• Published 15th Jan 2015
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The Queen and I, Book 2: People and Problems - SoloBrony

Even a positive change can be intimidating; regrets and nostalgia make it hard to move forward. I can't just hold on to the past forever, though; there are people who need me. For them, I'll turn my regret of the past to hope for the future.

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Chapter 13: The Ceremony

I held Iqqel close to me for a long time. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I noted how she and I had never embraced before – and her contact with Chryssi, before my existence, was kept minimal as well.

Somehow, in those moments as we stayed together, and I thought back on all of the things that had changed over the past week... all of the things I had learned...

It sank in. There was no going back to the way things were before; things had changed, I had changed, and those changes weren't going to be reversed.

It reminded me a little of Chryssi's Ceremony of Names, one of the few memories from her that was still vivid to me. That feeling she had when she realized that there would be no going back to her old life...

I realized that I was growing up.

Reluctantly, I let Iqqel go so she and I could face each other. She tried to quickly wipe her face and return to a professional demeanor.

As though we'll both forget what just happened, and go back to normal.

I found myself smirking at her behavior. Despite all that had changed, one thing was now more stable than ever: I had good friends that I could rely on to help me through, no matter what else happened.

The world seemed a lot less daunting with that in mind.

“Iqqel, there's something I need to discuss with you.”

Iqqel's ears perked up, and she sat at attention, silently, waiting for me to continue.

Man, I wish I had that kind of discipline and focus. I bet Iqqel would be way better at all of that Queen stuff than I am.

I shook that thought from my head and continued.

“I actually had a reason to visit Equestria that I couldn't tell Chryssi about. You see, Pinkie Pie is the purported premier party pony-”

Iqqel cracked up slightly at my unintentional alliteration. I rolled my eyes and continued.

“-and I needed her help. See, I've been trying to plan a birthday party for Chryssi- er, I mean, I know hatching days usually aren't celebrated, but I really thought it was a nice idea, andIjustkindofwantedto-”

“Oh, so that's why you invited Pinkie Pie to the hive unexpectedly.”

That's Iqqel for you... as perceptive as a hawk, and twice as sharp.

“Uh... yeah. I wanted advice... but then she got called back to Ponyville and-”

“I think I understand, Cheery. I think it's a great idea, actually. The Queen has been so irritable and depressed lately, and I... Oh, no!”

Iqqel stiffened in sudden recognition, sending a fresh dose of panic through me.

“What?! What's wrong?”

“I came here to warn you that the Queen has been on such a hair-trigger, lately! She'll be here any minute, and when she sees you like this, she'll probably-”

Iqqel's words died in her throat as the door to the reception lounge lazily swung open, allowing Chryssi to stride through, with Celestia, Pinkie and Twilight trailing behind her at a fair distance, looking a bit concerned. Chryssi was wearing her usual smile – a seductive, wily smile that she used when she couldn't bring herself to smile sincerely, so that it looked like she was being coy instead of insincere.

She lazily tilted her head towards me, and that expression froze ever-so-slightly. She continued walking forward as if unperturbed, stopping just a few feet from us, but I could tell the gears were turning in her head, and she was concealing the real emotions at work inside of her.

After what Iqqel had said, I couldn't help but feel fear, cold and slippery like water creeping up my back. She was furious, I was sure – I had seen this behavior, and I still vaguely recalled this methodology for covering it up.

Oh please, please don't let this be a repeat of what happened when Iqqel saw me!

“H-hello, Chryssi...”

Chryssi closed her eyes, and took in a deep breath, breathing out slowly. When she opened them again, I saw something I hadn't ever seen on her face before; I was honestly unsure of what it even was, exactly.

“Hello, Cheery. Welcome home.”

Her voice came out soft – much softer than I was used to – and a bit uneven. I felt some of my fear replaced by confusion at the unusual signs, but she spoke up again before I could make sense of it.

“Cheery, you are expected for an important function in two hours. In the meantime, stay in your quarters in the Spire.”

An important function? Stay in my room?!

Iqqel looked as confused as I was, glancing between us before speaking up.

“What important function? I recall nothing being scheduled for today!”

“It's a last-minute change. Iqqel, please accompany Cheery. Do not worry yourselves. Your guests-”

Chryssi glanced behind her at my friends – my new family – with a smile, but it wasn't like the one she had worn coming in.

“-are invited as well, so they are encouraged to settle into their rooms and prepare. I will return for you when it is time for the function, but for now I must go – time is short, so we will speak later.”

With that, Chryssi whirled on her hooves and walked out. Once she passed the ponies from Equestria, I noted that she slightly quickened her pace, some of the tension going out of her shoulders.

There's definitely something going on.. and what was that smile about? I haven't seen Chryssi acting like this before...

