• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 4,622 Views, 79 Comments

Chupacabra - LightningThunda

Welp in a new world with new powers as a mythical beast... how could it be any worse?

  • ...

Chapter 1. Myself

By LightningThunda


The soft wind carrying the sound of nearby water calmed me, serenading my painful headache. The lovely smell of fresh pines lingered in my mind as I lay in the soft grass. ‘Wait grass… What’?!.

I bolt up looking around and got a feel for the world around me; the area I'm in consisted of a simple but beautiful clearing in the middle of a giant pine forest, the trees towering hundreds of feet above me breaking the light into uniform shadows. Lining the flora and fauna around me with dark shadows. The water I'm hearing is now clearer, sounding as if it is coming from my left, my eyes wide open taking in every aspect of this new place.

‘Where the fuck am I?’ The thought finally crossed my mind.

One minute I was reading in bed the next I was here in the forest.

‘Must have fallen asleep whilst reading?’, “But how the hell did I get here”! I asked again this time out loud hoping someone would answer me.

No reply came… ‘Well shit… now what?’.

It was at this point that I started taking full stock of the situation ‘no wait scratch that predicament’, I was in. Before I noticed something… something that DEFINITELY should not be there; instead of seeing nothing obscuring my view in front of my ‘dare I say beautiful face’ I saw a snout… ‘wha-...’,

‘I think my brain just broke’,

‘No shit sherlock!’ I argued with myself as I promptly screamed, a very manly scream -the world shall know my shame for that scream- and fell back into the thicker parts of the clearing.

My breathing intensified as I tried reaching forward to feel the snout and see if it wasn’t just a stupid prank by one of my friends. But then something happened, something that also shouldn't be there either: instead of a normal human hand coming into my peripheral; a very large and furry paw came into view. ‘Oh shit… Well... That just took the cake...’ I thought to myself.

‘Ok, get ahold of yourself all we need to do is see what you are..’ I slowly get up not used to standing on four legs (yes I said four I am apparently a quadrupled now) and walk over to my right remembering and hearing the stream of water that is nearby. As I walked I started to look around more to look at the beauty -and also try ignore the fact that a MASSIVE biological impossibility just occurred- The forest had a very weird unnatural glow to it that made it look like a bad photo filter on my IPhone 6…

‘Wait my IPhone… hmmm no, wait I don't have any pockets, or even clothes for that matter for my IPhone to be in.. shit I miss it already’.

‘Wait a sec’ I thought as I walked up to one of the nearby plants. The flower/mossy thing in question was unlike anything I've ever seen or heard of before, the… Thing looked like your average moss but instead of all of it growing near the ground the mossy stuff seemed to have sprung upwards during growth into a very deep red flower with a texture similar to the moss itself. But I wasn’t looking at that, I was looking at the mystic glow it held within its petals, the glow seeming to be coming from the plant itself but when I looked closer it looked to be only in certain area of the flower, testing a new theory I had, I closed my eyes.

‘Well, that is very interesting...’

The glow didn't show through my eyelids even though it was definitely bright enough to shine through; this brought up two conclusions: either my eyelids are very good at blocking out light or the light I'm seeing is specifically being viewed through my new eyes… Testing this I looked directly up where I could just see the sunlight filtering through the great pines, closing my eyes I saw the sunlight -red through my eyelids- glowing softly in my eyes, ‘well that proves it, the light is some sort of colour I'm seeing with my eyes only, maybe heat..’ I thought, ‘well that's pretty cool, I wonder what other things this new body can do?’.

I kept moving forward, now very eager to see who or even what I had become, rather surprised at how well I was taking it all. Moving towards the ever present sound of trickling water. After about 10 minutes of walking, I finally came to a wall of bushes about two times my size blocking off the river that I could glimpse behind them. Backing up as to have enough speed to burst through the fauna I reared back and charged.

‘Not my best move’... I thought two seconds later wherein I managed to catch myself from falling into the rushing water, apparently I have much more strength than I originally thought. Peering over the waters edge I came to face to face with something I have only seen in pictures and photoshopped images: the mythological Chupacabra.

‘Well ain't that a bitch...’, ‘Damn that is cool though’ apparently I had been transported to this place -beautiful as it was- and turned into this creature. My face was that of a wolf, but there was something off about it, the fur was a pitch black colour -and I don't mean black like night or a dark room I mean so black my fur seemed to eat at the light around it- also a noticeable feature: I was MASSIVE, like the size of a minicar from Britain.

