• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 747 Views, 28 Comments

A New Way In The Everfree - Cookie_Girl

Quite a few pokemon and humans turned pokemon wake up in the Everfree Forest. Maybe they should stay there.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Yesterday on Earth

Butch and Cassidy were having a pretty hard time. They had a perfect scam going, with no good little twerps to interfere. Then she showed up. Officer Jenny had, seemingly at random, showed up to arrest them.

"Is she still chasing us?" asked Butch.

Cassidy looked back, slightly off balance from the bag of pokeballs on her back. "Yeah, she is."

"How is she still on us?" complained Butch. "We've dropped oil slicks, spikes, traps, and bombs." his own bag of balls was feeling heavier by the minute.

Cassidy smirked. "I bet she gives up after this." she reached into her bag, and pulled out a random pokeball. "Go pokemon!"

It was a Voltorb that came out off the ball, and as you should know they have one main response to battle. So naturally it Exploded. Officer Jenny had enough time to shout "Halt in the name of the law!" before taking an exploding Voltorb to the face.

Butch, and Cassidy both laughed. Then they heard something behind them. "Raaaaaah!" They looked back over their shoulders to see what it was. Jenny was suddenly very close behind them, either that or she had enlarged herself to twice her normal size. I said halt!

Butch and Cassidy both screamed, and ran faster. "Just wait till I get my claws on you!" Jenny yelled at them. They actually made the mistake of looking back again, and they call Jessie James and Meowth stupid. This time they saw that Jenny had grown actual claws along with fangs and horns. "Raaaaah!" They ran even faster, but it was no good. Jenny accelerated, kicking up a dust cloud in her wake, and caught her prey.

Jenny was in the process of shaking the Team Rocket duo like rag dolls when an out of breath Growlithe slowly walked up to her panting heavily. She looked at her partner with mild concern, and asked if he was okay. "You need to exorcise more pal, you're out of shape."

"...growlithe growl." freaking cyborg " the dog deadpanned. Yes, I suppose that is a little extreme even for a Jenny.

The three humans all ccollapsed to the ground. Hmm, now I wonder what could possibly have made them all fall asleep like that all at once.

Rest now my children, and when you awake a whole new world will be your home.

Rusty and Monk woke up to find Joy's room empty. Monk immediately went in search of his beloved Joy. "Hey wait up!" Rusty shouted. They looked in every room they came to, until they eventually found their way to the lab. On the ground floor, and the last place that they checked.

Monk struck a heroic pose as he kicked the door open. "I am here for you myyyyyyyyy..." annnd he's broke.

Rusty floated in, took one look at Joy's blush, and the odd bat winged Ponyta who was smiling with smoke puffing out from her mouth. Monk fell over from shock. Rusty deadpanned "I'm not carrying him."

A bolt of powerful electricity surged down through the lift that stood in the middle of the room. The power cut off the lift and made it return to the floor. On the lift was the Frankenstallion monster, which was now standing.

"Yes!" everyone jumped, and looked to where the voice had come from. Dr Frankenstallion was climbing in through the window. "Haha, my creation lives! I'm brilliant!"

"Didn't I throw you out of a window?" Scary asked.

"Yes, yes you did, but we are on the ground floor."

"...oh." sorry about that Scary. "Well we're not going to let you use this monster for evil."

"Who said anything about evil? I'm just a mad scientist." he held a hoof to his chest. "All though..." he suddenly seems to have had some kind of epiphany. I wonder why. "I guess resurrecting the dead to make an army of unbeatable mind controlled servants does count as evil." oh. "So I'll just have my monster kill you all so I can turn you all into undead slaves."

It is now the narrator's suggestion for everyone to run! Thankfully they don't need to be able to break the fourth wall in order to know that. Now I don't actually have a proper way of describing what happens next so I'll just tell you to watch a chase scene from Scooby Doo.

Zecora had taken another pokemon into her home. Mage the Mismagius was very grateful, but could have done without the three Spinda siblings taking one look at her and yelling about a big mean old ugly ghost and then running away screaming.

Now the three siblings have found their way to a castle in the forest. Inside they bumped into an odd group of individuals. Yakko held up a stop sign, causing everyone to, well stop. "Don't you people know that it's rude to crash into someone without first introducing yourself first."

They all, and I mean everyone, blinked and then introduced themselves. "Scary Story." the bat pony received a no thanks. "I'm Nurse Joy." Yakko and Wakko both said "Hellooooo nurse!" which made Joy back up a step. "The unconscious Mankey is Monk, and I'm Rusty."

"An oil bath will clear that right up." Yakko told him. Rusty just...well Dunsparce don't open their eyes, but if they did he would have blinked.

"Yeeesh! Who's this guy?" Dot pointed at the monster. "He's almost as ugly as this guy." she pointed at Dr Frankenstallion.

"Oh he's the bad guy, and we're trying to escape him." Scary explained.

"Well good luck with that." the Spindas walked away.

The others all blinked before continuing with their running. This quickly became another comical chase scene. Scary Story took a different turn than the rest, and found herself in the library.

"...hm." she forgot about the others for the moment and looked around for the horror section. She failed to find any kind of organization in how the books were shelved, but she did manage to find something. "This looks good."

The book in her hooves was titled :

From the Abyss

, and looked like it was very old going by how faded and torn it was. She sat down next to the shelf and opened the book. Her eyes went completely blank, and she started mumbling in an ancient forgotten language. Tendrils of dark energy slowly slithered out of the book, and began to climb up her body. Scary Story was being given knowledge of the darkest power from the Abyss, home of the demons, in exchange for her soul.