I traded an uneasy glance with Iqqel before setting off in the direction of my room. I wasn't about to make Chryssi more upset by defying her, but I felt a definite sense of trepidation about this 'function' she had planned – and the chat she had promised to have with me.


Iqqel and I uneasily checked the clock together. We had spent most of the time making plans for Chryssi's party – as much to take our minds off of whatever was coming as anything – but now there were only a couple of minutes remaining.

“Iqqel, you don't think... I mean, you saw how she looked at the others, right? You don't think she'll hurt them, do you?”

Iqqel looked me in the eyes, pausing for a moment to find the right words.

“No, Cheery. I don't think so. Chrys- Queen Chrysalis knows that hurting your friends would hurt you. Even if for no other reason... I think that would stop her. We just have to have some trust in her.”

“I didn't mean to imply I didn't trust her! I just... you said-”

“It's alright. Just put those thoughts to ease unless something comes of it.”

And so we waited in tense silence, until the doors to my bedroom opened a few minutes later. Iqqel and I glanced over, surprised to see not Chryssi, but Iqqel's assistant, Nihkel.

“Pardon me, but the Queen has sent me to summon both of you to the Spire ballroom. She decided it was more practical for her to meet you there.”

Iqqel and I traded nervous looks, and quickly got up and headed out with Nihkel. As we wound through the hallways, Nihkel struggled to keep up, until we finally reached the ballroom. I took a deep breath as Nihkel forged ahead of us to push the door open, dipping into a courteous bow in the process. As I passed through the doorway, I found myself only able to entertain a single coherent thought in response to what I saw.

Didn't expect this.

The ballroom was brightly decorated in colorful – mostly shades of red, orange and purple, with some black streaks – banners. Extra tables had been pulled out, and the dividing wall between the ballroom and a secondary wing had been temporarily removed – a trick Chryssi had added when she had renovated this section of the Spire to serve for gatherings. Mostly, my impression of the room could be summed up with one thought.

It was huge.

I think you could fit most of the central town of Ponyville in here... I never did get why Chryssi ordered it to be so big. For gatherings this large, she usually addresses everyone from the Spire.

I felt Iqqel's hoof tap me in the side. Glancing over, I saw her staring intently at the banners.

“Say... Cheery? Aren't those banners in the same style as... well, you? Your wings?”

I glanced back at the banners, and then I held up my right wing. Glancing between them, I realized that Iqqel was right – just in time to be distracted when Pinkie pounced onto me in a hug, leaving me spluttering and dumbfounded. A moment later, I realized what she was saying.

SUUUUURPRIIIIIISE! Welcome to your big party, Cheery! Ooh, this is sooo exciting! Chryssi asked me to help decorate and prepare the ballroom because it was on such short notice, and then Celestia and Twilight helped out, and it was all just so cool to be working on this big party together, and even though thisroomissobigandIdidn'tthinkwecoulddoitintimewesomehowdid AAAAND-” Pinkie took a quick gasp of air “-workingwithChryssihahthatnameisfunnywasreallycoolshe'sactually-”

“Hey! Wait up, Pinkie! Did you say this is... for me?”

“YEP! This is your super-duper super-surprise super-party!”

I took a second to parse out what Pinkie was saying while I looked up at the ballroom.

I suddenly took stock of another fact about the ballroom. Not only was it huge...

It's full.

Filled with changelings, aside from my three guests – I saw Celestia and Twilight sitting near Chryssi at the head of the room.

And then I took stock of another fact. The conversation in the ballroom had died down shortly after Pinkie's outburst.

If I didn't know better, I'd say the entire Hive is here... and they're all staring at me.

I usually love crowds, and being the center of attention. Not this time. This time, I felt scared, and ashamed, as I realized that they were all seeing me for the first time since my change.

This is why I haven't wanted to go out since the day I changed. No matter how much the others tell me I have nothing to be ashamed of, I can't help it... I'm not a pony, and judging by their stares, everyone here is realizing I'm not a changeling, either. I don't even look like a changeling Queen anymore.

I'm a freak.

Just as I started to tremble, and felt a strong urge rising to flee the ballroom, Chryssi stood up, locking gaze with me. She was wearing that strange smile again, and I saw her horn light up as she augmented her voice, making it carry out across the ballroom, yet sound like she was speaking conversationally only a few feet away.

“My dear subjects, please welcome our guest of honor tonight!”

At that, Chryssi began stomping her hooves on the ground, and buzzing her wings. At first, this caught everyone by surprise, as stomping was more of a pony ritual – the hive had always preferred the buzzing of wings as applause. Still, as Twilight and Celestia joined in, the rest of the changelings did as well, filling the hall with a tremendous clamor. More and more of the changelings, reassured by Chryssi's presence, changed their expressions from confusion or alarm to curiosity and welcome.

