• Published 5th Jan 2015
  • 2,714 Views, 55 Comments

A Heart For Two - Hot_Sushi

Nurse Redheart must nurse a changeling filly back to heath.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - "#1 Mom"

"Olive the toasters not gonna hurt you!" Redheart shouted in frustration as Olive stood in the doorway to the kitchen cloaked in the red heating blanket she had dragged in from the living room.

The mechanical menace roared as the captive slices of bread shot out. "It's angry!" Olive shouted with a voice crack. Redheart sighed as she took the toast out and put it on a plate with cheese covered scrambled eggs. She sluggishly walked over to the outlet and unplugged the toaster. "See it's dead. Now come eat breakfast." Redheart said as she put the plate down on the table and pulled out a set for Olive.

Olive reluctantly moved forward letting the electric blanket leave her. Olive shivered violently felling the cold air of the kitchen encompass her. Seeing her condition Redheart gave a worried glance. "Let me help you up there" Redheart said lifting the filly up to the table chair. As Redheart Sat Olive down she saw the small filly couldn't get to her food due to the height of the table.

"One sec kiddo." Redheart left the kitchen and retrieve a stack of bulky medical journals which gave Olive the elevation to reach her food. The moment the enticing smell hit the mini changeling's nose she lunged forward and got to work devouring her meal.

"Whoa slow down there you might choke." Redheart said with a chuckle. Olive slowed dramatically as she kept her eye on Redheart who was pouring herself a mug of well deserved coffee. Olive also shifted her glance to the chrome monster on the counter top. For the first time in a long while the small apartment was peaceful.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you, can you change into a pony like those changelings at Canterlot." Redheart said after sipping her coffee. Olive looked up from eating. "What do you mean at Canterlot?" She said sheepishly. Redheart's stomach suddenly knotted up as she realized that the filly had no idea of the failed invasion. Redheart looked at Olive who in return gave her a curious gaze.

"Uh... Some bad changelings, they tried to attack Canterlot." Redheart muttered under her breath while rubbing her neck. Olives expression changed to worried. "What happened?" Olive's question only made Redheart feel worse for barring such bad news. "Well, it's complicated. For now just focus on getting healthy." Redheart said looking out the frosted window. Olive's concern didn't leave her face.

"But can you disguised?" Redheart asked struggling to get off the topic of the invasion. "No, I don't know how to." Olive said looking down in sorrow. Redheart walked over and patted the downtrodden filly on the back. That guide for mothers would come in handy at this moment. In hindsight Redheart should of bought it instead of the electric blanket.

Redheart looked down at the medical books Olive was sitting on and a brilliant idea shot into her mind. The local library must have a few books on changelings. Once Olive was finished Redheart helped her back to the couch and wrapped her up into a little cocoon with the red blanket. Redheart noticed that Olive seemed happiest when in her safe sanctuary of wool. Redheart wondered if it might of reminded the tiny changeling of her old home. Olive yawn briefly showing her tiny barbed fangs.

"Olive, I'm gonna go out to get some books. Are you going to be okay if I leave you alone for a few minutes." Redheart said petting the filly's insect like mane. Redheart found it odd how Olive felt like she was at a constant state of hypothermia. The tiny filly only made a faint groan as she snuggled up in her prized blanket. Redheart smiled and patted her on the head.

"Just don't open the door for any pony, okay." Redheart said before leaving the living room. The sleeping filly gave no response. Redheart smiled as she left the small apartment.

Redheart arrived at the library at sunrise. She knocked on the door and waited in the frigid air. After a few minutes she knocked again. Another few minutes passed and Redheart felt genuine concern for the librarian's safety. When she leaned in to knock again the door flew open. Twilight rubbed her red eyes while still in her pajamas. She held a large mug of coffee with steam still hovering above the surface of the liquid.

"Redheart? What are you doing out at this hour?" Twilight asked still groggy. "I need a few books." Redheart said with a shaky tone due to the cold. Twilight invited Redheart in and pored her a cup of coffee.

"I need a book about taking care of fillies." Redheart said before taking a sip of the expertly brewed coffee."What, are you lookin' to adopt?" Twilight asked with a sleepy chuckle. Redheart felt a bead of sweat accumulate on her forehead. "Uh, no. Just helping out a friend." Redheart said smiling nervously.

