• Published 1st May 2015
  • 8,292 Views, 238 Comments

I Make Movies - The Good Dark Lord

A human is in Equestria as a Unicorn. Human becomes a film director and one of the most controversial figures in Equestrian entertainment.

  • ...

980- Saw

Big Bucks walked into the studio just as I brought the ax down and split the fake pony head in half, spraying myself with red syrup and food coloring.

"Yep, works like a charm." I said with a smile. I looked to the side to see Big Bucks staring with me with a dropped jaw. His cigar had fallen out of his mouth. "Uh... yeah this is exactly what it looks like."

"You just killed that pony!"

"Relax, it's just oobleck and wax." I yanked the ax out of the fake brain matter and set it on the ground. "I'm just making sure the special effects for my next movie aren't half-assed."

Big Bucks gave a nervous gulp. "Well, okay then. You had me going there for a second. This is for that Saw movie you're making, right?"

"Uh huh, we start filming next week. We should have it done in a couple months just in time for Nightmare Night."

"You really think you can get this done by then?"

I picked up a towel from a table and started wiping the fake blood off my face. "Oh yeah, definitely. This movie's super cheap, the budget's only one million, and the final running time should only be a little over an hour. An hour and twenty minutes tops."

"Aren't you also working on another movie about dragons? Doing two movies at once is hard work, especially for a guy new to the business such as yourself."

"Oh I've already got the script and miniature cities finished for that. All we have to do is hire a cast and start filming. That should be done around, oh... next year summer."

"That's a tight deadline. You better be able to handle it."

Opening day for Saw was one week before Nightmare Night. By the time the movie was over, one-fourth of the audience had run out of the theater screaming, one-fourth had fainted, one-fourth was trying to recover from violently puking, and the last fourth was sitting rigid in their seats with clenched teeth and wide eyes.

Meanwhile I was just sitting back in my seat with my front hooves behind my head and one leg crossed over the other, humming a tune.

"Most ponies are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you, not anymore."


"Game over!" Jigsaw closed the door.


The end credits started playing so I got up and stretched. "Well that was fun. Who's up for dinner? I'm paying."

Big Bucks, who had been sitting next to me, threw up on the floor. "HURAAAAGH!"

"I'll take that as a no then."

Saw didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. It only made 20 million at the box office and reviews were mixed with a leaning towards the negative. Turns out that little ponies really don't like gorefest snuff films and downer endings. Oh sure Mare Do Well also had a downer ending, but there was still some hope. Saw on the other hand had a straight up hopeless ending and the villain won.

Maybe I shouldn't be too dark and edgy with the movies I'll be making. I'll become predictable and the ponies will be apathetic towards any of my projects. Well, I guess that means no Saw sequel, not that I was gonna do one anyways. Not to say I won't do other horror stories...

A few days later I was sitting in front of Big Buck's desk. Big Bucks himself was there in front of me, head facing downwards and with his hooves in his face. "Please don't do anything like Saw again." He said in a tired tone.

"Okay." I said.

Big Buck's head snapped up towards me with a hopeful expression. "Really?"

"Well, I definitely plan on doing other horror films in the future with plenty of blood and guts, but I'm gonna make it a point to make sure they all have a happy ending, or at least a bittersweet ending. In hindsight Saw's ending was a bit of a downer."

"A bit of a downer?! That was the most depressing ending ever! Even worse than Mare Do Well! No wonder the box office tanked!"

"We made twenty million out of a one million budget. I call that a success."

"The critics hated your movie."

"...Okay now that was uncalled for."

"John, this is just my way of saying be careful. Sure Mare Do Well made a billion, and that made you and I really happy. But you wanna know what that really was? Beginner's luck. I can tell you're very creative with your ideas, I mean, just look at Love on Wings!"

"I really don't want to talk about that movie."

"Regardless, you took what should have been a failure and managed to make a decent profit out of it. I've put a lot of faith in you John, but someday you're gonna make a movie that will alienate the audience, and it's gonna flop."

"And then what? You and every other executive are just gonna drop me like a hot potato?"

"... Not exactly, but it's gonna be a black mark on your permanent film record. Look at it this way: that twenty million you made off of Saw? Oh sure we can count that as a success, but only because the budget was a measly one million. What if it was one hundred million, hm?"

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm not gonna screw up that badly."

Big Bucks regarded me for a moment as he puffed his cigar. "I don't want to be that bad guy here John, but in this business, anyone can fall. Countless directors have started their careers with a series of hits, only to make that one dud that completely ruins them. Very few actually have a lengthy career."

I felt like a school kid getting lectured. I splayed my ears down and looked to the floor.

"Oh hey c'mon don't be like that," Big Bucks said, "I'm just trying to give you some pointers so you can survive. Let's just look back on this as an example of what not to do: making movies like Saw."

I nodded my head a few times. "Yeah, okay. But I'm still gonna do more scary movies!"

"As long as they don't end like Saw, I'm A-OK with that. Say, I just remembered, how's that dragon movie you're making coming along? Gojyra, was it called?"

"You mean Gojira, and we actually just started pre-production right now. I'm looking for ponies to play the Equestrian part of the cast so we can film their scenes, and we're in the middle of building accurate replicas of real life cities."

"Hold up. What do you mean 'the Equestrian part of the cast'?"

"Only a few of the main characters are actually going to be ponies. I'm also looking for foreign dragon and kirin actors."

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

"By flying to Neighpon with my crew, of course."

Two months later I was at the airport with most of the cast and crew for Gojira. We were going to fly over to Neighpon, find the actors for the kaiju, film any scenes that took place in Neighpon, and then fly back to Equestria to finish filming.

So we all got molested by the TSA (Some shit never changes, no matter what universe), boarded the plane (Yeah turns out Equestria has had airliners for almost a decade) and we took flight.

Back on Earth, I've flown about five times (ten if you count the return flights) so I was used to the sensation of taking off. Apparently it was going to be a ten hour flight to Neighpon, so I brought a couple of books along and a small pillow for sleeping. Although, if I am to assume that Earth and this world are roughly equivalent, with Equestria being America and Neighpon being Japan, then this world must be smaller in size. On Earth a flight from California to Japan takes about twelve hours, while here it's only ten, and I could tell just from looking that pony planes are WAY more primitive and slower than modern human planes.

Besides myself, the pegasi seemed at ease, for obvious reasons. The earth ponies and other unicorns seemed really nervous, though. One of our new guys on the camera crew, an earth pony named Film Reel, was sitting right next to me. He looked super jittery.

"First time flying?" I asked him.

Film Reel looked at me and nodded. "Y- yeah. Just a little scared."

"You'll get used to it. First you'll feel tingly in your stomach, then your ears will hurt from the air pressure, then you'll be bored out of your mind. It's not that bad."

"You speak like you have a lot of experience flying."

"That's because I do. I've actually been to Neighpon before, while filming Mare Do Well."

"Oh yeah the scene where she trains in that temple!"


"So what's Neighpon like?"

"Beautiful scenery, great food and hilarious anime."

"What's anime?"

"Anime is basically animation, like cartoons, but not like cartoons."

"What do you mean?"

"It's hard to precisely explain. I like to look at it like this: Cartoons are typically more child friendly and play it safe, while Anime, while also willing to be child friendly, is perfectly willing to take risks and tell more mature stories. Another thing-"

The plane started moving.

"Hold that thought, we're taking off." I had the window seat. You always stop what you're doing to look out the window if you have the window seat.

Neighpon, here we come!