will defeat him."

Ryu didn't say anything in reply. All he did was slide his foot out, extend one arm with his hand angled up while tucking the other arm just under his ribs. He then lowered his head slightly before snapping his eyes open, focusing all of his concentration on the mare.

"Alright! On your marks...get set...FIGHT!"