• Published 12th May 2012
  • 2,309 Views, 55 Comments

Dames of the Tea Table: Silver Sabbatical - Kipakuta

A side story to [url=http://www.fimfiction.net/story/9223/Dames-of-the-Tea-Table] Dames of the Tea T

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What brings two charming mares such as yourselves, to a place like this?"

"We could ask you the same question, Mr Apple." Lime replied. "If half of what I heard this morning is true, then I'm sure there's an interesting story about how you met the Patron."

Bad Apple chuckled. "Have a seat, my dears." He motioned to some nearby chairs arranged around a low-set table, which held 3 glasses of wine, a book, and some folders. Luna and Lime seated themselves. "So what have you heard?" He inquired, settling on a spare chair.

"We were told about the history of the chateau, the family, and a few of their more notable endeavors." Luna replied. "Our tour guide took us through some of the rooms on the first floor, and showed us some of the artifacts that the family has gathered."

The earth pony nodded. "So you had the historical and museum tours." He took a glass of wine. "Everything you were told is true." He took a sip. "A little embellished in places, but otherwise it's a good explanation."

Luna picked up her glass. "I do have questions, even after such a detailed narration."

Rubbing a hoof along his temple, Bad Apple sighed. "Luna, my love. I want to be open and honest with you. This place, this Chateau, is a place of many secrets."

"And you may reveal naught even to me?" Luna inquired.

"I can tell you little, without fear of reprisal." Bad Apple replied.

"I assure you, that you have nothing to fear from me." Luna proclaimed, placing a hoof on her chest.

"What about Gilbert, Aurelina, and Toola? What about all the ponies that live and work on this land? Are they offered the same promise?"

"Why would they need to fear reprisal?" Lime asked.

"Because they are much like me." Bad Apple replied.

"Breaking laws for the greater good." Luna mused. She peered into her wine glass. "But were I to take the LaRoulettes to task for such actions, innocent ponies would be without work, and without homes. And this be one of your 'safe havens'?" She shook her head. "Nay. I cannot be such a tyrant." She looked to Bad Apple. "I am here not as a Princess, but as Luna. Your need not fear penalty."

"I'm so glad to hear that." Bad Apple replied. "So what are your questions?"

"To what breadth does the reach of this family spread? They much resemble the family your mother desired."

"My mother could have had this, had she not burned so many bridges in her haste." Bad Apple chuckled. "And the real power isn't with the LaRoulettes. They're part of a larger organization, called Chevaux L'honneur."

"Ponies of Honor?" Luna raised an eyebrow. "They consider themselves honorable despite the deeds they perpetrate?"

Bad Apple nodded. "They've been doing this sort of thing for a few centuries. At first it was in opposition to the oppressive policies of the Percheron nobility, but after the revolution and Neighpolean's bungled attempt at an empire, the organization asked Celestia to step in."

"So my sister knows of them? And sits idle?"

"From what Gil's told me, there's a kind of no contact contract between the group and your sister. She ignores them, and in return they keep their business away from her. Pretty much for the same reason that you don't tell everypony about me."

"So as not to sully her reputation..." Luna sipped the wine. "Are you yourself a part of the organization?"

"No, I'm still working on my entry fee."

"Entry fee? You have to pay to play then?" Lime asked, snickering a bit.

"Yes. Chevaux L'honneur isn't something that anypony can join. You have to show that you're an asset to what they call 'The Business'. The first thing any prospective candidate has to do is find a problem, and solve it by using your own wits and resources. I'm what they call an associate. Meaning I'm allowed to participate in clan business, but I can't start any of my own."

"And how did you become involved in this business?" Luna inquired.

The caramel colored stallion surveyed the steamship's casino. The layout was typical of most floating and improvised casinos: Two roulette tables, a four-four-four mix of blackjack, poker, and craps tables, a circle of slot machines, and an unmarked green table tucked away in a corner, usually used to prepare the cards for dealing. The bar and chip counter were placed side by side, allowing customers to get chips and drinks in one convenient location.

After purchasing a stack of low-value chips and a glass of salted juice, he found an empty seat at one of the card tables. "So, is this the lucky table?" He asked, making small talk. "Cause if it wasn't before, it is now."

