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Chapter 6: A Rainy Day

Chapter 6: A Rainy Day

In the Darkness of the Shadow today, I see some rain and it's beating you through the hay. It's becoming so divine and beyond our time, it's a beat that'll never stop streaming.

Vinyl woke up, slowly, looking around at her surroundings...

The Red Room...

"Oh, you're back so fast, Vinyl...", Vinyl's 'father' called out.

"Please... Leave me alone...", Vinyl pressed herself against the wall again. Even if she didn't see any figures in the room, she was scared out of her mind.

"Oh, how do I leave something that's dead, alone?", Vinyl's father chuckled lightly.

"I... I'm not dead... I'm unconscious...", Vinyl said, softly.

"How would you even know? That Clarence boy is perfect for you, though. He's everything I dreamed of...", A black entity appeared in the middle of the room now. Her father, once again.

"Somepony to strangle you... Show you what it's like to disobey... Beat you senseless... Use your body for fun and pleasure... Use you to make sure nopony would know of my anger...", Vinyl's father walked closer to her, looking her straight in the eyes.

"It was enjoyable to watch you scream as a little filly... As I gently used you... Everything about your body was perfect...", He chuckled.

"Your mane, your eyes, your hooves, how you stood, how you... Obeyed..", He laughed lowly, squinting at Vinyl.

Vinyl shook, taking it all in. She didn't enjoy any of this. She tried to forget this pony; the one who ruined her life. The one who did the unimaginable to her. The one who made her feel so low.

"The way I kissed your neck... The way I licked behind your ears... Mmm... It still makes me feel good to talk about it. Doesn't it do the same for you?", Vinyl's father asked.

Vinyl shook her head, closing her eyes. Wishing he would stop his speech.

"It was for me. That's all that matters... Let me continue...", He laughed softly.

"How I slowly wrapped your mouth in loin cloth, to keep you from screaming... How I placed you in a device to keep you from moving... How I arched your rump, to stop you from letting me pierce your filly body.", Slowly, Vinyl felt something touch her neck.

Her father was licking her with his coarse tongue, pressing it against her neck. Vinyl didn't want this, It felt horrible. It made her feel so helpless... So used... So abandoned.

"I can't contain myself... I have to say what I did to you. To make you realise who I am once more...", The black unicorn, known as her father, stood upright, looking down upon Vinyl.

He laughed softly, as Vinyl quivered.

"Please... D-don't say it... Pleeease!", Vinyl begged and pleaded. She knew what he was going to say. She knew...

"I enjoyed raping you... How I pierced my member into your little body... How I made you feel so helpless.. This is what Clarence is doing to you, Vinyl. Raping you. Making you feel helpless. Beating you for disobedience. It makes me feel so very happy to see you once more, Vinyl...", Her father was very close to her, pressing her forehooves against the wall, looking at her directly in the eyes.

Vinyl tried to look away, but he locked eyes no matter what.

"I'm going to enjoy raping you once more...", He laughed slowly, and deeply.

The laugh echoed within the room, as everything went black. Vinyl fell to the red floor, unconscious, and slammed her head against it. A loud 'dong' was heard within the room, and the echo of the laugh filled her mind...

Vinyl woke up, in the barn, to the sound of a 'dong' outside. There was a constant 'tick, tick, tick' against the barn walls. She assumed it was raining outside today. She hated rain. How it got her mane wet, her coat wet, it made her feel dirty, it made her feel used... It made her feel cold, helpless, alone... In a dark corner of the world... It made her... Vulnerable.

The door to the barn opened, and Clarence was standing right there, in a rain-suit. He didn't hold any items today, but walked to Vinyl. His boots made a squishing sound in the muddy entrance of the barn as he stepped in.

"Ya'll need t' get ready fur work. Ya'll know th' drill.", Clarence said, laughing softly.

"Okay... What do you .. Uhm.. Want me to do...?", Vinyl asked, looking up at Clarence.

"Ya'll can go an' fix me sumthin' t' eat. If 't's good, Ah'll eat 't. If 't's bad, ya'll are gettin' th' boot.", Clarence turned and laughed loudly, squishing out of the barn.

