• Published 17th Jan 2015
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Wings of insanity - Rarity Belle

When faced with the confinement of the asylum, Rarity only has one shot to break out once and for all. One shot to regain her freedom once more and live her life as she wants. Though the chance is there that she gets more then she bargained for.

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Chapter 6

Twilight Sparkle had never taken her eyes off of the window. Almost like a meteorologist had she continued to stare to the weather. The window was given a massive pounding of both the rain and the winds that blew against it. Concern was rightfully on its place though. She didn’t had the desire to be blown away by anything, anytime soon. But the feeling in her guts were never taken away.

They had remained for reasons that she would only have discovered mere seconds later. For upon the courtyard they then appeared. The eyes of the mare went wide as she couldn’t believe the sights that she witnessed. “What have you planned now?!” she exclaimed quietly to herself. The eyes were then narrowed again to focus on the scenario as a whole.

Something must have been going on, right? Rarity had never just plainly asked to be carried outside like that. Especially within the likes of a thunderstorm. There must have been reasons she didn’t knew behind the mare. Twilight thought about a thousand and one things as she tried her best to remain reasonable.

Though why didn’t she just teleport herself over to the courtyard, remained a thing unknown. Of course did the thought cross through her mind and the desires to do such a thing had raised within her. But somehow she couldn’t perform the spell. It almost felt to her as if something was holding her back tightly. As if something had put a leash on her and held her tightly in place.

Though the mare seemed to be aware of exactly what that very thing. A growl was released through her mouth. She quickly turned around and away from the window. Her eyes glared over to the desk. Upon that very desk did it still lay. It just laid there so calm and peaceful, as if nothing was wrong with it. But that very thing happened to have been the cause of it all.

The book that she couldn’t read through was the thing that seemed to have tied her down to the place. Twilight wasn’t sure about it at all. Everything just didn’t seemed to be making sense whatsoever. Yet at the same time, it made all the sense in the world. The mind of the mare began to turn and twist in ways unseen by her for a long time.

Yet then it happened. The strike of lightning was caught within her office and the mare froze. In just a split second there wasn’t anything she could have done. Yet the feeling in her guts had vanished. It just had vanished in the blink of an eye. It was the very thing that terrified the unicorn more than anything else in the moment. Something had happened, she didn’t knew what, but it was terrible. There was only one thing that she could have done to confirm the thoughts that she had.

Her body turned slowly back around. Her eyes watched through the window again. There, in the courtyard did she captured it. The sight that she didn’t had the desire of seeing whatsoever. The terror that was revealed before her was a thing that made her place a hoof before her mouth.

It almost seemed as if she had seen the devil himself, and he was laughing at her. Most likely the most terrible thing that ever could have happened, had happened. A gulp was given off by the mare. She began to shake her head in disbelief. “No, no, no, no, no, this can’t be happening!” the mare exclaimed to herself. Terror took her over as she was forced to stand in the spot and watch whatever would have been happening next to the mare in the pouring rain.


The guard on the other end watched over Rarity with a set of wide eyes. That charged horn could have meant anything from a simple fizzle to the largest spell ever spoken. The last thing he needed in the moment was that she would have gone ballistic. So he did the only thing that was deemed reasonable in his eyes.

Step by step he came closer to her. Yet she only turned her body over to him. The resonations of the crystals were clearly caught within his ears and he could have only hoped she wouldn’t do anything foolish. “Calm down, there’s no need for any of this and you know that,” the guard spoke to her in desperation. He tried to reason with a mare who had lost all sense of it. She always appeared to be negotiable, but never did she actually got into any kind of negotiation.

The maddened unicorn just remained standing there for a moment or two. Then she began to grin. The guard stopped his pacing and he looked over her. Anything could have happened and he was scared of it. No place seemed to have been safe for him to hide. He was alone in the downpour, only at the mercy of the maddened mare. “No need, you say?” Rarity repeated after him before she rose an eyebrow to him. “Well excuse me, dear, but I dare to say that there is all the need for what I’m going to do next. Months I have been held here, unable to transform this dress of mine.”

“And for good reason!” the guard replied to her. Though only after he had said the words did he realize just what exactly he had said. His hoof was brought over this mouth in order to silence it.

But the deed was already done in Rarity’s eyes.

The maddened unicorn charged up her horn even further and growled into his direction. The eyes turned cold as ice while not a grain of mercy could be found within them. The unicorn that she once was and the mare she played in her cell had vanished. Only a dark and cold monster stood before him. One that he couldn’t escape the clutches from, even if he wanted.

Rarity charged up her horn only a little bit more. She released the charge into the world. The resonations of the crystals became only stronger until they began to shift. "I think somepony wants to meet my darlings," the mare spoke just before the dress started to change.

More and more were the crystals shifting all over the place. They were taken off from their location and placed within their original formation, the formation that were the four crystalline arms. Four arms that could end his life just like that if she desired.

Wheezes were made by the unicorn. The pain returned to her once more. But she welcomed it in fact. She welcomed the pain that went through her body like an old friend. She had the guard right where she wanted, the arms were almost done. The time to charge was finally there.

The charge faded away from her horn and she just stood there. The four crystalline arms were ready to listen to the command of their master once more. The guard on the other end was terrified. Never in his life had he even seen such a thing. Of course did he had heard from it, but never had he actually expected that any of it was true.

“Impossible,” he managed to say at the sight.

“Oh trust me, I’ve seen the impossible. This, is far from it,” replied Rarity before one of her arms shot forward. “Tell the devil, I’m coming for him next,” she added before the claw began to squeeze his throat.