• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 4,616 Views, 79 Comments

Chupacabra - LightningThunda

Welp in a new world with new powers as a mythical beast... how could it be any worse?

  • ...

Chapter 4. Once upon a time there was a bad day

-Once upon a time there was a bad day-

I woke up with a start, trying to remember where I was.

‘Shit still in the library’ I was still lying, protecting the fillies from a couple of hours ago, on the couch inside the library. Listening closely and looking up through the window; I found it was about midnight and the noise of the small but lively town was gone. Looking down I saw that all three fillies were cuddled up against my fur like little kittens.

‘SO FUCKING CUTE’, their giant eyes were shifting around occasionally and their little legs were griping to my coat, trying their best to hold on as I shifted.

‘I have to say it again… SO FUCKING ADORABLE’.

I looked around the library, seeing if the owner had come back or if there was any sign of life in the old tree at all. I suddenly picked up my ears, listening to the outside world. I heard the train from a few hours ago, finally pull into the station and an untold amount of ponies get off. I wasn’t paying attention to the number of ponies though, I was listening to six, in particular, that felt familiar to me.

‘Oh shit’ I suddenly realised that the footsteps or.. hoof steps, belonged to the six ponies who I had met in the castle on the top of the mountain, they were now very close, only ten minutes away from the tree house, library. Getting up very slowly, as to not wake the fillies I got up off the couch and slithered over to the shadows of the library.

‘Fuck there might be lights’ The pony creatures didn’t seem to be that advanced in technology, which I found strange because they had the perfect chance for it, but they might still have some form of lighting. I looked at the ceiling and saw no lighting fixtures, but looking around the room, I saw candles and hanging lamps coming off the walls. Carefully judging the light and where it would land from the positions of the lights, I moved over to another wall where I would be able to stay hidden and possibly escape if the residents came in and lit up the room. I really wanted to see who the owners of this library where, and to make sure that the fillies got back to their families, so I would wait here and then hopefully leave… notice the word hopefully…

After an excruciating ten minutes of waiting to see what was coming and to see whether the fillies were alright, the six ponies that had chased me in the castle arrived and came into the library.

“SPIKE” Twilight yelled.

“YEA, UP HERE,” another boyish sounding voice said.

‘Holy. Shit. Someone was here all this time, I am sooo lucky’ I thought.

“We’re home”,

“Ok, got any news?”

“Yea, come down here and we’ll explain”. I then heard some pitter-patter sounds as a young looking creature came down the stairs, which I now knew as Spike. He was a young dragon.

‘Wait isn’t that the young dragon who came up the mountain before?’ I thought, ‘yes it is’

“So what's up?” Spike said.

“Hold On let me get the lights”. Twilight quickly went over to the lamps and candles and lit them, bathing the inside of the library in a warm glow. They still hadn’t noticed the fillies though…

“So what happened?” Spike asked. My form was still completely hidden in the blackness of the shadows and my eyes where the only thing you could even vaguely see about me.

“Well, the Princess told us that the creature that we all saw is called a Chupacabra, which is an ancient type of wolf, long since thought dead.” Spike's eyes lit up at that and he stood up a little straighter, now interested.

“That's so cool, so did you plan a trap or something for when he next shows up? I bet it’ll be easy to get him” Spike swung his claw as he said that.

“Well… we definitely tried… When the Princess first met us in the food hall and talked about this creature, she cast a search spell which unfortunately only works once every week, according to her, and specifically locates voids of magic. Since the Chupacabra blocks almost all magic, it's like its void of magic. The results were very surprising, they showed that the creature was in the same room with us and we didn’t even notice!”

‘Hah, ya fuckers can’t see me, can you?!’ I thought smugly.

“Anyways, the Princess set us a task of capturing it-”

“And you did right?” cut in Spike.

“I’m getting to that. Anyways, we chased it around the castle and through all the halls and eventually we managed to corner it in a T-junction, but it still managed to get away by teleporting” Spikes jaw dropped at that word.

“It can teleport now?” he asked gob-smacked. I felt even smugger than before and managed to pull my smirk into an even more arrogant one. Muhahahah, all shall bow before the great wolf.

“Yes, unfortunately, it can. As I said we had it and it teleported away, right on top of the princess’s head at that’. Spike's jaw dropped even more at that. It was around this time when Rarity, the snob of the group started looking around the library.

“Has someone been-” she was cut off with a small snort and a yawn as Sweetiebelle woke up, her tiny head looking up and her jaw working its way downwards. -I think my heart just exploded for a second time that day.

“Where, what, where is…” she looked around, obviously for me.

“Sweetie, why are you here in the library, you were meant to be home or at Applejacks farm”.

“Yea, Applebloom, why are you here?” Applejack asked with a slightly cool tone of voice.

“Ahh well that’s actually a really cool story,” Scootaloo said, now up and awake. Looking around slowly, she tried finding me.

“Well? Out with it Sweetie!” Rarity said.

Scootaloo quickly turned to the other two fillies and told them that she would handle it.

“Ok well, as you know, we like to crusade in the most amazing ways anypony, anywhere could imagine.

‘Oh here we go’ Rainbow Dash muttered, but Scootaloo didn’t pay attention.

“So we all decided that we should go see if we could help Zecora out with her potion making..” All of the adults gasped at this.

“Applebloom I told you to never enter the forest without either me or granny,” Applejack said.

“ANYWAYS” Scootaloo cut in, “That's not the coolest thing. So what happened was when we were halfway there to Zecoras place, a manticore cut us off and chased into the forest, it then cornered us by a the edge of a cliff” ahh so that was what that creature was, I thought it looked familiar. All of the adults almost screamed their heads off when they gasped and Rarity just straight up jumped upon Sweetiebelle and held her.

