• Published 8th Nov 2011
  • 6,444 Views, 162 Comments

The Border - Cabal

The adventures of Dr. Moss and a perilous crossing of the divide between Humans and Ponies.

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Chapter1: A meeting

The Border.



Diary of Dr. Gentle Moss, Phd Humanology

Summer 42, 22XX

Things have gotten really sour now. The University of Canterlot council has summoned me, as I am the only expert in Humanology. I suspect they are going to review the budget for my department and research, and cut it... again! I know that in recent years after my mentor died that Humanology has not been taken as seriously....I must do something to rectify this!


"...And that brings us to our next agenda item, Humanology. Will Dr. Moss please come forward?"

Dr. Gentle Moss arose and stretched from his seat. He nervously checked his little brown bow-tie and his brown jacket as he trotted down the aisle of the conference hall, his briefcase levitated with a green glow following behind him. He'd hoped that the suit would make him look more like a tree against his lime-green coat and black mane. Ponies naturally liked the outdoors, perhaps by wearing it the council would take notice and be more in his favor this time?

He finally reached podium. "Good Morning, council." He gave a small smile, but only two smiled back.

From left to right, there was Fizzy Bubbles, Chemistry. Light Wood, History. Starlight Bright, Magic and Wind Whisper, Psychology.

"Good Morning Dr. Moss." Starlight Bright said plainly, looking over her paperwork. "We've called you here today to discuss with a possible reduction of funding for your department, and the possibly turning it to a specialized section of the History Department."

Gentle Moss did not believe what he just heard, "Come again...?"

"What she means, Dr. Moss..." Light Wood spoke dryly, "...is that we are considering merging Humanology with History for the upcoming semester, and possibly for good."

Are they daft?

"You must be joking," Gentle Moss attempted to compose himself. "Humanology is and needs to be a department of its own. It compasses not only the history of humans, but also culture, medicine, and its influence on ponykind! To lump it with just the history department would not do it justice."

"Now Dr. Moss," squeaked in Fizzy Bubbles, "We were considering it. Nothing has been made final as of yet." She paused for a moment, preparing for what she would say next would insult the doctor. "However, after the esteemed founder of Humanology and your teacher, Dr. Moonbeam died ten years ago, students have been avoiding taking Humanology."

"Th- thats not true!" Moss lost his composure for a moment before rebutting, "Students still enroll in my class, and even though there are few, they take on one of the most challenging and high paying jobs out there that are needed, such as diplomacy!"

"Bah! Diplomacy that has gone nowhere in the last 100 years!" snorted Light Wood. "Even though we have a truce, we are still technically at war because they succeeded land from Equestria, and cut off the westlands and the sea from trade and travel, simply because they think they have the right to destroy the earth by polluting it for their interests."

Moss sighed, this was progressing nowhere, "You fail to make your argument regarding the merging or reduction of my department. Can we please focus on that? I'd be happy to take another cut from the department, but my research money is seperate from the actual teaching. What are you planning to do with that?"

Starlight Bright shuffled a few papers, "We will get to that in a moment. But your input is greatly appreciated. Would it be accurate to say you would object merging with the history department? And if so, why?"

"Yes, I would object." Dr. Moss levitated open his briefcase and placed several sheets of paper on his podium. "And I have prepared a paper regarding the unique nature of Humanology and its need to be taught to ponykind. I do not believe we have time to hear the entire 10 pages I wrote, so I will read from summery:

"Humanology is the study of the Human Species and everything related to them specifically. As defined by Dr. Moonbeam, the study of them specifically is essential as they are the only opposing species that believes that they claim a right to govern themselves apart from what other species believe should govern them, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. We need to understand the basis of human culture, fashion, art, technology, politics, and etcetera because without humans, we would all still be living in grass huts. There would be no stone or wood buildings because we were taught carpentry and masonry by humans when we met them approximately 200 years ago when we explored the west. Our entire society was rapidly changed in those years because the humans, and our lives have greatly benefited."

"Most of what we teach here was originally taught to us by humans, only because they believe that all thinking and reasoning creatures should discover, create and innovate to better ourselves. Unfortunately, problems with this philosophy made itself apparent when pollution began to affect Equestria... and the rest is history."

"Which..." Light Wood began to grin, "is why it would be better suited for my department."

"No! What did I say abou-"

Starlight Bright then interrupted, "I think we can discuss the merge or reduction of the department, later. I think it would be best now to discuss the research funding." She looked across the table, "Dr. Wind Whisper, you mentioned that you wanted to lead the discussion?"

