• Published 17th Jan 2015
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Wings of insanity - Rarity Belle

When faced with the confinement of the asylum, Rarity only has one shot to break out once and for all. One shot to regain her freedom once more and live her life as she wants. Though the chance is there that she gets more then she bargained for.

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Chapter 2

The doctor walked through the halls of the asylum with his head somewhere up in the clouds. He was the one who had been talking to Rarity about all sorts of things in life. The stallion then shook his head a couple dozen times. Something about that entire mare just didn’t seemed to be making sense to him. Every single time he thought to have figured her out, there was a new curveball that was thrown at him. What followed was a gentle exhale through his nostrils as the eyes opened up again.

Inaudible mutters were given off by him. Though he kept wandering through the hallways. Even though the asylum was old and could be stated as some kind of place of horror, it was still fully functioning. All of the insane ponies from Canterlot and the nearby surrounding were placed there for rather obvious reasons. Though the doctor had just been witnessing perhaps the most deluded patient that they had locked been away within the walls.

Another exhale was released through his nostrils before another shake was given off by him. He honestly had tried to figure the unicorn out. To find out just what her desires were and how she worked. But she wouldn’t just give away her secrets like that. Far from it, in fact. A fact which began to dawn more and more upon him.

For months had the two been talking to one another. He had tried to be her friend all of the time. But every time she saw right through what he tried to do. It was impossible for her mind to have gotten that refined in being sly, right? Another question arose within his mind before he just threw the thought out. It was late in the day and there was one more place he needed to be.


He kept on wandering through the hallways and up the numerous stairs until he finally stood there. His eyes looked over a wooden door that seemed just so out of place in the entire asylum. The new head of the place had it installed months ago as it brought a bit of change. Though the doctor himself never really liked it. Whatever the reason behind it was, he just didn’t enjoy it one bit.

Mere seconds he stood before it without a motion. His eyes constantly looked from left to right. They couldn’t bring home where he had to knock. It almost seemed as if he was terrified himself about whatever the pony inside would be doing. Yet he had to do his job. And the only way that he could have possibly done it, was to knock somewhere on that wooden door.

So with a gentle exhale that went through his mouth, the stallion rose his left foreleg up. Before he even knew what had happened, had the hoof already knocked upon the door. His eyes shrunk when he realized it and a gulp followed suit. The stallion then fixed his white overcoat and the glasses once more.

“Come in,” was spoken in a feminine voice from the other side. The tone in which it was said seemed to have been calm and collected. Almost as if there was nothing of true importance going on. That relieved the doctor from his deeds. He opened the door almost casually.

The hinges made their signature little screech. After that he would have walked into the office of the manager. His eyes looked around and saw that everything was nicely ordered. All the dossier cabinets were nicely stored in orders with labels on each drawer. The sofa that could be found to his right made him turn away from it quicker than anything.

Everything was as he remembered it. There was a bare minimum of stuff to be found outside of the desk. But the less stuff there was, the less could have been used as a weapon against the manager. Though there was one lack of something that crawled up to him more than anything.

The very lack of light was a thing that concerned him. He wasn’t a stallion that was easily scared of the dark or anything the like, but it was a little bit uncomfortable to say the least. The stallion walked further into the office and closed the door behind him. Only to have his eyes then fall over the window in front of him.

A window that stood behind the desk and had a view on almost every part of Canterlot. Though the most prominent feature was that it had a clear view to the castle of the princesses themselves. Before that very window stood the manager of the place. The smaller body-build could have indicated anything and the white overcoat hid the actual color of the coat.

The doctor made his way closer to the desk. On purpose he made a loud noise while he pulled the chair back. The stallion wanted to get the attention of the manager more than anything else in the moment. Only after he would have sat down in the chair, would his eyes have glanced over to see any kind of response.


The manager of the asylum began to charge up the horn that could be found right above the eyes. Its fine, raspberry colored magical aura allowed the room to be coated within that color for a moment. Only to have the candles ignite once more in a gulf of flames.

Light had returned to the place in a magical manner. The doctor was glad that he could see a little bit more than just faint light of the moon. It also revealed to him the many paintings that were all hung up on the walls. Paintings that ranged from calm and serene, to the abstract and mind-bending. Though he wasn’t there to just sit and watch paintings.

It almost seemed as if the two could have read other’s mind, for just as he thought about it did the manager turnaround. Finally was he greeted with the face he had seen for months already. That mulberry coat and that amethyst leg couldn’t have been made any mistake. Right in front of him stood nopony else then Twilight Sparkle herself.

She allowed a deep exhale to be taken from her nostrils before she walked over to the side of her desk. “Any news, from our little crystalline friend?” she asked to him in a calm tone. Even though she hated Rarity with pretty much all of her guts, she still had a job to maintain. One only given to her only a few months ago.

The doctor shook his head from side to side. “I’m afraid that there is nothing new to her. She is mad, as I have told you for months already. But she just can’t be broken by the looks of it. Every time she plays on this act before revealing she’s still there,” he answered to her.

Twilight gave him a nod before she closed her eyes for a moment. “I get what you mean and it is disturbing me. She tries to cling on to whatever thought she has that is right in her eyes. A thought that is probably gruesome and dangerous all together. Which makes her even more dangerous than any other pony in here,” the mare returned to him.

“You, you don’t have to tell me that. She’s a master of deception, even without her magic,” the stallion replied to her. Twilight could have only nodded to the words as they were. Rarity was indeed a master of those arts, she always had been in fact.

A gentle exhale was released through her nostrils and the eyes turned back to the window. She too had seen the front that was the storm. But she prayed on the fact that it would just go over or go into another direction. But luck was rarely on her side after her accident.

The amethyst leg stomped upon the floor as she took a step to turn around. “You’re dismissed, I think that there will be much bigger problems ahead of us, if I look at the weather. The calm before the storm, they often say, I think it is this night,” she added to her words.

The doctor rose an eyebrow while he stood up. Her words rang truth though, as well as confirmed something eerie for his feelings. “I, I do have to say that everypony here is a lot more quiet, yes. A-Anywho, I shall leave myself out.”

Twilight nodded to him before her attention was turned once more to the window. The one that bore her the breathtaking view. Her mind was allowed to wander off to places previously unseen. Places not thought about for obvious reasons.