“Oh Sweetie are you alright, please tell me that dratted creature didn’t hurt you.”

“Yea and for that matter, how are none of you really dirty”. Spike cut in. At that all the older ponies looked down to the CMC, waiting.

“Well, thats just the thing” continued Scootaloo. “Another creature saved us”. The adults now looked down confused.

“Another creature”? Fluttershy asked, “Oh, I hope it wasn’t hurt by the manticore”.

“No that’s just the thing, the new creature killed the manticore with only a few swipes from it’s massive claws”.

“Wow, I wonder what creature can take down an entire-”... Twilight suddenly stopped and turned pale white, “Sweetie, what did the creature look like”?

“Umm,” Sweetie was looking at Twilight, seeing that she had gone very quiet and stiff. “It was a giant black wolf, almost the size of the manticore itself” at that all the older ponies turned pale white and stiffened.

“Sweetie, w-what did it do”? Rarity asked.

“What do you mean, it saved us from the manticore, it killed it.”

“Yea and then what”?

“Um well, we were kinda covered in blood and guts, but the creature was really nice, it grabbed us up, then it carried us back to the library and cleaned us in the tub upstairs”. The six then relaxed a bit, but some still looked a little pensive.

“Wait, how the hay did a giant wolf clean you”?

“I don’t think that is our problem. Wait hold on, if it carried them back here just a little time ago… where is it”? Everyone except the CMC froze because they still didn’t understand what was going on.

“Sis, what’s going on,” Applebloom asked.


Well, I better get going, I lifted myself up and out of the shadows, revealing myself slightly in the higher light levels. I stood up over ten feet above the ponies below me and was still mostly invisible. Spike was the first to notice my pitch black form and screamed.

‘Well shit,’ I quickly jumped over to the far wall where I had seen a window before. ‘Fuck’ It was way too small to fit my frame. All the ponies were now starting to notice me finally, even though I had been running and jumping around obviously, looking down I saw that I was starting to crush an oak desk and floating just under my belly was a blink node.

“Wait, get back here punk” Yelled Rainbow Dash, I was about to blink away when I felt a tiny pressure beginning to poke and prod at my tail. holding me back from teleporting.

‘What the fuck’? I thought, looking back I saw that Twilight’s horn was lit up with a magenta glow and my tail was surrounded by the same light. I growled lightly in confusion and flashed electricity very quickly across my body, the flash of light and sizzle of burning fur would be the last thing the ponies smelt and saw before I disappeared in an instant through the blink node. I landed outside near some bushes that cushioned my fall.

‘How did Twilight grab my tail”? I thought as I raced through the village. ‘Fucking magic’

“GET BACK HERE”! Yelled Rainbow again, racing behind me, trying her hardest to catch and stop me. Fuck now what, I turned right and ran along the darkness, following a cobble clad road down an alleyway and out onto the plains outside the village, lining the forest. I could hear Rainbow Dash gaining speed behind me and the rush of air through my fur and across my body kept me going, the speed began to build up and adrenaline pumped through my legs. I could see the air in front of my face, beginning to create a cone, the sounds of the world around me slowly quitened.

“AHHH” I heard Rainbow yell, now far behind me, my speed was nearing Mach 3 and I was nearing the edge of the forest.

‘Fuck it’ I thought as I increased my speed exponentially bringing me up to a deathly silent mach 9. ‘Holy fuck’ I was tearing across the landscape and within a tiny ten seconds, I reached the abandoned castle that I had slept at before. Coming to a halt on the dime right in front of the castle, I turned around and saw that the trees were mostly intact but there was a relatively prominent line cutting through the forest.

‘Shit, they’re going to find me’. I could see, way in the distance, a small smoke plume rising above the trees. ‘Must have burnt more than intended’. I turned back to the castle and entered. It was nearing two o’clock pm.

“Twilight” Rainbow Dash yelled out, flying back to the house-library.


“I missed the wolf, but I saw him heading for that old castle thing we went through when we took down nightmare moon, he literally tore a line through the forest with how fast he was running!”

“Ok we need to call the princesses, we need to organise a search party, we still have no idea what this thing is properly and it could potentially be a threat.

“Ok, you go grab some parchment, I’ll go inside and check on Scoots” Rainbow Dash then went inside the Library to find all three fillies of the great CMC sitting with their respective sisters. Scootaloo was sitting over on the couch that she had woken up on that night with a star-struck expression.

“Scoots, you’ll alright”?

“Yeah…”, “I just can’t believe that the wolf was sitting right there in the corner all that time.”

“Yeah, it is pretty scary, but-”

“No it’ not scary, it’s awesome, I want to see him again” Scootaloo butted in.

“How do you know it’s a ‘him’” replied Rainbow Dash, curling around Scootaloo in a protective manner.

“I just know”.

Uhhhh, mornings, the one thing that will be hated across all races, across all of time and across all the multiverse. Why must they be so fucking early and so damn bright? The glaring white light pouring from the sun struck me right to my soul.

‘FUCK’, ‘I do not want to get up now sun, why can’t you fucking leave me alone’!? I thought. I groggily got up and the day started playing out from there.

After my early morning duties which included going for a shit and eating a rabbit or two, I then headed outside to start my training. I thought hard last night about what I was to do with my life now that it was completely fucked and I came up with the idea that I should practise with my powers so I could confront the ponies more easily. Looking around, I saw the perfect place where I could practise; through a narrow pathway cut through the grand castle walls, a great big courtyard lay, open and ready for my fighting and awesome lightning. I went over to one of the far walls and turned around.