"And could you throw in a book about changelings." Redheart said with a bit of renewed confidence. Twilight's eyes seemed a bit more alert at the mention of the spices. The evil creatures that had enslaved her brother Shinning Armor, and wished to do the same with the rest of the Equestria. "You have quite the taste in books Miss Redheart" Twilight said sipping her coffee.

Redheart turned and looked up the towering shelfs of the oak tree library. Redheart felt that if a library of this scale was in Manhattan when she was a filly her life might of turned out differently. Suddently a jolt of magic hit her from behind. It wasn't enough to knock her off her feet but it was sufficiently disorienting. Redheart staggered forward and caught herself from falling by holding on to a bookshelf. She turned to see Twilight's expression change form a prideful 'gotcha' to crippling embarrassment.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Redheart!" She said as she rushed over helping her up. Twilight helped Redheart to set on a leather couch. "I'm so sorry I thought you where a changeling spy!" She tried to explain to a dazed Redheart. Redheart's head felt like she had just spun in a wheely chair and fell off a two story building.

"You know what, I'll just go to, half priced strolls." Redheart managed to slur her words out. "No it's fine I'll get you your books just try not to fall asleep." Twilight said before rushing off. Redheart rubbed her forehead still feeling the pain of the magic coursing through her. She knew the librarian was paranoid but never thought she would be so. A few minutes later Twilight returned with a two books.

"You're in luck, a mare just turned in this one." Twilight said handing her a small novel sized book. 'How to be the #1 mom' the title read. Redheart sighed and handed it back to Twilight. "I'm looking for more first aid type books." Redheart said. Twilight nodded and quickly disappeared into the depths of the library again.

Redheart was baffled at how quickly the book smart mare returned. "Okay I got a 'Anatomy and Physiology of Fillies' and 'The Study of Changelings and dark magic'" The purple unicorn said tring to catch her breath. Redheart staggered up in her wobbly hooves. "Yah that'll be fine." Redheart said picking up the books. Twilight put the mother friendly book on top of Redheart's stack. "I think you'll need it. It has a lot of steps to comfort fillies who've been in traumatic incidents." Twilight said in a understanding tone. Redheart nodded and embarked out the door and into the frigid streets.

By the time Redheart arrived back at the apartment it had started lightly snowing. She opened the door and walked to the cramped living room. To her surprise Olive had not moved an inch from her resting spot. Redheart sat next to the slumbering filly and was extra careful not to wake her.

"Guess it's time to hit the books" Redheart whispered to herself as she cracked open the study of changelings book. In the first few pages it was clear the author had some biases against the race of tunnel dwelling creatures. The book referred to them as 'savages' on multiple occasions. But there where important nuggets of information scattered about the chapters.

The book stated that changelings are extremely susceptible to the cold and therefore are more likely to attack ponies during the summer or spring. If a changeling where to leave the hive during the winter they would surely freeze to death. Redheart looked over to Olive who was burrowed into her comfy blanket.

The book went on to say that the creatures where far less likely to be agitated when in the dark or dimly lit areas. Redheart looked around and saw the living room had only a old lamp and no natural light for the filly. Redheart decided to stop reading the book once it descended into the 'toxic ideology of changeling society'. She put down the book on the coffee table and sighed. If she wanted to help Olive blend in she would have to find some less broad books. Or read more of the slander filled book that Twilight had given her.

Redheart reached for the anatomy book but stopped when she see saw the mothering guide. She shrugged and picked it up while leaning back into the couch. "Who buys this stuff?" She questioned herself quietly as she opened the guide. The title of the first chapter was almost to much for Redheart to handle. It read 'losing the weight'. Redheart giggled to her self as she flipped through the book. The second chapter caught her eye in a completely professional way. 'Adopting'. As Redheart read the chapter she felt that it applied to her situation so accurately.

"Creating a bond of trust is instrumental in a healthy family. When adopting you should make the filly feel as comfortable as possible. Don't be afraid to nurture them, and be understanding if they wish to keep distance." Redheart read to herself quietly. Deep in thought Redheart didn't hear Olive's yawn.