Vinyl only followed, walking out into the rain to get to the house. The rain forced down on her, beating her white coat senseless. The droplets of water seeped through the coat, to her skin, and started to make her shiver. It was cold, and very moist all over her body, now. Her mane went flat was the rain brought it down, and her face was now just a two-blue and white mess.

Vinyl ran to the house now, annoyed by the rain, and opened the door. She walked in and saw a towel to her right, sitting on a coat rack. She levitated it to her, and started to dry her entire body off, before walking into the house any further.

After a couple minutes of drying off, Vinyl forwarded herself to the kitchen. She had no clue how to cook, nor did she ever care. She just wanted to cook something for this idiot, and then get back to sleep.

Vinyl carefully checked over the cupboards, and cabinets, to see what they all had in them. Most of them had 'meat', whatever that was, inside. So, she just grabbed one that was labelled 'steak', and pulled out some garlic and spices with it. Even if she didn't know how to cook, she was going to try fully to impress Clarence.

Quickly, she pulled out a frying pan from another cupboard, and then some butter from the fridge. She placed the frying pan on the stove, that laid hidden to the far right of the counter, and turned the burner on. As it turned on, Vinyl placed the butter into the pan, and watched it melt down into, and around, the pan.

As it finished melting, making a white/yellow coat on the bottom of the pan, Vinyl placed the 'steak' inside of it. She slowly mashed up the garlic and placed it all around the 'steak'. Afterwords, she used some pepper and 'steak' spice on it and watched the red and white meat turn into a dark brown and golden brown coat. The aroma that left the steak made Vinyl's stomach growl. For the four days she's been here, Vinyl has forgot to even eat something.

Vinyl looked around, and saw that there was an apple sitting on the table. She levitated it to her mouth, and started to chew a large chunk out of it. She then realised that this apple was probably Clarence's, and that he'd beat her to death if he found out.

Vinyl looked around, figuring out what she could do to replace this act of thievery. She quickly looked at the sizzling steak and got an idea.

She cut the apple into 4 pieces, or at least the part she didn't chew, and placed it into the frying pan. They quickly crisped to a golden brown and sizzled with delight as the flavours danced around the 'steak'. Vinyl opened a cupboard above the stove, pulling out a plate with her magic.

She floated the 'steak' and apples onto the plate, gently and neatly presenting the 'steak' as something to eat. She heard Clarence walk in and she quickly floated the plate of steak and apples over to the table. Afterwards, she turned off the stove and placed the pan in the sink, turning on the water and letting it fill the hot and greasy pan with steam.

"Ah thought Ah smelled sumthin guud.", Clarence said, as he walked into the kitchen.

His eyes met the steak and apples. A queer look crossed his face as he walked to it, and sat down. A fork and knife quickly levitated over to him and he grabbed them, cutting into the steak and putting the piece into his mouth. He slowly chewed the tender and delicious 'meat', letting the juices seep out and flow into his watering mouth.

"Mmmm...", Clarence mumbled, as he swallowed.

"Dat dere steak is th' best of all time. Ya'll are guud at makin' th' thing. But, why th' apples?", Clarence, asked, looking at Vinyl.

Vinyl was washing the dishes slowly, and then looked back.

"Uhm... I'm not really a cook, so... I guess for sweetness?... I.. I don't know...", Vinyl said softly.

"Well, 't's delicious, Ah'll give ya'll that. Buuut, ya'll made a mistake.", Clarence stood up and walked behind Vinyl.

Vinyl shivered at what might happened, and she continued washing the frying pan.

"Ya'll used magic in mai home. Didn't Ah say sumthin' 'bout not usin' dat darn stuff?", Clarence laughed softly, gripping Vinyl's body.

Vinyl didn't like where this was going, and her eyes went wide as she felt Clarence press against her.

"Please... May you... Let go...?", Vinyl asked, softly.

"Ya'll can't order me, remember? Ah make th' rules. An' just because ya'll are a pony, don't mean Ah can't have fun wit ya'.", Clarence sniffed her mane slowly, and she could feel something unnatural grind against her rump.