‘Alright, here we go’. I decided to practise my lightning bolts first since I had already basically mastered blinking. I began charging up my body, electricity crackling across my fur in a bright display of fire and lightning. The ground started sparking, arcs of lightning jumping up from the ground. ‘And… release’ the air shone with a bright light as three hundred thousand volts of pure electricity poured forth, ripping through the plants and vines covering the wall on the other side of the clearing and melting through the stone of the wall and searing through the undergrowth on the other side.

‘Holy shit’ the hole through the stone wall was edged with molten obsidian and fires were beginning to sprout up in and around the undergrowth.

“A beautiful show there my good friend” clapping could now be heard to my right.

‘No, not this fucker’, “Why hello, Discord, my new friend” speaking now, as easily as I had the day I left earth. “What do you want now”?

“Oh nothing much, just came to watch how fast you can catch up with my little experiment”

“Fuck you for bringing me here, everyone is scared the fuck out of me and the whole country seems to be on fucking code red or somthing”.

“Yeah, well the ponies are a little finicky, they don’t like to be disturbed from their perfect little worlds”

“Shit, you think I can’t tell? Why are you telling me, do you know them”?

“Oh yes, they are some of my very old experiments, but don’t worry, I haven’t been around in a very long time, so don’t expect me to know everything about the ponies. Your children just grow up so fast don’t they” I had no idea how to respond that so I simply turned around and continued with my training while Discord sat down on a throne made of flowing lava and pulled out a box of multicoloured, candy frogs that actually hopped around and ribbited.

“Twilight, have you began the procedure”?

“Yes Princess, we have begun coupling together a search party, we managed to gather around twenty ponies from around ponyville to act as volunteer helpers”.

“Good, by the way, your brother, Shining Armour will be leading the search. He has just been promoted to captain of the royal guard”.

“Shining is here”? Twilight said with a small smile.

“Why yes, I am” came a voice to her far right.


“Hello sis, how’s it going”?

The two embraced, after not seeing each other since Twilight had come to Ponyville, Shining Armour was beginning to miss Twilight. The two turned back to see Princess Celestia smiling.

“It’s good to see that you two have met on good terms, but I’m afraid we will have to save the pleasantries for latter, we need to begin the search party”. She then turned and lead the two siblings down an alleyway, past the Ponyville town library and towards a giant tent camp, set up just outside the village. They walked for about ten minutes, Twilight and Shining Armour talking all the way about what the other was doing at the moment. Coming to slow walk just inside the camp boundaries they made their way over to the tent laying at the center of the small camp site. Royal guards and royal servants were running this way and that to get to one another.

“Here we are” the Princess came to a stop inside the giant, center tent. Inside, waiting patiently were the other elements of harmony.

“Why hello there ya’ll,” Applejack said, bowing along with the other five ponies and Spike.

“Hello there, my little ponies, today we are organising a search and hopefully first contact mission with the Chupacabra which I will be referring to as shadow runner, which is the name of the species of the wolf-like creature.”

“If it doesn't come, can we just leave it, I’m sure it wasn’t hurting anyone. If it was alive all this time and not doing anything, then surely it ‘s not doing anything bad”. Rainbow Dash suddenly jumped up from her standing position.

“Don’t worry Princess we’ll get em”!

“Rainbow Dash, please calm down” Rainbow stopped flapping her wings and lowered herself to the ground. “And Fluttershy, don’t worry, we aren’t going to hurt it or even imprison or capture it, all we need to do is make sure it isn’t doing anything that could put Equestria at risk, these animals are very peaceful creatures. However, if angered, they become very angry and territorial”. The Princess then turned back to the other six elements and a small conjugation of guards, including Shining Armor, standing outside the main tent.

“Alright, my little ponies, you all heard what I said: we are NOT to hurt, injure or maim this creature, it is to be treated as if an ambassador for another race. We are here to make proper first contact with it. Shining, call your guards and tell them to roll out”.

“Yes Princess”

‘We shall see what this creature wants’ The Princess then turned back around the elements and told them to get ready for the search party. Heading first to the castle of the two sisters.

“AHHHHH” The sounds of a very strong current of electricity running ramped could be heard throughout the forest. “Shit, that was fucking awesome!” I yelled. The ground in front of me was completely charred and the stone wall in front of that was smoldering, liquid stone rolling down the edges and pooling onto the ground to my right.

“I have to agree there James, quite spectacular, spontaneous, extravagant!” shouted Discord, “Why, look at the mess you made James, tch, tch, You should clean that up before the ponies get here”

“Wait what, they're coming here? Why?” I looked around, turning my head towards the town I was in before. Smoke was still slowly wafting out, over the forest. Peering closer and lifting my ears.through the trees I could only just hear what sounded like an entire army of ponies crashing their way through the forest towards me. “SHIT”, “How long have I been messing around with my lightning” I asked, looking around, I thought it must have been quite a while judging by the extensive damage done to the whole castel.

“Oh only about… 3 hours”

“Shit, I need to get out of here” I quickly removed myself from my training area, passing by giant, still melting holes in the walls and ground. Discord lifted himself off of his chocolate throne and threw his never ending bucket of popcorn over his shoulder.

“I will be seeing you later James. Expect me soon” Fucking cunt, didn’t tell me they’re coming now! I kept on running, keeping my speed low as to not create a path way. I made my way out of the castle and into the surrounding bush.

“Where is that creature, I can’t see it anywhere?” I heard one the of the ponies say, a hoof appearing out of the forest to my far right, heading for the swinging rope bridge I had spotted just now. The pony that talked was a large white one with only a horn so I recognized it as a unicorn, on its rear end, I spotted a mark that slightly resembled a shield.

‘What the fuck?’ I thought, why did that pony have a mark on its rear. Looking around, I soon spotted some other ponies coming out of the forest to my right.

‘Good, they’re not coming from behind me’ Looking back at the pony that had the mark on its rear, I saw Twilight follow it out.

