• Published 19th Jan 2015
  • 23,253 Views, 2,673 Comments

Split Second - wille179

Twilight Sparkle broke time when she got her cutie mark. Now there's two of her with two different talents.

  • ...


Comments ( 99 )

Let the unraveling of the puzzle that is the timeline begin!

Well, this is confusing as fuck

It's not a spoiler if I have no idea what I'm looking at! :rainbowlaugh:

Read the comments on this blog post. That's all I'll say on the matter.

it's like the mario timeline.

6241081 ... I'm actually MORE confused.

I'm guessing upper unnamed blue horizontal is MMC in original timelline . X on second top yellow is tirekt/golden oaks memorial crater. Did Alicorn amulet happen after crystal empire? If so, that'd be a Sparkle cross on section 2. Thus dotted purple in line with it is Twilight Alicorn amulet incident. On time question mark is the Eqg movie? And off time symmetrical purples are plunder seeds accelerated by the weird chaosness of split time.

You come into my home, you break my heart, you make me addicted to your materials....

I shall await with much excitement for the next part :pinkiehappy:.

I was kind of hoping for Sparkle to ascend, if she gets incarnated as a Pegasus I suppose it would be far more advantageous for her to become an alicorn to have the horn. I have a feeling though such things are too far fetched for it to happen.

Also, I can't help now but wonder about Trixie. As the element of magic who understands friendship it's possible for her to complete the spell but does she have the intellect for it? Hmmm...

Am I to assume that the blue lines indicate the endings to their particular stories?

edited. Thank you for keeping on top of me about that. I have a really hard time not saying "spike" when thinking about Thorn

Yeah, nobody ever teaches people about things that aren't strictly real, right?
That's obviously such an absurd premise.
Totally worth immediately complaining about to look intelligent.

Way back in chapter 12:

In truth, she needed to do nothing of the sort. Instead, she flopped down on her back and balanced Savior's soul-gem on her navel. Her horn darkened, and so did the light of his soul. She smiled at the warm sensation spreading through her abdomen. "Don't worry, Savior. Mommy will have you all better in no time."

Nah, the same result, only bloodier and no survivors.

6249440 aaaahh, that makes sense I had a similar experience, I was in one of the side trails because, well they're fun so I came out of it, and there was a tree there, I proceeded to ski up the tree of a small cliff onto another trail and then I rolled down the mountain while banging my head against trees and other wonderfully hard and painful objects.

6249501 I guess that means I pass the class?

6245842 yeah, I was reading the story and couldn't set it down. It was 1:00 AM and I had work in the morning, I was tired and pissed :P

It's interesting watching you comment your way through a story, because It means I get to track your progress. :twilightsmile:

6252940 A couple authors have told me similar things. And I like reading stories that drive me to comment so much so it's mutual in a way. Some stories, while very good, just don't have content that makes me want to pull it from the text and talk about it.


Your name perfectly fits your comment

Ha, yeah, that why I chose that name! I find myself getting too immersed in the stories on this site that are of good quality sometimes and when the characters I side with face some form of injustice I tent to write comments like that.

The asshole of today, or that day a week and four days ago? Specifics are always important.
Also sorry I don't follow the crowd like a mindless automaton and adore drivel and give it a free pass just because it has a lot of upvotes. Bad writing is bad writing no matter where it is who wrote it. The story's quality dropped steadily pretty early on and just starting reading like a poor D&D adventure near the end.

On an unrelated note to this particular comment; anyone else ever notice that 'Twilight' sounds more like a dark mage/necromancer name than 'Sparkle'? Actually, 'Sparkle' Sounds like a better white mage name because, you know, light.
Just an observation I found somewhat humorous.

It's not from Star Trek because I don't watch Star Trek. It's imported from the land of coincidences.

6280808 If you want to make a point, keep it short.

I finally read it all ... (I don't have much time each day for pleasure reading so plz don't judge)

In an of chance i will sound condescending and obvious:

This story is brilliant. ( at least for me, If you dear reader disagree I don't blame you ... I blame the society :trollestia: )

IF you are reading this Comment and you haven't read this story yet then... wtf are you doing reading this comment go read the story its worth every second of your time.

Dear wille179, thank you. :moustache:

Thank you for the time you have spend creating this story.
Thank you for the effort you have put into writing this story.
Thank you for all the joy you have brought into my life.

... and this is a kind of sentence that should never been written in a comment of a "gore, dark" story. None the less I'm thank full for the ride.

