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Chapter 2: A Thought for Thought

Chapter 2

A thought for an incriminating plot that designs itself to remind itself on how to become one with each part of you, a piece and centre to the groove.

Vinyl pushed herself up from the velvet couch and looked out the window. The sun was still radiant and beaming down on the beautiful town of Ponyville. The houses in the distance created an aura of happiness and joy. To Vinyl, it created something she wanted to get away from. Something she really, really, hates.

"I'll need to figure out a way to convince Princess Celestia...", Vinyl pondered as she looked out at the town again.

"Who exactly would I go to? How exactly would I be able to get close enough to talk to her?", Vinyl sighed. All hopes of leaving were diminished.

But, a knock at the door made her spring up, in excitement, but also in frustration. She didn't want to talk to anypony right now. She was too confused and in a state of sickness at this moment. Unfortunately, senses kicked in.

Vinyl strutted over to the door, pulling on the small, iron, handle and opening it. There was a lavender pony staring at her. The lavender pony's mane was dark purple with a red stripe down the middle. Her eyes were purple and her irisis were round. She was a unicorn, too. Vinyl's red eyes just stared in amazement.

She stepped out further to join the lavender pony. The sunlight beamed down on Vinyl's face as she did so, and she looked around at the scenery. Trees were swaying lightly in the wind that was flowing in the air and the yellow ground illuminated bright as the sun hit it. It made Vinyl feel very cold, for some reason, as she looked at the ground a moment, then back at the Lavender pony.

"May... I help you?", Vinyl stuttered.

"Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle. You must be the famous DJ-PON3, right?", Twilight Sparkle asked with a small smile.

Her eyes glittered purple and this made Vinyl lose her train of thought. For a minute, she just stood there, gazing blankly at Twilight Sparkle.

"Uhm...?", Twilight Sparkle waved a hoof in front of Vinyl.

"Oh! Sorry! Yes, I am. Why?", Vinyl queued with a shake of her head, wildly, back and forth.

"Well, I'm here for a friend. I really didn't want to come, but, I had to oblige, because I owe her a favour.", Twilight started to explain.

Uhg... Another autograph... But, I've seen her before. This is the Princess' student. Maybe she can help me in exchange...?, Vinyl's expression changed to a slight smile as she thought of this.

"Well, what do you need?", Vinyl asked.

"Well, I'd like an autograph made out to 'Rainbow Dash'.", Twilight pulled out a piece of parchment and a pencil, floating it over to Vinyl.

Vinyl smiled slyly.

"Weeeeeellll... I could give you an autograph... Buuuuuut...", Vinyl yawned loudly, letting her words hang.

"'But'...?", Twilight tilted her head to the right slightly.

Vinyl smiled brightly, now. Her grin made her teeth light up and she walked outside, closing the door behind her.

"Well, I need an audience with Princess Celestia... I need to discuss something with her... And I know you have ties to her. Sooo....", Vinyl turned around, looking deep into Twilight's eyes.

"You want to see the Princess...? For what...?", Twilight's eyes went wide.

Vinyl moved closer to Twilight and Vinyl gave a flaring gaze into the lavender pony's eyes.

"I want to leave this place, Twilight Sparkle. I'm tired of it all. The fame, the fortune, it's great. But... I never get time to myself!...", Vinyl sighed, her flaring gaze unlocking and her eyes looking down at the bright yellow ground.

"W-what?", Twilight gasped as she looked at Vinyl.

Vinyl looked up. Her eyes were watering at the edges and she spoke softly.

"Twilight Sparkle... When you never get a minute to yourself... When you never get your 'alone time'... When you have too many ponies wanting to be around you... It makes you... Just want to leave... Leave it all for a while...", Vinyl's tears rolled down her face as she blinked, and they fell to the ground with ease.

The salty-liquid soaked into the bright yellow ground, and darkened it to a brownish-tan colour. Vinyl was silent now, looking at the ground with remorse.