“I don’t know Shining, maybe its hiding in the castle?” Looking down at Twilights rear I saw she too had a mark, this one resembling a cluster of stars.

‘How the fuck did I miss that before?’ looking around more I saw that every single one the pony creatures had a mark on their rear, each one resembling something different to the other.

‘Maybe it's a birth mark...’ I left that thought for later and proceed with waiting for the ponies to pass.

“Search the castle, it must be here somewhere,” said the white pony, who I hear been called Shining. I slinked around the edge of the forest, keeping hidden in the dark lighting, my pitch black form providing a natural camouflage. Over the next few minutes, over 40 ponies dressed in gold or brass amour came pouring out the forest. Leading it was Shining, Twilight and the other five female ponies that had seen me in the castel back a few nights ago. Coming in at the rear was the two princesses, the dark one backing the very rear of the small army walking into my relatively new home.

“Princess, we can’t seem to find it using the heat detection spell, he doesn't show up”

“How far are you casting it,” the white princess said, looking a little more than worried.

“The captain cast it to search all the way to canterlot and back, all that showed up was the royal guards and the forest creatures”

‘So either I’m freezing cold or my body is blocking the spell’ I thought, ‘Interesting to know’. Looking on with my slightly zoomed vision I could see all of the guards now coming to a stop in their search, obviously not finding anything.

“Princess Celestia, we couldn’t find it on the castle grounds, but we did find something else that you might want to see,” said Twilight. Ahh so thats her name. Celestia then nodded and started following Twilight along with the other, darker Princess in toe towards what I assumed was my lightning damage.

‘Where the fuck is the princesses parents? Why are these two sister princesses running the search when a queen or even a king would be better fit, I began following the ponies and Twilight, still keeping to the edge of the forest and only daring to exit to jump through the shadows and avoid a few guarding ponies.

“Here Princess” Twilight turned and lifted her head to point at the carnage that lay before them. The walls were still in a solidifying process so the stone was still red hot, the foliage was burnt to a crisp and the air was still crackling, alive with electricity and last but not least, there lay a great puddle of chocolate in one corner of the courtyard.

“What happened here”? Celestia continued to stare at the mess before her while the guards and the six main, female ponies spread out and began inspecting all of the molten stone and burnt green.

“Hmmm, chocolate”! Pinkie Pie shouted, licking huge globs of the liquid chocolate off of the ground.

“Pinkie, don’t eat that, you have no idea where it could have been”! Twilight shouted.

“Oh don’t worry Twilight, I’m sure it’s ok, I mean it’s only chocolate”!

“How the heck is that even possible, for a giant puddle of liquid chocolate to be here in the middle of the forest”? Rainbow Dash asked

“Guys, I don’t think that is our problem, the problem is how the hay did this creature melt solid stone walls and turn them into liquid”!? Shining asked.

“Princess, I have found something” a guard yelled out whilst running across the courtyard. “There are some strange prints leading away from the castle”.

“Where are they, I might be able to tell you what they are. If that’s alright with you, that is”? Fluttershy Asked as she came around a bend in the castle paths.

“That would be great”

“Well alright lead the way, I’ll come with you,” Twilight said. The three, followed by the Princess herself made their way over to the tracks they were walking about.

‘What the fuck? Did Discord leave tracks?’ I thought about it a bit but decided it wasn’t worth it and began tracing my way back towards the village and more specifically, the apple farm.

After about half and hour of walking, I came to a break in the trees. Up ahead I could see the apple orchard but directly in front of me and before the apple trees started, I could see a small house perched in a large tree.

‘What the fuck, a tree house’? I thought more about it as I walked forward and then realized how stupid all the houses, doors and almost everything about this world was. ‘How the hell are the ponies ment to use anything, they don't even have fingers’? The stupidity of this whole world was really getting to me now; the ponies were powerful creatures with magic bullshit and they can fly... ‘Fuck’. They can use that magic to actually cast useful spells and their world doesn't fit with their species… ‘Where the fuck have I been brought to’? That question and more rolled through my head as I came closer and closer to the small ‘tree house’

“Do you think that wolf thing was actually trying to help or do you think he was just acting as if a daddy”?

“Why would it act as a father?”

“Well, it was cleaning us and protecting us and it didn't hurt us, so…”

“What happens if it comes back”?

“Well… I think we should get to know it and see if we can then introduce it to Twilight and the Princess”

“Yeah, we could be… Cutie mark Crusaders Ambassador ponies!”


‘What the fuck was all that’. I has just listened to all three of the small fillies I had rescued the other night, yelling and shouting about being ambassadors… for me? I crept closer and lifted myself up so I could peek through the window to see what the three fillies where up to. They were all sitting in a small circle, talking to each other and eating and drinking from what looked like a little girls tea set. ‘So now children of this world act almost the same as children of my world? what the fuck has this world come to”?! Finally able to give them a proper look over I realized that these fillies didn’t have the birthmark, things that all of the other ponies had.

‘Maybe they’re mutated… No that wouldn’t make sense, they are the only three ponies I have seen out of all the other ones I have seen that don’t have them. Maybe they are marks that come with puberty”? yeah that sounded about right. Walking around the tree house, I came to a small walkway that lead up to the front door of the house. Walking up it and standing in front of the door, I thought about how I was going to announce myself. I decided I would just walk right on in pretending I owned the place. Stepping forward, I entered the doorway, pushing the door open and stepping in.

The fillies still had their backs to me so they didn’t instantly see me. Clearing my throat a bit, one of them, if I recall sweetiebelle, turned to face.

“Ummm…. guys”

“And then we could get him to help us-”


“Yeah” replied scootaloo, “What”?

“Look behind us”...

“What is- oh”... I looked down on them, standing ten to fifteen feet above them, towering the tiny forms.