Olive crawled a bit deeper the blankets in her half asleep state. Olive found her eyelids where just to heavy to open and choose to pilot blind. Though sleepy Olive could feel a source of food was close. The tried filly crawled under the blanket and snuggled up to the radiating source of the love. Redheart jumped in surprise when she saw the sleepy filly curl up in her lap. Redheart sat the book down on the arm of the couch and cradled Olive close. Her condition seem to have dramatically improve since when she had first found her. Redheart felt Olive's tiny ice cold head nuzzle close to her.

Redheart took a moment to reflect on her situation. Olive Pizza would not survive on her own, even an orphanage wouldn't take her in. If perhaps she raised Olive as her own. 'No' Redheart thought bring her thoughts to a halt. Being a mother is a monumental task to take on at her age. Hell she avoided taking care of fillies at the clinic.

A tiny cat like yawn broke Redheart's train of thought. Olive eyes where barely open as she cuddled up into Redheart's warm embrace. Redheart could vaguely hear the filly say something. Redheart shrugged and continued to cradle Olive gently. The room was so quite Redheart could hear the small breaths of the filly and the chiddering of her wings.

"Mommy." Olive mumbled quietly as she slowly drifted asleep. Redheart's face turned a strawberry shade of red as she looked down. She was shocked due to the usually sheepish nature filly.

Redheart realized she had already made her choice the second she stitched up Olive's wounds. The poor filly looked up to her as a protector, a paladin in shining armor. Redheart understood how cold the streets could be, especially for a filly. Redheart snuggled Olive close to her and whispered. "Mommy is here dear." Redheart smiled lightly as she spoke. "I'm always gonna be here dear." Redheart said as the snow continued falling outside.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the huge delay! I'd love to thank all of you who read and keep up with my story. You guys have been so generous and caring. I hoped you liked this new chapter and please leave any suggestions and comments in the comments below, and as always thanks for reading.:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 22 )

...twilight should of hit her harder....it would make her feel more regret...

few misspelling like "The room was so quite Redheart could hear"


Can't wait for the next chapter!

The writing isn't the best, and the pacing is a bit choppy, but despite that, the story seems good so far.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I have read up to the end of the second chapter, and... well, I have some concerns.

I would suggest that you proof-read your stories, even if you simply get a proofreader from the help section on this site, as there are numerous errors that I can see/count. Also, different speakers need to be put into different paragraphs.
For example:

"Hello, my faithful student." Celestia greeted warmly. "Hello, Princess."

See, now who has said that second line? Princess Celestia? Twilight? Spike? To remove any potential confusion, it should be written as:

"Hello, my faithful student." Celestia greeted warmly.

"Hello, Princess." Twilight replied with a smile.

This serves to both break up the story from potential 'wall-o-text' issues, and make it clearer as to who is talking and when.

With this issue alone, the story becomes, to me at least, almost unreadable. It makes it confusing and awkward to figure out when who is talking and to whom, and that makes it a chore to read.

Because of mostly grammar, writing, spelling, and even improper capitalizations, I can't let this into the Goodfic Bin.

Details are here.


This talk by Denise Eide might help you to notice mistakes like that latter one more readily.

The specific rule in question has to do with the doubled "p". If you don't double the "p", the it breaks down into the syllables "ra-ping" while, if you do add a second "p", it becomes "rap-ping". ("rapping" and "wrapping" may be different activites, but the words are homophones)

The talk I linked also explains why the "ra" syllable is pronounced "ray" rather than "rah".

You know, I personally would feel fine if you ended this story right here. The part at the end where Red Heart makes her decision was just.......it gave me diabetes from adorable sweetness!!

plz more


"Olive, the toaster won't hurt you" :ajbemused:

"it's angry! ":raritydespair:

:facehoof: love this so far, for the love of Celestia! Make more!

Cute....i may be heartless, but i do have soft spots.

Is this story dead?

Interesting, so Pizza knows the concept of motherhood and applied it subconsciously.


  • OFFLINE last seen Apr 14th, 2016

Seems so.

That's a shame... I loved the concept of the story...

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