Vinyl really didn't like where this was going, and she squirmed, trying to get out of his grasp. Clarence only laughed, gripping tighter. Vinyl felt a wet tongue lick her neck, sliding up to her bruised jaw. Pain and horrible pleasure filled her. The sensitivity of her neck made her feel 'roused, but not in a good way. She didn't want this. Not. At. All.

"Ya'll are gunn' enjoy this...", Clarence said softly.

Vinyl heard an odd 'unzipping' sound from behind her. She heard something like a belt buckle and pants fall to the ground. The noise echoed in her mind, and Clarence laughed lowly...

Lowly and deeply, laughed...

Vinyl looked back, with a wince, and saw something she recognized before. The 'member' of a male body. She turned away and knew exactly what was going to happen.

"Now, ya'll hold still, and Ah'll make sure 't don't hurt.", Clarence chuckled smoothly.

Vinyl felt something slide into her 'flower', and pierced her body. It felt unnatural. It felt horrible. It was something she didn't want to feel.

"Don't ya'll like 't? Don't yah like it when Ah do dis?", Clarence started to 'pump' the 'member' in and out of Vinyl.

Vinyl didn't want this. She wanted away. She had to get out before it continued. She thought drastically, and un-rationally. Quickly, Vinyl reacted and said:

"No!", Vinyl bucked her hind hooves into Clarences 'area' at full force.

"EUURRURUUHGG!", Clarence yelled, falling onto the ground in pain.

"Guuuuuuueeegh!", Clarence yelled again.

Vinyl turned around to meet Clarence face-to-face.

"I'm tired of all of this! I'm not your play toy, Clarence! I came here to get away from it all, and you're ruining it! I wanted to be safe, and at peace. But, no, you're making me work to be here, you're beating me senseless. You're... You're...", Vinyl stopped for a second, tears streaming from her eyes.

"You're... Raping me...", Vinyl said softly.

Her face flushed with anger, as the image of her father filled her mind. When she looked at Clarence, all she could see was her father. The pony she hated so dearly, and tried to forget. The pony she could never, ever, love.

"Ueeeeeehggg....", Clarence was gripping onto his groin, for dear life, as he rolled in pain.

"How do you like it when you're helpless, Clarence?! How do you like it when somepony else has you by the balls?!", Vinyl pulled the knife from the table, and put it to his neck, with her magic.

Clarence stopped rolling, to avoid killing himself.

"How do you like it when there's a knife to your neck?! When your life is now in somepony else's hooves!", Vinyl yelled in anger.

Her red eyes flared brightly and stared down upon Clarence. He looked up at her, breathing softly, trying to not roll in pain.

"You know, it's creatures like you that make me sick. Ones who use life to better theirs. I'm tired of it! I'M TIRED OF IT!", Vinyl yelled furiously.

"Ah... Only did 't... Because... Ya'll aren't real...", Clarence said softly.

His mistake.

"I'm not real...?", Vinyl said, with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm not real?!", Vinyl then yelled.

"If I'm not real, then why are you on the floor, you stupid, invaluable creature!!", Vinyl booted Clarence in the leg with her hoof. She heard a cracking sound and Clarence nearly killed himself in agony.

"Any last words before I cut your damn throat?!", Vinyl yelled once more, looking into his eyes.

"Yah, Ah got... Sum last wurds...", Clarence said slowly.

Vinyl perched an ear, looking at him with a squint. She awaited his word, but he was trying to re-gain his grip on his groin. The pain still flowed through his body, and made him want to throw up.

"Well?", Vinyl asked.

"Heh... Here Ah go...", Clarence started.

"Did... Ya'll enjoy 't when Ah pierced little Clarence int'ya?", Clarence laughed softly.

Clarence started to gurgled, as blood spewed out of his throat and mouth. Vinyl angrily cut his throat multiple times, revealing a slit of the inside of his jugular and esophagus.

She watched him squirm for life, gripping his throat fully, trying to stop it.

"Enjoy hell... And say 'hello' to my father for me...", Vinyl stabbed the knife into his shoulder, and walked out of the kitchen.

She felt horrible for what she did... But... At the same time...

She felt free... And relieved...