• Published 12th May 2012
  • 6,213 Views, 417 Comments

Divided We Stand - Nexas

A changling still in canterlot! how will he survive?

  • ...

Avengers assemble!


Mirror Edge weakly opened his eyes, teleportation was always an uneasy subject for Changelings and the suddenness of this one had made it even worse. Looking around he found himself on a stone floor, he could see something pink lying not too far away from him.

Slowly, realization came to him.


With a surprising amount of speed and energy, he climbed to his hooves and ran over to the pink mare. She was on her side with her back to him, she wasn't moving.

"Pinkie? Pinkie!" He shook her, trying to wake her up, but no response came.

Oh Chrysalis, what if she's dead?! He thought. He paced the floor, trying to think of what to do.


The unmorphed Changeling turned around towards the voice; Twilight, Applejack and Rarity were standing in the opening of a stone hallway, each of them none the worse for wear.

"Girls!" Mirror ran towards them, only to be stopped when Twilight and Rarity pointed their horns at him threateningly.

"Girls! Please, you need to help me!" He quickly retreated from the angry women and back to Pinkie. "There is something wrong with Pinkie; I don't know what to do!"

While the two unicorns glared daggers at him, Applejack simply nodded her head. Pushing Rarity aside, she trotted over to Pinkie and inspected her.

She nodded again. "Eeyup, ah've seen this before. Ah know what to do."

Cracking her neck, she cleared her throat, took a deep breath, rose to her hind legs and shouted into Pinkie's ear.


No response, everyone stared at the farmer Pony who had just utilized the Royal Canterlot Voice as if she had gone mad. But suddenly the pink body on the ground stirred.


Pinkie shot up with the force of a lightning bolt, somehow brandishing two forks that came once again from nowhere. She searched the area with a crazed look in her eyes before she realized where she was.

"There's no pancakes are there?" She asked rather confused.

Mirror Edge fumed. "Do you know you almost gave me a heart attack?" He yelled. "I thought you were dead!"

It had taken a minute for what he was saying to connect in Pinkie's brain but when it did she beamed with happiness.

"Awww! You do care!" She proclaimed, pulling Mirror into another bear hug. The two unicorns who had been watching the entire scene play out, looked at each other in confusion and walked tentatively over to the others.

"You're really not evil, are you?" Twilight asked. "I mean I've made mistakes like this in the past and..." She trailed off.

He nodded. "Yes, I'm not evil. Didn't have a choice really." He glared at Pinkie who simply giggled.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but where are Rainbow Dash and that other Changeling?" Rarity asked.

Everyone looked around, it was true, no one had seen either of them since they had woken up.

"Well they can't be that far from us." Twilight stated. "We'll just have to find them."

Just as Twilight finished talking, Pinkie's tail began to shake.

"Twitcha-twitch, twitcha-twitch!" She shouted, dropping Mirror.

"Everypony take cover!" Applejack screamed, running for the nearest cover. The other two Ponies quickly followed suit.

Mirror simply stood in the middle of the room watching the three in abject confusion.

"Twitch-what? What is going on?"

"Mirror!" Twilight called to him. "Take cover!"

"Why? Is something going to come out of the sky and crush-"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence.




"Here he comes!"


"He got Needles! Fall back!"

The scene in Ponyville was one of, sufficed to say, chaos; Ponies and Changelings alike ran or hid from the reality warper who was raining doom and pies upon them. Ponyville was very quickly becoming the chaotic place it was before when Discord attempted this the first time. In the midst of this disastor was Celestia, Chrysalis and Luna.

"Stop giving me that look!" Chrysalis shouted at Celestia who had stopped nagging her and had switched to the 'I told you so' look.

"It is your fault, Chrysalis." Luna also shouted, they were all trying to hear each other over the explosions and honking. "You thought Discord, the monster that transformed you, would help you."

"What choice did I have?!" She snapped. "My people are dying and what are you doing?!" She glared at both of them. "You treat us like a nuisance! Like an insect swarm that needs bug spray!"

The two Princesses were silent; staring at the Changeling Queen before them, a descendant of a good friend long gone, who had been refused help and had been forced to go to the monster who had twisted them so long ago.

"Sister, what does thou think?" Luna asked turning to her big sister. Celestia looked sorrowfully at the Queen in front of her.

"It's our fault, Luna. We gave up too easily and brought this upon us." She stepped forward. "We have to help them."

"Are you sure?" Luna asked. Celestia nodded and walked over to the Queen

"We will help you." Celestia said.

"What?" She asked, not paying attention.

"We want to help you again." She tried to be a little louder.

"WHAT?" Chrysalis shouted as a chocolate milk bomb went off near them.



Chrysalis was taken aback. "But we've done so much to harm you!" She shouted back. "Why would you help us again?"

Celestia looked up at Discord, who was flying though the air, shooting at escaping Changelings and guards like it was a game and he was the controller.

She grimaced. "Let's just call it a long overdue debt."


