• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 1,221 Views, 63 Comments

The Queen and I, Book 2: People and Problems - SoloBrony

Even a positive change can be intimidating; regrets and nostalgia make it hard to move forward. I can't just hold on to the past forever, though; there are people who need me. For them, I'll turn my regret of the past to hope for the future.

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Chapter 10: Your Letters


Miss Princess Celestia,

I can't believe I'm actually writing to you! I'm such a big fan of yours! Big Bro Piro says I've gotta hurry so I'm sorry if this is a little messy!

I heard that you raise the sun and you watch over everyone and you read all the letters people send you and that you've lived for CENTURIES! How cool is that!! I can only imagine all of the amazing stuff you must have seen!

Equestria just seems so cool! My family isn't a big fan but maybe someday I'll get to go there! I've studied really hard on how ponies do stuff and it just seems like everything over there is so much more cool and warm and fuzzy.

I really like pony families! You guys stick together and you have these people who are always there for you and I think that's just a great idea. I've tried talking about it with the others but they think I'm pretty weird for getting all worked up about stuff like this.

But I don't think it's weird at all. You guys have the right idea. Make close friends, stick together, help each other out. And things are so advanced in Equestria! I've heard there are entire schools devoted to just one subject, like magic! I want to learn magic, too!

My family may not like it, but I'm going to work really hard, and I'm going to make everyone see how important this is, and when I grow up to be big and important and stuff I'm going to go to Equestria and I'm going to meet you! We can stand together and show everyone the right way to live!

Oh, Piro's about to leave! I'll write again soon!




Dear Miss Princess Celestia,

Big Bro says he sent the last letter, and that the Equestrian Postal Service never fails, so I really hope you got it! I'm sorry it's been a couple of years, Bro-Piro says it's really risky to send them. If Mom found out she would throw an absolute fit! Oh, but I bet a couple of years are nothing at all to you, huh?

Guess what?! Big Bro brought back some Equestrian instruments from last time he visited there! He knows how much I like Equestrian stuff. We don't really mess with instruments, here. Everyone just whistles or jumps around to make noise. Whistling always seemed so silly to me, though. When you hold your hoof to your face to make the right sound, it looks like you're eating something.

Oh, but Equestrian instruments are so refined! I practice with them every day! Maybe someday I'll be good enough to play for you, too! Everyone still thinks I'm silly for being so into Equestria, but I'll show them who's silly when I'm famous all-over for my musical skills!

My best sis Iqqel is pretty interested in Equestrian stuff, too. She's already going by her chosen name. A lot of people say we're wrong for not waiting for our Ceremony of Names, but I think the pony way is better! It's hard to tell everyone apart without names, especially when you're writing!

Oh, the pony name I picked is Cecily! It's a really old pony name, but I think it's pretty, and Big Bro says he thinks it really suits me! What do you think of it?

We're going to do great stuff together! I'll take her to meet you when I visit! Bro says he can send another letter again in a year, so I'll make sure I've got all kinds of neat stuff to tell you then! Bye!



P.S.: I almost forgot! My mom would be really super upset if she found out we were sending these to you, so that's why there's no return address. I promise I'll come visit you someday, though, so don't worry!



Dear Princess Celestia,

That year took sooooo long, I didn't think it would ever end! So much stuff has happened! You remember I mentioned my instruments? I've gotten really good at playing them! I can't really compare it to any pony musicians, but Big Bro got me some sheet music and a couple of books, and I can play almost everything in them now!

Mom says that my skill with music is really impressive, and that I'll grow up to be a great music Maker! That sounds like a lot of fun, but I don't know if that's what I want to do. There's so much other stuff to do and explore, I don't want to get stuck on just one thing!

Everyone's gotten used to calling me 'Cecily' now, even though my Ceremony is still two years away. A lot of other kids are taking on nicknames and stuff, too, now! It makes me feel really grown-up. I've also been practicing my magic a lot! Mom says I'm way too young to learn it, but that won't stop me!

They say our magic is no match for a unicorn's, but maybe I'll be the one to change that! I'll work really hard on that, too! Big Bro told me you ran a school just for that kind of stuff, so maybe some day I'll go there! Or even teach there!

Big Bro says I've gotta keep this one short, but I'll write again next year! See you then!




Dear Princess Celestia,

Piro-Ammon insists he's been getting my letters to you all this time. I'm not sure I believe him, but I can't let the opportunity slip by. He had better not be lying, though. I'm not a baby anymore, my Ceremony is only six months away!

Mom says I'm a 'rebel'. How stupid is that? I've been studying Equestrian government and I think it's an improvement on how we handle things! That doesn't make me a 'rebel', I just want to see things get better!

Some of my instruments broke. I was really upset, but I learned to make music with my magic, so it turned out okay. I don't need instruments anymore. Mom says she's never seen a kid so gifted with magic before.

A lot of people want to be my mentor. Makers, Soldiers... but I'm going to be a Thinker. I decided on that already. I'm going to help reshape our government and improve things! We should have schools just like Equestria, this mentoring stuff is so antiquated!

Iqqel's behind me, at least. She thinks my ideas are great! Don't tell anyone, but she's the real reason I'm going to be a Thinker. She told me a long time ago she was going to be, and I'm not getting separated from my best friend!

Once I'm a Thinker in my own right, I'll be able to make my own decisions! Mom says we're not allowed to leave home without express permission, but I'll either get that permission or I'll just sneak out. I'm going to come see you as soon as I can!




Dear Princess Celestia,

My Ceremony of Names is tomorrow night! I know I shouldn't be nervous. All the other kids look up to me, and all the adults say I'm going to do great things, but I can't help it. I feel like I'm about to wake up from a good dream.

But this means I'll be able to come and see you soon! Mom already gave permission for me to go to Equestria to study! She doesn't know I've been sending you letters (and she'd be REALLY angry if she knew I was going to go have a chat with you), but she doesn't need to know. It's my life!

I need to rest up for the ceremony. Bro sprang it on me at the last minute that he could get another letter to you. Wait for me, Celestia! I'm coming to see you soon!

Cordially yours,



Author's Note:

Comments and speculation are welcome. Feel free to message me privately.