‘Well, this is interesting’ I thought. I only just fit into the small tree house, but only the first half of my body could fit as the tree house was way too small to fit my full frame.

“Um.. hello..”? Sweetiebelle came closer and poked her hoof out from beneath her body.

“Why hello, there, little ones,” I said in my wolf speak, which by the expressions on their faces, the couldn’t understand.

“What did he say?”

“I think we should ask Fluttershy about this”

“Yeah, good idea, but do you think we should bring him to Twilight first, then she can see what he is”

“And even if he is he”! All three of the fillies then got up from their positions on the floor of the small house and started walking over to me.

‘Ok, well then let’s go’. The fillies then tried pushing and shoving me out of the doorway to get past and lead me to Twilight. ‘I hope this goes down well.’ I turned and let them carry me, acting as if I was a dog that could be lead around, but in reality I was simply walking the way the cute little fillies were going, letting them think they could control me.

After some time, we reached the small town I had left only a day ago; turning left in a bend the road we came across the giant tree house with the library tucked inside. Looking to my far left, I could see a small campsite set up just outside town.

“I wonder where everypony is”? Sweetiebelle said. I was thinking the same thing, the town seemed more empty than usual then I realized that everyone was was out looking for me. Looking back over to the camp site set up near the forest, I saw a few stray guards and a small armoury.

‘So that’s where all of the guards came from’ I thought that the guards must have come from the city on the mountain since that’s where the princesses live but it didn’t really explain why almost all of the town was empty. ‘Maybe this world has a lot more volunteers than my world’? ‘Most probable’. A few seconds later we arrived at the front door to the library and we entered. The house carved out of the tree was the same as I had seen before except there seemed to be a lot more papers and writing materials lying about.

“Hello”? A voice carried out of the room next to the one I was in, probably the kitchen.

“Hi Spike, It’s us, Sweetie, Applebloom and I”

“Oh it’s you, hold on I’ll be right out, just cleaning the kitchen”

“Cool, we brought a friend by the way”

“A friend… who is it”

“More like what is it, we were hoping either Fluttershy or Twilight could help us, we decided to come to Twilight first”

“Hmm, ok what is it-” Just then Spike walked into the room and saw me. I looked down at him from my supreme height and smirked a little. Looking him over as he stared with wide, scared eyes, I saw that he was in fact a he he also was what looked like a lizard but something was off about him.

“Girls…” Spike gulped noisily. “Why, how, where did it come from”?

“He came to us, we were just talking about him when he came into our tree house”. Spike still looked a bit shocked and pensive but approached me some more and looked me over.

“It is really cool”

“See I told ya, Spike, he’s just a giant dog, thats all”.

“Hehe, yeah”. Spike was able to now come closer to me without shitting his ass. Walking up to my face, head an equal height to my nose, he patted me.

“See, he’s not too bad now is he,” Sweetie Belle said, pouting her face in the (emphasis on this) FUCKING CUTEST FACE EVER. I gently sat down, careful not to crush any of the children swarming my extremely smooth, wind resistant pitch black fur.

“Spike”! It was about an hour later. After the petting, I had simply sat down with the small fillies while Spike went back to his cooking or whatever the fuck he had been doing when we first came through the door. “We’re back”!, “We didn’t find anything so the Princesses went back to Canterlot.”

“Ok”... “Hey guess what Twilight” The door knob to the door started to twist but I kept my head down low and pretended to look as passive as possible. As the door started to open Twilight replied:

“What is it Spike-” She cut herself off as she came through the door and instantly spotted my huge black form, lying prone on her floor.

Twilights scream of frustration could be heard all across time and space even all the way to the human world and this could be proven when two men working a plow suddenly looked up at the small piercing sound coming from the very air.

“What do ya think that is Jonny”?

“No idea Bob”

“Meh, let’s get back to work”


“Yes, what”

“What the hay is IT doing here”?! Twilight's face was boiling red and I could literally see flames starting to lick at her hair.

‘Wut’? Her eyes were slightly glowing and she looked like she could bowl over a mountain. ‘Anger much”?

“Well… hehe, the thing is.”

“He came to us”! The fillies lying right in front of my belly, soaking up my heat, cut in, saving Spikes neak.

“What do you mean it came to you? And stop using personal pronouns to describe it, it is not a he”! Twilight was starting to simmer down but still looked a little angry.

“Well, how do you know, he might just be a he”!

“UHGG. Just get on with it”!

“Well he came to us when we were in our clubhouse, and we decided to bring him to you.”

“Why did he come to you, he’s meant to come to the Princess, she cast a spell that was meant to call him to her”! Twilight was almost completely cooled off but still looked angry.

“Twilight, not everyone obeys the Princess,” Spike said in a matter of fact tone.

‘You know, these ponies are overly protective of two princesses, shouldn’t they be worried about the king and queen’? I hmmed at that and looked back at Twilight. She was using some sort of anger managment technique to cool herself and not get to angry.

“Anyways, since you don’t know what he is, or even if you did, you obviously don’t want to listen to him; we decided to take him to Fluttershy's so that she can translate him”

“Hmmm, that’s actually a good idea Sweetie, I guess you can go and bring him to Fluttershy but I want you back STRAIGHT after that, I need to study this creature. Anyways I need to cool off. After that huge search party that went on for hours, all of us need a rest. I will write to the Princess and see if she can make a quick stop back here to talk to this creature.”

“Ok, common big guy”. I got up off of the floor and started following him out.

“Why is it listening to you and not me”!? Yelled Twilight walking up to me and trying to look tough but failing miserably.

“I think you just have to show him some respect”

“Uggh, Spike go with them to make sure they don’t get into anymore trouble”! Spike saluted then followed my massive frame outside. As soon as we got outside and the door closed, the three fillies broke down into small giggles.

