• Published 4th May 2012
  • 2,547 Views, 80 Comments

Memoirs of a Reality Jumper Q & A - Techogre

This is where you, the readers, can ask questions of all the characters and the author.

  • ...


The room is dark, except for a spotlight on a comfy victorian style couch, a blue pillow with rainbow trim and a cloud and lightning bolt embroidered in the corner and three fluffy bean bag chairs. There is a loud clunk as the room illuminates, presenting a series of comfy couches, all facing a large view screen and surrounding the chair. On the far left, a pile of coins and gems and a small beanbag chair, suitable for a dragon and young colt to lounge on. At the back of the room, is a large glassed in booth, tastefully decorated with two large luxuriously appointed pillows. Perfect for two Princesses.

Genosaber smirks as he opens his laptop and sits down in the back. “Let’s get started.”

Trace looks around and frowns before he turns to Twilight. “Explain to me again, how in Ramuh’s name did you convince me to do this?”

“I asked you to.” Twilight replies with a small smile.

A chair appears with a wine glass floating next to it and strangely ornate cane was leaning against it.

“Where did that come from?” Trace asks before he notices the energy coming from the cane. “Wait...”

With a POOF, Discord’s Advocate appears in a puff of illogic. “It’s rude to stare at invisible people!” He scolds Trace before taking his glass as it fills itself with a fine red.

Trace jumps at his sudden entrance. “Right...” He mutters. He follows Twilight to the far couch and sits down beside her, giving her a quick kiss.

Steelskin enters the room, followed by a very careful Tallic. Steelskin hops up on top of the pile of golden coins, while Tallic lays at the base, eyeing everyone warily.

“Does the knight really need to be here?”

Trace looks at Tallic with a curious gaze. “A dragon, don’t see that everyday.” He sas with a slight bow. “A pleasure to meet you. My name is Trace Reinhart.”

A light pink pony with a blonde mane walks in quietly and glances over at Tallic and Steelskin. “Of course he’d be corrupting Steelskin like that.” Miss Sweetheart says with a sniff.


Discords Advocate watches with amusement.

DA looks at Geno offended. “I write stuff for Memverse! That gives me VIP status.” He replies, flashing a blank card and twirling Wabbajack. “See?”

Hooves annoyedly approaches him. “Give that back!”

“The cane or the card?” DA smiles almost mockingly and twirling wabbajack, but gives Hooves’s psychic card back, who grumbles as Pinkie Pie drags him back to his chair next to her.

“Hey, DA, is doctor Emerald around? I’d like him to tell me more of his stories about minotaurs” Steelskin pipes up

“He is now!” DA points wabbajack at a chair and a very confused Emerald appears beside Twilight. “Gosh this cast has so much work to do. First in Memoirs, then in Jumper, then Mage’s Jump, then in Iron Dragon. Anyone without a job?”

Gilda, Blueblood, Iron Will, and the Diamond Dogs raise their claws, hooves, hands, or paws. “US!”

Genosaber looked at them with a glare. “Relax, you’ll get your turn sooner or later.”


Matthew Brennan enters the room casually with a Lyra, Bon-Bon and Fluttershy in close behind. The room gives Matt and his procession a confused look. Lyra’s face lights up as she eyes all the new humans, Bon-Bon looks to Lyra before giving the other humans a dirty look... And Fluttershy spots Tallic and with a loud eep hides behind Matt.

“They insisted?” He shrugs off the looks before looking around, looking particularly wary of the giant dragon. He glances at the door before looking back in confusion,

“How did a dragon even get in here?”

“The door happens to be larger than it appears.” Tallic growls. “I promise not to squish you if you promise to keep that weapon in its holster.”

“Is there any reason to use my sidearm on you? I mean it’s not like I know you or anything. Seriously though what’s with all the new people? Is this Jumpers anonymous?” Matt smirked,

“If it is where’s the snack table?”

DA: “Let me adjust that sentence so its grammatically correct.”.

{{{“If it is, where is the snack table?”}}}

Tallic blinks. “...what just happened?”

DA sips his wine. “Just go with it.”

“Whatever it was, I thank you. I dislike using poor grammar.”

DA stands and looks somber. “Hello everyone. I am Discord’s Advocate, and I’ve been a Memversholic for two years. It all started when the guy written below published this really awesome story, then lured me in with his editors.”
“Are you serious!?” Matt said, hitting DA with a pillow.

“Dammit, don’t write in the way of my arrows!” DA tried again, ignoring the pillow at his feet.

“DAMMIT!” DA growls.


An older man walks through the door, carrying a well used silver laptop under his arm and an old fashioned hat at a jaunty angle. He walks to the back of the room and takes his place, a simple little table and a cup of Tim Hortons coffee is waiting for him. Extra-large, cream and sweetener, just the way he likes them. The other writers greet Techogre warmly, and he returns their friendly welcomes.

Next, a tall and fit looking older man walks in, with a plump middle aged woman on his right, and a sky blue pegasus with rainbow mane and tail to his left. Behind, a young girl, a teen aged boy, and orange pegasus filly all chatter together excitedly. There was a subtle but distinct chill between the woman and the rainbow pegasus.

As this crazy little family make their way to the center of the room, the other guests, for the most part, greet them positively.

Alex sits on the left hand side of the comfy victorian style couch while Ann sits on his right and Rainbow Dash to his left on a sky blue pillow with rainbow trim. In front of them, the youngsters gather on various mats and beanbag chairs, still talking animatedly.

Before settling with the rest, Lily pounces on the sky blue pegasus saying, “I love you pony mommy!”

Not to be outdone, Scootaloo glides over to Ann, who hugs the little pegasus warmly, saying, “You’re my special little pegasus girl.”

Daniel simply looks on, asking, “Dad? Where’s the buffet table?”

DA takes a picture of the moment with a old Polaroid. “Photobook material!”

Techogre looks up over his laptop, warmly thanking the other writers, in his heart, for who they are. He then gives his head a little shake and quickly starts typing again. The door opens again, with more friends entering.

Big Macintosh and Beatrix “Trixie” Lulamoon walk in side by side. Mac holds his head high, proud of his new marefriend. Bea, equally proud walks into the room beside her stallion. Almost every male head turns at her raw feminine aura.

Applejack and Elusive enter next, leaning against each other, Elusive doing his best to not fall over. She is much bigger than him, after all.

Pinkie, giggling and snorting with glee, is met by a slightly annoyed Dr Hooves. But, upon seeing her gets a roguish grin and gives her a warm hug.

Rarity and Spike come in next. Spike, in his little suit, standing tall and proud to be with Rarity. She, wearing the heart shaped ruby with all the pride, class, and pure radiance she can muster.

Finally, Golden Coins with the beautiful Ms Butterscotch by his side, enters. A small shower of boos and stale popcorn pelt down on them.

DA holds up a plastic in Golden and Ms. Butterscotch’s direction. “Soror nomine, alteram sororem, vis amicitiae!” (In the name of the sister, the other sister, and the power of friendship)

Golden Coins glares at DA. Butterscotch is slack jawed not sure how to react to this as DA waves the plastic elements of harmony symbol at them “The power of harmony compels you! The power of harmony compels you!”

Coins looks shocked, hurt even. “But, I’m a reformed villain. You should all love me!”

“Not you! THEM!” DA points to the statue of Discord being rolled in, with Coins and Butterscotch hastily getting as far as possible from it.

Even in its inert state, the statue of Discord radiates malevolence. My advocate, people. He refers to DA in your minds.

Finally, two cages are rolled in. One, with a mesh made of adamantium holds the queen of the changelings, Chrysalis. The other is made of magically held light and love. Within the glowing sphere is the disembodied spirit of Nightmare Moon.

Chrysalis spits, “By my ancestors, I hate these blasted Q&A.” She turns a slow scowl at Emerald. She slowly speaks in a tone that could freeze your soul, “You...”

Emerald gulped. “We’re not to have our official meeting until several chapters from now, your majesty. This is just a Q&A.” He puts a love potion at her hooves. “Please accept this as an apology.” He says, quickly getting back to his chair.

She speaks in a low, menacing tone, “I will not forget your affront, my little drone.”

Alex, smiles cheerfully, “Actually, the only ones who will remember are... “ He lost his smile. “God tier entities...”

The changeling Queen smirks. “Just remembered that, didn’t you, ape? Well, Emerald, your punishment shall-” She took a swig of the love potion and suddenly smiles. “Mmmm! Nevermind, subject, I have decided to spare you this time!” She sips more of it. “Now make me more!” She sternly orders as she cheerfully sips the tasty beverage, while Emerald nods and hastily gets to work with his alchemy kit as Twilight tries to calm him down.