"You plan to make us all lucky?" one of the other players asked in response. The others laughed.

"Sure, deal me in next hand." He placed a few chips on the table.

"So who should we thank when we all become millionaires?" Another player asked.

"You can call me, Gabardine Dart."

The other pony was about to say something when a shout rang through the casino.


All eyes turned towards one of the roulette tables, where a green unicorn, with a red and black mane, wearing a red sequined vest and a blue wooden, silver banded staff with a triangular faceplate. He was confronting a white earth pony with a blue mane. The earth pony mumbled something. "It slipped and landed on the winning number? How convenient, pick it up!" The unicorn snapped.

Gabardine Dart excused himself, gathered his chips, and ventured closer to hear.

"Is there a problem here?" A gray, purple-maned pegasus asked as she came over to the Roulette table

"Yes boss." The unicorn replied. "This pony claims that the rocking of the boat, caused a chip slipped off of the stack he placed on space 22, and land on space 14."

"Did the slip occur before or after the ball settled?" The pegasus asked.

"After." The unicorn stated.

The pegasus looked to the earth pony. "Get yourself cashed out, and leave." The earth pony grumbled as he headed to the bar and chip counter, accompanied by a few other ponies.

- - -

An hour later, the green unicorn was replaced by a blue, green-maned pegasus. Gabardine Dart followed from a discrete distance. The earth pony that had been caught cheating, seemed like the type to hold a grudge. Gabardine found a large pipe to hide behind.

"Somepony's waiting, just for you. Spinning wheel, spinning true. Drop all your troubles, by the river side." The green unicorn sang to himself, dancing a bit as he made his way along the side deck.

"Don't mind if I do." The white pony replied, stepping out from around the corner. The unicorn turned to walk back, but more ponies emerged from a door behind him.

The unicorn looked from the group to the white earth pony, the two parties closing in on him. "Gentlestallions, surely we can handle this situation like rational ponies."

"Too late for that." The white earth pony replied, lunging for the unicorn. The unicorn oofed as he was shoved down on the deck. "Oh I'm sorry, the rocking of the boat caused you to fall. Boys, help me pick this chip up."

"Sure thing, boss." The others grabbed the unicorn's legs, then dragged him over to the side of the ship.

"Wait, what are you doing?! The unicorn squirmed, panicking as they leveraged him over the railing.

"Hoping you can swim." The white pony replied, as they shoved the unicorn overboard. The unicorn screamed all the way down to the water, landing with a splash. The group laughed and pointed as the unicorn flailed around in the river, being carried away by the fast current.

Gabardine Dart hurried to the back of the ship, and jumped over the railing. He splashed down, then quickly surfaced. The green unicorn was easy to locate thanks to his hysterical hollering. Gabardine Dart swam closer, then called out. "Stop thrashing, I'll get you!" The unicorn seemed to calm down a little, and Gabardine paddled close enough to grab him. He swam towards the closest bank, using one leg to drag the unicorn with him.

When they got to shore, Gabardine dragged the unicorn onto the muddy bank then released him. He lay there panting, while Gabardine went over to a rock outcropping, undressed, and tried wringing the water from his clothes. "Am I, dead?" The unicorn asked.

"I'm pretty sure you aren't." Gabardine replied. "You're talking, and that's usually a good sign."

"Then why do I see an angel coming this way?"

The earth pony turned around, and saw a pink unicorn, with an orange and yellow mane approaching. She wore a red blouse and a black skirt that covered her flank and rear legs. "Hello travelers. Did you fall overboard from the ship that passed by here?"

"More like pushed overboard." Gabardine replied. He held out a hoof. "Name's Gabardine Dart."

The unicorn mare shook hooves. "Aurelina, daughter of Mirela." She pointed to the green unicorn. "Who is your friend?"

The green unicorn got to a sitting position. "Concierge Gilbert, of the House of LaRoulette. You got any food? I left mine back on the boat."

