• Published 19th Jan 2015
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Split Second - wille179

Twilight Sparkle broke time when she got her cutie mark. Now there's two of her with two different talents.

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Déjà Vu

Sparkle couldn't stand the concept of fate. She hated those ponies who spoke of it, as if it were this overarching, controlling force that decided what happened in life. She refused to believe in it, not when it meant that she was fated to kill her parents, or that she was fated to have – accidentally – caused her brother to lose that promotion, or... any of the misfortunes that befell her after that fateful day. Not when her sister...

Best for her not to think of such things.

The sound of a door opening snapped her attention away from her thoughts. Thorn – as he was too different from his counterpart to share a name – strode in. Unlike Spike, who was a distinct entity from Twilight, much like child and mother, Thorn was a parasite. Technically speaking, he was a necromantic construct, like a zombie, but he grew, aged, and while he'd never been truly alive in the first place, he had had full cognitive abilities. The drake depended on Sparkle's magic to live, and not without consequence.

Sparkle's magic was dark by default even without the emotions most unicorns needed to power it. Thorn, born of and raised on the corrupt energies, had the physical traits to go with it. Sharper claws, a larger, more angular frame, and glowing eyes with pupils that looked like moving black flames instead of slits. Even his mind varied from his double's, though the differences could easily be attributed to the significantly varied growth environment.

"Hey, Sparkle," his voice, raspy yet crisp, punctuated the otherwise quiet environment of Sparkle's apartment study, "we're going to be late for our date with Twilight and Spike if you don't get a move on."

Her eyes glanced up at the clock. "Gyah!" she shouted. Before the next tick of its second hand, the mare was on her hooves, shoving research notes aside, carefully packing up the pony bones she had been studying, and calling down the assorted specters that roamed her home all at once. "I can't believe I forgot the time!"

While bending down to pick up the assorted bits and bobs that had fallen in Sparkle's haste, Thorn commented, "Really, we'll be there in time; we always are. It's not like the garden district is that far away from us."

Sparkle agreed with a slight nod of the head, enough to cause a strand of her disheveled mane to dangle before her left eye. With a puff, she removed the offending strands from her sight. Grabbing a pair of saddlebags, one side stuffed with copious amounts of notes, and the other stuffed with equal amounts of blank paper, plus enough ink and quills to fill it all, Sparkle quickly exited and locked up the spartan apartment.

Without their parents, the income that had kept them in their home had evaporated. And the salary of a relatively low ranking, inexperienced guard, when compared to the expense of Canterlot living, saw them living in the industrial section, a cable car, assisted teleport, or half-hour hike below Canterlot proper. And without that income, getting into a decent school would have been hard enough. You know, of course, if her reputation wasn't still in the trash from that fiasco over ten years ago.

As bad as her situation may have seen, Sparkle's saving grace was, oddly enough, herself. Her other self, Twilight. The protégé of the Sun Princess had offered to let Sparkle copy her very detailed notes and tutor Sparkle, in exchange for Sparkle giving Twilight any of her discoveries and personal research notes.

That's how it was originally, at least.

Exiting from the teleportation station - solo ranged jumps still messed with her - Sparkle and Thorn headed to Doughnut Joe's. The moment her nose caught a whiff of sugary treats, her horn lit up...sort of. Rather, the aura her horn produced sucked the light away, leaving a bubbling, inky blackness. Time moved to the left.

In the same place, at a parallel, equal time, another mare lit her horn, which shone with a brilliant white light. Time moved to the right.

Within the resulting bubble of superimposed space-time, the two sisters embraced, horns still alight. To those outside the bubble, it appeared as if a single mare was embracing nothing, and to those inside, the non-native mare appeared as a distortion in the air in the shape of a pony. But to Twilight and Sparkle, as well as Spike and Thorn, they saw one another in the flesh.

Walking into the bakery, the two sat at their usual seats, flanked by their draconic companions. "It's so good to see you again," Twilight declared to her double, smiling brightly as she spoke. “It seems like only yesterday that we were here."

Less enthusiastically, Sparkle replied, "Not so much for me; this last week was hell."

"Oh?" Twilight leaned in, intrigued. Meanwhile, the two unicorns began pulling out their notes and paper, using their magic to transcribe them automatically while they talked. Such notes were mostly theory and discussions of the inner workings of their respective magics. Such notes were quite interesting, but of little practical value at this level simply because of their inability to use the other's magic type, unless they reverse engineered the spells. That had proved to be a practically impossible task for the mares.

"Well..." Sparkle started, but didn't finish.

Picking up where she was going, Thorn spoke, "The chop-shop murderer. We figured out who the bastard is."

"Language, Thorn," Sparkle chided, which earned her a mutter 'not sorry' in reply. "Anyway, yes."