There was a flash from the back of the room, and the sound of a hoof tapping a microphone. Everyone turned back to see a glass enclosed room at the back. At first we thought it was Bea pulling some trick, because the voice sounded just like hers, but upon a more careful examination, we could tell it was Princess Luna. “Sister? Pray tell us this room does protect our little humans. And is this device on?” She tapped again. “Can they hear me?” She tapped once more. “Can they hear me now?”

The awe inspiring Princess Celestia speaks in her always loving tones, “Yes, Luna. I conjured this room to protect our humanoid friends and the microphone seems to be working. Go ahead.”

Luna begins speak, her voice filled with rage, “Foul Chrysalis. Thou hast grown over confident. We have ways of erasing your putrid mind of the memories of this noble endeavor. My honourable Paladins shall not have these words used against them, nor any of my little ponies. Only myself and my sister shall carry this knowledge forth beyond these walls.

Meanwhile DA pesters Nightmare Moon. “So tonight I want a zombie apocalypse nightmare.”

“No.” Replies the sphere.

“Why not?” DA pouts.

“Because you’d enjoy it.” Nightmare Moon says. “After the 1000th fan requested it, I got the gist of why that nightmare was so popular.”

Alex stands, looks around at the chaos, and sighs. He places his fingers in his mouth and blows a piercing whistle. Everyone stops. He smiles kindly around the room, then looks into the camera. “Welcome to the Memoirs Q&A 4! Here we go! Bea! Fanfare please!”


--- The Questions & The Answers ---

For the authors - You're locked in a room with your main character for an hour, in what condition do you come out of the room when time is up?

Tosety: It depends if they believe me that I merely saw their adventures through a muse leak, or if someone convinces them that I made them and control their destiny.

Genosaber: Knowing my character, he’d use fifty-five minutes to beat the everloving shit out of me, then use the last five minutes to heal my wounds with potions. I may have put him through hell in the past, but I’ve given him a chance at a (mostly) peaceful life with someone, or rather somepony, to love.

Discord’s Advocate: “Favorite main character? You didn’t specify which show! I mean, me and Captain Jean Luc Picard having a cup of tea and discussing wines, philosophy, and culture would have me coming out pleasant and all. But of course you mean favorite of Memverse, right? I’d say me and Rainbow Dash would come out a bit frazzled after accusations to the other of why we were trapped in a room for an hour and then working together get the crap out of there. Not exactly the best situation for introductions.”

Rainbow Dash: (snickers) “I’m his favorite? I don’t know whether to be honored or scared.”

Discord’s Advocate: (smirks) “One wave of wabbajack, and I will make you look more feminine than Rarity.”

Rainbow Dash: (glares) “You wouldn’t...”

Discord’s Advocate: (evil grin)

Rarity: “I am sure you couldn’t, darling.”

Techogre: (tackles D.A. to keep him from using wabbajack) “Don’t do it!”

Discord’s Advocate: (struggles to yank the cane from Tech) “She’s challenging me!”

TechOgre: (after a few minutes of calming D.A. down) “You mean Elusive, right? Alex? (sigh) Yeah, I think he would do something far worse than beat the crap out of me. He would likely sit in a backward hardback chair, toying with his knife. If I tried to move, he would ask me to sit back down. Very politely. And he would stare at me, in the eye, possibly grinding his teeth. At the end of his time, he would slowly rise to his feet, walk up to me, ask me to stand, hug me, and just whisper, ‘For Dash and Scootaloo, I forgive you.’ That, would be the most heartbreaking thing of all. Knowing he was a much better man than me. I think I would have raged and insulted, and maybe physically attacked had I been in his situation. I would walk out that room in shame.”

Warpd: Well my charac...wait I don’t write for this universe. Mario wouldn’t even care.

KMCA: I’d come out perfectly fine, I’d probably just update Matt on the world and apologize for all the cruel things I’ve done to him... Then he’d probably knock me out, I might be able to take a punch VERY well but muscle enhanced suckerpunch? With an armor plate? Yeah, I’d hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.


For the author: what inspired you to write this tale?

TechOgre: It is a tale as old and as true as the sky. I was bored. Well, not exactly. I had always had a desire to create. This expressed itself into several hobbies, but I never felt truly inspired. Then, I was diagnosed with a serious illness. When I was home recovering (in my 18th month of being home), I discovered My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic. My daughter demanded to watch “the pony show”, and my first thought was, “Oh, Lord, MLP? Gah.” Lucky for me, it was season 1, episode 2. I was more fascinated than she was by the end. “They must have made a mistake, this show is... good.” So, I was hooked on the pastel pony, as most of you likely are.

Season 1 was done and Season 2 was months away. I started reading MLP fanfics, especially Human in equestria stories. But, they were all lacking somehow, not bad, just there was something that always seemed to disapoint. I found a lot (not all) of the characters, human and pony, acted like children, not like the adults they were supposed to be. The humans almost invariably sauntered into town, badass with a heavy metal soundtrack, every mare threw themselves at them, and there were no consequences for their actions.

For the first time in years, I was inspired to write something. I had not written creatively since high school, but I dimly recalled that you should write what you know. Since I was a kid I played this little mental game where I would, after watching a show or reading a book, imagine how I would react to that situation. It’s a fun game, you should try it sometime. Anyway, I started playing this game with MLP, and, since I was still ill at the time and the old mental faculties were dulled, I creatively named Alex after my son, Ann after my wife (she’s Anne, totally different), his son after me, and his daughter after mine. Got it? Good.

So, in a nutshell, MLP and bad HiE fics inspired me to write something I hope is better.


i see there is a story about a Matthew Brennan, i have never seen him mentioned in the main story. in fact in the main story alex always seems to state hes the only one. does Matthew not show up till later on?

Techogre: He’s from a spinoff called Jumper.


For Ann and Alex. How well do you think you would have coped had your positions been reversed with Ann going from world to world and Alex remaining on Earth waiting for communications over interdimensional internet?

Ann: “I hope I would have weathered it as well as Alex, but I’m honestly not sure. I’m not worried about the physical part. I’m a Southern Ontario farm girl, I can do anything. (Applejack, chuckles and tips her hat an Ann) But the emotional part... being out of communication for days, weeks, or even months... Alex was always stronger than me.”

Alex: (Smiles at Ann and places his hand on hers. Dash gives Alex a thin lipped smile.) “I have no doubt you would have been just fine, especially once you reached Equestria. I imagine you and Rainbow would have been best of friends, you know.”

Ann: (She leans forward to look at Dash and gave her a hopeful smile) “You keep saying that...”


Alex, is there any truth to this picture I found?

Alex: (gets a nervous smile) “Well-” (Dash pokes him in the side and gives him a stare worthy of Fluttershy) “Dash, my dearest, most wonderful pegasus wife, I swear I don’t know who took that picture, but you should be proud of it.” (Dash lowers her hoof a little and her expression softens) “You can be tough, strong, and feminine. No need to get rid of your daredevil card, pretty pony.” (Alex rubs his nose with hers, Ann looks at them by the corner of her eye with a little irritation.)


For Tallic, is you full name Metalicana?

Tallic: “No.”

Tosety: “Heh, what do you think? Would you like him to be Metalicana?”

Pinkie Pie: (looks at Tosety with alarm) “You mean you haven’t decided yet?!”

Tosety: “No, I have not found out yet.”

Trixie:Trixie thinks it would be an adequate stage name. Not as amazing a- “ (Talic glares at her)

Beatrix: “Just kidding around with a fellow performer on the grand stage.”

Tallic: (look softens) “No worries, it is just that Metalicana was one of the biggest and most important dragons in Fiore.”

Light trot

Hmm so its that time again
I just have a few general questions for everyone attending
If there was a single thing in the past you could change, what would it be?

Tallic: “There are a few humans I would not have eaten. Apart from that, I could say my violence against Matthew would be something to change due to the animosity he now has for me. (casts a wary eye at Matt) I will need to resolve that soon...”

Trace: (expression turns somber) “I can think of a list of people I have had to... dispose of under the Order’s laws. If I could I would go back and offer them a different option, something far more humane than what had to happen.” (Turns as Twilight places a hoof on his shoulder, giving her a grateful look)

Alex: “You know, I don’t think there is. Any event along the way that didn’t happen may stop me having this wonderful family. (he kisses Dash and Ann on the cheek in turn)”

Matt: I’d skip the first reality I landed in. *Matt’s entire body shudders and his breath catches momentarily* Hands down I’d have to somehow pass on that.

Any thoughts on the future that you would like to share with your followers?

Genosaber: Long term, I’ve got a list of fights planned and, so far, several emotional moments that I hope will touch the reader’s hearts. As for soon, (shrugs) well, Alex won’t be the only human parent anymore.

Steelskin: (jumps up) “I get to learn dragon slayer magic! ...oh, you already knew that?”

If there were a fight to break out right now who would win?

Tallic: (looks over to steelskin) “You handle that fight, I feel like taking a nap”

Trace: (looks at everyone) “The most likely outcome would either be myself or Tallic as the victor, unless the Princesses intervene, of course.”