- - -

The two stallions were invited to the Roani camp. Aurelina introduced them to her parents, who were familiar with one of Gilbert's once removed third cousins. A campfire was lit, and the pair were given some spare clothing to change into, so they could dry their wet clothes.

When night time came around, the Roani prepared a pot of scavenger stew, and passed out bottles of cheap peach wine. After a few toasts and boasts, Gilbert and Gabardine joined in for dinner, and shared some stories with their hosts.

After finishing his bowl, Gabardine excused himself, and started heading off. Gilbert dashed after him. "Wait, not going to stay for the night?"

Gabardine paused and turned. "I have things to do, and it's only an hour to the closest town."

"At least give me five minutes to repay you." Gilbert responded.

"Ok, five minutes." Gabardine stated. Gilbert trotted back to the camp, grabbed his wine bottle with his magic, and returned. He took a swig, then offered it to Gabardine. "What's this for?"

"You heard of the peach tree oath that Liu Bei and her sisters had? This is a peach wine oath, ."

Gabardine accepted the bottle, and took a deep swallow. As he hoofed it back, he asked. "So where's your home in case I'm ever nearby?"

"Between Manehattan and Canterlot, to the west of the railroad depot, you will find the Chateau De LaRoulette." Gilbert gestured as he spoke. "And since I met you in a river in the summer, I will address you as Udan Ibai."

"I now pronounce you wife and husband." A red-maned, olive earth pony stated. "And may your marriage strengthen the bond between your respective tribes."

"If Luck be a lady, then I imagine that she looks like you." Gilbert stated, before kissing Aurelina. The carnation-colored unicorn blushed and giggled.

"My husband, you are certainly a spicy pepper." Aurelina replied.

"And that's part of why you married me, my angel of the riverside." Gilbert stated with a grin. He turned to the approaching earth pony. " Udan. Thank you for attending."

The caramel stallion bowed. "I'm glad to have made it, Gilbert." He turned to Aurelina. "And congratulations to you, Mrs LaRoulette. How do you feel?"

Aurelina thought for a moment. "Proud and humble at the same time. It is odd. On one hoof, I now have land, wealth, a stable home, and a devoted stallion. It is everything a Roani can dream. On the other hoof, I am tied to the land, while my family still roams."

"Ah yes, the great dilemma of your tribe." Udan replied with a nod. "I can sympathize."

"They are welcome here always." Gilbert stated. "As are you, ."

Udan placed a hoof on Gilberts shoulder. "I appreciate that, but I must be off."

"Wait, at least stay one more day." Gilbert pleaded. "We have a special event planned for tomorrow, that I want you present for."

"Wait, Kako Udan, take me with you!" A small pink unicorn filly dashed after the stallion. He turned and waited as she came over.

"Whoa, easy there Toola." he chided, as the filly grappled onto one of his forelegs. "You're a little young to go adventuring with me."

"But I wanna gooooo." The filly whined. "It's boring here."

Udan used his other leg to stroke the unicorn's mane. "As exciting as I make my life sound, it's also dangerous. I don't know if I can protect you."

"I'm not scared of danger." Toola proclaimed, looking up to him. "Like the Gwehyddion o Freuddwydion? I'll bring iron."

"No, though I've dealt with them too." Udan leaned down. "I'm going after some bad ponies. Ponies who wouldn't hesitate to hurt you if they got their hooves on you. Ponies more interested in wealth than in the well being of others."

"Like Any Random's ponies?" Toola released her grip.

Udan blinked. "Wait, where did you hear that name?"

"My grandmother told stories about when Any came to visit her once."

Udan turned and headed back up to the mansion. "I need to have a talk with your grandmother."

- - -

"Mother Sagari..." The caramel stallion approached with head bowed and step light.

A chestnut colored unicorn with a gray and black mane, swirled a shotglass of plum wine. "Little Udan, have you changed your mind about leaving tonight?"

"The stallion nodded his head with a smile. "Indeed I have. I always enjoy my time here, even if it must necessarily be brief. But I had another matter to discuss. A very...pressing matter." Udan looked up to the mare, an expression of pleading desperation on his face. "Your grand-daughter mentioned a mare that came to you. A mare I know by reputation. A mare whose evil I have seen in action."

