• Published 12th May 2012
  • 2,309 Views, 55 Comments

Dames of the Tea Table: Silver Sabbatical - Kipakuta

A side story to [url=http://www.fimfiction.net/story/9223/Dames-of-the-Tea-Table] Dames of the Tea T

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Love justifies all

Red-vested ushers trotted along the aisleways, escorting ponies to their proper seats then leaving to repeat the process. Once settled into the proper spots, the ponies began talking with one another. Old friends and relatives who hadn't seen each-other in weeks, months, or sometimes even years, were catching up on news and stories. The rearmost bench of the center section bordered the river, and was occupied by Merai who conversed with nearby guests. Onstage, a band was performing a series of Zaldi and Roani folk songs. A lavender unicorn sat behind a podium, looking over a checklist and double-checking the book on the podium.

Noticing the unicorn's discomfort, the band's leader allowed the group to take a break, then she went over to talk to the unicorn. "You a-ight there, Twinkle?"

"It's Twilight, and no." She replied. "I'm not sure I can do this, Starsong."

"Cacophony!" Starsong spat. "Cheerilee believes in you. Are you going to leave her hanging?"

"What if something goes wrong? What if I knock something over, or lose my place, or-" Starsong held up a hoof.

"Even Princess Celestia has moments like this."

Twilight snorted. "Hey, that's not fair. The Princess has been giving speeches for a millennium, She's cool calm and collected during every one."

"Ever seen her five minutes beforehoof? She's probably having the same kind of fit that you are right now. I've seen it all before. Every pony gets cold hooves at the thought of talking in front of a large crowd, even me." Starsong extended a wing around Twilight. "If you make a mistake, just roll with it."

"Roll with it? This is supposed to be a solemn occasion." Twilight replied. "There's no room for mistakes."

"What mistakes? All they gotta do is say yes to each other a few times, then you pronounce them married."

"If the Princess can do this, then so can I." Twilight placed her hooves on the podium. "Let's get this wedding started."

Starsong whooped. "That's the spirit!" She leapt and glided back to her band, then lead them into another round of music.

- - -

A brown maned, yellow-orange earth pony wearing a black vest, entered the green tent. "Concierge Toola. May I have a moment of your time?"

Toola walked over to the new arrival. "Sure, Moineau."

Moineau presented a folder. "Operation 'Roasted Grain' was a success."

Toola opened the folder and looked through the contents. Her smiled widened. "This is great news. The Manesfield ponies would surely consider this justice." Closing the folder again, she handed it back to Moineau. "Make a copy of this, and deliver it to room 406. Kako Udan will be very happy."

Moineau grinned, taking the folder back. "Yes Concierge." He bowed then left.

"Conducting business, even on the day of your own wedding?" Gilbert inquired from the other side of the tent. Toola looked over to him and smiled.

"Of course Father, you taught me well." She returned to her cushion. "An effective plan is one that fulfills multiple goals." She drew her cane and tapped it on the ground. "One, This deed was done with the well being of others as the goal, so it is admissible for the ceremony tomorrow. Two, Kuzma Lutrokov has been disciplined for selling bad grain at high prices."

"I'll give you the price gouging part." Gilbert stated. "But what cause do you have to say his grain was bad?"

"I've been there, I've tasted it, it's rotten!" Toola pointed her cane outside. "He lets it sit around in the silo until ponies can scrape together enough money to buy from him."

"And what have you offered as a replacement, so that they won't starve?" Aurelina inquired, resting atop of Gilbert.

"Three." Toola smiled. "It allows our friends, the Hartwells and the McMillers, to expand their businesses to Manesfield."

"They're dependable and respectable businessponies." Gilbert replied. "They'll ship the food in, until they can get a farm going."

Toola walked over to the entrance of the tent. "Jasper."

The Diamond Dog turned and peered into the tent. "Yes, Concierge Toola?"

"Please go tell Cheerilee that I have payed her entry fee."

"On it." Jasper stated, before leaving.

- - -

"So how did it go?" A caramel colored unicorn asked the dark gray gryphon seated next to him.

"Simply dreadful." The gryphon responded. "I had zee whole speech prepared and I rehearsed it several times while I was on line. But when it was time to deliver it..." He sighed and lowered his head. "I flubbed lines, mixed words, and even had nervous perspiration."

The unicorn reached over and patted the gryphon's side. "Gusty, listen." The gryphon gave a sideways glance. "The Patron isn't going to hold this against you. You're a great chef, that's what you studied for, that's what he funded you for. Not for your speaking skills." Gustave chuckled.

"Ah true. But I still feel zat he deserves more respect zan what I was able to give him."

The unicorn grinned. "I guess your insides really are jelly." he chuckled.

The gryphon draped a forelimb around the unicorn's shoulders, and rubbed the knuckles of his other claw around the base of the unicorn's horn. "Just for zat, You're not getting any cream filling tonight, Joe."

Joe squirmed and laughed. "C'mon, just a little. Pleeeease?"

- - -

Cheerilee looked over as Jasper entered the gold tent. "Yes, how may I help you Jasper?"