Alex: (smiles) “Princess Luna, hands down. Her Highness Princess Celestia may have the raw firepower, but my princess has the strength of will and willingness to do what is needed in a fight.”

Dash: (pokes Alex in the side.) “No way, you big lug! My Princess would win hooves down.”

Fluttershy: (raises her hoof) “Um... sorry... but I think Princess Cadence would win.” (Fluttershy gets a dreamy expression on her face) “Because you all know that love conquers all.”

Discord’s Advocate: “No, Angel Bunny. Cause no amount of love can quell his evil heart. You just wait. He’ll conquer us all.”

Fluttershy: (give D.A. an annoyed look)

Alex: (smiles at Angel and rubs his chin thoughtfully)

Rainbow Dash: (laughs)

Angel: (rubs his paws sinisterly)

Tallic: (raises an eyebrow at Angel)

Matt: It’d be a massive draw with everyone losing... Let’s just say my armor is death trapped, I die so does a radius of up to around 2.3 kilometres. The armor AI handles the blast radius calculations, it’s a little hard to do math when you’re dead.

And something that's been nagging me for a while; To whomever can answer this what exactly are the laws in equestria across the memverse relating to unknown intelligent life?

Luna: “If I may, my sister. (Celestia nods) That is simple. We merely make contact, appraise the being, and make a decision on whether he/she/it is a threat to our nation, and deal with it appropriately. As they are unknown, we take them on a case by case basis. (Alex gives her an encouraging look from across the room. Luna sighs.) And of course, we will always give them the benefit of the doubt.”

Tallic: “That is good to know. I assume that will hold true for foreign creatures that are analogous to less desirable species?”


this question is for everyone/everypony but mainly alex in a sense so heres my question
so............what’s ups with bananas?

Alex is about to answer until he suddenly begins to blush and feels a bit...randy? The shadow of an Alicorn appears behind him and speaks.

Princess Molestia: “Yes Alex, what is up with those biiiiiig, loooooooong, succulent...”
A sudden burst of energy zaps Molly out of the room with Princess Celestia’s horn shining bright.

Princess Celestia: “New rule for Q&As, Mr. Techogre. Banana is a forbidden word.”

Techogre: (audibly gulps) “Yes, ma’am. Sorry, ma’am. Never happen again, ma’am.”

Alex: “Y-yeah, please.”

Rainbow Dash: “Uh, Alex? You’re fondling my cutie mark.”

Ann: “And my thigh.”

Alex: (regained his composure) “S-sorry. That strange Alicorn’s aura was...influencing me.”

Rainbow Dash: (gives Alex a sultry look) “I didn’t say you should stop.”

Ann: (Grins and takes Alex’s hand and puts it on her lap)

Tallic: “Would you like me to dispatch the questioner, Princess?”

Princess Celestia: (She taps her chin, pondering the implications) “No. Best not to do it. Sets a bad precedent.”

Leo Heartship

I would like to ask a few questions....
Firstly to Sapphire - I would like you know a bit more about you, cute little thing. What hobbies and such do you enjoy? Also do you have the CMC uniform (I do.)

Sapphire: Sapphire hops up on her daddy’s (Emerald) head and stands between his ears. The adorable filly looks happily into your eyes. You suddenly know in your mind as if she has already answered the question, though it had taken as much time as it would for her to speak it to fully understand. You know that Sapphire loves being called cute, even though Sweetie Belle competes for being the cutest as well, but it’s all in good fun. You know that her hobbies are spending time with friends and trying to get a cutie mark with the CMC. Finally, she shows off her CMC uniform with a pose. Emerald smiles up to his daughter. “I hope that answers your question, good sir.” Everyone smiles warmly at the little one. Even Queen Chrysalis murmured, “My lovely granddaughter”.

Tallic: “So that explains Emerald’s scent...”

Matt - Are you going to allow the ponies at Canterlot University reverse engineer any part of your armor? Also, maybe you should get your Lyra or Alex's to get a restraining order on the other (Just an idea to help make things easier, I know it won't work.)

Matt: I doubt my home reality could reverse engineer much of it. When you can compress a human mind to a single teraflop of data, personality and all, you know the OS of the system is kind of beyond our understanding. Although I will say that the Crystal Resonance Generator and micro-CRG in the sidearm are something that would probably be easier understood in equestria than earth. Reproducing it however, that’s another story. Although, Earth might be able to do it, even if they didn’t understand how.

Big Mac - Don't worry I'm big for a human (about 6' 5") and still enjoy childlike things, so ignore those that make fun of Smartypants (have you promoted him in your figurine army yet?)

Big Mac: “Ain’t no shame is playing with wargaming miniatures. Them army colts play with them all the time. After a long day of pulling a plough there’s nothing like meeting up with your friends, laying out a table, and refighting some historical battle, or shout with your team ‘For The Empress!’ or ‘GWAAAARRRR’ to see who goes first. As for Miss Smarty Pants, that there is something special and private between me and Miss Sparkle.”

Bea - Find out any good recipes while working at the coffee shop? (Maybe you and Pinkie can share notes?)

Beatrix: (rolls her eyes) It was coffee and doughnuts, sweetie. Not even the good kind. But, that Pinkie is such a sweetheart. Remember when Alex said she was making a pastry named after me? Well, right after he left, just before the attack, Pinkie dropped by with four different kinds. She wanted me to pick the one I liked best. They were all so good, even the Great and Powerful Trixie would have had trouble picking.

Trixie - How did you create such a BRILLIANT performing costume?

Trixie: (cape and hat fly onto Beatrix) “The Great and Powerful Trixie is the greatest fashion mind...” (Rarity clears her throat) “... among the greatest fashion minds...”

Rarity: (titters, Bea almost breaks character)

Trixie: “...in all of Equestria! How could Trixie not look stunning? Impossible.” (Bea and Rarity giggle together.)

Rarity - Has Alex shown you the brilliance of steampunk fashion? Also what would you recommend as a good Nightmare Night costume for everypony? (No need to tell them, I just don't want to double up my one with anypony else's.)

Rarity: “I’m afraid he has. I do believe he was playing a prank on me. However, if you’re saying it’s an actual fashion... it is certainly a very human thing, with it’s fascination with non-magical clockwork machinery. Really quite strange.”

“Now, as for Nightmare Night costumes, I find those to be wonderfully fun to design and I always tailor it to the individual. Sadly, Elusive snatched the height of my design challenge. I hope one day I get his dear Ann to design for. Honestly, I would settle for any human female.”

Fluttershy - You know you're an instant anti-depressant right? With that out of the way, what would you recommend for a person who is always on the go, but wants a pet? On another note, if I could jump to Equestria, would you be willing to go flying with me? There are brilliant things called Sailplanes or gliders which could allow me to do so. I just find you so graceful when you fly. (Sorry Dash, your flying is awesome. But I don't always like having it turned up to 11.)

Fluttershy: “I’m glad you found that show helpful, but I’m still not comfortable with everypony in your world being so interested in me.”

Alex: “Come on, Flutters. You’re cute as a button and you know it.”

Fluttershy: (head snaps toward Alex, and when she speaks her voice drops an octave): “Don’t call me Flutters.”

Alex: “Yes ma’am.”

Rainbow Dash - So who's the planning committee your Bachelorette Party? Also describe Alex and the way you feel for him in the style of a air routine. Would you also name a new move after Alex or Scoots?

Dash: (sighs) “Who do you think? Do you really think a certain ‘pink party pony’ will ever take no for an answer?”

Pinkie (high pitched squeal): “Come on Dashie! You love a good party!” (she looks around slyly) “And I’m serving a special carrot banana soup. You know...” (elbows a brightly blushing Dash) “Carrot so you can see in the dark, banana so you have something to do.”

Princess Celestia: (A stern but motherly expression.) “Pinkie Pie, don’t you recall? No banana references? There are foals reading this.”

Pinkie: (giggles) “Okay Princess!” (points a hoof at Celestia) “But you just said it!”

Princess Celestia: (facehoof)

Dash: “As for how I feel for Alex? That’s easy. Flying in low, unseen, unexpected, then bursting straight up in a barrel roll, and once I’m at the top, dive straight toward the crowd and do a sonic rainboom right above them. (she leans into Alex) That’s how he makes me feel. Of course, I would have to have the perfect stunt to name them after Alex or Scoots, or even my human kids. Maybe some simple, second rate stunt for Ann. (Ann glares at Dash) I’m just kidding there, alpha mare.”

Speaking of Scoots I see you there! How's the flying going? I know waiting can be rough, I'd give you a friendly hug if I could. (Could somepony give that filly a hug?)

Scootaloo: “I’m getting better. I can keep airborne for a couple of minutes now, but I don’t think I’ll ever be good enough to help with the hurricane to pull water to cloudsdale.”