On a higher shelf another book that was only just balanced in place suddenly fell. The book knocked the first one out of Scary's hooves, and landed in them itself. The darkness immediately returned to within the book. She blinked a few times to clear her head, and then read the title of her new book.

The Forth Wall, a user's guide: by P.D.P.

Officer Jenny could hear a lot of screaming coming from inside the castle. She isn't quite sure about her new body, but someone was in trouble. She jumped through the window, and found herself completely surrounded by chaos. "Well... Time to get to work." she took a deep breath and shouted "Everyone stop in the name of the law!"

Now you may think that simply being shouted at wouldn't be enough to pot a stop to being chased around by a monster, but when the one doing the shouting is a Jigglypuff people tend to pay attention. "Alright someone tell me what's going on here."

"I know that voice!" Joy exclaimed. "Jenny it's me Joy I got turned into a Ponyta which is great but now me and my friends are being chased by a monster and that guy wants to turn us into his undead minions!"

Officer Jigglyuh I uh, ahem, Jenny didn't even blink. She stared for a moment before...

Bang, clash, boom, whack, smack, slap, crash, bamf, and other assorted sound effects.

After his total beat down Dr Frankenstallion was tied up, and his monster who was apparently friendly was made to carry him. Currently they were all looking for Scary Story. Joy pushed open the door to the library (the last place they looked) and gasped.

Everyone else looked inside and saw Scary Story levitating off the floor without using her wings. Her eyes glew white, and she spoke in a deep hissing voice in a language they didn't understand.


"Ouch. What was that for Jenny?" Scary asked the one who had slapped her.

"You were scaring us, wait a minute." Jenny just stared at the mare as she hung from a rope tied to her wwaist. "How did you know my name?"

Scary Story blinked her bright orange eyes showing her eyelids to be painted with glowing mascara. "Yeah that is a little weird."

The not too distant future

Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna were in the throne room holding court. "Send in the next visitor." Celestia told her guard.

The guard announced the next petitioner. "Nurse Joy, and Scary Story." They walked in through the big double doors, and bowed to the Princesses.

"Rise, and tell us what you wish." Luna spoke to them.

"HiI'mScaryStoryandImyourbiggestfan!" the bat pony mare said very quickly and rather loudly.

"... Well it is nice to meet you." Luna was slightly put off by this mare who was literally at her hooves, and watching her with very big eyes and a wide smile. On Pinkie Pie this expression was normal, and even adorable, but put it on something with fangs, and suddenly it's creepy.

Joy grabbed Scary's tail in her mouth and pulled her back. Stepping in front of her Joy looked at the Princesses sheepishly. "Sorry about that. Ever since she found out we were coming here she has been going on, and on about meeting her idol, which is you Princess Luna."

"Oh, well we suppose that we can indulge her then." Luna smiled.

As her sister took on a barrage of questions that reminded her of Twilight from years ago Celestia spoke with the pokemon. "Forgive me, but what was your name?"

"I'm Nurse Joy your majesty." she bowed again.

"It's very nice to meet you Nurse Joy. Do you require something?"

"Thank you, and yes. You see I would like to open a Pokemon Center."

Celestia rubbed her chin with a hoof. "I am certain that I have heard that before, but I can't seem to recall what it is."

"Oh, well you see a Pokemon Center is a free service hospital for pokemon trainers to bring their pokemon to. Though now there aren't any trainers, so it would just be for pokemon." Joy smiled.

Celestia raised a brow and asked "Just the pokemon?"

"Oh,no! No, we would help anyone who needs us of coarse, but a Pokemon Center would mostly be for pokemon that had been in a battle, or anybody that has been attacked by a pokemon." Joy almost looked like she had been insulted by Celestia's question.

"Have you ever fought an ursa?" Scary asked.

"Yes?" Luna answered.

What about a dragon?" Scary asked.

"Yes." Luna answered.

"Did you invent Nightmare night?" Scary asked.

"No, that was Celestia who did that years after my banishment." Luna answered.

Scary had to think about her next question. Finally she asked "What was it like on the moon?"

Luna thought for a minute. "I was not actually awake, or even aware for the thousand years, but it was much like taking a very long nap with no dreams."

"Well, I can talk again. You're welcome." Blueblood said.

Ugh, as the narrator I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for him in advance.

Blueblood was about to complain to Celestia and Luna about another mind numbing thing, but stopped when he saw the firey maned mare. I'll skip over the details as nobody wants to hear what he has to say, but the important part is that he started flirting with Joy. Luna was annoyed, but that is her normal mode when Blueblood is involved. Celestia was annoyed/embarrassed. Scary Story was annoyed/angry, her ears were folded back, her eyelids half shut, and her nostrils flared.

Joy was flattered because, well let's face it get hit on by royalty doesn't happen every day. She eventually decided to correct him about one thing though. "That is very nice of you to say but I'm a pokemon, not a pony."

"You are a what?" Blueblood backed away from her like she had the plague. "Stay away from me you (censored for being tasteless disgusting and generally offensive) disgusting thing!"

The royal sisters both jaw dropped at him. Joy started to cry, wait what? She's crying. He made a Nurse Joy cry! I'm gonna- "Can I have a minute alone with the Prince please?" Scary asked. Looking at her Celestia and Luna saw that the thestral's left ear and eye were twitching rapidly. They shared a look, and decided that if he didn't learn his lesson now he might never. So they ordered the throne room empty, and left them alone.

A second after the doors closed everyone could hear two things. They could hear the terror filled high pitched wails of a mare, and the sound of what can only be described as demonic voices speaking in an ancient forgotten language. This continued on for a full minute. When it was quiet again the now terrified guards opened the doors.

A much happier Scary Story was standing next to a pale shaking Blueblood who was curled up in the fetal position. "He's forgiven now." Scary announced with a smile.