Jasper bowed. "I have news from Concierge Toola. She says 'The entry fee has been paid.'"

Cheerilee gasped "Are you for real?" A grin spread across her face. "I'm getting into the Family. I'm actually going to be a pony of honor."

Two earth ponies who had been sitting nearby, got up and hugged Cheerilee. "We're so happy for you, 'Lee." One of them stated.

Cheerilee blushed, embracing the two ponies. "This is wonderful, it's like...like...having my students do a play based on all my favorite eighties videos." The group separated, then Cheerilee looked to the Diamond Dog. "Thank you Jasper. We're all set for tomorrow then."

Jasper walked over then kneeled before the earth pony. "Miss Cheerilee. I am...uncertain, about my continued employment after tonight."

Cheerilee walked over, and patted the Diamond Dog's shoulder. "Worried that Toola might not need you anymore?" Jasper nodded.

"I have been paid to be her friend, but you and Starsong have become her closest companions." Jasper held a clenched fist to his heart. "But the bits never mattered to me. I served first to work off a debt, then my reason became because the three of you were genuinely fun to be around."

"Jasper, look at me." Cheerilee commanded. His gaze met hers. "I could use somepo- somebody like you. A teacher's salary doesn't allow me to afford a valet of my own."

"Am I hired then?" Jasper wagged his tail hopefully.

"Yes." Cheerilee exclaimed.

The Diamond Dog smiled, then embraced the earth pony tightly. "Thank you, Miss Cheerilee."

Cheerilee oofed, surprised by the strength of the hug, but smiled and gave him one in return.

- - -

A trio of unicorns examined a seating chart. "I think we're were gonna be on the right side of the theater." The yellow unicorn mused. "As guests of 'Antonia.' I'm guessing that's Toola's real name."

"Here are our names." The white unicorn placed a hoof on the chart. "Section four, seventh row, right side."

"And Uban Ibai will be present as well?" The pink unicorn noticed the name next to hers. She looked to her companions. "What be the proper term when thou dost realize that thou should not have uttered a phrase?"

"Putting your hoof in your mouth, my lady." The yellow unicorn replied.

"Thank you, dear Lemon." An usher approached them.

"Where are you three seated?"

"Section four, row seven, right side of the bench."

"Ok, follow me please." The pony lead them to their seats. As they arrived, they noticed that Udan was already present, talking to some of the ponies in the row below. Once the usher had left, the caramel colored earth pony motioned for them to come over

"Lady La Sombra. So good to see you again. I saw your name on the seating list, and I wanted to apologize for not making a good impression last night." He exclaimed.

The pink unicorn seated herself next to him. "Nay, the fault was mine. I was at the casino prior to our meeting, imbibed too much of the house wine, and I put my hoof in my mouth when we met." She gave a knowing wink. The ponies in the row below chuckled.

"Sure, we'll blame the wine." Udan replied. He looked to the other two unicorns, who took their seats. "If I recall from the seating chart." He pointed to the yellow unicorn next to Lady La Sombra. "Lemon Meringue, which would make you." He pointed to the white unicorn. "Bouton Rose."

Lemon raised an eyebrow. "You do have a good memory for detail, Mr Ibai." she replied.

"It's a skill that's come in very handy in my travels." He replied. "And I like to consider it a point of pride. So imagine my surprise, when I see the three of you here." He tapped the stone bench.

"Is there a reason why we shouldn't we be here, Mr Ibai." Lemon asked. "The Patron did offer us a favor on account of his daughter's wedding, and we were guests of the hotel at the time."

The earth pony got up and walked over to Lemon, then whispered in her ear. ("I don't know who the white unicorn is, but you aren't as clever as you think you are, Lime Sherbert.") The yellow unicorn gasped in shocked. ("And I have a suspicion of who your Lady really is, but I won't mention it.") He returned to his seat, grinning smugly. "Lady Cynthia, why don't you and your maid come up to my room after the reception. Number 406."

- - -

Noticing Cheerilee's and Toola's mothers standing outside their respective tents, Starsong lead her band in performing a wedding song that combined the Roani and Zaldi musical styles. Each one escorted their daughter down the aisles, then up the stairs of the stage. From there, Cheerilee's mother and Aurelina faced the crowd, while their daughters walked to a rectangular wooden table. Resting on the green felted tabletop were a few objects.

Twilight spoke, her voice transmitted from a small crystal that was strapped to the front of her neck, to other crystals mounted on stands strategically placed throughout the theater. "Family, friends, esteemed guests and colleagues. We are gathered here today, to witness the union of Antonia LaRoulette, and Cheerilee, daughter of Daisy Dawn. If there is anypony who has sufficient cause to object to this union, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

After a few seconds of silence, Twilight walked over to the table, and lifted a mirror with an ornate iron frame. "Honesty." She began. "Forms the foundation of any relationship." She held the mirror to Toola first. "One must be honest with themselves as well as with others."As The unicorn took the mirror and gazed into it, Twilight recited the first question. "Antonia. Will you be honest with Cheerilee, speak truthfully with her, and refrain from lying to and deceiving her?"