Ann: “None of that silly talk. I’m your mother, and I say you’ll out fly all those... Wonderflyers?”

Scootaloo: (The young filly blushes and smiles) “Wonderbolts, mom.”

Alex: (nodes in agreement)

Dash: “Yeah.” (Dash looks kindly at Ann.) Both your moms and your dad say so.”

So Twilight? What is your secret for being able to study so much and to have so much focus? I know a lot of us would like to know. Also a progress report on treatment of Alex's "aliment" if you please!

Twilight: (smiles) “Since I started reading, I found it easier to retain information I read as I grew up. I paced myself to improve my reading speed and found myself able to read faster. Then l learned a trick to slow perception of time while I read.”

Rainbow Dash: “...HUH?!”

Emerald: “She speeds up her mind to read faster.”

Twilight: “Its a very delicate state of mind developed by Starswirl the Bearded. And it has allowed me to read quickly if I need to. Though I don’t do it often as it gives me headaches if I do it all day.”

Rainbow Dash: “Translated, eggheads read faster. OW!”

Twilight: (Nips at RD’s ear.)

Alex and Emerald: “Ladies, no bickering.” (Alex and Emerald surreptitiously high five each other.)

Pinkie... Pinkie... I don't have a question, but a thank you. The Smile song really helped me out of a bad spot so thanks. You look after her right okay Time Turner! That mare saved my life (and now the secrets out)

Pinkie: “Thanks a lot! I really love my brony friends and want you to know I watch you all the time!”

Doctor Hooves: “Time Turner was my temporary cover name. If you look over to the left of this dialog, you’ll see my real name. However, I promise to take very good care of her. Just, keep those bloody pears away from me.”

To the Lyra's. You like music? Here is some great music you may (that second one means a lot to me.) like (that last one has been stuck in head for the past three days THREE!)

Lyra: “That first one is nice, although Tosety showed me somepony that uses a variant of my instrument in a novel way

To the Princesses (bows respectfully) have you explored the vast expanses of the Internet yet? (With safe search on of course.)

Celestia: “I have asked for the use of Alex’s laptop, but every time I ask Twilight, she gets nervous and makes excuses for why it is not available.”

Luna: “I am also interested in it, from what my sister tells me. It is practically a gateway to another world. I would love to see the wonders of his world with more clarity...and Super Mario World. I really want to see that too.”

Cadence: “Games, Auntie Luna? Really?”

Luna: (giggles)

Cadence: “I am intrigued by that device, considering it links Alex to his home universe. Even more intrigued it was fashioned by another of his kind in another universe! Though I don’t understand why the same individual couldn’t use the same science to transport Alex back to his home.”

Alex: “I can answer that question. Because I had a limited amount of time and Dr. Richards had only enough scientific knowledge to work the quantum ethernet connection. He practically tossed it to me before I jumped with a handwritten note on what it does. You can imagine my joy when I finally was able to contact Ann again. That thing has made it possible for me to stay sane. (Alex brightens) I may also have a possible way of giving everyone their own laptop. Because it can rebuild itself from as small a piece as my thumb, I wonder what will happen if I break a piece off... and just let it regenerate.”

Twilght: “That’s great. Just... great.”

Emerald: “You mean it asexually reproduces? An...an invasive silicon species? Science can go too far!

Celestia and Luna together: “May I have a piece?”

Luna: (in a stage whisper to Celestia) “I’ll remind him in the main story.”

Celestia: (nods enthusiastically)

Luna I must say I'm jealous of the folk in Equestria being able to witness the beauty of your night. Also, how many bits have you sunk into beating the high scores at the arcades at Canterlot? (Just heard a little rumor, thought you would best be informed of it.)

Luna: (Smiles meekly) “Well, between Las Pegasus, Manehattan, Baltimare, and that little place that has my favorite pinball machines in Canterlot...”

Celestia: (gives her sister a serious look) “How much?

Luna: “...1000 bits a year?”

Celestia: (pauses then smiles to her gently) “That isn’t a problem, sister. I am glad Equestria now has a nightlife for you to enjoy. Just don’t let it interfere with your duties.”

Luna: (nods happily)

Celestia when are you going to have a day off and let your mane down? In fact this question goes to all the Princesses, you all work so hard. Have a day off...

Celestia: “Oh, I have my ‘time off’ pretty regularly. Mostly, I visit Twilight, but she tends to overplan it, so I have to make my own fun, like bringing my pet phoenix while she’s molting. (Twilight is heard to gasp) As to ‘letting my hair down’ I have an image to maintain, so by necessity that will never be seen by you.”

Luna: “Never to be seen by a subject, but what if to impress a future suitor?”

Celestia: “After being married and widowed three times, I am not planning on starting another relationship anytime soon.”

Luna: “Didn’t you say that everytime before you met each of them?”

Celestia: “Hush. My past relationships are not for this exposition.”

Applejack, how are things with Elusive? Hope things bloom, as they have done so for a certain couple. Here is a gift from me (you should sing it to Applejack, Elusive.)

Applejack: “Shoot, ah think he and I are doing just fine. Truth be known, I never thought I would fall for a stallion like him. But now my heart beats for him and his pa.”

Elusive: “I never thought in my life I would belong to any one pony, until I met A.J. She’s strong but still feminine, you know. And the more I got to know her, the more I realized she was the one for me. Heck, I stared down her brother for her. He’s huge! Heck, I think I even wet myself when I did it, but for her, I stood my ground. So yeah, my heart beats only for her and the family, (he chuckles) even Big Mac.”

Big Macintosh: “I still can’t believe she’s being courted by that skinny little tailor.”

Elusive: (Speaking like a stereotypical gay fop) “Fashion designer, sir. I make stallions shine!” (Applejack chuckles and Big Macintosh groans)

Everyone - You should write friendship (or romance) reports about what you have learned. It would be interesting to know what you have learned.

Tallic: “Dear Princess Luna, Today I met some creatures I did not want to grind into paste. Is that what you mean when you talk about having ‘friends’?”

Discord’s Advocate: “Dear Princesses. I am glad to have met all these fellow writers to call my friends, share my ideas with, and benefit from their ideas...and bacon. I’m really thankful for that too.”

Genosaber: “Dear Princess Celestia, Since becoming a writer I’ve met several great people, all of whom I am honored to consider my friends.”

Trace: (thinks for a second) “Dear Princess Luna, because of one of you and your sister’s subjects I have been able to experience love again.” (turns to Twilight) “How was that?”

Twilight: (leans over and gives Trace a quick kiss) “Touching.”

Alex: “Dear Princess Celestia: Despite being given the dirty end of the stick, sometimes, the universe just gives you a gift, like you, your world, and my wonderful family.”

Alex: “Dear Princess Luna: I learned that doing the right thing is always the right thing to do.”

Alex: “Dear Princess Cadence: I learned that you make a mean chicken breast. Seriously, I want the recipe.”

TechOgre: “Dear Princess Celestia: I didn’t learn anything!”

Celestia: “That was funny on the show. Not here.”

TechOgre: “Sorry. Dear Princess Celestia: I learned that the more you give, the less it feels like giving, and the more you receive in friendship, laughter, and joy.”

Emerald: “Dear Princesses, I am glad to finally get written into this fic and look forward to future chapters to see where my character development goes.”

Tosety: “Ah, well, it’s kinda nice having people that share your interests, and bonds of community can even happen when all you have are words on a page.”

Warpd: “Dear Princess Celestia: Buy some apples!

Pinkie, did Time Turner tell you of a large order of food? Well that was for now.

(Steelskin and Alex’s son, Daniel, let out synchronized belches) “Oh, that wasn’t just for us?”

Also what would be your favourite films (pony or human?) a pony friend of mine is interested in stuff like this (his cutiemark is a film reel, but his talent covers ALL arts. But I digress.)
Okay, that's all I have (for now.)

Steelskin: “Well, Pinkie Pie told me I should watch some anime called ‘Fairy Tail’ when Alex’s laptop is free. Also, I heard about something called ‘Equestria Girls’. I haven’t seen it yet, but I heard it’s a ‘pony on earth’ story”

Alex: “Some movies I’ve watched multiple times include The Incredibles, Star Wars, the last Star Trek movie from 2009, Henry V, the one from 1989, directed by Kenneth Branagh, and, my guilty pleasure, Flash Gordon, the really cheesy 1980 version.” (the other humans groaned) “Come on guys, the last two have Brian Blessed. You can’t go wrong with Brian Blessed.”

Discord’s Advocate: “Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson make and Ralph Bakshi make, Secret of NIHM, The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey, Star Trek Movies, 12 Angry Men, A Beautiful Mind, Insomnia, Awakenings, Miyazaki and Otomo anime movies, I can go on. I have a lot I like.”

Emerald: “Hm...anypony ever seen the moving picture that was recently released in Las Pegasus?”