‘Wow.’ I thought ‘I am a BEAST’.

My ‘teeth’ if even you can call them that were row after row of long sharp spherical daggers that just shouted “MONSTER”. My eyes -the last noticeable thing about my face where a very deep blue that almost seemed like a formation of galaxies and stars, me being a massive science geek and nerd thought of it as CuSO4 or copper sulphate crystal in a liquid form- seeming to hypnotize me with their beauty. Swirling over and over in an endless cycle of color and passion....

‘Wha-What just.. what?’.

I shook my head to shake away the wavy feeling in my still present headache.

‘Hmm, eyes that hypnotize, could be useful, must be wise.’ I thought to myself in my geeky yoda lingo. The rest of body still awaited my approval, continuing on from my face I took note of the very prominent dark, black spines going from the bridge of my nose or the point in between my eyes to the very back of my rear, splitting out and down to form my pitch black wolf-like tail, some of the spines split from junctions on my shoulders and hips to run down my legs. Testing a little thing I just thought of I tried raising them to look more threatening, only managing to move them very slightly upwards I stopped trying and moved on with my body. The rest of it wasn’t to special just more pitch black fur which scary enough seems to mold me into the shadows behind and around me making me almost entirely invisible even though I was leaning right out over the water, taking a step back after admiring myself I sat down and began to think about the situation I was in.

‘Well I have almost unnatural abilities to blend into the shadows, I have the ability to see other heat..? Maybe more than just heat, no idea. I have super strength- or I think I do, need to test that-, I have awesome looking spins all over my body and lastly, I have hypnotic eyes… well that is fucking awesome’,

‘You know you are taking this almost too well’,

‘Well yeah, this is a pretty cool experience, and besides I never had a very good life before this anyways.’ I argued with myself.

‘Ok, Im getting way too caught up in this, why aren't I freaking out..’,

‘Because this is epic,I don't need to listen to you, you're me’! ‘Wait...’ ‘I'm arguing with myself...’

‘Ok I need to go over the last few hours so I know i'm not going insane, my name is James, I have never had much of a life, my family died when I was very young so I was raised in an orphanage and because of the low lifestyle I never really got a good education and because of that I never really got a good job; I was stuck in some small game developers office that just started out: programming the life outta me. Cause programming was one of the only things I did really well, just last night I had my 25th birthday… alone again; having no family does usually means that you have solitary birthdays, although I could have invited one of my five friends…’

‘Anyways, I started reading on my IPhone around 10 o’clock last night, then, nothing... Now I have been transported here and hell, I like it.’

‘Ok so I haven't gone insane… I think’.

Slowly standing up due to the pins and needles now in my limbs I started off, following the setting sun west through the thick underbrush I turn towards a mountain at what looks like about ten kilometers ahead of me, smoke billowing out of the side.

‘Hmm, that might be dangerous, I wonder if it’s volcanic or just a bushfire on the other side?’.

Starting out towards it I started slowly walking forward keeping my eyes trained upon the mountain in case I lost sight of it in the pine trees. My walk slowly turning into a quick walk, then a run, then I started sprinting towards it keeping my whole body and head in a perfect horizontal line with the ground. My leaps and bounds soon becoming a blur throwing me forward at ridiculous speeds that I couldn’t even comprehend. The wind pushing into my face so hard I would have thought my body would be slowing down but no, my head made a sharp conical point that sliced through the air like butter, propelling me forward and pushing the air out of the way. Suddenly everything went very quiet as I picked up an incredible amount of speed, I didn’t even feel any resistance anymore. The rushing of the wind and thump of my paws against the ground dissipating to barely audible, making me immediately slow my sprint, the normal noises of the forest returning to me as I slowed to a stop. Looking behind me there was a rather large lack of trees most of which where, instead of standing up obscuring my vision of the sky; broken up and lying across the forest floor behind me as if...

‘Wait did I just break the sound barrier… running… holy shit that is fast’.

Turning around I took off again, this time not slowing. My body now cutting through the air and surrounding bush with a speed that I was scared to even consider, my powerful legs seeming not to strain at all, propelling me faster and faster. After about ten minutes, I hit the edge of the mountain… -And I don't mean gently slowed down to a stop at the edge, I mean I literally hit the fucking mountain traveling at Mach 1.5-...