Cya in the sequel. I will try to be less cliché there.

Holy hell, dude. Just, wow.

I've had this story sitting on my read later list for a very long time-- before you had even been halfway done with it. The premise sounded interesting, but I've had a lot of interesting premises really suck lately. So its sat there. Well, I saw your sequel in the featured box and pretty much said "Fuck it." and popped this one open to read.

And man, am I glad I did. I really, really enjoyed this story. I'm a bit tired to really dive into all of my thoughts on it, but I'll tell you this: I finished my overnight shift at 6 this morning. I started this around 8. It is now 5:30 in the evening, and I have to be back in at work at 8 tonight. I've not slept. And I've finished this entire thing in about 9 1/2 hours. I simply could not put it down. Every time I reached the end of the chapter, I had to click the next button. And now I'm going to move onto the sequel before I have to head into work. Kudos to you, good author.

I LUV THIS STORY! and this is how i felt while reading it

Thank you for writing such thing... so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You're welcome!:pinkiehappy:

You missed a (few) spot(s)!
"Interlude 2" and "mares and chaos, part 1":

his form was completely irrational. The legends said that eyes melted at the sight of him, for he never bothered to shield his true form from mortal eyes.

Across her body, bone-like structures erupted from his skin

She pounded his hoof onto the ground

She looked at Sparkle with a smug smirk, but it quickly faded as he looked at Sparkle’s distraught expression.

Thank you. Fixed now.

Thanks. It's hard finding all those little things.

interlude 3

Short hops were fine, as were longer hops that didn’t interfere with his own pre-ascension history

canterlot and the storm part 1

She manipulated the objects in his grasp, eliciting a click from each.

She’d offered her strange advice, a compliment, and declared the vampires his enemy.

death and the eye of the storm

unbreakable tendril connected herto the pocket dimension that served as the afterlife

epilogue two

The unicorn - and Glass was now definitely a unicorn now - smiled at Cobalt

(Edit: as you've probably figured out, i'm gonna be doing this while re-reading the changed chapters.)

Gonna read this one later. Seems to have some good reputation.

6380635 I see what you mean, but he knew, KNEW, that if he stepped right the magic would spin this way, and if he stepped left, the magic would spin the other. Maybe in a different universe, where the proffesor had reason to create a dark wizard I could see him doing it, but as it was, this was the event that split the universes. It shouldn't have even been a matter of two choices, he should have always, exemting circumstances that didn't happen in this universe, stepped towards light.

A little bit. The spin itself is not literal; it's just how they describe the math of it. Here's the specifics:
* Up/Down = Male/Female magic (respectively)
* In/Out = Dark/Light magic (respectively)
* Left/Right/Forward/Backward = unknown to ponies regarding the exact nature, though the math says they should exist.

Not a bother at all.

6397080 First, I wasn't being selfish. I was saying I wasn't confused. Second, How was I being a jerk? I eplained why I wasn't confused. In a very nonchalant way, I might add.

Third, it would be impossible for me to elaborate why without blatant self promotion. But THAT'S OKAY!!! :pinkiecrazy: In my story Equestria Fighter, I write from a multitude of perspectives in a single chapter. The difference between me and willie179, Is that S/S is a very fast paced story, and EF is a very slow one. And also isn't very well liked. Not many people seem willing to read it after the re-write because it already had somany down votes,

Also, that comment was ancient. Why would you reply to it?

Skinny, thin coat of fur, Sombra eyes, small spikes of bone protruding from her spine, Sombra-like teeth, and a curved horn.

Quite right, however...
Selfcest still isn't quite the right term in the unique case of Sparkrovitar, as Sparkro is one being comprised of two seperate entities (two unique identities, rather than multiples of the same being).

I haven't publicly announced this yet, but I'm planning on breaking the sequel into a part 1 and part 2. They won't actually be separate stories, but they will be distinctly different, possibly enough to consider them as separate entities.

Basically, when that point comes, if you read to there, it might be a satisfying enough point to stop until the latter half gets further along.

6438162 well, in this case it would be selfcest only when they are Sparkrovitar, since at that point they share an identity. when they're Sparkle and Thornecrovitar, it would just be incest.

6458885 At some point he did have Twilight's class, it's been a running gag. I think he was in the "Toybox" one Sparkle talks about. (She went Twilight's Dollhouse on them.):rainbowderp:

I liked it at first but Twilight and Sparkle don't seem to be parallel

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