Beatrix: “Oh! I saw that! It was very impressive. Alex told me humans started out with those before they went to film.”

Twilight: “I guess you can say we ponies would call that our favorite given we haven’t seen a movie of Alex’s world that we can appreciate.”

Genosaber: “Hmm. The Resident Evil series, Spawn, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and Scott Pilgrim to name a few.” (looks to DA and sighs) “And the Peter Jackson Lord of Rings films. You can put the duct tape away now.”

Pen Brush

Why is tallic angry all the time?

Tallic: “I am mildly pissed at the universe. Not only do I have well over nine tenths of the intelligent beings scared of me due to my race, not only does this make perfect sense due to the general nature of dragons across the memverse, but I have an almost constant stream of knights and heroes trying kill me for ‘great honor’. I consider this to be an excellent reason for me to have a cynical nature and irate disposition.”

Tosety: “He’s also trying to cover up the fact that he’s a big softie.” (Dodges an annoyed swipe from Tallic.)


Will Twilight ever make progress on that potion she briefly mentioned (the one that would temporarily alter his DNA to be compatible with ponies) so that Dash, her, and Alex can finally have a biologically complete family? (not that Scootaloo wouldn't make an awesome big sister and daughter)

Alex: (looks at you, puzzled) “Twilight never mentioned a potion. That’s a good idea, you know, for the future, when Dash is ready. No pressure, we already have lots of kids. But, I wonder where that came from...” (He gets up and heads to the back, and speaks quietly with Techogre)

Techogre: (addresses the other writers) “Guys, we have a problem. Lets huddle.” (all the writers get together and start discussing the question)

Discord’s Advocate: “Well its the magical land of Equestria, and I mean lots of magic. So...if you want to make them able to pull a miracle out of their flanks in order to accomplish such a feat, go for it. But personally I think your other ideas are better.”

Genosaber: “Seems like a random deus ex machina, hope you can come up with a good excuse for it.” (shrugs) “Or just stick with the current plan.”

Techogre: “Shush! Need to know only!”

Twilight: “Hm...I am not sure if that can be done...Emerald? Do you have any input on this?”

Emerald: (clears his throat) “Ms. Sparkle and I are concentrating on treating his magic allergy, right now. For us to try to make him and Ms. Dash genetically compatible would be nothing short of a miracle and would require tens of years to research and experimentation. I would try for the sake of science and for any other humans that may end up here who would wish to have a family, but I doubt it will happen in Alex’s life time.”

Techogre: “Okay, I think we figured out. Looks like we have a little cross reality Q&A seepage. I think the question was meant for a past version of Lero from a reality reflected by the story Xenofilia. Great story.”

Genosaber: “Please get any future questions to the right groups, this is Memverse, not Xenophilia HQ.”


i'm gonna give chrysalis i big 'ol snugly because she's the best queen and there's nothing she can do about it

Chrysalis: “It had better be a loving hug. I am out of love potion (burps). (she sits up and holds her hooves out, baring her fangs and licking her lips with her long tongue) Come to mama!”

Luna: (stomps her hooves, which shakes the room) “No feeding off the guests!”

Chrysalis: (glares at Luna)

Genosaber: “Just let her feed, he’s offering his emotions of his own free will.”

Chrysalis: “Eeeeeexcellent.” (hugs and feeds)

Winged Key

What took so long?!?!

Discord’s Advocate: (turns to you and takes a pipe out of his mouth and wearing a nice robe) “That’s a very good question. The answer is that this Q&A exists in a space time warp. Every time you ask a question, π year passes before we can answer it. And every time we answer a question, a human is displaced into Equestria. That is right, these Q&As are responsible for the majority of human-in-Equestria stories on FimFiction. In addition, every time Techogre answers a question, a brony is taken out of his or her home and sent to Equestria too! But it isn’t as great as you think. Cause you see, bronies are immediately shipped out of Equestria and onto a neighboring land...so not to disturb the natives with stories about their lives being a T.V. show. Now I know what you’re thinking. What about the minority of fics that this Q&A isn’t responsible for? They’re at the Xenophilia HQ group: A group of bronies that started on a single masterpiece clopfic, and has become a wondrous place of original fics based on it; overshadowing all other fictions and writers with their incredible talent and creativity and leaving us to scrape for what fandom we can get.” (leans in close and mutters) “But don’t worry, I have plans to take care of the problem.” (gives a wide-eyed beatific smile) “By replacing Lero with Nicolas Cage!” (leans in close and mutters) “They’ll never see that coming.” (stands pleasantly and nods) Yes.” (all eyes on DA are giving him the biggest WTF look right now)

Genosaber: (types on his laptop) Water, fire, dirt, f***king Discord’s Advocate, how do you work!?

Discord’s Advocate: (sits back and sips his wine) “With great satisfaction.” (his cellphone rings and he picks up the call)


Kris Denger
Trixie, Beatrix, do you have Multiple Personality Disorder?

Bea: “No, The Great and Powerful Trixie is a stage presence and is no more a separate personality than Kathleen Barr and her attempt at duplicating Trixie’s magnificence. However, if you are referring to the incident in Ponyville with the Ursa, (Beas’s voice changes to Trixie’s) we were on the road for almost a year and had been using Trixie so much that Trixie was being used offstage.”

Midnight Sky
Queen Chrysalis, I am one of your old subjects. been living in Ponyville for quite some time now. managed to survive on a special person that Pinkie Pie has developed. She calls special concoction liquid love. And previously unknown to us we can develop love ourselves. I have found friends. People that I care for. That understand me. People that I love. Ones who love me. glad I leave home and away from the hive, our "home". I'll never go back. Goodbye.

Chrysalis: “Am I to understand you are trying to impress me? Because if you are, you failed miserably. Many drones, some brutes, and the occasional matriarch have left the hive over the centuries, and all have either starved or assumed false identities to survive.” (eyes Emerald, who despondently looks down) “And all receive no relief from the fact they live a life-apart. Ask Emerald how he feels each day he is separated from the hive. Torn. Ask him whether he will be welcomed back with open hooves. He won’t be. Ask him what awaits all traitors who break the sacred bond of the hive. No reprieve.”

This depiction of me is Insulting! (glares at her counterparts) And all this over a stupid hand! Have you ever thought that he might let observe them up close if you asked, NICELY? Besides, Twilight has books for checkout that let you turn your hooves into hands. Swapping Hooves by Starswirl The Bearded. The spell lasts for 10 minutes each time you cast it. (looks to Alex) Good luck.

Tosety: “What can I say? The crazies are just more interesting. If everyone acted sanely, there wouldn’t be much of a story.”

Discord’s Advocate: (gives Tosety a big toothy smile) “Really?”

Tosety: “Well, to a point” (backs away from DA)

First of all thanks for answering my question. You gotta like this q and a stuff.
To Sapphire/CMC :Are sapphire new in ponyville?, If so how are you liking it?, Is sapphire part of the CMC?, and can i get an autograph from you girls?

Sapphire: (projects the answer to everypony’s minds) She joined the CMC when she first went to school after she and her daddy moved from Canterlot to Ponyville. Then she went with them on a fun adventure to find their cutie marks and now she is officially a CMC! YAAAAY! ^_^

to the best hero and all around awesome guy discord i have a question how do you stand people who think chaos is evil when art,music,and fun are all chaos?

Discord’s Advocate: “Hang on, let me translate.” (borrows Genosaber’s laptop and types)

Genosaber: “What...”

Discord: (subtitles appear clearly in front of his stone body) Ha! Music and art are random? I can see some forms of art, but trust me, even I don’t like random notes played in a ‘song’. I will, however, give you ‘fun’.

Genosaber: “Huh?”

D.A.: “He’s stoned. He can’t talk.” (gives Geno back his laptop)

Genosaber: (facepalms)

So Alex did you ever jump to the Power Rangers Universe or the Back to the future universe at all? also Matt when you have the chance check out the Star trek Universe oh speaking of Power Rangers MegaForce is coming out early 2013. Now then onto the other Questions

1) Alex what do you think of Power Rangers mostly Samurai or Time Force

Alex: “I... look, I have no idea. Daniel?”

Daniel: (looks up from his plate of food and cell phone.) “Yeah, dad?”

Alex: “Power Rangers? Any opinion?”

Daniel: (scratches his fork on his chin in thought.) “Nope.”

Alex: “Anybody?”

Tallic: “...Crunchy?”

Alex: “Likely. I’d say good with ketchup too. (humans all chuckle while ponies look a little aghast) Oh come on guys, you know it’s a joke. Anyone else?”

Discord’s Advocate: “Its the same show. Six kids get spandex suits and weird helmets, summon giant robots to defeat a giant monster.”

Beatrix: (takes notes) “Not sure if that would make a great show but I’ll keep notes just in case.”

Tallic: “Hmmm.... sounds like Voltron. These guys had mech lions that formed a giant robot. Usually waited till they got beaten pretty bad before forming it, though. Nice guys, if a bit slow on the uptake.”

