• Published 31st Jan 2015
  • 10,221 Views, 178 Comments

The Magic of Orphan Cookies - eLLen

Scootaloo brings a box of chocolate deliciousness to school. Unfortuantely, she'll only share under one condition...

  • ...

Under One Condition...

“You seeing what I’m seeing?”

“Are those what I think it is?”

“Is she planning to share those?”

Scootaloo grinned as she leaned back in her school seat, forelegs behind her head and hooves propped up on the desk. Casually pretending to ignore the whispers around her, she let out a content sigh.

“Wow, Scoots! Whaddya got there?”

The young pegasus cracked open her eyes as she made out the sight of her best friends heading her way, eyeing the box on her desk as much as everyone else. Unlike the hushed whispers around her, Scootaloo did answer her friend’s question.

Sitting up, she straightened out the pink and purple striped box on her desk, careful not to smudge the clear plastic lid on top. “These…” she said, drawing a smirk, “Are cookies.”

Applebloom rolled her eyes. “Ah can see that much.”

“Why do you have them?” Sweetie piped in, taking a strong whiff of the box. Even with the lid still on, she left with a dreamy look on her face.

She shrugged as innocently as a filly could.

“Are ya goin’ to share them?”

Instantly, all the whispers around the class hushed, leaving an ominous silence hanging in the air. Scootaloo only smirked. Just what she was waiting for! She knew every one of these classmates had been waiting for someone to ask the forbidden question, but no one wanted to do it themselves.

She looked down at her cookies before answering, being greeted by the sight of two dozen fresh and soft treats, each laden with chocolate chips. “I—”

“Yeah, are you?” one student called.

“Can I have two?” another said.

With that, the class erupted into a frenzy of cookie-deprived pleading. “Hey, I want two!”

“Let her decide! But if she wants to give me two…”

“How about three?!”

Scootaloo watched wide-eyed as the entire class found itself pleading at the edge of her desk. She shot a glance to her friends, but Sweetie only answered with a helpless stare, her eyes dancing between Scootaloo and the students. Applebloom was busy barking at some poor colt that had tried for a wild grab at the box.

The pegasus’ attention was turned upward as she recognized… her voice. “What’s going on here?” it yelled as a pink-coated filly pushed her way through the crowd, closely followed by her silver partner in crime. Her face morphed into a pompous sneer as she spotted Scootaloo, but she faltered for a moment as she noticed the pink container. “And what is this?” Diamond demanded, “Why is everyone in a state of near-riot?”

“Cookies,” she answered simply.

“Cookies?” She glanced through the plastic screen, seeing the rows of chocolate delicacies for herself.

As she did so, Silver glanced at Scootaloo. “Why do you have cookies?”

Once again, only a shrug answered the question.

“You… You’re planning something,” Diamond suddenly accused, pointedly glaring at her.

“Who? Me?”

“Don’t act so innocent. If these were just cookies, you three blank-flanks would’ve been stuffing your faces with them already.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say, Diamond. Look, class is starting.”

Sure enough, Cheerilee was walking into the classroom as everyone looked toward the front of the room. Dropping her books onto her desk, she announced, “Good morning everyone!”

“Good morning,” the class recited back.

Knowing the drill to take a seat as the day’s first lecture was about to begin, Diamond sent one last steely glare Scootaloo’s way. “I’m watching you…” she hissed.

Seeing her walk away, the pegasus had to suppress a grin. “You should be watching the cookies,” she whispered under her breath.

“Alright, everyone! Time for recess,” Cheerilee called as she collected the last of the students’ worksheets.

Before the class could break into a mob of cheers and swarming for the door, Scootaloo snatched up her box of cookies and made a beeline for the exit, calling to her friends, “Come on guys! Let’s go!”

Applebloom and Sweetie shared a glance before mutually shrugging, hopping up to catch their eager friend.

Outside, the three met up at their usual bench. “What’s got you so excited?” Sweetie asked.


“Scoots, you’ve been teasin’ the class all day with them cookies. Not once have you opened the box or told anyone if you’re sharin’. What are ya doin with them?”