“Did you see how angry Twilight was when she saw him, I bet shes angry that we found him first and not her.

“Guys, seriously don’t laugh at Twilight when shes like that, it’s actually very scary. That wasn’t her full angy mode but it was still very bad”.

‘Wow, Twilights pet is scared of her, she must have some serious anger issues’.

The walls raced past, the cold stiff air washing over me, slowing me down. The haunted whispers of the future past tickled my ear. “Come to me my dear”.

We kept walking towards Fluttershys abode for about ten minutes, the three fillies talking Spikes ear off non stop while I slowly plodded along so as to allow them to walk at an equal pace to me. When we finally came to what I assumed was Fluttershys house, I was very surprised to see that it was situated like a giant cottage, thatched roof and all.

‘What the fuck’? Looking around, I saw that the area was surrounded by little creatures, birds and other animals. They scurried back and forth with urgency as if they knew where they were going. One of the small animals, a rabbit, came bouncing up to us and more specifically me. He looked at me with a small cute glare, trying his hardest to frighten me. Tilting my head down in a smug manner and making me eyes appear squinted. He looked a little pensive now at my look but continued to try out glare me.

‘I’m having none of this shit’. Looking straight at him, I turned my lips up in a small snarle. I felt my whole face tighten and I suddenly saw what seemed like liquid darkness, pouring from my eyes and out of my mouth.

‘What… That’s fucking awesome’ A new trick added to the book: ‘can make face into demon’. The rabbit took a large step back from me, now looking incredibly scared. I stopped glaring and almost immediately the liquid darkness stopped pouring from my mouth and eyes. The ponies that were with me at the time looked at me with slight confusion and fear.

“What just happened,” Spike asked.

“Angel! Where are you”!? I heard Fluttershy yell out from inside the cottage. The small white rabbit who I now associated with Angel, bounced off, back towards the cottage where he had come from.

“Fluttershy”!? Spike yelled out, now standing just outside the door, hoping to catch her before she went to deeply, back into her house.

“He-hello”? She asked back, poking her head out of the door. As soon as she saw Spike she started calming down, but as she looked up from him and back towards the fillies and me she suddenly shrunk back and squeaked.

“I-I-Is tha-t the wolf fr-rom before”? Stuttering like mad, she slowly crept out of the door, trying her best to look comforting and helpful. Which, I must say, she was doing a damn good job with her cute puppy dog eyes.

“Yes, he first came to Sweetie, Scoots and Applebloom over there but they brought them to the Library and to me before Twilight came home.”

“Does Twilight know about him”?

“Yes, she came home before we left to come to you and she said that it would be a good idea to bring him to you so you could see what he is and even if he is a he. Twilight also said that one of the most important thing to do with him is to see if you can understand him when he speaks.”

“Ok, I guess I can do that”. She stood up straighter and looked at me. Lifting her hoof in a ‘come hither’ manner, she slowly stepped back and allowed my massive form to enter the small cottage, only barely fitting.

“Well this is nice,” I said out loud, talking in my guttural wolf speak, hoping that one of the animals would understand me or that maybe Fluttershy could understand.

“Oh, my” I heard Fluttershy say behind me. Turning around I saw that Fluttershy, Spike and the three fillies that had been following me around all day, slowly coming into the house.

“What is it Fluttershy”? Spike asked

“I think he just tried to say something, his speaking patterns are a lot like a bear or maybe a bat, but it’s so hard to understand. I have to get used to it before I understand it fully”.

“Do you have any idea what he just said”.

“I think, maybe, he was complimenting my home”?

“Well that’s good”

“Yeah, doesn't that show intelligence or something,” said Scootaloo.

“Little fillie, you have no fucking idea how intelligent I really am,” I said quite smugly. Fluttershy looked at me a bit weirdly but turned away and began setting up an area where I assumed we were going to talk.

“Ok so are we all ready”? After a few minutes of fussing about, feeding her other animals and then setting up an area where we could rest and talk and for me to simply lie in the corner.

“Yep, I think so”. All of the ponies and one dragon in the room turned to me. I looked up from my position, a bit bored with the proceedings.

“So let’s start from scratch: My name-”

“Is Fluttershy, yes I know that. And you are Sweetiebelle, Scootaloo, Applebloom and Spike the lizard”. I cut of Fluttershy while she tried answering for herself. She looked at me with some worry but mostly pride.

“Wow, so you know us”

“What did he say, what did he say”? Scootaloo interrupted.

“He cut me off by listing all of our names, I think… His speech is still very hard to decipher, but I’m getting the hang of it.”

“Cool”. She then went quiet after that and turned back to me along with Fluttershy.

“So, do you mind introducing yourself then”? I thought for a moment about what I was going to say, I thought about giving away my real name and what really had happened but I didn’t really trust anyone here yet, so I decided to just give them the false, safe story that I had told the wooden wolf in the forest a day or two ago. Just need to add a name...

“My name is Beowulf and I am a male Chupacabra.” I thought that was quite smart seeing as that translated in Anglo-Saxon to intelligent wolf. “And I have lived in the forest nearby to this small, quaint town for about three years now.” All of the ponies and one lizard in the room looked at me intently, waiting for a translation while Fluttershy sat there and mulled over the information.

“He said that he is actually a male and that he has been living in the everfree forest for three years now. He told me his name, but I cant understand it fully, it’s almost as if it’s in another language of his wolf speech”

“Well, that sure is interesting. What did his name sound like then” Applebloom asked.

“Hmm,... like ‘Bay-a-wilf’” she tried pronounciong it but failed terribly.

“It’s Beowulf,” I said, a little peeved that no one would get that reference or even be able to say it properly.