2) Matt what Universes did you Travel to? why me and my brothers and sisters are going to be traversing the multiverse and go through all of time and space topped with alternate realities

Matt: There are realities out there that you do not want to visit, I’ve only visited four if you count this one. You’ve never lived until you’ve visited a reality that’s straight out of your own imagination though. If you manage to visit the first one I visited, leave. Don’t look around, don’t listen to the cries for help, don’t approach that lone person sobbing in a closet. Just get the hell out of there as fast as possible.

3) Rainbow Dash I know you love Alex with all of your heart as much as you love Scoots but what if you found a 6 year old girl wandering the market blind as a bat would you take her in?

Rainbow Dash: “What kind of question is that? Who is this girl? Does she have parents? If you’re going to give me a scenario, then be more specific. I wouldn’t kidnap some random fillie. I would be concerned and would approach her to find out if she needs help. Besides, do I know how to take care of a blind child? Not without instruction and a lot of help.”

Lyra: “That’s probably the most insightful thing I ever heard from you.”

Rainbow Dash: “Just because I am a ‘jock,’ Lyra, doesn’t mean I’m a retard.”

Alex: “Lyra... what did I say about playing nice. Anyway, Dash is right. Are we talking about a human, a pony, a gryffin, a dragon, a changeling? Each would require a different approach, but they would all lead to Miss Sweetheart.” (Alex nods to Miss Sweetheart with a smile.)

Miss Sweetheart: “Alex is correct. I would be the one to take in a blind orphan filly. Furthermore, Dash and Alex are quite right in complaining at the lack of clarity. Your question leaves the possibility open that it was a human child, in which case, I would be in contact with Alex, Matt, Trace, or any other trusted human, over the proper place for her to live.”

4) Princess Luna would it be possible for ponies of times past to travel into the future ponies such as Paradise ,Posey,Moonshower,Ember,Surprise,Firefly,Sparkler, Minty,Heartthrob,Lickety Split,Bright eyes,Fizzy,Wind Whistler,Bright eyes,Sky Wishes,Aurora,Kiwi,Sundance,Moondancer,and my oc Death Bringer a black and red Alicorn

Luna: “I am not sure how to answer this question. Time travel is possible with magic and some of those names are familiar to me. I would say yes, it is possible. Though how they would acquire the means and how they use it is very relevant. And don’t get me started with Starswirl’s warnings about quantum alterations to your own continuum.”

5) Princess Celestia With the ponies mentioned above i suppose you would welcome them to Equestria with open hooves . Question is would you be shocked or surprised about ponies of past living in Ponyville?

Princess Celestia: “First, anypony that arrives in Equestria by means that is not harmful to others is welcomed, and may stay if they are safe. Though for other means would require precaution. Would I be shocked if those from the past were living in the present? Certainly yes.”

6) Twilight is there a spell preserving a group of ponies for such an allotted time couple with a time travel spell lets say 1,000 years ?

(Tallic interrupts) “This sounds like dragonsleep. It should not be too difficult to plan on waking at a preset time.”

7) Applejack if you found somepony in the barn injured what would be the first thing you do?

Applejack: “If Applebloom or Big Mac can get the EMTs for me, I would tend to the poor fellah. Ah’m trained in first aid, y’know. First, look at the situation to make sure its safe to approach. Second, find out what is wrong. Third, attend to the fellah if I can. If not, I’ll stay with the fellah until help arrives.”

Rainbow Dash: “That is pretty much how to do it. Most ponies forget the first step. If you don’t check to make sure its safe, you may end up hurt too.”

8)Queen Chrysalis so we finally meet sadly i never heard of you or changelings care to explain on what they are ?

Chrysalis: “Ignorant mortal! Read a book!”

Luna: “AHEM!”

Chrysalis: “…” (sighs) “We are a pony-like race that feeds off love for sustenance and are mostly noted for our ability to assume the voice and body of other ponies and similar quadrupedal races. That is all I shall share with an outsider.”

9)Beatrix did you ever think of adding a few new tricks to your awesome show?

Trixie: “Of course! The Great and Powerful Trixie is always refining her act to keep it the greatest show in Equestria.”

10) Big Mac when you get the chance do you ever answer questions via tumblr?

Big Macintosh: “There are plenty of them tumblrs that star mahself. But I won’t tell you which one is the real me.” (winks)

Applejack: “Brother, if it is one of them porno tumblrs, I swear...”

Big Mac: “On second thought, I’ll tell you it is not a pornographic tumblr.”

Beatrix: “Good. There is only one pony I hope earns the privilege to see you in that way.” (winks to Big Mac)

Big Mac: (blushes)

11)Applebloom Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo I'm writing a story called My life in Ponyville the cupcake killer its a direct sequel to MLIP or My life in Ponyville anyway check em out oh and AB is the assistant as for Sweetie belle and Scoots they pretty much high tailed it when the evacuation was called so all three of you since you three are too young i don't recommend you three read the first chapter alone have someone with you so yea

Tallic growls menacingly “I do not like the implications of that warning. Hatchlings should be protected at all cost.”

12) Rarity What do you think of a Human called Phoenix Wright? he's a great defense attorney

Rarity: “Sorry darling, but I have never heard of him. The name sounds quite intriguing, though.”

13) Fluttershy just how many animals you take in your care?

Fluttershy: “I’m currently housing 156 creatures in and around my cabin, plus three hives of bees, but that number changes on a daily basis, since at least half of those are sick and injured creatures that are recuperating there.”

14) Discord did you ever have a relationship with Celestia? gotta wonder on that

Discord’s Advocate: (on a ladder and holding his ear up to Discords mouth) “Disco music...bananas...whipped cream...and then she presented her nicely rounded-”

Celestia: (Puts a hoof over D.A.’s mouth and says in the royal Canterlot voice) “NO! WE! DIDN’T!”

Discord’s Advocate: “Mrf hrm mhnnr.”

Celestia: (Withdraws her hoof and appears embarrassed) “Sorry.”

Luna: (Holding back laughter) “Dear sister, why are you so embarrassed about your mad fling? Only one with a heart of stone would never know such a thing.”

Cadence: “She’s right you know. What’s the term Alex used? ‘Slap and Tickle’?”

15) Bon Bon Do you ever miss your friends like Bright eyes Sweetheart or Clover?

Bon Bon: “Ignoring the lack of punctuation, I don’t recognize the first or third name, but I know Miss Sweetheart. We are on a first name basis as she comes over to buy my products for the kids now and again.”

16) Princess Cadence have you ever met humans like Mr. Wright or anyone else besides Alex?

Cadence: “Aside from Alex, I have also met Trace and Matt, but that’s all.”

17) Shining Armour do you ever hang out with Alex when your not busy with the Royal Guard nowadays?

Shining Armor: “Given I am starting a family with Cadence and live in Canterlot, I don’t get time to just casually travel to Ponyville to hang with Alex. To be honest, I’d more prefer to hang with Twily if I did visit. It’s not that I dislike Mr. Roberts, but we’re more like distant co-workers.”Silverfox

Trace- You mentioned getting bit by the werewolf Dawn, what happened?

Trace: (chuckles) I also mentioned an herb called wolfsbane, it counteracts the “curse” of lycanthropy. Long story short I was called to deliver the herb in time to help Dawn, who was beginning to develop her abilities. I was delayed and ended up reaching the area just in time to get attacked by an out of control pup. I had enough wolfsbane to treat both her and cancel to effects of her bite. (pats his left leg, just above the knee) Still have the marks though.

Tallic -Has a human, elf, or other sentient creature (alone or in a small group) ever come close to killing you? Be honest

Tallic: “I would say ‘of course not’, but you would have every reason to doubt me. Since it is public knowledge here, I will remind you of my first night here. Alex and Twilight, with the assistance of Matt’s distraction and my own lack of focus, incapacitated me temporarily. If they had a weapon capable of piercing my scales, they could have inflicted serious injury. Other than that, a few plasma cannon bolts came quite close to vaporizing part of my wing. Those anti-starfighter weapons tend to leave a mark.”

Matt: Funny, I have a lovely plasma setting on my sidearm. If I had my rifle I’d be able to do some real damage real fast.

Twilight- What happened between you and Emerald? I thought you had a thing for him?

Oh, and have you ever been with someone before Trace?

Twilight: “I did, but over time I began to feel Emerald and I worked better as friends and colleagues. As for the second question...” (face turns red) “I’m just going to assume you mean a relationship. And yes, I was with the Diamond Dog Rover for a while before we broke it off. If you meant something else though...” (blush grows) “T-that’s personal.”

Emerald: “This would be for Mr. Genosaber’s story. As for the original Memverse...no spoilers!”

(A second voice of Twilight can be heard giggling behind everypony as the original Twilight Sparkle sits next to Emerald)

TechOgre: “Where have you been? Geno’s Twilight has been answering all your questions.”