"I... Wow... I never thought you felt this way. I... I'm so sorry, DJ... Uhm.. Vinyl, to be a bit more formal.", Twilight spoke softly.

Vinyl wasn't surprised that Twilight knew her name. It flew from ear to ear of everypony, so, it's not new to her. Vinyl looked up again and still had tears forming on her eyelids. The whites of her eyes were edging with red, as the veins started to swell lightly.

"Please... Let me speak with her... I want to be away for a while... I want to be somewhere where nopony can bother me. If you really are wanting to do something, I'd really appreciate if you did this for me... Please...", Vinyl begged softly.

She rested her rump on the rocky surface and gave a soft look to Twilight. Her pleas were from the depths of her heart. The depths of her stomach. The depths of her 'core'.

Twilight stared at the begging mare. Twilight didn't know what to think; whether or not to help her see Celestia. Nopony ever asked Twilight for an audience with the Princess. Not even her friends asked. Looks like it's time to take action.

"I... I guess I can... I don't think it'd hurt.", Twilight smiled lightly.

Vinyl wrapped her forelimbs around the lavender pony, giving her a big hug.

"Ohhh, Thank you so, so, so much!", Vinyl pulled off and jumped with joy.

Twilight just nodded as to say 'You're welcome' to the white unicorn.

"Follow me, I'll lead you to my house. I'll be able to contact the Princess there.", Twilight smiled softly, and then turned around.

Twilight started walking as Vinyl closed her door and followed. They were walking down the luminescent path and on-looked the scenery; filled with many bright, green, trees, flowers, and an assortment of a few woodland critters. Vinyl couldn't help but smile as she looked at the beautiful scenery. Even if she started to hate it here, she always loved the scenery of this world.

As they approached Ponyville, Twilight pointed her lavender hoof down the main path, to a large, brown and green, tree.

"That's my place. I can contact Celestia there.", Twilight said, with remorse.

"You live in a library?", Vinyl said, looking over at Twilight.

"Yeah, of course I do. I love it there.", Twilight smiled and they proceeded down the path to the grand tree.

Ponyville was mostly a quiet town, but, today a lot of ponies were selling their goods a lot more than usual. All the ponies were bustling around town to get quick and good deals with all the merchants. Vinyl only on-looked them and gawked.

Hrmph. Wonder what the big deal is this time around... Vinyl thought.

Twilight and Vinyl finally approached the grand tree, Twilight opening the door, and they entered. Vinyl took a quick look around at the bookshelves that were filled with an assortment of books; all ordered by alphabet. Also, on the balcony to her right, was a telescope, jutting out of a window to the sky, and on the ceiling, was a large poster. Vinyl couldn't make out what the hay it was, though. It looked like a bearded pony.

"Wait here, I'll go send a letter quickly.", Twilight said, walking up the stairs.

Vinyl could hear her calling a name. It sounded like 'Spork' to her, though.

Who names their assistant 'Spork'? Vinyl giggled lightly, walking up to one of the shelves.

It was conveniently labelled 'F' and the first book she found was labelled 'Famous DJ's'. Vinyl pulled it out with her magic and opened it slowly. She flipped through to see many of the DJ's that lived through the life of Equestria. When she reached the 'V' section, she found herself in it. Vinyl was taken aback when she found this.

"Wow. I'm that famous...?", Vinyl said, looking at the picture of her.

"Yeah, you are.", Vinyl jumped back, the book flying over her and hitting Twilight in the head, who scared her.

Twilight fell to the ground, her eyes spinning in circles for a moment as the book hit her.

"Oh!.. Sorry!", Vinyl said, helping Twilight up on her hooves.

"It's all right...", Twilight said, shaking her head.

Vinyl stared at her, for a moment, in silence.

"Well, did you contact Celestia?", Vinyl asked, breaking the small silence.

"Mmm-hmm.", Twilight smiled.

