• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 747 Views, 28 Comments

A New Way In The Everfree - Cookie_Girl

Quite a few pokemon and humans turned pokemon wake up in the Everfree Forest. Maybe they should stay there.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Screwball was having the time of her life. She had woken up in a tree like she usually did. Not for any chaotic reason, but for safety as she was still just a flesh and blood pony in the home of the timberwolves.

After having a decent breakfast of her favorite blue flowers she had gone on a stroll through the woods to gather. She did not gather anything specific, or for a specific reason. She simply picked up whatever random thing that struck her interest. A forked stick, a funny glowing rock with an elemental emblem on it, and a large leaf that she folded into a hat.

Then she found something that really ticked her off. Proof that someone was taking the chaos out of the Everfree Forest. The trees weren't all twisted like they were supposed to be, the animals weren't acting wild like they should be, and the clouds were just sitting there in the sky all lazy.

She followed the trail as far as she could until she found something else... Fresh chaos! Her father was here, and close by! She would find him, or die if boredom!

And find him she did. He was in a battle of chaos vs order. It was the single most exciting thing she had ever seen. She was so genuinely happy that she squeed. The. Time. Of. Her. Life!

Then the big snakey guy that he was fighting started charging up a blast of pure order. Discord's response was to charge up a blast of pure chaos. Screwball's swirling eyes allowed her to see chaos and order as more than just magic. She can see the two opposing forces for what they were on a higher level than normal ponies. What she saw changed her elation to alarm.

"Meep." she squeaked and ran away at her top speed. The two spheres of energy reached their maximum charge and the lords of chaos and order fired them simultaneously. The blasts collided in midair, merged into one combined sphere of orderic and chaotic energy, and exploded.

Screwball was caught in the shockwave, and thrown into the air. She sailed high over the treetops, screaming all the way...

Until she remembered that she could levitate. She stopped flailing her legs around in panic, and stuck them straight down in front of her causing her hooves to grind against the air slowing her to a stop.

"That was scary." she wiped her brow with a forehoof. "Going down."

Screwball let her hind quarters sink down beneath her as she lowered herself to the ground with her forelegs held out to her sides. Closing her eyes she began to slowly rotate as she descended. Even though she was generally considered by most ponies to be creepy and disturbing...in that moment with Screwball slowly coming down through the air to land elegantly in a small meadow that had no reason being in the Everfree...any stallion worth his mark would have given the young mare a long look.

When she touched down she stood on all hooves, and stayed still with her eyes closed. Her ears twitched slightly, and she sniffed carefully as she tried to feel out any changes in the natural mystic forces of the forest. Sensing nothing important she relaxed, and opened her eyes.

When she did there was a little yellow rodent looking at her. "Well hello there. Are you a pokemon?" Screwball smiled sweetly.


Screwball tilted her head, and made a thoughtful face. "You're pretty small. Do you want to stay with me so that you don't get eaten by all the big bad mean fire breathing blood thirsty carnivorous impossibly gigantic multiheaded acid spitting flying sometimes not even alive but actually undead monsters that live right here in the middle of the Everfree Forest?"

Each word she spoke made the Pikachu shrink down as much as possible until all that was left was a tiny yellow ball with drooped ears and watery eyes. "Pikachu." the electric type barely squeaked, and nodded.

"Alright then. I'll wait here while you get ready." Screwball, ignorant of the smaller creature's fearful shaking, just smiled.

Pikachu stayed still for a moment as he recovered from her words. Giving himself one final shake Pikachu then ran over to a hollow log next to a small patch of blue flowers. Pikachu crawled into the log to retrieve something. He came back out with a single oran berry balanced between his ears. Carefully he grabbed the berry in his paws, and jogged back to Screwball.

"Oh, snacks!" she said. "Good idea."

Pikachu held the berry protectively away from her. The oran berry then yelled indignantly. "Pikachu!"


At the Frankenstallion castle Joy, Jenny, Scary, Rusty, and Monk, who had finally recovered from his brain break, all looked back at the remains of the castle. The old structure had been too close to the blast, and had started falling apart while they were still inside.

They had escaped the death trap only just before it had collapsed. They were the only ones to get out in time. Dr Frankenstallion, and his monster had fallen behind, and were now buried under several tons of stone. The others all just stared blankly at the massive pile of rubble.

"Should we do something?" Rusty finally asked. "Do we...dig them out?"

Jenny shook her head which included her entire body. "No they're already buried, lets leave them where they are."

The group turned away and silently walked off into the darkness of the forest. When there was no-one around several small birds landed on the wreckage.

For a few minutes all was peaceful and quiet. One of the stone blocks shifted slightly scaring a few birds for a moment before they settled back down. Another slight shift, and the birds barely reacted. A few seconds of stillness pass by.

Suddenly a portion of the debris exploded outward as the heavy stones yielded to the strength of the Frankenstallion Monster.

Back with Screwball

Screwball, with her new companions Pikachu and Berry, as she now called him, was walking through the forest as there was not much else to do. She knew exactly what had happened to the one that was now a berry, but she thought it was funny so she had not said anything about a cure.

As they walked Screwball continued to gather. She did not just pick up every random thing that grabbed her attention. Being able to sense the potential chaos in the items that she found, she mostly only took what could cause the most chaos. Other things were just neat, like her new wizard's staff. It was not actually magic, but the long stick had grown in a spiral from top to bottom.

The Pikachu, and Pikachu-turned-berry had no idea what she did with all the stuff she found, but it always vanished as soon as they looked away.

Not far away the Spinda siblings were watching them. They grinned at each other and started another spontaneous song.

"Her name is Screwball..." they stopped when they noticed that she was now standing right beside them, and staring at them with her unblinking swirled eyes. Yakko held up a finger and said "Uuuuhhhhhhh...". Wakko waved and said "Hello there.". Dot just pointed at her and said "You're creepy."

Screwball grew a wide smile as she spoke. "So...much...chaos."

The Spindas all blinked. "Give it to me!" Screwball yelled. "Bye." they waved and ran.

"I will have your chaos!" Yakko, Wakko, and Dot ran away as Screwball gave chase with a Pikachu on her back clutching her mane with one paw while the other carefully held a talking oran berry. If you were to look close enough you would see a few dots on the berry that were arranged to look like a face. The face was currently stuck in an expression of fright and alarm.

"What are we going to do about this?" Dot asked.

"Hm." Yakko thought. "Oh, Wakko do that thing."

Wakko scratched his noggin. "What thing?"

"You know." Yakko winked.

"Oh that thing." Wakko stopped running and pulled off his cap. From out of his cap he pulled a brown paper bag. He then placed the cap back on his head and reached a paw into the bag. From within the bag he brought out a rope that he passed to his brother and sister. "Hold this, I'll be right back." Wakko then walked up the side of the nearest tree and tied the rope to something. He then walked back down the side of the tree and waited with his siblings while Yakko held the rope and idly spun the end.

Screwball came charging up to them and screeched to a stop just before crashing into them. She growled at them. "Give me your chaos!"

The three Spindas looked at each other innocently and nodded. "Okay, we'll do whatever you say." Yakko said. "But whatever you do don't pull this rope." he then held the rope in front if her nose.

Screwball paused for a second before snatching the rope away and shouting "If I want to pull this rope then I'll pull it!."

The three siblings got on their knees and begged. "Please don't pull that rope."

Screwball pulled the rope anyway, and a five hundred pound anvil fell out of the tree and hit the ground next to her causing one of the tree's roots to pop up with enough force to send her flying for the second time that morning.

This was not turning out anywhere near as good as Screwball thought the morning would.

Yakko cleaned his ear out and said "Can you repeat that last part?"

This was not turning out anywhere near as good as Screwball thought the morning would.

"Uuuhhhh... I'm having a little trouble with the last two words."

Morning wood.

Yakko raised an eyebrow before blowing a kiss and saying "Goodnight everybrony."

For those of you still reading this foolishness, I just facepalmbed.

Elsewhere Joker was once again a Rattata. He looked up as he heard a whooshing sound. Through a small gap in the branches of the trees he saw Screwball as she sailed through the air.

"I can't believe she actually fell for that." he commented, even though he had not witnessed what happened. "Dumb girl like that'll never get a decent boyfriend."

The not too distant future

"Daddy, I'd like to introduce you to my coltfriend." Screwball told her father Discord. She pointed at the Rattata sitting on her head. "His name is Joker."

All across Equestria and beyond every living being stopped what they were doing, and shuddered.

Author's Note:

Well there you have it, Screwball's plot has been revealed.

I beg yourpardon sir!

Ah! Not that plot I swear.