Twilight (Original): (meekly smiles) “Sorry! I was too busy reading.” (she leans slightly into Emerald)

Shining- Now that you’re living in the Crystal Empire, who did you get to replace you? And are you still keeping in touch with him?

Shiny: “The princesses appointed somepony to fill my position. I was a little out of it after the wedding. But I happen to be in Canterlot recently, at the same time as the attack. Everything would have been fine if it wasn’t for that Captain Nightshade trying to take over.”

Captain Nightshade: (A burly unicorn mare, dark furred and dark maned, appears beside Shining Armour. She looks around in surprise, but relaxes a bit when she spots Alex.) “Sir? What... is this?”

Shining Armour: (He snorts derisively) “Eloquent as alway, eh Nightshade?”

Alex: (with a slightly unhappy expression) “Shining, show a little respect. She’s the captain of the night guard. She’s like you, but bad ass.” (he turns to Captain Nightshade and explains where she is and what is going on)

Captain Nightshade: “No, no one will remember?”

Alex: “Basically.”

Captain Nightshade: (spins around and bucks Shining Armour in the face, leaving a bruise) “That’s for questioning my Princess and my Paladin.” (She turns to Alex with a smirk) “Thank you for the information, sir. And nice work with the D-”

Alex: (interuptes) “Can’t get too far ahead.”

Emerald: (he sighs) “Come Captain, let my look at your face.”

Princess Cedence: (overheard from the glassed in enclosure) “Oh, having your special teams seems like so much fun. I wish I had a special team.”

Princess Luna: (replies in a stage whisper) “I may have a few extras earning their redemption that I could give you...”

(Tosety turns to Emerald) “So, Emerald, do you have any plans to document your own adventures? I’d love to hear firsthand how you left the hive.”

Emerald: (hesitates for a moment) “My adventures?” (seems nervous, then like he comes up with an answer on the fly) “Well, uh, most of my adventures were in books and academia. If you want, I can recommend a few splendid volumes in the sciences.”

Twilight (original): (looks at Emerald with sparkling eyes)

Emerald: (blushes) “Of course I will share them with you too, my dear. But after the Q&A.” (winks)

(Genosaber looks over to Alex and Matt) “Alex, honestly, do you still feel a bit of distrust and caution towards Trace?

Alex:Yes and no. Intellectually, I know he’s a trustworthy friend and ally, I mean Twilight is with him, right? Emotionally, I fight with myself. I want to distrust him, and I have to fight to keep that part of myself under control.”

Matt- We know how Alex feels about Trace, but what’s your opinion, both on species and his ability to use destructive magic?

Matt: What does species matter? Seriously? Human, pony, elf, it’s all in how you behave. I might have a soft spot for ponies but if one attacked me I’d fight back just as hard as I would against a human. As for magic... Aside from the fact I call it cheating, there’s a lovely saying. I don’t remember who said it but it was something like “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

Alex: “I think that was Terry Pratchett.”


This question is for everyone |||SPACE TIME ALTERATION||| in Memverse who is willing to answer it.

If you very suddenly found yourselves back on your home earth, with exactly two years of time having passed since you 'left', (all correspondences from yourself taking place, but always seeming to happen when you're not there to see yourself, unless you specifically avoid meeting yourself) what would you do?

Discord’s Advocate:...everyone?”


D. A.: “You don’t have to shout! Sorry Quantum, I don’t think we can get ‘everyone’ to answer your question. Cause that is a lot of people. So I shall use wabbajack to go back in time and alter your request to make it more manageable.” (waves wabbajack) |||HOCUS POCUS||| “I honestly do not understand the question. Any takers who do?”

Twilight (Original): “He's saying that if you went back home after exactly 2 years had passed in your universe.”

Would you seek the other Drifters that you met in Equestria?
Would you try to return to your lives, as they were?
Would you try to get back, in an attempt to rejoin Equestria?
Or something else entirely?

Oh, as well:
You return with all of your gear, showing it is most definitely not a dream or period of catatonia. You arrive back on earth the same way you normally drift; via the warp bubbles. They just happened to catch you when nopony was around, or near enough to get to you in time.

Trace: (remains silent for a moment before speaking) “If, by some strange turn of events I ended up back on Gaia, I would do everything I could to get back here.” (Turns to Twilight and pulls her into a hug. She returns it, wrapping her forelegs tightly around the Mage in an attempt to comfort him.) “I can’t bear to lose someone I love again.” He adds quietly.

Tallic: “I would welcome a visit from the other jumpers... provided they behave” (Tallic glares at Matt) “That is assuming that we all get sent to their reality.”

Alex: “Well, as it stands right now, it would be almost a year since I left, by Ann’s clock, so that would mean a full year of no communications. When I arrive, I will have a happy reunion with Ann and the kids, then I will try to rebuild my life. If I still have communication will Equestria, I’ll make sure Dash and Scoots are well taken care of, and do my best to maintain the operations of the theatre. I may even ask Princess Luna to declare my telepresence as a legal presence, otherwise I’ll give the theatre to Bea. Finally, I’ll work with Twilight to get some kind of method of transporting things, and maybe even living beings, between earth and Equestria.” (he chuckles) “Maybe run an Equestrian travel agency. My first customers will be my human and pony families, so we can all be together.” (Ann rolls her eyes) “You’re both the reason I want to live and not just survive.” (Dash takes Alex’s hand and kisses it. Ann gives him a kiss on the cheek.)

Matt: “I’ve got nothing to go back to, I think I’d need the company and lots of time in on a shrink’s couch. I could revolutionize a dozen fields of scientific research just with what little I learned in my travels; forget what could be reverse engineered from my armor... Yeah, I’d need to leave again or I’d probably start a war or something.

More Dakka

Where did all this Celestia is a God thing come from and the whole thing of calling Discord God of disharmony or chaos, when they said he is 'a spirit of chaos and disharmony among pony's' in the show?

Celestia: “Goddesses and Gods can have different meanings depending on who you ask. What humans call a god or goddess infers as a supreme being that rules over something. While I am powerful, and Discord even more so, referring ourselves as Goddesses or Gods infers responsibility and aspect of our being. I am the Goddess of the Sun, which makes me responsible for raising the sun and all things that are dependent upon it. I do not ‘rule the day’ as the Gods in your context might.”

Techogre: “And if you remember in earlier chapters of this story, the T.V. show does not reflect the world of Equestria accurately. Much like a movie based on real events may have very little to do with the actual real events.”

All the unicorns moved the sun on there own just fine Alicorns are just have more magic then most.
Celestia is just a pony with a higher 'manna reserve' and very specific special talent, and probably has enough magic to keep casting that 'youth spell' on herself like in magical duel. I mean they gave Twilight wings because she was 'a pony with high raw magic so she took her as her student' and just did the lessons to prove herself in that regard.

Tosety (steps forward to volunteer an answer) “Simply put, the writers of the show have changed things from how they’ve actually occurred. Season one is reasonably accurate, but things got taken out of context and events got shuffled. Season two had some true inaccuracies, and season three is almost completely made up and what is true is totally out of context.”

Discord’s Advocate
(Stands up from his seat, then takes the stage.) “My turn!”
First, to Alex! How would you react to Rainbow Dash like THIS! (waves wabbajack)

Rainbow Dash: “Oh cra-” (appears on stage dressed in this)

“What the hay!?”

Alex: (His expression is one of pleasant surprise. Then his eyes flick to Ann for a moment and his face becomes neutral.) “I think it looks nice.”

Rainbow Dash: “You do?” (She blushes.) “How nice are we talking here? Nice or nice?”

Ann: “I think it looks a little slutty.”

Rainbow Dash: (she grins at Ann) “So... nice then.”

Keep the outfit. Next question! This one is for Trace. Contest of sorcery, how would you have one between you and Twilight?

Trace:(Rubs chin) “I suppose we’d do a test on skill and control. Though, considering the differences in our magic, along with both having their own form of ranking, we’d have to figure out where we stand on both of them, as the Order has a number of tests depending on the ranks of those involved.” (Turns to Twilight and Emerald) “Am I the only one thinking this might actually be a good idea?”

Emerald: “I think a wizard’s duel would involve clever uses of spell, rather than just raw power. After all, it's about versatility and application, not might.”

Steelskin: “Any place for combat magic? Tallic has taught me some pretty cool stuff.”

Emerald: “No, young one, not this time.”

Steelskin: (Head droops as he sits back down.) “Oh well, I understand.”

Twilight (Original): (Smiles) “Well, I have you both beat on each.” (winks)

Emerald: (raises an eyebrow) “Mr. Reinhart, I do believe Ms. Twilight is challenging us.”

Twilight (Original): “Well you see, because both of us are in the room...”