Twilight's horn glowed as a small piece of parchment flew out from her mane and into the air. It opened in front of Vinyl, who started to read it immediately.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I hope your friend, Vinyl Scratch, does realise how dangerous it would be for me to send her to the human world. The world is very different from ours and she could face many challenges that would make her vulnerable. As she is one of my subjects, I cannot advise her to go...", Vinyl sighed as she read that part, then continued as Twilight looked at her.

"But, I will let her go. Only for one month. As I don't advise it, I cannot stop my subjects from being happy. If this is her wish, she will face the challenges herself; and know the true meaning of life in a new world.

To my faithful student: Twilight Sparkle


As Vinyl finished, she jumped into the air with joy, and hugged Twilight tightly against her chest.

"Ohhh! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!!!", Vinyl yelled in excitement.

Twilight just giggled and hugged back, pushing Vinyl off after a minute or so of 'Thank you's'.

"You're welcome. But, I think you need to pack before we head off to Canterlot.I really hope you know what you're doing, Vinyl. It is very dangerous, from what Celestia has to--"

"Don't you worry about me, Twilight Sparkle. I promise, I'll be okay. I just need some peace and quiet in a new place without ponies bothering me all the time... Err.. No offence.", Vinyl said, interrupting Twilight.

"None taken.", Twilight smiled.

"Well, I'll go pack. Meet at the train station, then?", Vinyl asked, as she turned to the door.

"Yup.", Twilight smiled brightly, nodding.

After about an hour of packing, Vinyl found herself to Ponyville's train station (Of course, after trying to find where the hay it was as well.). She immediately saw Twilight standing by the ticket booth, purchasing tickets. Vinyl ran up to the lavender pony in excitement.

"I got my things!", Vinyl said as she hopped over to Twilight.

"Thank you.", Twilight smiled, handing Vinyl a ticket.

"Good. What took you so long, though?", Twilight asked with a smile.

"Well, I had trouble finding the station. I always get lost wherever I go. I even got lost trying to get to some of my DJ concerts.", Vinyl said with a nervous giggle.

"Well, at least you're here, Vinyl. You got everything you need? Food? Water? Medical kits? Favourite toys?", Twilight joked about the last thing she listed.

"Yeah, I have everything.", Vinyl smiled lightly, putting her shades over her red eyes.

How did she know about DJ Skelzor?... Better not tell her., Vinyl said with a sly thought.

"Train leaving in five minutes to Canterlot! All abooooooaard!", A train conductor yelled out to some citizens that were waiting at the station as well.

"Looks like that's us. Let's get this show on the road.", Vinyl nodded in agreement with Twilight.

They both entered the large, red, train. There was eight cars: Engine, Coal car, four Passenger cars, one Diner car and a Caboose. The duo entered the first train car and sat down in a small booth, on the right side of the car. It was beautifully decorated inside: Gilded wallpaper and a jewelled chandelier, red velvet cushions, marble tables and mahogany chairs -- cushioned with velvet, of course.

"A bit high class.", VInyl said with a smirk.

"Well, it's what Celestia wanted me to take. I'm sorry.", Twilight apologized and Vinyl shook her head.

"No need...", Vinyl smiled and the train started to shake.

"All right, let's go!", Another conductor yelled to the Engine, and the train started to push forward.

It vibrated slowly as it chucked along the tracks, and Vinyl was now staring out the window. Colours slowly started to wisp by as the train gained momentum and speed. Twilight started to get antsy a little as she looked at Vinyl.

"Uhm... Vi--"

"Oh! I just remembered. The autograph.", Vinyl smiled, as she pulled a quill and parchment from her bag.

She signed it perfectly, and drew a small picture on it. The picture was a rainbow and a small pony running through a vinyl record. Under it, it said:

'To: Rainbow dash. From: DJ-PON3 / Vinyl Scratch'.

Vinyl handed it to Twilight and Twilight smiled in return.

"Thanks. I thought you would've forgot.", Twilight gave an odd smirk and Vinyl shook her head, making the wild mane bounce back and forth.

"I'd never forget!", Vinyl smiled.

Of course she'd never forget. Especially the next month of her experience in the human world...

A very horrible... Horrible experience.