‘OHHH FUCK’ was the only thing that went through my mind as I impacted the hard rock, ‘how am I not dead?’. My whole body ached but when I looked down at the chest where most of the damage should have been I found I didn't even have a single scare. ‘Wow, so my body is super resistant and I can travel super fast? that is really cool, and a little terrifying’ I thought as I shook the dust out of my fur.

Looking up I was able to just glimpse the top edge of the mountain, the smoke still heavily pouring out of a cave in the side.

‘Maybe it’s a campfire gone wrong?’ I considered before beginning my mighty trek upwards towards the mouth of the cave.

One hour later: I had to stop, not for the lack of energy for my new body seemed to hold an infinite amount of it but I instead because I was dizzy. I have never been an avid fan of heights and now was one of those moments where you think to yourself: ‘don't look down, don't look down’. And well… I looked down. Not my proudest moment cause I jumped up and back out of fear, trying my hardest to melt into the wall behind me to escape my phobia. Although now that I think about it: my body may be actually able to withstand the fall, but considering I was scared shitless of just looking over the edge I doubt I would ever even consider trying to test that theory. Turning around I found a little concave sphere, dug out into the mountain with a little outcropping overhead. Slowly walking in as to steady my beating heart I sat down, my front legs and paws automatically curling under my barrel, my tail curling around my body in a comforting way. I lay there slowly mulling over the day that has past in the recess of my mind thinking about my new powers beginning to feel the toll of the day, while my body still felt full of limitless energy, my mind was beginning to slow from the bombard of questions that have been flowing through it since I appeared in this strange world.

‘What if i'm all alone in this, wherever I am?’ ‘I mean I'm really excited with this whole new body even though I should totally be freaking out right now’ before I could finish my thoughts, I saw the little red blotch of what I assumed was the Sun setting through my eyelids, before disappearing entirely.

‘Hmmm I wonder if my eyes hold any more power?’ and with that random thought coursing through my mind I fell into a dreamless sleep.

-3rd person POV Ponyville in the morning after previous events-

“Hmm-mm… no Celestia I past, no.. n-no.” Twilight mumbled

“Twilight wake up!” Spike yelled in twilights ear.



“what, whooz zat?” Twilight replied groggily.

“Twilight, great you're awake, the girls need your help, the mountain near the village is smoking!” Spike said sounding somewhat on edge.

“Wait what” Twilight said bolting upright “are you sure Spike, mountains don’t just smoke for no reason...”

“I'm serious just look outside your window!”,

“Wha- ugh, fine ok I'll look” Twilight groaned slowly getting out from under her covers and moving over to the window yawning loudly. Before stepping up to the window and flinging the curtain open letting the light assault her eyes in a harsh display of science. Twilight then proceeded to look towards the east mountain closest to Canterlot castle mountain she could just make out in the distance.

“Oh my gosh… SPIKE GET MY QUILL AND SOME PAPER” Twilight yelled, forgetting that spike was in the room with her. Her eyes were painfully wide awake now looking straight out the window at the horrifying sight that was present on the mountain. The great hill of stone was spewing a gigantic plume of black smog straight up and out of the mountain, that was beginning to drift towards Ponyville.

“Jezz Twilight no need to yell, and also the princess has already sent a letter to us explaining our new mission”,

“Mission, spike?” Twilight asked with a slight glare.

“Yea the princess has asked you and me and the rest of the girls to go up to the mountain to see what is going on!”,

“Oh ok well let me quickly get some breakfast and I'll be right with them”,

“Sure, I already took the liberty of setting the table with some breakfast for you so you don’t have to worry”.

“Oh, thanks, Spike” Twilight replied nonchalantly as she walked out of the door heading downstairs.

After her refreshing breakfast, Twilight told Spike to go grab the elements after he cleaned up as she read the letter from Celestia:

“Dear Twilight-

We have a terrible problem; a dragon has moved into the mountain north of Canterlot -you should be able to see the smoke- and has also moved his horde there suggesting he is not planning to leave for some time.

Dragons, when sleeping unfortunately tend to sleep for up to three thousand years or more, and unfortunately for us here in Canterlot and more specifically you in Ponyville: his smoke that he snores out of his mouth is traveling directly over to you, meaning Ponyville will be blocked from the sun for a VERY long time.

It is imperative that you get to that mountain quickly before the dragon goes too deeply into sleep and forces Ponyville itself to move. You are going to need to somehow move the dragon somewhere else, preferably in a more isolated place farther away.