“Bayawilf, yes that could be it. Anyways, until I can understand him properly him name will be that or any nickname you girls decide to give him.”

“Cool”. Fluttershy turned back to me and started talking again.

“Ok Bayawilf, I need to ask you something that I’m sure Twilight or the Princess would want to ask you, if thats ok with you”? I nodded “Are you here to harm anyone”? I looked at her with shock but on the inside, I felt smugness..

‘They’re so scared that they thought I was here to hurt them’. “Fluttershy, I’m not here to hurt anyone I promise, I’m simply here to find out why I was brought to this forest,” I said that as if It was a choice that brought me to the forest, I still didn’t trust them enough for the truth.

“Oh, ok good”. We suddenly heard knocking on the front door and a few seconds later Rainbow Dash burst through.

“Fluttershy, Twilight’s told me everything, she also asked that you come with the Chupacabra-”

“It’s Bayawilf.. at least, I think”

“You’re naming it now”?

“No, he told me his name”. Rainbow Dash shook her head and carried on.

“Whatever, Twilight needs you back, Princess Celestia is coming back, Princess Luna said she'd meet it later.”

“Stop calling him an it, he is a male”

“Ok, ok, jezz”.

“Alright, let's go. Bayawilf, comon boy.”

“Don’t EVER call me boy, adress me as Beowulf, and it’s spelt B-E-O-W-U-L-F”. Fluttershy squeaked and nodded.

“Ok, Beowulf. Girls, you need to head home now, I’m sorry.” The three fillies awed but obeyed her and started walking away, back towards their tree house. Spike stood up and began following me and Fluttershy out of the door.

“Alright, I’ll fly ahead and tell Twilight to calm her jets”! Rainbow Dash then streamed ahead to tell Twilight that I was coming.

‘And now off to see that angry bitch, Twilight’.

“Princess”! Twilight yelled as the golden chariot set down in front of her.

“Hello my faithful student, how are you”?

“I’m fine, the chupacabra will be arriving soon”.

“That’s great, Twilight”. The two ponies then turned and entered the library set in a tree, behind them, finding Spike the dragon and Rainbow Dash, waiting inside.

“Hello there Rainbow Dash and Spike”. The two people in question bowed to the Princess as she entered. The Princess then sat down and got ready to meet the wolf that had been avoiding them for the past week.

“So tell me, how have you all been”. A discussion about what they two ponies and one dragon had been up to lately, began.

We were now a few blocks away from the library that I knew was in front of me.

“So, Beowulf, why did you suddenly, now of all times come to the Everfree forest”? I turned to her and lowered my head. Standing over teen feet above the ponies does have it’s disadvantages.

“I’m not sure yet” Keeping my answer vague so as to make it seem as if I had chosen to come to forest. “But I’m here now, and I’m going to find out why.” I finished with my answer and turned back the way we were walking. I did know what brought me here: Discord. But I still didn’t know why, nor did I know what he gave me. I turned back the way we were walking and found that we were standing right in front of the door to the library. Fluttershy walked up beside me and knocked on the door.


“It’s me, Fluttershy”. I still didn’t know why she talked in such a small quiet voice, but it made me calm.

“And us” I heard a voice behind us. Turning around I saw that all four of the other ponies that I had first come into contact with, where there waiting for me and Fluttershy.

“Coming”. I heard some footsteps inside the library; the door opened and Twilight stepped up into the frame.

“Hello, come on in, please”. She said this with a straight face, but I could tell she was struggling to not get angry with me. We entered the building quickly and quietly as to not annoy the neighbouring houses.

“Hello, my little ponies”. Celestia said from the center of the room, waiting for them.

“Hello,” the all coursed as they bowed. I didn’t bow, I was too prideful for that.

“What’s up, Celestia”? I said in a very smug manner. I stood just over seven feet above her. Looking around I saw that she was definitely the biggest pony out of every other one I had seen.

“Oh my”... Fluttershy squeaked.

“Can you understand him, Fluttershy, dear”?

“Yes, only a little though, his speech is unlike any other animal I take care of”

“Well, what did he say”?

“Well, his exact words were: ‘What’s up, Celestia’” Everyone in the room looked at me with either confusion or anger, Twilight just strode up to me and glared at my face.

‘Bad idea, woman’

“Who do you think you are to call the Princess by her name”?

“Twilight it’s-” Celestia was cut off by what I did next. I looked down at Twilight and glared back… With liquid darkness pouring out of my eyes and mouth.

“I am not ruled by Sunbutt over there,” I said with anger. I will not be talked down by some sort of noble or somthing.

“Oh my, please don’t say that, it might hurt Celestia and Twilights feelings”

“What did he say Fluttershy,” Twilight said. She was starting to calm down after her sudden fright of my demonic stare and Celestia's assurance that it was ok.

“I’m not sure if you would like it…”

“Fine, just get on with it,” Twilight said, a little peeved that she got stared down.

“Ok, well, let’s start this again shall we? My name is Princess Celestia, what’s yours”?

“His name is Beowulf” Fluttershy answered for me as I went over to Spikes side on the other side of the room and sat down. Lighting my fur lightly in electricity as to provide my fucking awesome glow.

‘Hehe’. The ponies in the room looked at Spike with a worried glance but calmed down when they saw he was fine.

“Yes, my name is Beowulf, and I’m not here to hurt you as Fluttershy originally thought”.

“Bayawilf… nice name” Fuck you.

“No Princess it’s Beowulf, spelt B-E-O-W-U-L-F, he gets angry when it’s pronounced wrong”.

“Oh, ok” She looked back up at me, sitting there with my fuir slightly singing the wooden floor from the small amount of heat released from it. “So, why are you here Beowulf”?

