• Published 1st May 2015
  • 8,298 Views, 238 Comments

I Make Movies - The Good Dark Lord

A human is in Equestria as a Unicorn. Human becomes a film director and one of the most controversial figures in Equestrian entertainment.

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981- Gojira

I would have done an adaptation of the original Gojira movie, but this world didn't have to worry about nukes or radiation, so the inhabitants of this world wouldn't have been able to relate to it. And quite frankly, it would probably be seen as a racist anti-dragon movie. I'm not taking that risk.

I'll be honest with you guys, the Gojira movie I'm making for these ponies is a mix between Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964) and Godzilla (2014). Basically, Godzilla and Ghidorah are already arch enemies who battled thousands of years ago, and when Ghidorah is unleashed by ponies in Neighpon, Godzilla wakes up to stop him. Along the way Mothra and Rodan help Godzilla as fellow ancient protectors of the Earth. Yes I'm calling this planet Earth because apparently there is no official name for this stupid planet. Anyways Ghidorah makes his way towards Equestria and is defeated by the three heroic monsters in Las Pegasus via being blown up and sinking into the ocean.

There are five monster battles. Godzilla vs Ghidorah, Rodan vs Ghidorah, Mothra vs Ghidorah, Godzilla vs Rodan vs Mothra, and finally Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra vs Ghidorah.

I made sure to throw in an aesop explaining how ponies are arrogant little shits for thinking that nature is completely at their mercy, and just how helpless they really are in the face of a greater natural force (which the kaiju represent). Of course there's scenes between the pony and kirin characters to connect the events together so that it all at least resembles a plot.

Of course, we have to actually film all of this stuff first.

I was jostled from my nap when the plane started to rock. "Huh, what?" I looked out the window to see us closing in on an air strip. "Oh, we're here." I was having the weirdest dream, like several months had passed when it had only been a few hours.

The plane landed on the runway and slowed to a stop. A stair was rolled onto the runway and set up to the plane door. The door was opened and I stepped out into the fresh air. "I'm back, baby."

A kirin wearing a nice suit was waiting for us. He gave a polite smile and bow. "Welcome to Neighpon. We are honored to have you here, Mr. Miles. I am Shinrai, and I will be your escort to our studio." So we were all loaded onto a bus and we drove about twenty miles to their film studio. Along the way I explained to Shinrai what kind of movie Gojira was and what I needed for it. He smiled and nodded. "Of course Mr. Miles, we can provide what you need."

So we arrived at their film studio and the cast, crew, and myself were all seated a big dining table for lunch. We were given hot soup for appetizers, but then I noticed there weren't any noodles in the soup. "Uh excuse me, but where's the noodle?"

The kirin waiter gave me an even glare and he said, "We give you hot and sour soup while you wait for NOODLE!" Then he stomped off.

Film Reel leaned in close to me. "I thought kirins were big on politeness."

I nodded. "Well most of them are, but you can't expect them all to be the same. That would be silly."

"What's this green blob on my plate?"

"Never had wasabi before, kid?"

"No. What is it?"

"It's a condiment that only the toughest ponies can handle."

"Oh yeah? Well I'm tough!" He put the whole damn blob of wasabi in his mouth. He chewed and swallowed. "Heh, that wasn't so bad. Kinda tasted like... like... haaaaaaaaaa." A horrified look washed over his face. I pushed my still cold cup of water over to him. Film Reel hastily chugged it.

After we were treated to what was basically a vegetarian meal, we got to business. "The cast auditions are ready," Shinrai said.

I smiled. "Excellent. Let's get right to it." I looked to the cast and crew. "Ladies and gentleponies, I'm off to judge the auditions for our kirin and dragon actors. You may want to go to your hotel rooms. I'll see you all tomorrow."

So I followed Shinrai to a large open room, where there was a crowd of kirins and dragons lined up against a wall. They saw me and started talking to each other in quiet but excited tones. I gave them all a friendly wave. Shinrai and I entered a small adjoining room and took our seats at the table. I nodded to Shinrai, who then nodded to the kirin aid who was patiently waiting by the door. "We may begin."

You would not believe how lucky I got. Somehow, somehow, I managed to find three dragon actors who were near identical to the kaiju I needed. Well, the mlp fim universe is one of those kinds of places that has lots of homages to other universes, so I suppose it kinda makes sense that I would find three people near identical to the characters they were gonna portray. Near identical being the key words.

Godzilla was gonna be played by a dark green wingless dragon named Ryu. He had the posture, the dorsal fins, even blue flames! But he was nervous as fuck and was a little pudgy around the thighs. Well, if I wanna reference the 90's movies... Anyways, I decided to give him a chance. But I told him that he was gonna have to work out a little to build some muscle. Also I had a make-up team put little pointy ears on his head.

Ghidorah was going to be played by an old golden river dragon named Atisuto. He had the same head design as Ghidorah and apparently he was a very experienced and respected actor in Neighpon, but his snake-like body, four limbs and lack of wings weren't selling me. That's when Shinrai suggested the simple but brilliant solution of using illusion magic. It was so obvious in hindsight that I wanted to punch myself in the face. So here's what we did with Atisuto. One of our special effects unicorns cast an illusion spell that made it look like he had a pair of great golden wings, two tails, and his forelimbs were now a couple of extra heads. We all found this last one hilarious because while it looked like he was being all badass wrecking shit with his three heads, all he was actually doing was waving his arms around like a crazy person.

