• Published 5th Jan 2015
  • 2,714 Views, 55 Comments

A Heart For Two - Hot_Sushi

Nurse Redheart must nurse a changeling filly back to heath.

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Chapter 3 - Bathtime

"It doesn't hurt, I promise." Redheart said over the running bathtub. Olive stood petrified at the end of the hallway. "There's nothing to be scared of its just a running water." Redheart said leaning out from the small bathroom. Olive gave Redheart a stubborn shake of her head in response. What ever was in that room, Olive wanted nothing to do with it.

Redheart let out a frustrated groan. "Can you please just get over here!" Redheart shouted in her angry nurse tone. When Redheart leaned out to the hall again she was astonished to see Olive sheepishly walking with her head low to the ground. Redheart suddenly felt bombarded by feelings of guilt. "Hey, I'm sorry for yelling at you like that." Redheart said stuttering a bit. Olive only gave a whimper in response.

Olive looked up at the porcine wall in front of her. Redheart picked up a small pare of scissors and slowly cut the bandages covering her patients abdomen. The wounds looked like they where healing slowly. A few of the gashes looked as if they would leave deep marks, but other then that Redheart expected a full recovery. Redheart discarded the soda drenched bandages in the bathroom trash bin.

Redheart stopped the water and lifted Olive up gently. The weight of the filly surprised Redheart. It felt as if she was lifting a small pillow. Olive had a very worried face that made Redheart feel even more guilty. She slowly lowered Olive into the knee high chilly water.

Olive quickly maneuvered out of Redheart's grasp and made numerous hissing and squeaks while trying to escape the tub. She flapped her tiny wings at a attempt to keep them out of the water to no avail. "Stop being so dramatic your making a mess." Redheart said over the hissing filly. That was easy for her to say being on the dry side of the situation. Olive screeched as she frantically tried to get out of the water.

"Hey stop it!" Redheart shouted again. Olive halted her movements almost instantly. Redheart started to wash the filly's back with a damp rag. She was startled by the amount of dry blood that had been hidden under the bandages. It took a bit of effort to remove. "I'm sorry miss." Olive spoke with a shy and quite voice. Olive looked as if she had kicked a bee hive and was waiting for the eventual consequences.

"My Names nurse Redheart, you can call me Red if you want." Redheart said while cleaning the changelings ears and face. Olive shivered and looked as if she was going to try to bolt out of the tub. "I know it can be hard out on the streets. I can't even imagine what you've been through." Redheart said raging out the rag and going back to cleaning Olive's wounds.

Redheart slowly put the rag down. "Do you have any stories you mind sharing?" Redheart said with a chuckle as she drained the tub. Olive looked up at Redheart with a tears in her eyes. "Hey it's okay if you don't want to talk about it." Redheart scoped up Olive with a fluffy blue towel. Redheart looked over at the ruined couch. That was a mess that could wait for tomorrow.

"Guess you're sleeping with me tonight little Olive." Redheart said holding the shivering changeling. Redheart walked to her small room and gently set Olive down on the foot of the bed. Olive felt content on staying in the warm comfy towel. Redheart smiled at the sight of Olive's tiny yawn.

Redheart got into bed slowly and took off her nurse hat and put it to rest next to the lamp on her night table. She laid back into the bed comforter and sighed in relief. This was no ordinary patient. The sleeping filly at the foot of her bed was traumatized, all Redheart could do now was attempt to keep the filly from falling apart.

Redheart sighed once again as she turned off the lamp. Moments later Redheart fell asleep and the room fell silent excluding the insect like breathing of Olive. Dreams where never to Redheart's liking, it was like watching a horror movie she had already seen the ending of. The night brought memories of a different time, a different life.

At the age of eighteen Redheart had already acquired her snow white nurse hat. Yet at the time she was in a very unusual, line of work. The details of which she had been instructed to never to tell another living soul. But this didn't mean she couldn't reminisce. The dream always started off the same...

Redheart used a box cutter to open a large bag of cubed ice. Once a sufficient gash was made and she pored the cubes out into the bathtub. Redheart dipped her hoof into the water to make sure the temperature was decent for her victim. Redheart walked out of the room and dragged a stallion nearly twice her size into the motel bathroom.

Redheart had been specify rough with getting him in the tub due to his sleazy nature earlier that night. She retrieved her ice chest from under the bed and returned to the unconscious stallion. She opened the chest and took out her supplies for the medical venture she was about to embark on. She did not enjoy her work but to this day it was her highest paying job.

Redheart's constantly kept tabs on her patients vitals. Thou the business was degrading she felt pride in never letting her patients die in such horrible conditions. But there was something else, something Redheart would never admit. Deep down Redheart felt as if she enjoyed the act of surgery. The way her scalpel would slice through the flesh as if it where a hot knife through butter was extremely satisfying.

Her blade work was so sought after in Manehattan that she had earned the street name Red Fox. She slowly leaned in as she made the first cut. The blood trickled into the ice water and stained her hooves a dark shade of red. As soon as it started it was over and Redheart zipped the precious organ up in a small plastic bag. Redheart proceeded to stitch the wounds up quickly as not to be caught by any room service that could stumble in. She gently put the stolen cargo in her ice chest and closed the lid tight. As she left the motel room she made sure the do not disturb card was secured on the door handle.

Redheart slowly awoke to the tugging of her arm. Redheart yawned and staggered to sit up in bed. She turned on her light and was shocked to find that Olive had disappeared from the foot of her bed. Redheart was about to get up but she was stopped by the sound of Olive's cute snoring.

Redheart looked down to see Olive had cuddled up to her side and was snuggling her arm with a death grip. Redheart saw small tears on the fillies cheeks. "You okay Pizza?" She said with a whisper as she wiggled her arm gently. Olive responded with a whimper as she tightened her hug on Redheart arm.

Redheart gave a small but noticeable smile. She looked over to the clock at her bedside and saw it was nearly one thirty in the morning. Redheart knew she would have to be in scrubs within the hour, but she decided that the best course of action was to take a moment to let Olive and herself distress from the previous day.

Olive looked desperate to keep a grip on Redhearts arm. It was almost if she dreaded the very thought of being left alone. Redheart sighed happily. "I guess I can take another day off." She said to herself as she reached for the lamp. She found that as she pulled her arm away to reach for the lamp Olive would respond by subconsciously tugging her arm back into her grasp. Redheart saw she was caught in quite the predicament.

She grasped a nearby pillow and gradually pulled her arm out of Olive's hug. As she pulled her arm back she replaced it with the throw pillow. Olive felt no noticeable change and hugged the pillow with the same nimble force as before. Redheart smiled as she turned the lamp off.

Redheart was awakened seconds later by a mumbling voice. Olive had started shaking violently as she griped the pillow tightly. Redheart quickly turned on the light and sat up in the bed. "Olive? Olive are you okay dear?!" Redheart said to the rambling filly. Redheart saw that tiny tears had started flowing down the filly's face. Olive kept her eyes closed tight. "She can't breath! No stop!" Olive shouted with her crackly voice.

Redheart swiftly picked up filly and hugged her tight. "Hey, Shhh it's okay. It's okay everything is fine, just clam down. I'm here Olive. Everything is gonna be okay." Redheart said as she wore a worried expression. Olive nuzzled close to Redheart as she sobbed. Redheart petted the shaking filly's mane as she tried to calm her. "I'm here Olive." She repeated as she cradled Olive close.

Author's Note:

If you felt that I made this chapter a bit too dark don't worry. You can expect a brighter chapter on the horizon. I hoped you liked it, and as always, thank you for reading. :twilightsmile: