• Published 12th May 2012
  • 6,213 Views, 417 Comments

Divided We Stand - Nexas

A changling still in canterlot! how will he survive?

  • ...

Trials and tribulations

"The time has almost arrived."

Celestia stood on the balcony of Twilights library, the moon shone brilliantly above her. Twilight and her assistant Spike had gone to bed, exhausted from the problems of the past few days. Ever since she had arrived, Twilight had been going through her library trying to find anything about the Changelings. It was no use of course, Celestia had the only records of Changelings and they were in the Canterlot vaults.


Twilights pet owl, Owlowiscious, a literal night owl had stayed up alongside the Princess. He fluttered over to the Princess and landed on her back.

"How did you know I was waiting for somepony?" She playfully asked the owl who simply rustled his feathers in response.


"I'm not going to spoil who it is." suddenly the sound of flapping wings filled her ears. "Besides, here she comes now."

A dot on the horizon slowly grew into a shape that the both of them could make out; Princess Luna, sister of Celestia and regent of the moon. Her mane waved just like her sisters but instead of rainbow colors Luna's mane was dark as the night with stars twinkling in it. She flew over to the library and floated in front of her sister.

"Hello sister, I got your message." She looked down towards the center of town where parts of a makeshift court had been assembled.

Celestia nodded. "Hello Luna, How is the rebuilding of Canterlot going?"

"Were running behind schedule unfortunately." She sighed. "We won't last another attack."

Celestia sighed; she really didn't want to be the bearer of bad news but...

"A Changeling had been captured here."

Luna watched her moon rise slowly over the horizon. "I had hoped that your letters were just another of your little jokes."

She shook her head. "Not this time little sister. More and more sightings around Poniville have been reported."

"Their planning something." Luna acknowledged.


The sound of an owl hoot broke the sisters out of their serious conversation. Owlowiscious fluttered over to Luna and rested peacefully on her back.

"Hello Owlowiscious, how are you?"


"Really? She tried to talk Celestia into that?" She giggled.

Celestia sighed. Luna could talk to all creatures of the night and she still refused to go outside and sociolize.

"Luna we must focus, I have talked with one of the Changelings."

"One of the drones?"

"Yes, he arrived here earlier than the other one and did not have any connections to him." She looked back into the library where her prized student was sleeping. "He's made friends with Twilight and her friends."

Luna stared in disbelief at Celestia. "Does this mean that the curse is breaking?"

"I'm not sure," She admitted. "But we need to prepare for anything." She looked out at the lands around him. "You've sensed it too haven't you?"

"Yes," Luna replied. "Something is coming, something big."


"We...we don't know Owlowiscious."


"My ever faithful subjects!" Queen Chrysalis proclaimed to her growing swarm. Over the days more and more of her soldiers had found their way to her and she now overlooked a small army, not as big as the invasion force but big nonetheless.

"Today we begin a new invasion of Equestia!"

"All hail Queen Chrysalis!" The swarm cheered.

"Today we strife the final blow against those who would leave us to starve!"

"All hail Queen Chrysalis!" They cheered.

"Finally we will get our new kingdom, with me as your ruler!"

"All hail Queen Chrysalis!" They roared.

"Follow me my servants, to victory!"

With a crescendo of buzzing wings the army took off in the direction of Ponyville with Chrysalis leading them.

"She cares, my Queen and she wants to help us."

"If she wants to help us then tell her to get out of our way!"

If only it were that simple. Chrysalis thought. Don't worry my lone soldier, soon we will all be normal again.

Mirror was suddenly stirred from his slumber. He had been dreaming about Pinkie and Applejack combining their cupcakes and cider into one heavenly food and he was just about to taste it.

Whatever had woken him up had better have a darn good reason.

Walking downstairs the first thing he noticed was that the cage had been removed from the room. Pinkie was behind the counter working on a pan of pastries.

She noticed him and waved. "Good morning Mirror Edge!"

He waved back which was kind of pointless considering he was right next to her now.

"What are these?" He sniffed the pastries, they smelled divine.

"These small delicious, what are they for?"

"I just thought that everypony would be hungry after the...trial..." She trailed off suddenly embarrassed.

Mirror shook his head. "It's alright Pinkie, I've been thinking and..." He never thought he would really say it. "I want to start over, here, in Poniville."

Whatever he would have said next was stopped as he was bear hugged again. Pinkie was smiling bigger than he had ever seen.

"Really? Do you mean that?"

He couldn't believe it either but he really did mean it. He had been thinking long and hard last night and had finally come to the conclusion that he didn't want to live like a monster anymore. He was sick of the invasion plan anyway.

"Yeah, I guess I do."

She began prancing around the store in excitement. "That calls for a party! But we'll have to have it for another reason other than you not being an evil Changeling because that would blow your cover. So I will have to create a new occasion to celebrate so we can celebrate and..."

Pinkies rambling was cut off by construction noises coming from outside. Mirror suddenly remembered why he got up today. He ran out the door and surveyed his surroundings; Ponies were everywhere, arranging chairs, stools and benches around two judge's pedastals and in the center of it, giving all the orders was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Mirror suddenly realized; he had to tell them about the plan! He didn't want anypony to get hurt!

Before he could go talk to them he was poked very gently by sompony's hoof, he almost couldn't feel it. Turning around he found himself face to face with Fluttershy, Element of kindness and victim of the Special Soldier incident.

"Hello Fluttershy how are you?"

She only squeaked in response.

"I hear that." He joked watching the Ponies constructing the court probably hoping they never have to do this again.

"Do you think they're going to execute it?"

Mirror looked at the yellow Pegasus with a mixture of confusion and nausea. He was pretty sure Pinkie told him that she was the 'friend to all beings' type.

"Erm...probably not, Celestia wants to be as nice to the Changelings as possible."

Fluttershy nodded. "That's good. Its friends would be heartbroken if that were to happen."

She smiled and walked off leaving Mirror slightly confused. Where did she fit in the equation? He wondered. The thought was cut short by the sounds of brass horns.

"Court is now in session!" A guard shouted.

Everypony began sitting down in the many benches and chairs, Celestia and Luna sat in the judge seat with Pinkie and her friends to the right of them. Mirror couldn't get to the Princesses and warn them so he had to sit down and wait.

"Order in the court." Celestia said magically banging a gavel. Unfortunately everypony was chattering so loudly nopony could hear her. Celestia leaned over to her sister.

"Luna? Would you be a dear?"

Luna stood up cleared her throat and...


Her voice was like a hurricane, blowing everypony away. Even in the back Mirror could feel the wind from her words.

Everypony went silent. Luna sat back down.

"Thank you sister." Celestia calmly thanked Luna.

"You are welcome sister." Luna replied.

"Now with that out of the way, bring in the accused!"

Carried in on a cart pulled by five royal guards was the Special Soldier. He was still in his Fluttershy form. Admists the jeers and boos he stood up in his cage and bowed gracefully.

"You must be my new audience!" He shouted over the crowd. "It will be my pleasure to shake everypony's hoof and hand out autographs."

The crowd was getting increasingly angry at the prisoners antics, trying to reach him from outside of the cage while he simply sneered at their attempts. He waved at Mirror recieving a raspberry; Mirror would have no more involvement in this. Eventually the guards were able to maneuver the cage to the opposite side of the judge seats. Celestia and Luna looked down at the prisoner lounging in his prison. Celestia's horn began to glow and she shot a beam of light at the cage, it was encased in a see though bubble.

"You can no longer use your magic to escape, that cage is now unbreakable. Do you have any requests before we begin?"

"Yeah, can you get me an ice tea of something? Destroying you all is going to be thirsty work."

Celestia sighed inwardly. They still act like this, even after two millennium they still act like him.

She stood up, unfurling her wings letting her appear even bigger then she was.

"Let the trial begin!"

The cheering could be heard from outside of town.


The swarm had finally reached the outskirts of Ponyville. They had to go on foot now since they would be spotted too soon if they were flying.

"My Queen, what are we waiting for? Shouldn't we just attack?" Copycat asked Chrysalis who was staring intently at the town but not moving an inch.

"We are waiting for the signal my faithful subject."

As if on cue they could suddenly hear cheering coming from the center of town.

Chrysalis smiled. "And there it is. Come along my subjects, now is the time to strike!"


"You have committed crimes against the kingdom of Equestria," Luna proclaimed having read the full charges out. "How do you plead?"

The prisoner smiled and said. "Guilty as charged."

The Princesses exchanged a look.

"This is too easy." Luna whispered.

"I know right?" Celestia whispered back.

"Do you think it's all a trap?"

"I know it's a trap. They're going to try something today but I have come prepared. I have my soldiers garrisoned in the nearby buildings if they should choose to strike."

"A trap?" The Special Soldier asked. "Why would you think I'm part of a trap?"

"You're saying that you aren't?"

"Oh, I never said that."

Mirror was getting more and more nervous, he knew that Chrysalis had planned the attack today but there was no way to tell the Princesses without revealing himself and causing a panic.

"Why do you keep acting like this?" Celestia asked the prisoner. "Do you think we're going to let you off easy for attacking an Element of Harmony?"

He nodded. "Would you really hurt Fluttershy?"

"For the last time! You are not Fluttershy!" Twilight screamed at the Special Soldier. "She's right here next to us!"

Fluttershy meekly waved to prove her point. But then she yelped in surprise. "Look!" She pointed.

Everypony turned around to see a truly frightening sight; Queen Chrysalis and a giant swarm of Changeling behind her. They weren't flying or even charging towards them, they were simply walking towards them unmorphed and unafraid. Many of the Ponies gasped or screamed in fear and bolted for the buildings to hide while others waited to see how it turned out.


"I know Luna."

The two Princesses rose from their seats and walked forward to meet their foes. Pinkie, Twilight and the rest looked at one another, each of them with a look of grim determination on their faces and they followed their Princesses. Mirror simply sat in his seat; he didn't know what to do.

His dream was coming true.

Chrysalis and her swarm came to a stop a little ways away from Celestia and her sister. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Celestia, Luna." Chrysalis said with enough venom to kill a manticore.

"Chrysalis." Celestia said without a hint of emotion.

"We know what you are doing." Luna told her.

"Oh really? Enlighten me." she sneered.

"You sent in spies like this to try and break us from within but it won't work!"

The Changeling Queen shook her head, a growing laugh forming into a bout of evil cackling. "Do you really think I would try something as simple as that?"

Mirror finally found the strength to move and ran to Pinkie.

"Pinkie! Twilight! It's all a trap!"

"What? A trap?" Celestia shouted.

"Yes!" Chrysalis cried. "By coming here, you and your sister have sealed your fates alongside your subjects!" She leaned down to look at Mirror. "And you can thank your new friend here for helping."

Mirror stared in fear at his friends.

"You were helping them?!" Rarity said shocked.

"You're a Changeling aren't you?" Twilight asked.

He looked back and forth, trying to find a way out of this but he couldn't think of anything. He looked over his new friends and emitted a sigh.

"Alright, it's true. I am a Changeling."

He unmorphed, the disguise peeling away from his form like old paint revealing his horn and his insect wings. His wings stretched involuntarily from non-use. The mane six gasped in astonishment. Chrysalis just laughed more.

"I can't believe you didn't figure it out!" She chuckled evilly. "I mean really; it's so obvious!"

"Enough with this nonsense!" Celestia thundered. "This fighting is pointless, Chrysalis! If you stop now we can help your race."

"Were you 'helping' before when you banished us?" She snapped at the Princess, fangs barred. "You left us to starve and now we will have our revenge!"

"But how?" Luna questioned. "Your army is half its regular size and you don't have the power of love on your side."

The Changeling Queen smiled. "That is why I brought a trump card."

She motioned to the cage behind them, the prisoner within watching the event unfold with a massive smile on its face.

"You see; for the weeks I masqueraded as Princess Cadence I took a look around Canterlot castle, specifically the royal gardens."

"You what?!" Luna cried.

"And I just happened to come across a certain statue." She grinned.

Celestia somehow got even whiter, she was suddenly very fearfull. "Oh no..."

"Oh yes." She replied. "You see my subject; this is what I meant when I said 'struck a deal'." Chrysalis smiled. "To finally turn us back to normal, I enlisted the help of-"

"Discord!" Twilight finished her sentence.

Everyone turned towards the cage holding the prisoner...

...and it was still there.

Celestia turned to the mane six. "I don't think he heard us. There isn't much time." She whispered. "Get to the library and use the Elements of Harmony before he finds out. I shall hold Chrysalis off with Luna."

"There are two things wrong with that though." Fluttershy stepped forward, suddenly more assertive than usual. She reached behind her back and pulled out a book containing-

"The Elements!" Twilight shouted, she recognized the book anywhere.

"See the first thing is that we already have the elements. The second thing is..."

Fluttershy started to strain, her eyes becoming pure white while red cracks appearing all over her body with light pouring out. Everyone had just enough time to shield their eyes from the bright light. When the light faded away instead of Fluttershy standing before them they saw-

"Discord!" Celestia screamed.

Towering over them was the eponymous Draconequus, still holding the book containing the Elements in his clawed hand.

"The second thing is; I already know."