“Yeah. Where’d you ever get them?”

Scootaloo shrugged, drawing a groan out of her friends. Running her hoof through her cerise mane, she said, “Alright, alright, I’m planning something.”

“Oh, really?”

“Really. Just wait for everyone else to come out and you’ll see.”

In a few moments, the rest of the class came gushing out the schoolhouse’s door. The usual ponies broke off into their usual groups, but Scootaloo knew they were all eyeing her. It wasn’t natural for a foal to be kept from sugary desserts for this long. Looking around one final time, Scootaloo climbed to the top of the bench. Taking a deep breath, she yelled at the top of her lungs, “COOKIES!”

The reaction was immediate.

From all directions, masses of wild foals rushed at Scootaloo and her two friends that were being caught in the onslaught. Much like the classroom earlier except without the restraint of being indoors, the crowd forming around her broke into a dissonant chant of phrases about who got to go first and how many each got.

“Quiet! Quiet!” Scootaloo yelled, getting everyone’s attention. “So you all want cookies?”

A chorus of “yes” and “yeah” answered her.

“Well you’re going to get cookies!”

The foals all cheered as bright, beaming smiles of pure ecstasy came across their faces. Some laughed. Some cried. One fainted.

“…Under one condition.”

The schoolyard went silent.

Scootaloo glanced through the crowd, ignoring the anxious faces peering at her. She was looking for two in particular. “Where’s Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?”

After a moment of confused whispering, a line broke the crowd in two, revealing the two fillies in the back. Diamond glared at Scootaloo while Silver looked more uncomfortable than anything else.

“What do you want?” Diamond yelled back.

“I could ask you the same thing,” she yelled back, though not sounding hostile.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “Come here.”

Diamond glanced left and right at the crowd before turning her head up with a “hmph!” “Come along, Silver.”

“Uh, right.”

The two made their way toward Scootaloo, Diamond trying to keep up her nonchalant demeanor. “What do you want, blank-flank?”

Darning a smile, Scootaloo opened the box, letting the aroma finally break into the air for everyone to have. Pulling out two cookies, she said, “Want some cookies?” She ignored the gasps coming from her two friends beside her.

Diamond blinked. “You… You’re offering us cookies.”


“Before everyone else.”


Breaking into a scowl, Diamond said, “I don’t need your cookies. I can have my own prepared just for me. I bet those are all stale, anyway. Right, Silver?”

Silver slowly lowered her hoof back down.


Scootaloo smirked, drawing a suspicious glare out of the earth pony. “That’s too bad. Cause no one is getting cookies unless you two have some.”

A wild gasp rang throughout the crowd. Wide-eyed, Diamond looked all around her, seeing the expectant stares all directed at her. The attention was all on her.

“Silver…” she said, “Don’t take a—”


Diamond gasped, her head whipping around just in time to see her best friend stuffing the remains of a cookie into her muzzle. “Silver!”

“I’m sowwy!” she cried through packed cheeks, “It’s too good!”

“Er… Get out of here!” she yelled, prompting the silver-coated filly to hightail it out and into the crowd.

“So what do you say, Diamond? Cookie?”

“No way. I-I bet you poisoned them or something.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. She took a bite out of the cookie she held, saying, “See? It’s fine.” Offering it back to Diamond, the earth pony recoiled away from it.

“You bit that one! I’m not having that one!”

“So you are having one?”

Diamond bit her lip, looking around the crowd once again, every single set of eyes matched her own. With a glare to Scootaloo, she muttered, “Give one here…”

“Sure thing!” the pegasus chimed, beaming at her success. Passing one to Diamond, she watched her sniff the cookie before reluctantly taking a bite. Not showing any emotion, she walked off with her cookie and one last dirty look to each of the crusaders.

Scootaloo watched her for a few moments before turning to the crowd. “Cookies!”

They exploded into cheers.

“How was school today, Scootaloo?”

Turning toward her caretaker, the orange-coated filly grinned from ear-to-ear. “It was great! It worked just as you said. Thanks, Miss Juniper!”

“Glad to hear it,” the older mare replied, setting down her newspaper.