Wind Whisper was an older pegasus pony, with graying hair streaking his blue mane, he slowly sat up in his chair and looked at some papers, ruffling his feathers until he was comfortable enough to speak in a low but carrying voice, "Dr. Moss, I am greatly concerned about the quality of your research in the last few years. While you are indeed exulted for your work by the Equestrian Guard, who uses your material in training, none of your research pertains to understanding of humans in general. For example, you wrote a few years ago..." Dr. Whisper produced a thick folder of papers and went through them until he found what he was looking for. "Ah yes, The dexterity human hands. In which you took 3 of your students to a deserted part of the border, and harassed a posted human border guard by throwing objects of varying size and length on her side of the border until you and your class were chased away by the Equestrian Guards."

Dr. Whisper looked up, "Not only did this particular research project endanger your students, but the study itself seemed to be... rather pointless."

The other members of the council nodded their heads and murmured their agreement. Gentle Moss had no idea how to respond other then look diminished. But Dr. Whisper wasn't finished.

"I also have noticed a trend in your papers that when you are not studying humans directly, you seem to be repeating and rehashing the works of Dr. Moonbeam or the historical creature archive society. While it is not plagiarism, you don't seem to add any new information, and the insights appear to be mostly guesswork and untested theory."

Dr. Whisper then paused, and looked at Dr. Moss straight in the eye with a sorrowful glance before delivering the final blow, "At this point in time, and keeping in mind the adjustments for the reduced budget this year, I don't see the benefit of continuing to provide you university funding for the research of humans."

Dr Moss was flabbergasted. It was always reduction in funds, but he never expected the recommendation to be cut off completely.

"No!" he gasped, "You cannot be serious!"

Fizzy Bubbles then spoke unexpectedly, "I disagree with Dr. Whisper's opinion."

The council turned their heads at Dr. Bubbles with confused faces, "What?!"

"Allow me to explain my position." she gave Gentle Moss a small smile before continuing, "From time to time, Dr. Moss has written about human technology and has come to the science department with various items of human origin to help him better understand their make and functions for his studies into humans. Often time these human manufactured items are created with pollution being the by-product. The chemistry division of the science department has been granted special defense funding by Princess Celestia to find ways to fight the pollution that is coming across the border. Many times, Dr. Moss acquired new types of items made out of materials we have never seen before, and once we understand what they are comprised of, and how they are made, we find solutions on how to deal with the by-product."

"Since we are often busy with the task of analyzing pollutants, we do not have time to go around hunting for their source. To completely take away Dr. Moss' funding which he undoubtedly uses to acquire human technology from various sources, would harm the war effort in protecting innocent ponies from human's careless implementation of industry."

Silence filled the chamber as Dr. Bubbles' defense argument sank in. Dr. Moss was attempting to hide a smile as Light Wood screwed up his face trying to find a way to play down the new information. Wind Whisper sat quietly, quietly with a frown on his face while he looked around for the mentioned research. Starlight Bright gave Fizzy Bubbles a curios eye before speaking again.

"Umm... perhaps since this involves defense related subjects, I am going to have to call this meeting to a close-door session."


Summer 43, 22XX

I just recieved a note in my my office this morning regarding the decision the council made. They have agreed to continue my research funding but reducing the amount yet again. However, a ultimatum was made. If I did not produce better quality research, and attract more students to my class by the time the next semester starts, I will be merged with the History department. Lovely. I must buy Fizzy Bubbles dinner sometime to thank her.

My current and only student Berry Shine has been absouloutly outstanding. She now has completed the history portion of the course and is ready to meet the actual subject she is studying this week. I have arranged a trip with one of my graduates Cheerilee and her class to come to the entry point to observe humans as part of the Border educational visit program.

According to Border commander, Guilded Wing, who is helping organising the visit, we may see the change of the human guard, and the incomming "Border Master" Sarah (Sura? Zera? And second name is completly unwritable) . According to Wing, she is a decendent of one of the soldiers involved in the Dragon Incident that occured 30 years ago at the old entry point, and might open the Human learning center for us at the point. And if we have time, we can visit the Dragon Incident memorial.


A/N: You may want to follow me on FiMfiction.net, as I will be posting sidestories in addition to this story. Currently Sceduled after chapter 2 of this story, is "The Border: The Dragon Incident."

Until Next time!