“I’m not sure, I came here for reasons that I still don’t fully understand, there must be something here for me.” Fluttershy translated. Celestia looked at me with a sad expression but didn’t comment. “So what do you want with me now”. She slowly stood up and stretched.

“Now, I go back to Canterlot, you go back to finding the answer of why you’re here, but I want you to report back your findings and or what you’re doing to one the elements here”. I looked at her, perplexed. She sighed and continued on. “One of the six girls here. They can explain later why they’re called the elements. In a few weeks time I will return and you will come with me to Canterlot to meet my sister and then during the week you’ll be staying in Canterlot, you will meet some other nobles and rulers of this world. Our world has changed a lot since your race disappeared. Where were you by the way, if you don’t mind me asking”? I looked at her and contemplated where I told her I had been. I took a stab in the dark and said the first most likely place to be real in this world.

“The badlands”. She looked at me with a worried expression.

“Ok, I have no idea how you have survived in that dreadful place for so long”. Oh my fucking god, that was close. I still didn’t trust them. Maybe when Celestia came back for me in a few weeks, I would be trusting. She turned back to the door and began walking out. “I will return”. She then strode out of the door, leaving me, Spike and the six other female ponies.

“Well, she was nice,” I said out loud. Fluttershy looked at me for a second but turned back to Twilight.

“Yes, she is…”.

“So what happens now, where do ya think he’ll stay,” Applejack said. Rainbow Dash was hovering slowly, a very bored expression painted painfully onto her face. Pinkie Pie was bouncing in her sitting position, which looking at hurt my eyes so I turned away. Fluttershy was sitting calmly before me looking at the other five ponies. Rarity was just sitting quietly, mulling over the information while somehow keeping her head lifted up to the full extent. Twilight was sitting over by the couch where Celestia was before she left.

“Well the Princess said that he should go about his life at the moment, he needs to find out why he is here, but he must keep up updated,” Twilight wrote all of this down as she spoke to remind herself later of the changed.

“Ok, well I’ll be going now,” I said. Fluttershy looked at me and nodded.

“Ok, that’s fine, just make sure to check back with us every so often”

“I think that he should report back to you Flutters. He is much more confident around you and you do live right next to the forest” Twilight said

“Good idea, anyways, bye”! As I said this as I jumped up and used a blink node hovering above Twilight , at the same height to Rainbow Dashs hovering, to blink away.

After landing outside, I started off, back into the forest to find out what happened to me and why Discord brought me here.

Author's Note:

-Sorry for the long wait, I have been very busy lately and my internet was having trouble a week ago.
-Hope you enjoyed and I hope you're ready for the next chapter.
-Quote any errors I may have made.
-Listened to this playlist a lot while I wrote. >>>>>>>link<<<<<<<

Comments ( 24 )

keep up the good work

Close lies! Demon stares! Angry twilight!
a recipe for disaster if I ever read one!
more please!

nice job cant wait for the next chapter

“Ok, common big guy”.

It is written "Come on".
Common is usually used to describe something ordinary, usual, stantard, ordinary etc.
In that line you are describing him as a dime a dozen big guy, nothing special.

Like the story though :pinkiehappy:

Love the chapter I hope you continue to write more for this.

It's been 3 weeks write more!!!!!!:twilightangry2::flutterrage:

Sorry, I have been on holidays and working and I have just started school again so it's been pretty hectic. I will try my hardest to write more, but I have a bad feeling that it'll take a *cough* little *cough* longer, sorry about the wait.
If you want I could change the status to Hiatus until I'm done with the new chapter, this would let you know not to worry as I'm simply very busy.
Again, sorry for the long wait (I am actually very honoured that you remembered this story and came back to remind me to write more), I will be writing more as soon as possible and to compensate the next chapter will hopefully be 10-20 thousand words + (maybe).

5884747 Good thanks you i really like this story and ive been waiting for a while for a new chapter :twilightsmile: keep up the good work!

I'm sorry to the readers, But I am going to cancel this story, I no longer have the passion for writing this book. I will be hopefully writing different stories in the future, but this story will most likely no longer be continued.
If, for some reason, I regain the interest in writing this book, it will continue, but for now: no more.

Sorry again to the readers who enjoyed this story.

6125178 well ok...hey why not give someone the story to be continued it so the will be not cancel

If anyone wants to continue the story, link to the google doc is here
P.S: The Finished chapters are non edited and the edited are the ones ready for upload

6127307 is anyone else doing the story cause I might be able to do it just PM me them and if it works out I'll work for you

6280518 CHULU BARS!!!!!!!!!!!

Well... This story is good, I shall give it a like... For now... But I hope to see more chapters sometime soon so... I shall be waiting in the flames of the Warp until then...

I like the story, but Celestia just coaxed him into a very boring task of updating her on his actions. Why would he willingly do that if he still doesn't trust the ponies :facehoof:

Comment posted by The almighty bread god deleted Aug 15th, 2016

PLZ CONTINUE!!!!!! I NEED MOAR :flutterrage:

Maybe. At the moment I've got a lot to focus on. UNI, ordering an absolute fuck tone of family photos among a few other things. Maybe though.....

Then please do re-write this story

i agree i really like this story

It's too bad you've lost inspiration with this fanfic, as it seems fairly interesting and actually had me read it to the end. So, though this may not happen, I would love to see more of this. And also, have a good day ;)

To the Author, thank you for writing as much as you did. After a run of several rather bad stories in a row, coming across this very well done adventure made my day.

Even if it's not pony words, please do continue writing, you really do have a talent for it.

"Turning to the now gaping Shining Armor, “listen you little turd nugget, this is the holidays. A time in which no one is supposed to be a dick to another. So how about you pull on your big boy pants, and act like the adult you are supposed to be.” -Morgan83

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