Rodan was... a bit of an inspiring case. He was a birdlike brown winged dragon named Hato, and he was crippled. He entered the room like a dragon from Skyrim, using his wings like they were arms. Apparently he had been caught in an accident a few years back, and the only way the doctors could save him was if they amputated his arms and tail. Shinrai immediately dismissed him and tried to convince me to consider somebody less "inconvenient". Apparently another similarity Neighpon shared with Japan was their discrimination against the disabled. Of course I gave Hato a chance. The guy was just so optimistic and passionate in his audition that I gave him the role right then and there. He was so surprised that he got the job that he actually shed a few tears of joy.

Mothra would be played by an animatronic butterfly. No need for wires, we had levitation spells.

So we also got our kirin actors that we needed, which was a lot more mundane than it sounded. Now all we needed was for the actors to memorize their scripts and prepare the little cities for stomping.

We filmed the indoor city stomping scenes in the winter. We filmed the Neighpon scenes in the spring. Post-production took place after we flew back to Equestria in the summer. Gojira was released in the summer of 981.

I lounged back in my seat and smiled at the onscreen destruction. Godzilla and Ghidorah grappled with each other, knocking over buildings with zero fucks given. Mothra and Rodan occasionally swooped in, harassing Ghidorah. Little ponies fled the city streets, trying to avoid the fighting titans and falling debris. I especially liked the part where a whole platoon of Royal Guards come in all badass looking, they charge with their swords and spears drawn... and then Godzilla steps on them without even noticing. The scene was played for laughs.

The theater audience was really into it if only for the shock value. There was an occasional frightened gasp or whimper, but there wasn't any screaming or fainting. While this most certainly was a monster movie, it was also an action movie, not a horror movie.

I don't think the ponies were used to such blatant destruction, or to be told that they would be more or less helpless in the event of a kaiju attack. I wonder if I overdid it.

Reviews were mixed.

Half the critics called it a subversion of the typical monster movie with a very philosophical message, while the other half dismissed it as merely a big dumb summer movie that glorified chaos, destruction and dragons. What a bunch of racist dicks.

The box office earnings were pretty good. Our budget was 100 million, and our total at the box office was 200 million. But that was just in Equestria, we made a lot more from our international audience. Neighpon LOVED it, making us 900 million. Gojira was also really popular with dragon audiences, to the surprise of nobody.

So I had my usual meeting with Big Bucks, but this time I told him I might need some time to think about what movie I was gonna make next. He was okay with that and told me to come back whenever I was ready.

It was two months after Gojira was released.

I was just casually walking down the streets of Las Pegasus, minding my own business. Even though I was a famous movie director, I was a common sight in downtown Las Pegasus. The ponies knew who I was, but they were so used to my presence in the area that they almost treated me like I was a regular customer, which is how I would have preferred it honestly. I was still asked for autographs, however.

I entered a local bookstore. I was reminded of Barnes & Noble every time I came here.

So I was just browsing along the isles when I saw a crowd of children and young adults over by the manga section. Curious, I approached them. "What's going on over here?"

A mare turned her head towards me. "Oh my gosh! It's John Miles!"

The others gasped and started excitedly chattering. I had to stop them before they pulled out their papers and pens! "Yes it's me, but let's focus on the important thing here. What were you all just looking at now?"

A little earth pony colt said, "Didn't you hear about the Equestrian translations of the first volumes of the most super cool mangas ever being released today?"

I smiled. "Really now? Let me take a look." This should be good. I've read some manga from this world. It was okay, but not as good as the stuff back home. It was also a lot tamer. I bet they were all looking at some cutesy magical filly or cheesy tokusatsu hero. Ha ha ha ha ha!

I saw the titles on the New Releases shelf.

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha...

What I saw made my blood run cold.

Mobile Suit Gundam.

Super Dimension Fortress Macross.

Astro Colt?!

I stared. "Um, are you okay?" One of the other ponies asked.

Son of a BITCH!

I picked up a copy of each and bought them. I rushed home with a bag of manga hanging from my mouth. I was pissed as hell.

A half hour later I made it to my classy single-story house in the suburb I lived in. What? Were you expecting me to live in a mansion on the mountainside? Screw that. I actually like having neighbors.

I entered my house, locked the door, and went straight to my study office. I set the three manga on my work desk, sat in my chair and glared. How the fuck was this happening?! I thought I was the only human in this world! And now I got some motherfucker stealing my idea! DAMMIT!

After a few minutes of raging and a few more minutes of cooling down, I decided to actually read what I bought. I was surprised how close they were to the source material. The only real change was that the humans were now ponies and other races. Kirin were common, this was written in Neighpon, not Equestria. The manga were also actually really good. I finished all three in two hours and was left wanting more. Damn... I miss that feeling. Good ol' Earth nostalgia.

I calmed down some more when I realized that this was probably for the best. I love anime and manga, I really do, but stories like that just can't be properly adapted to film. So if somebody else is filling in that niche that I never could, then so be it.

That's when I finally noticed that all three manga were written by the same person. Why did it take me this long to finally notice? Because I'm a dumbass. Anyways, they were all written by the same guy: Katsu Kato.

I narrowed my eyes. I had to find this guy.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the almost year-long hiatus. I just kinda lost interest, and a lot of bad drama happened that pretty much sapped any energy or will I had to write.

Anyways, plot twist! There are other humans in the mlp fim world, and John has inspired them to fill in other media niches. Anime/manga, books, video games, it's all coming together.