Sagari LaRoulette took a sip of wine, then asked. "Who do you wish to put a bounty on, and what evidence do you have against them?"

Udan shook his head. "No. No bounty. I want her. I want to be the one dragging her before somepony official. Since I took her books from Grain Gulch... I always wanted it to be me." He reached into his pack and took out a thick and imposing tome. Though it was battered and worn, the cover was still legible. 'Trotlas Shrugged: A Novel.' Below that, was the author's name. 'Any Random.'

"I took this from the home of Dry Gulch, who was bleeding the community dry. His home was stormed to destroy the equipment that interfered with healthy mana flow and affected plant growth. I have read others. And seen more of her minions. They follow her words like a hard-hearted religion. And she knows. I have heard tell that is why she stopped her appearances and fled Canterlot."

Sagari finished her wine, then slammed the shotglass, top down, on the table next to her. "Yes, I know her, she is tainted by windigoes!" The stallion flinched at the mare's hot tempered reaction. "She thought that we would support her pathetic attempts at mimicking our grand organization." Sagari motioned for Udan to follow her, while a red-vested pony quickly grabbed the wineglass and wiped the table.

They headed up to the fourth floor, then entered a private office. Sagari retrieved a folder from a filing cabinet. "We have been snooping on her and her little charisma cult for a while." She explained, placing the folder on the desk. "She walks a road of lead through a barren land of ice and snow."

Udan opened the folder, and sorted through the documents. "Addresses of known residences under her name, maps showing where her followers have claimed their territories, notes about what you know about them...this would refute her worldview outright. How recent are these?"

"Everything here dates from between 958, to last month. It gets updated about once a season as we get new information." Sagari stated. "And of course, we make sure to verify it all. Following rumors wastes everypony's time."

"Understandable." Udan nodded. "Still, this is very helpful. Even knowing where she used to live, I can begin somewhere. She might have left things behind."

Sagari gave him a look of concern. "If you plan on going after her, you'll be going alone. The Company is too spread out to take down all at once. And an outright battle between two rival organizations would bring down the wrath of Canterlot."

Udan turned to the mare. "When did you meet her?"

"She came here in 958, peddling her scribblings." Sagari picked up one of the documents. "I kept the newsletter she gave me." Udan took the document and read it over.

"By the Princess... her greed and arrogance goes far. So far..." He lowered the document. "I'm sure you have your reasons, but why didn't you join her?"

Sagari smirked. "Unicorns were only given the gift of fire, young Udan. To my knowledge, only one pony has all four elemental gifts."

"And long may she use them."

"Before I leave you to your studying, I want to give you a bit of advice." Sagari began. "The problem with being a chessmaster, is that the time you spend perfecting your skills for that one game, is time not spent on other games. So let's say somepony comes along, decides to change the game, and invites her to play cards."

"She wouldn't be able to prepare if she didn't know what card would be drawn next." Udan chuckled. "Yes, very sound advice, Mother Sagari."

The unicorn mare turned to leave. "What would you like for breakfast in the morning?" She called back.

"Apples." Udan replied.

"I'll have one of the waiters leave a basketful by the door." She said, before closing it.

Present Day
"And this be what has haunted your steps all these years?" Luna asked. Bad Apple nodded.

"I make it a point to stop here whenever I'm in the area. Keeping in touch with the family, and catching up on the latest news."

"I had no idea that all this was even going on." Lime added. "This is like a secret war."

Bad Apple grinned. "Yes, it's kept very secret. And for a good reason. Neither side wants to draw Canterlot's attention to themselves If not for that, things could escalate very quickly."

"'Tis very like a game of intrigue." Luna mused.

"It's a very tangled web of intrigue, retribution, conflicting idealogies, and gray morality." Bad rubbed the back of his neck. "In a way, Chevaux L'Honneur is the hero because they look out for other ponies."

"To speak of tangled webs." Luna began. "And it please you, Dame Lime, shall you return to thy quarter? Time is meet to make the beast of eight legs..."

"Yes my Lady." Lime bowed then left.

Luna settled upon the bed. Bad Apple undressed, then joined her.