"Who?" Spike asked. "Some kind of weird psycho doctor ninja pony? A deceptively sweet old mare? A super villain?"

"With a name like ambassador Redclaw, I don't think it could get any more obvious," Thorn replied.

"What?" Twilight responded. "Are you-"

She was cut off by the arrival of the yellow stallion that ran the shop, both versions of him. "Hello again, Twilight/Sparkle, Spike/Thorn." They said in a unison that would have been creepy had the two mares and drakes not been used to it already. "Communing with the light/darkness again, I see. The usual?"

All four nodded. As soon as Joe had trotted away with their order, Sparkle whispered, "Yes, I have irrefutable, but court inadmissible proof... I can't lay a finger on the rooster."

Getting the picture, Twilight nodded. "But I can. Where do I look?"

"Embassy sub-basement. The staff is either in on it, or paid not to notice. The usual excuse should get you in, or at least enough sway to launch an investigation. He doesn't have a victim now in my time, and since the dates are consistent, then there shouldn't be one right now for you either." Sparkle closed her eyes and massaged her temple. "For the love of Celestia, I need evidence to take this guy down the right way. Otherwise..."

"I know."


"Unfortunately though, we might have bigger, more urgent problems," Twilight somberly stated. "What do you know about Nightmare Moon?"

"I don't see how an old mare's tale is more urgent than a serial killer, but I'll bite. Very little, why?" the dark mage asked her light counterpart.

"Because her prophesied return happens this Summer Sun Celebration. And the only weapon against her, aside from overwhelming force from Princess Celestia and the Royal Guard combined, is the collective power of the Elements of Harmony," explained Twilight. "Which, might I add, are missing."


Unable to resist, even in the serious mood, Thorn quipped, "Language, Sparkle."

"I'm not sorry." She dismissively waived her hoof. "Besides, even if we could find some lost super weapon, I'm not even sure I could use them." Sparkle gestured to herself. "I'm not the most harmonious of ponies."

"Do you know something?" Twilight inquired.

Sparkle racked her brain for a moment, while Joe chose that moment to deliver their doughnuts. Between bites of necessary sugar, Sparkle replied, "Err... They're in parts, and each need at least two users total. Um... Each needs a virtuous user who matches the element. I think one of them is comedy or humor, and another is generosity... That's about all I know. It's been a while since I saw the reference."

"Well if you need a second pair of claws-"

"-we're here to help," the drakes chorused.

"Thanks, you two," the mares chorused back.

"In all seriousness though, I'm going to ask the Princess about this as soon as we're done here. I'll have Spike flame you with my next move." Twilight scooped up the finished notes, set the bits she owed on the table, and stood. "I don't know what will happen next. We should do our best to be prepared."

Mirroring her counterpart's actions, Sparkle stood as well. "Be careful, sis."

"You too."

Sparkle's horn aura vanished, along with most of the evidence that Twilight and Spike had ever existed. The replicated notes, Sparkle's next lesson in advanced magical theory, was swiftly pocketed. "Come along, Thorn."

"So what's going on?" Thorn asked between attempts at reading the letter he'd belched up a moment prior – a letter that, despite its ephemeral, translucent appearance, was weighing heavily on Sparkle's mind. As his creator's frown deepened, his worry grew. "Sparks, seriously..."

"I don't get it. Instead of heeding her warnings, Twilight's Princess Celestia sent her to Ponyville, of all places. And to oversee decorations for the Celebration, of all things." The frown on her face distorted subtly as she thought. "What am I missing?"

It was Thorn who had the realization first. "Not Ponyville, the Everfree Forest. Remember the last day of our training trip?"

"Of course!" Sparkle shouted, drawing a few glances from the other ponies on the sidewalk. "The Castle of the Two Sisters! If the Elements were hidden rather than lost, that would be the place!"

Quickly, Sparkle drew out a piece of paper and jotted down two notes, then split the paper in half. "Thorn, this to Shiny and this to Twilight, ok?"

Taking the two letter in claw, he ignited one, then the other with his flame. "Right, now what?" Thorn asked, though he suspected he already knew the answer.

A letter appeared in front of Shining Armor's face. Unfolding it, he read the hasty and terse script.


Going to Ponyville. Really important - lives at stake. Will be back after next sunrise.

Love you!

He crumpled the paper in his magic and tossed it in the trash. At least she was warning him this time before running off to do who knows what.

The other lavender unicorn received a similarly long letter, invisible to all others by virtue of being alien to this time. It stated the speculations of Sparkle and Thorn.

As the Royal chariot carrying Twilight flew her towards her destination, it also flew her to the beginning of her destiny. And despite her vocal opinion to the contrary, Sparkle was following her along the adjacent path, literally and metaphorically, to hers as well.

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