“What should I bring in next? Candy bars?”

Juniper couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of the filly’s eagerness. She may not have been the actual mother to any of the foals in her care, but she lived to play the role. “If you think it’ll work, dear. But remember, why did I tell you to do this?”

“It wasn’t to embarrass a bully?” Scootaloo recited, having had that made clear to her the night before.

“Correct. And to make friends with them.”

“…I still don’t see how doing this will accomplish that.”

Nodding, she said, “And it may or may not. But you’re a clever filly, Scootaloo. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

“Uh-huh. Well thanks, Miss Juniper!” she said before scampering off.

“Anytime! Heh, anytime.”

Comments ( 177 )

I don't get it.

Now I want cookies. :scootangel:

Yyyyeah...this would've been a cute little fluff piece if not for the whole Orphan Scootaloo thing. It's done to death and there's absolutely nothing to substantiate it.

5572570 The point is sharing is caring, especially if you don't have much to share and are sharing with someone who has everything.

Cute very cute! Thanks for sharing!

Are they made with real orphans?

Is what MythrilMoth said true?

5572743 How do you know that?

5572743 There's sadly nothing to rebuttal it either. Still a cute fluff piece regardless on what fence people are with the whole orphan or not fanon. I'm just slightly disappointed we didn't get more Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom reaction. Can't have it all I guess. ;3

I don't know. I think that I would like to see a sequel of sorts, probably one where Diamond tries to tempt everyone with cookies and turns to Scoots for help when things don't go as planned. :scootangel:
It might be nice.

Also, now I need some milk. Thanks a lot. :facehoof:

Also- embarrassment should say embarrass. Just... noticed it.

It's a pretty sneaky plan if you think about it. If they accept the cookies, then they acknowledge Scootaloo's generosity, hence the whole friendship thing Juniper is going for. But if they don't, then the rest of the class will be mad at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for not acquiescing to something so simple. It'll dismantle the whole power structure the two bullies have. :pinkiegasp:

It's a really creative idea, but it's not really a story story. Oh well.


Little confused about what was going on there. I liked the constraint that no one gets cookies unless DT does something, but that something shoul've been something substantiative. Was the ending supposed to be a twist? Your title is "orphan cookies."

I liked it.
Nice job! :heart:

5573632 Additionally, if they didn't take them, and if I happened to be one of the foals in attendance Diamond Tiara would be going home with a black eye. STAND NOT BETWEEN THE CHANGELING AND A SNACK! ... Hold on I don't eat cookies... :raritycry:

I don't get why the term orphan was used in the title..

It's a nice idea with some potential. But honestly, I'd expect Diamond to simply go: "Finally, some respect!"

After all, she's very used to getting what she wants and actually expects privileged treatment. Besides, it's not like she's antagonistic out of pure spite. Diamond actually seems to be pretty pragmatic about who she associates with as long as there is a profit in it for her. (As seen in One Bad Apple and Twilight Time.)

Something like this might confuse her a bit since it's so unexpected, but she'd probably just assume Scootaloo was trying to bribe her in a roundabout way.


The orphan thing? It's mostly a very common fanon that hasn't been jossed yet, in that we haven't actually seen her parents in canon. I prefer to think she has a pretty normal family, personally, but I don't mind Orphan Scootaloo stories if they are written well.

On the other hand, I'm glad season 4 established that she at least isn't homeless. That fanon never made sense to me.

5573754 But these are grandma cookies! Baked with love!

5574184 I know! It's horrible that I can't have any- hold on... *poofs to unicorn and face hooves* D'oh!

i.gyazo.com/b36b4e453bc61c828b5d635fc62bc204.jpg I made a meme for this story cause it's 2am and I'm bored.

Yes cookies are nice. But chocolate cake is even better! This story was like chocolate cake.

D'awww. What a sweet story. :twilightsmile: The bullies get kicked in their flanks without anypony getting hurt and the classmates get cookies. Genius, and adorable in execution. :raritywink:

Though...Scoots doesn't have any particular ulterior motives with this plan of hers...right?