Meanwhile still stuck in the magic enhanced cage was Fluttershy. She was still pounding on the bars of the cage, trying to get the Princesses attention but the havoc around her was making it difficult. Finally exhausted she slumped over in the cage.

"I have to get back to my friends and apologize." She sniffed, tears forming in her eyes. "But how am I going to get out?"

To answer her, a repeditive clanging could be heard behind her. She turned around to find a white bunny.


Her pet rabbit was standing outside the cage, a look of determination on his face and a frying pan in his paw. He was beating on the cage, trying to set his owner and feeder free.

"Oh, Angel, I'm so sorry for everything! Please forgive me."

He didn't reply, there would be time to forgive and ask for a pineapple-cherry salad later.

And, you know, he was a rabbit.

As he beat against the barrier, it began to crack and break away. With a final swing the pan collided with the barrier and it crumbled away, the cage now uncovered. Angel quickly climbed to the top and unlocked it. Helping Fluttershy open the cage, she climbed out and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Angel, I didn't mean to scare you, I hope you can forgive me, I, I..."

Angel, having enough of his owners over-apologizing, put a paw over her mouth, silencing her and pointed towards the forest.

"What is it? Something in the forest? Angel now isn't the time for a walk."

The bunny face palmed, reaching behind him he pulled out a picture of Fluttershy and her friends.

"My friends?" She gasped. "Are they in the Everfree forest?!"

He charaded a 'yes' by touching his nose and was suddenly dropped onto the ground.

"Oh no!" She worried. "I have to go in and find them!"

"Now why would you want to do that?"

Fluttershy looked up to see Discord hovering on a pink cloud that looked to be made out of cotton candy in front of her.

She squeaked.

He grinned. "Still the quiet one? That's too bad, I for one liked the makeover I gave you before."

"I...I..." She struggled to speak, trying to remain calm in the face of the beast who had been controlling her. "I-I'm not afraid of you!"

He chuckled, reaching down and ripping a chunk of the cloud he was sitting on and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Om rmllm?" He asked, still with food in his mouth and swallowed.

"Oh really?" He repeated, leaning forward. "Well you know what? I don't believe you."

She shirked back in fear. "W-when I find my friends; we're going to stop you!"

"Your friend's aren't here at the moment, please leave a message never." He joked, looking out at the forest in the distance that Angel had pointed to earlier.

"Besides," He reached out at her. "You're not going to get the chance."

Fluttershy braced for the end when a magic blast sailed over her head at Discord, striking him clean in the face and sending him flying off his candy cloud and into a building, bringing the entire thing down.

"Amazing shot, Luna! Right in the face!" Fluttershy turned to see Princess Luna standing on a mound of rubble, her horn smoking from magic discharge. Princess Celestia and strangely enough, Queen Chrysalis came up behind her.

"Fluttershy! You need to get out of here!" Celestia shouted to her. The yellow Pegasus didn't need to be told twice and took off to the forest.

Suddenly, rumbling sounds came from the once-was-a-house that Discord had crashed into. The ground suddenly burst revealing the angry Draconequus, his fur was singed from the blast but apart from that there seemed to be no injuries despite having an entire house come down on him.

"Tch, tch." Chrysalis shook her head, clicking her tongue. "Let me show you how it's really done."

Her horn glowing, Chrysalis lifted three large rocks into the air. Lining up to the target she let each of them fly one after the other at Discord.

Climbing out of the rubble, Discord rubbed his head. He had to admit; that really stung. A whistling noise filled his ears and he looked up seeing three boulder sized rocks sailing towards him.

He growled. Try to stop my fun again? I don't think so.


The object that had crashed into Mirror was actually Rainbow Dash and Copycat who had been fighting in the sky a moment earlier. After everyone had regained consciousness, again, the two had to be restrained to keep them from fighting even more.

"C'mon, sugercube calm down!" Applejack strained, holding her friend down.

"Let me at her! I'll give her a few more holes!" Dash threatened, nostrils flaring and anger burning in her eyes.

"You just try, Rainbow...head!" Copycat retorted.

"That's telling her, Copycat." Mirror Edge who at this moment was restraining the fellow Changeling, snarked.

"Rainbow stop this." Twilight stepped between the two groups. "They're not our enemies, well not them anyway."

"Calm down Copy, we don't need to fight." Mirror proclaimed.

"Well, okay, fine." Copycat muttered, turning away from the group.

"Dash, you need to calm down too. There are much more important things going on." Rarity said.

"But...but...fine." Dash tried to argue but couldn't think of anything to say.

"Excellent!" Pinkie chimed in, hopping around the group. She picked up Copycat and Rainbow Dash and pushed them together.

"Now apologize!" The party Pony commanded.

The two stared at Pinkie for a moment then they looked at each other.

"Just so you know..." Copycat added. "I would have won that fight."

"Oh, It's on now!" Dash screamed, tackling the Changeling to the ground.

Mirror and Twilight facehoofed. This was not going to be easy.