Twilight (Trace’s): “...and we both are technically the same.“

Twilight (Original and 2nd): (both speak at once) “Thus, we both count as Twilight, and our power is doubled.”

Trace: “That actually has more logic behind it than most of the magical debates I’ve seen in the past.”

Huzzah! The Twilight is doubled! Next question!

Hulk: (still hiding in the broom closet from the last Q&A bursts out and asks a question) “HULK STILL HAS QUESTION FOR NIGHTSHADE!”

Genosbaer: (jumps into Techogre’s arms) "What!?"

D.A.: (panics and points to Techogre)“Tech knows!”

Techogre: (nervously drops Genosbaer) “Sorry, she’s gone now, and anyway, she’s not in the fic until the next chapter.” (ducks and covers himself with his hands) “Please don’t smash me.

Hulk: “...Hulk hates waiting! Hulk watch pony marathon!” (walks to the lounge and orders a pina colada)

Another crisis averted! Next question! Diamond Dogs!

Rover: (raises a paw in greeting) “Allo. Wotcha want?”

D.A.: “What are you guys about, anyways?”

Rover: (blinks) “O’ bit gen’ral, that question is. But fine. Our folk were once a united race livin’ in Equestria’s biggest mountain. Twas long time ago. Then after chuffin’ incident, we were driven aht and ‘ave’ scattered into packs ever since.”

Twilight: “That incident was being caught enslaving ponies way back when. Princess Celestia really came down hard on them.”

Rover: “Twi’s roit on that one. Most of the bloomin' packs refrain from takin' slaves these days. But that doesn't stop others from garn Hammer and Tack ter the old ways.” (he sees everyone confused at his last sentence) “Diamond Dog figure o’ speech. Means goin’ back, in the regressin’ sense.”

D.A.: “Mhm. Interesting.”

Rover: “Me pack are the Diamond Dogs. As ya can deduce, we mined mostly rare diamonds back n’ the days. Its a long jackanory 'a I became pack alpha, and sadly we moss-ed much of our old knowledge of minin', as 'ave ovver packs. but we make due the best we can. Maybe sum day we will be united and return ter the ol’ confederation.”

Princess Celestia: (gives Rover a very stern look that makes Rover humbled) “But without the slavery and banditry.”

Rover: (Humbly nods)

(Twirls wabbajack and bows) That’s all the questions I have everypony!

Princess Celestia: (gives D.A. the puppy dog eyes)“None for me this time?”

D.A.: (unable to resist) “Sure, why not? How do you get your mane like that?”

Princess Celestia: (laughs as beautifully as a pleasant melody) “Nopony has ever asked me that. Well, first I wash it everyday from the waters of one of our many sacred harmony springs. Then, I go out and raise the sun. I get so close to the sun that my hair is steeped in its powerful energies, and dried at the same time! This gives my mane its color and sheen. And the solar-wind treatment give it it’s flowing appearance (runs a hoof through her mane).”

(everypony looks at Celestia completely baffled or, if they were human, shocked)

Rarity: “I don’t want to know how she handles dandruff.”

(everypony laughs)

Celestia and by proxy Luna: Why don’t you give Luna her own kingdom to rule? Cadance has one and it might do Luna some good to get out of her sister’s shadow.

Luna: After my...incident a millenia ago, neither of us feel too comfortable being too far away from each other. Maybe in a few hundred years I’ll think about it.

Alex: “Well, that’s it for the questions this time, folks! Thank you all for coming out. We had as good a time as you have.”

Chrysalis: “Well I didn’t enjoy myself. I was only here for the reduction in sentence.”

Alex: “Be that as it may, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful night and a thanks for coming!”

The cameras turn off, everyone goes home. Dusty, the school janitor, starts cleaning up.

Some time after everypony has left...

A blueish light illuminates the darkened stage. The source of the blue light is a young woman, glowing with some kind of magical energy. Her body seems more than half machine, and a gem is set in her brow. With her are what appears to be a blue coated Earth Pony and a green skinned, pink haired human child wearing a red dress.

The childlike being looked up at the glowing woman. "We're late Eleanor. I told you we should have come right away instead of recalibrating those power couplings."

"I'd rather my project not cause an explosion, 'Spect. At least not again. Mayor Mare still wants me to do community service for the last one." Eleanor snapped back in reply.

"I'm all for anything that keeps the house intact and doesn't destroy my liquor cabinet," said the Earth Pony.

"I said I was sorry Blitzen. I didn't expect the magic to target alcohol like that," Eleanor said, looking a bit guilty.

"I know you didn't El, but it's amazing how many of your projects seem to have it in for my liquor or my salt." Blitzen said with a disbelieving tone.

"Can we please just go home now?" 'Spect asked.

Eleanor turned around, looking at the empty stage. "Pity, it sounded like fun. Oh well, we'll make sure to be on time for the next one. Let's go home."

“Before you go,” a voice rumbled from the shadows, “I am wondering what that metal of yours tastes like?”

Blitzen: (looking for the source of the voice) "I'm not telling” (saucy wink)

HULK: (suddenly, he smashes through the wall beside the doorway from the lounge, small umbrella drink in his hand) “CAPTAIN NIGHTSHADE?”

Discord’s Advocate: (appears out of nowhere and zaps Hulk with wabbajack and sends him back to the Marvel Universe) “I’ll bring you back next Q&A.”

….meanwhile... in another dimension...

Deadpool: (walks and sings) “Woke up this morning, bought myself a gun, mother always said that...‘you’ll need more than one.’” (all of a sudden he gets flattened by a bewildered Hulk landing on him)

Hulk: (looks around, then growls) “...HUUUUULK SMAAAASH!” (bounds away to smash...something)

Deadpool: “...help.”

Author's Note:

If you have any questions, just comment on this chapter and they will be answered next time!

Comments ( 8 )

We apologize for the spacing issues. Those responsible have now been sacked.

2972358 Those responsible for sacking those who have been sacked have just been sacked.

Ralph the wonder Pony

DEADPOOL! Hell yeah! Also, I guess I have a question for the next time... uh.... What does Princess 'Sunbutt' do for dandruff? :D

Very informative *sips tea* and hope to hear from our favourite folks soon!

(also when you sacked those responsible you did remember to give them redundancy pay?)

Awww? My question didn't get used? Oh well. *starts singing the Dropkick Murphy's Rose Tattoo*

for twilight: have you given thoughts to a organ transfer one of the glands he would need in order to live? I don't know if a pony could live with just one but if they could than he would only need 2 ponys willing to help. or what about the inhibiter ring used on unicorns that cant control there magic?(or are more violent) im sure it could be altered to work like his knife and would most likely work better. finally when he met the princess do you think it helped or hurt his health?(any one of what I have ask will be fine for you to answer thanks) p.s. and for the sake of us all do not look up smile hd

I have a few questions

1, to queen chrysalis are you the only queen or are there other hives with different queens? And if there are do you all work together or fight each other? Also I apologize if my questions insult you I actually think changlings are cool and would like to learn more about them oh and I will just give you this option work with ponies you don't have to lower yourself or anything like that for example I know of another chrysalis that made a contract with the celesta and Luna of her world basically saying her changlings can go around and feed on the extra emotions as long as at least part of their true form is seen ( their wings for example)

2, to princess celesta I have two questions first is it true you have a....uh...passion for cakes? Second why was your mane and tail pink a thousand years ago but now they are different?

3, to princess Luna first I want to say Luna is best princess. Now first question and I'm sorry if this is a hard subject and feel free to not answer but when you were...away... Were you conscious all that time? I'm sorry if that question upset you. Second how would you react if a random human was pulled into equestria BUT in a copy of nightmare moon's body? And third this isn't a question more of a idea but if you ever get access to the labtop look up the fanfic past sins I believe you will like it....maybe to be honest I haven't finished reading it myself... But please NEVER read fallout equestria

3, to just the ponies, first I know you aren't the ponies from that show but I still want to thank you that show helps me believe there is still hope in my world. Second I kinda want to freak you all out just a little so here are pictures ( with names) of your gender swapped selves *does a small evil laugh *

4. And finally to doctor whooves first a warning STAY AWAY FROM DISCORD if you were to become discorded well....I don't think even celesta Luna cadence AND the elements of harmony working together could stop you....sorry now my question...may fans want to know are you from the universe of equestria or the doctor who universe? Second question if you are from the DW universe have you checked for a different version of your home world in the equestria universe? And lastly how many times (if at all) have you regenerated? ( in total not just a pony)

Thank you all for reading ( and hopefully answering) my questions actually one last one queen chrysalis may I have a changling? I promise to give him or her lots of love oh and celesta, Luna if you say no well * grins* I'll just have to be EXTREMELY annoying without breaking any laws oh and I'm immune to your effects on humans because I have done some traveling myself and well * uses equestrian magic to make a crown appear on my head* I am a prince of equestria 3586b

To everyone: have you ever watched an MLP YTP?

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