Pity that if this were anywhere near realistic, Diamond Tiara would kick Scootaloo in the face and walk off with the cookies, and everypony else would be afraid to do anything.

Does it make me a bad person that I was expecting the cookies to be made out of orphans like that short on the simpsons?

Ah well. this is sweet too, I guess.

5574855 What? DT using physical violent to get her way? Hmm... Interesting, unique head canon you got going there. And of course, totally contrary to reality... For a start, the Hasbro censors would be having a nervous breakdown if that was every written into a script. AND, on a more character based level, why would DT need to resort to kicking? She is the wealthiest filly in her class... And I would imagine, thinks of herself as being beneath such base behaviour. Still, as I said, if you want to ever write an alternative universe fic for this vision of DT you have as an unrepentant slugger, I'd be VERY interested in reading it...

VGI #27 · Feb 1st, 2015 · · 1 ·


Well written! I did not encounter an error that jogged me from imagining the whole story from beginning to end! Oh, how I wish I could write like this!

Beautiful masterpiece, Mr./Ms Author!

Thumbs up. Shelving, and downloading!

>>MythrilMoth Where did it say that?

This was both cute and hilarious. Heck, the cover art alone earns this one-shot a like in my book! Thanks for the delightful read!!! :twilightsmile:

5572743 I still don't get it.

I was kind of hoping those first cookies would have laxatives or something and then Scoots would hand out regular ones to the rest of the kids—would have been an awesome prank (courtesy of Rainbow Dash's demented mind)— but you can't have everything, I guess.
Frankly, I don't care either way about the Orphan Scootaloo fanon. While I do agree with some people that it's a bit overplayed, I've read a few stories that utilize the idea quite well (having edited one of them, I guess I'm a bit biased, though), while I've also read some where she has a known parent or parents (also written quite well).
Anyway, 'twas still a nice fluff piece, in my opinion. Like from me. :twilightsmile:

5575777 I thought that they could only have the cookies if they killed their parents.

Hello everyone

5575784 I am a horrible person for laughing at that, and I claim you to be a horrible (but genius) person for thinking of it. Then again, that would mean all those who went through with it could join the SSOC! (See link in my first comment)

5575733 An orphan doesn't exactly have much to give, right? So receiving something and then sharing it with others who have more than you is a lesson in generosity and being a good person and all...it's a little preachy.

5575807 ...I mean in regards to the story, not some bullshit hidden meaning. The flow of events needs to make sense, that kind of goal is ridiculous.

5575867 I agree, this story doesn't really stand on its own or deliver its moral in any meaningful way. It's obvious what the message is...it's just not handled very well.


Well written though not really my cup of tea. I am not a fan of Orphen Scootaloo stories. Still good premise even if it is a light read.

The young pegasus cracked open her eyes as she made out the sight her best friends heading her way, eyeing the box on her desk as much as everyone else.

Should be "of her best friends."

5573157 Yes! This is the comment I was looking for when I saw the title. I wonder if I've been watching Llamas with Hats too much...Nah.

Well, that could've been a lot worse. I thought the condition might be "kill your parents." Only orphans get orphan cookies.

Really, the Orphanloo bit was completely extraneous. Juniper could've just as easily been Scootaloo's biological mom giving her the advice and cookies as opposed to a caretaker who seems to be doing a fine job as a mother.

Still, there's a fair amount to like, especially Silver Spoon's eagerness for cookies. If we could actually see the plan come to fruition, as opposed to an "As you know" discussion that ties up the story in a neat bow, I think it would be a lot better.

Not bad. It needs some work, but not bad.

5572743 if it's done right the orphan scootaloo is good.

Not bad.
I was wondering what was gonna happen, and I'm satisfied.

This reminds me of the kids book Enemy Pie.
Despite the cover, the plots are very similar.

I was imagining something like Eric's chili con carne festival where he killed scott tenorman's parents and fed them to him in a chili, wendy's style

glad to be wrong. his name is filthy rich for a reason:pinkiesick:


So long as you're not eating hands or murdering old couples for taking all the crescent rolls, you're fine.

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