"I will." Toola replied. Twilight then took the mirror and passed it to Cheerilee.

"Cheerilee, will you be honest with Antonia, speak truthfully with her, and refrain from lying to and deceiving her?"

"I will." Cheerilee stated, looking into the mirror.

Placing the mirror on the table, Twilight picked up a long strip of cloth then began the next part of her speech. "Just as Honesty forms the foundation, Loyalty forms the framework. If you cannot remain loyal to one another, this union will be unsteady." She tied the strip around each of their heads, forming a conjoined scarf. "Antonia. Do you pledge your loyalty to Cheerilee, to protect her, stay by her side and never stray?"

"I do."

"Cheerilee, Do you pledge your loyalty to Antonia, to protect her, stay by her side and never stray?"

"I do"

Twilight picked up a pair of scissors and cut the middle of the cloth strip. "Let these scarves serve as a reminder that you two are one." She set the scissors down then picked up a pair of silver pins, with a lace-constructed butterfly on the head of each. "Kindness will be the wall that wards off the rough world." She presented the pins. "Show each-other your kindness, by inserting these pins into the cloth over each others left ears.

Toola took one of the pins with a hoof, and carefully inserted the point into a small fold of cloth above Cheerilee's left ear. When she finished, Cheerilee took the other pin, and repeated the action on Toola.

Twilight lifted a two-handled cup filled with wine. "Laughter will be the roof that that shelters you from the storms of anger." She held it to Toola. "Antonia, drink deep of this wine, and let laughter fill your heart. Let it allow you to be merry with Cheerilee. Will you keep your humor in tough times, and laugh together on gloomy days?"

"I will." Toola stated before taking a drink.

Twilight presented the cup to Cheerilee. "Cheerilee, drink deep of this wine, and let laughter fill your heart. Let it allow you to be merry with Antonia. Will you keep your humor in tough times, and laugh together on gloomy days?"

"I will." Cheerilee replied, following with a mouthful of wine.

"Generosity." Twilight started, picking up a pair of gold chain necklaces, threaded with coins and gems. "Represents the garden that brings bounty to your relationship." She looked to Toola. "Antonia. Name your greatest treasure."

"Cheerilee." She replied. Twilight placed one of the necklaces around her neck, then turned to Cheerilee.

"Cheerilee. Name your greatest treasure."

"Toola Roola." Cheerilee said without hesitation. The other necklace was placed around her neck.

Twilight guided them from the table to the podium. "These elements of friendship form a strong housing for your union. Now you you must fill it." She took her place on the other side of the podium, then began reading from the book. "Here is where we take the Magic of your friendship, and transmute it into Love. Antonia, do you take Cheerilee to be your one and only, to love and cherish her in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, until your final day?"

"I do." Toola stated solemnly.

"Cheerilee, do you take Antonia to be your one and only, to love and cherish her in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, until your final day?"

"I do."

Twilight glanced up to the sky, then back to the two ponies. "Then in the sight of the Sun and the Moon, I pronounce you two to be married. And may your marriage strengthen the ties between your two communities."

The entire audience applauded.

- - -

Though Udan left for the mansion once the audience began dispersing, Cynthia, Lemon and Bouton decided to stay for the feast. The meal consisted of a potato, mushroom and pepper stuffed crepe, a small serving of spinach and tomato salad with a creamy basil dressing, and a kelp-wrapped rice roll. From the list of available drinks, all three opted for apple tea.

Toola and Cheerilee went from table to table, taking time to talk to each pony, and thank them for attending. Most of the guests offered congratulations, and raised their glasses to toast the new couple. A few of the guests, mainly relatives, got up and hugged the newlyweds.

When they got to Cynthia, Lemon and Bouton, the pair inquired about their plans for the next day. After listening, Toola suggested taking the salt tour in the morning to observe the first harvests of the day. Cynthia inquired about the current methods in contrast to the ones used a millennium prior, and Toola replied that the process became more streamlined in the past century.

After finishing their meal, Bouton excused herself to mingle, while Cynthia and Lemon headed for the mansion. When they ascended the ramp from the third to the fourth floor, they were greeted by a black-vested pony who inquired as to their reason for being on that floor.

"We were invited by Udan Ibai, The Patron's brother." Cynthia answered.

"Allow me to escort you." The pony stated. He lead them to room 406 and knocked on the door. When Udan answered, the pony said. "Mr Ibai. Did you invite these two mares up to your room?"

He opened the door wider. "Yes I did, thank you for bringing them here." The security pony bowed then returned to his patrol. "Come in you two." Cynthia and Lemon entered. Udan closed the door and locked it. "Alright. You can drop the disguise Princess. I know it's you."

The pink unicorn changed, her color changing to a dark shade of blue, her mane and tail becoming ethereal, and a pair of wings emerging from her back. At the same time, the yellow unicorn's color shifted to lime green. "How didst thou see through our disguise?"

Bad Apple grinned. "I had my suspicions last night, but when 'Lemon' spoke as though she knew me, all doubt was gone."