I caught Chryssi beckoning for me to join her, and I felt Iqqel pull me along. I numbly stumbled along behind her, trying to smile to the rest of the gathering, but I think it came out looking pained. Once we had reached the front of the hall – a table elevated on a small stone platform – Chryssi unseated herself and came around to me. We stood there, staring at each other at the foot of the long, stone table for a few tense moments – her with that strange smile, me with a nervous one to match – before she did something else I never expected.

Chryssi pulled me into a hug.

As I took in the warmth of her embrace, I realized what that look was. Love. Affection. Sincere emotion.

The things Chryssi always hid from the world, never to be shown on her face. As I thought about that, I felt the tension and fear that had gripped me start to fade away, replaced by other sensations. Love. Family. Home. I was with my family and closest friends, here in my home.

Here where I was loved.

Chryssi broke the embrace gently, and looked out over the gathering, a serene expression on her face. I glanced over to Celestia, realizing the expression reminded me of her; for her part, Celestia watched Chryssi with rapt attention, a small smile teasing at the corner of her lips.

“Listen, my subjects! This mare by me is the one you have all known as Cheery! This change in appearance is not merely cosmetic – for Cheery was never your average changeling!”

Some murmurs went through the crowd at Chryssi's words. Chryssi glanced at me, and beamed with pride. I felt heat creeping up my face as I looked out over the gathering.

Our subjects.

“When Cheery first arrived, I told you all that she was a foreign Queen, come to visit our hive and learn from us. This was a falsehood, and I regret having to deceive you all. You see, Cheery was actually far more to me – to us all – than some guest in our home. The truth of the matter is...”

My breath caught in my throat as Chryssi paused. Twilight looked absolutely stunned. Celestia merely kept her eyes neutral, that small tease of a smile remaining.

“... The truth of the matter is that Cheery was born of magic. Using a ritual provided to me so generously by Equestria-”

Twilight gasped faintly. Celestia smirked in amusement. Pinkie, for her part, had moved up to my side, and was beaming at me for some reason.

“-I was gifted with something far beyond what any of us expected. Not a simple magical creation, but a true, living being...”

Chryssi looked at me, drawing my attention back to her. Her smile became lopsided for a second, and I realized that she was stifling tears. After a second to gather her composure, she continued.

“... A little sister.”

I felt myself shudder slightly. I had always thought of Chryssi as a big sister, but she had never openly reciprocated that sentiment to me. Chryssi, for her part, drew herself up and faced our subjects again.

“She is my sister, and not mine alone! She has similar bonds to the others she brought with her, from Equestria!”

At that, I gasped. My eyes darted between Chryssi and the others. Twilight, for her part, was blushing and looking down at a corner of the room. Celestia slid her eyes over to meet mine, and nodded gently.

Sisters! Twilight had said that my transformation had taken an imprint of them – the love they felt for me – and had changed me in turn, but...

… well, in retrospect, I guess that is the same kind of bond I have with Chryssi and Pinkie, isn't it?

Watching Twilight and Celestia's reactions, I realized that they had come to this conclusion a long time ago.

They must have wanted to wait for the rest of the changes to sink in before discussing it...

“Cheery's journey to Equestria has changed our worlds for the better. Her transformation signals that she has come of age, and her bonds shall ensure...”

Chryssi faltered for a moment, looking suddenly pained. Some murmurs went through the crowd, but Chryssi soon mastered herself and raised her head again. Her voice came out a little more deadpan than before, her eyes more set.

“... Shall ensure that the Changeling Hive Chrysalis and Equestria have a long, prosperous relationship.”

Cheers went throughout the crowd again. Chryssi looked over at me, and I saw her expression soften again. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and holding it for a moment, before looking back out to the crowd.

Chryssi... you did all of this for me? Even with how bad you've felt lately, even with how much you hate speaking to crowds...

“Since she has come of age, the time has come for us to honor our traditions. It may be an unusual circumstance, but I have gathered all of you together for my sister's Ceremony of Names!”

Ceremony of names? But...

Cheers went through the crowd once more, as Chryssi walked over towards me and lifted my chin in her hoof. Her voice came through almost as a whisper, though I knew everyone could hear it just as well as I.

“I know the circumstances are unusual – her change has already occurred, after all, and I suspect that occurred in private, as most Ceremonies do. But I wish for everyone to recognize what has happened. No one should have to live with the label of a single emotion, either – least of all you, sister, who feels so much and so deeply.”

For a second, I wondered why everything was getting so blurry.

“Everyone, please recognize our Hive's first Princess. Princess Chiri.”