I know you will do your best. Sincerely -Celestia.”

After reading Celestia’s letter, Twilight became extremely agitated or as Spike would say; twitchy…

Spike having only seen Twilight in her truly twitchy mood when she received a mission or exam from Celestia implying that said mission was a test from the princess herself, decided very quickly to vacate the area and go find the elements.

Twilight, hearing spike leave decided to head over to Fluttershy’s place as it was where she had organised with spike to meet the girls. Twilight rounded a bend in the road and began crossing the bridge to Fluttershy’s cottage. The shy pegasus had revamped the place since Twilight had last seen it so there was now new flowers growing in their respective beds, the windows were sparkling clean and the door no longer creaked as it moved in the wind. Twilight quickly made her way to the front door, knocked and waited before the door peeked open a timid pegasus sticking her head out of the door.

“H-Hello?” she asked before noticing who was standing on her doorstep, “oh it’s you Twilight”.

“Hi Fluttershy I'm here to share some news with the girls and you!” Twilight said making sure not to yell too loudly as to not scare the young mare.

“Oh, right come in…”, "if you want?..” she spoke in a soft voice that just screamed to the world: INNOCENT.

“Yea I would love to but we still need to wait a bit for the others”,

“Oh ok, would you like some tea?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yea that would be great” replied Twilight before walking across the hearth, Fluttershy beginning making some tea in the background.

After about ten minutes of waiting; Twilight and Fluttershy began hearing the voices of their friends as the one by one let themselves into the house.

“Hi y'all” Applejack shouted as she entered the open door.

“Hey guys, whatsup” Rainbow dash shouted bursting through the door in her usual heroic style.

The rest of the girls were more casual and slow when they walked into the room: Pinkie Pie bouncing into the room; her springy hair bouncing along with her, with Rarity right behind her and Spike taking the tail, eyes glued to Rarity as if she were a god.

“Hi guys,” said Twilight in return, “I'm here to explain something that the princess herself has asked us to do, that has to do with the massive cloud of ash coming in toward Ponyville”,

“What is it?” asked Applejack.

“It’s the cloud itself: as you know” continued Twilight in her explaining tone: “A mountain doesn’t just start smoking without the actual volcano exploding and the mountain to the west is not even a volcano, so I can gather that you all are wondering why it’s smoking?”.

Twilight paused for dramatic effect then continued in a slightly hushed tone:

“It’s a dragon!” She explain much to the horror of everyone in the room. “The dragon has taken up residency in the mountain and it’s our task to rid of it before it becomes too deeply engrossed by its sleep to move at all”.

“I do-don't really like dragons” Fluttershy muttered while hiding behind her mane.

“Well don't worry it’s not that bad” ensured Twilight.

“Are you saying we have to go into the suuuuuper scary Everfree then climb a suuuuuper tall mountain to fight a suuuuuuper duper evil dragon?” asked Pinkie Pie in her sing-song voice.

“Well…” Twilight muttered, “that's technically what we are doing... But it not that bad” Twilight quickly said in the end hoping to not scare Fluttershy which proved to futile.

“Ok, so everypony go home and grab some necessities that we will be needing for the trip. And remember only pack light” she said looking meaningfully at Rarity.

“Hehe yes, of course darling” Rarity mumbled before quickly shooting out the door at break-neck pace no doubt to go pack five suitcases of clothes. The rest of the gang leaving one by one out the door and towards their respective homes. Twilight, being the last one out quickly turned around and spoke to Fluttershy:

“Don't worry Fluttershy, nothing bad will happen: you should be fine around dragons, Spikes a dragon”,

“Yea-b-but he's just a baby dragon” she mumbled so quietly that Twilight barely heard her.

“Oh don't worry Fluttershy I'm sure it’ll be fine as long as we’re with you”. Twilight said turning before making her way out of the door, stopping as a spontaneous Pinkie jumped out and over Twilight, landing lightly on her hooves just outside the cottage.

“WHERE GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!!!” she screamed at the top of her lungs before pulling a party hat out of nowhere, putting it on, and promptly disappearing. Twilight slowly shook her head as she herself began the walk home to pack her things.

Author's Note:

-Edited by Inrix, without him I would be a total wreck. Thanks, buddy :pinkiehappy:
-This may or may not go as well as I'm hoping. Comment on anything that I may be doing wrong.
-Also, comment if you get that quote at the bottom by Pinkie Pie!