• Published 8th Nov 2011
  • 6,449 Views, 162 Comments

The Border - Cabal

The adventures of Dr. Moss and a perilous crossing of the divide between Humans and Ponies.

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Chapter3: Changing of the Guard

“Unusual activity!” screamed some creature on the other side of the line.

“Confirmed!” A different voice replied, “Standby for further instruction! Move to half defense!”

The creatures on the other side of the border moved behind the blue buildings that straddled it, and disappeared completely, save for one that began to fiddle with a container on his belt.

Meanwhile, Sgt. Green Bean directed the class down a short flight of stairs towards a white lined box on the ground where he instructed them to wait. He then turned towards the border and dug into his saddlebag, and pulled out a yellow flag with a picture of a schoolhouse on it, and held it. The students whispered excitedly among themselves and pointed their hooves at the lone human on the other side.

The human in question was wearing a blue uniform jacket blouse with shiny brass buttons, with a yellow belt that went around the waist, blue pants that match the jacket with yellow stripes that were vertical on the sides, polished black boots that gleamed in the sunlight, and a blue hat that was decorated with an intricate yellow design, and a centerpiece on that hat that appeared to be a brass gear with two rifles crossed in the background. The difference between this guard and the others that were hiding, was that it was wearing a yellow armband with three letters that spelt out “BMA”, and three shiny medals affixed to the jacket. It was a Border Master Assistant, and it was not happy.

The unhappy guard pulled out a pair of binoculars from the container on its belt, raised it to its face, and pointed the glasses at the offending group of ponies. The guard noted that the group appeared to be small loud mouthed foals accompanied by three adults and it's equivalent. It noted the yellow flag that this was an educational visit... nothing out of the ordinary... though why were the two of the three adults scribbling furiously in their notebooks? Possible intelligence activity? No... the changing of the guard was not something new to be recorded, and it was too overt... maybe they were just teachers?

At this point the guard gave up on his pondering and decided to passively observe the two scribbling ponies until the end of the tour. “As you were,” it called out, “teaching activity in progress!”.

The humans that were hiding from behind the blue buildings marched back to their behind the warning line as if they were mechanical toys. Simultaneously, they came to a stop and remained still, heads looking up, left to right, then forward again. Like the BMA, they were dressed smartly in similar fashion, but without the yellow arm band, medals, and wore only black belts. Instead, they held rifles with polished bayonets, and sunglasses, facing the their equally unmoving counterparts. the Royal Equestrian guard.

Sgt. Green bean put away his flag as the children began to wind up again in chatter. Pointing their hooves in awe at the strange creatures. Meanwhile. Dr. Moss bent his head towards Berry Shine and asked “Which one is the female between the two guards in the center?”.

Berry Shine, pencil still in mouth pointed at the left center guard.

“Why do you think that one is female?” he asked.

“The human adult female has slightly wider hips then the male, and breast of the female protrudes slightly from the chest... and is often shorter then the male, who is on the right.” Berry Shine stated. “Its a little harder though to tell, because that human female has muscles not typical in pictures of civilian female humans.”

“Very good.” replied Gentle Moss.

Sgt. Green Been, now satisfied that everyone was accounted for, and that the human guards had relaxed, began to speak, “Okay everypony listen up! This is the RoH/Equestrian border, this area is the official crossing point for both sides. The last official crossing was approximately 10 years ago to return the dead of the Dragon Incident. Since then, no official traffic has passed through, except for the mail. As you can see, there are six buildings that straddle the border. The center blue building is for negotiations and mail exchange. The green buildings left and right are entry and exit points. The brown building on the far left belongs to the Griffin observers, who monitor the peace treaty and handle disputes. The grey building on the right belongs to the RoH, and is a museum called the Human Learning Center for equestrian visitors. It is always closed.”

Cheerilee made a puzzled face, “If the building was meant to be visited, why is it always closed?” she asked.

“The building can only be opened by the human Border Master,” explained Green Bean, “The reason why it is always closed is because when it is opened, the Royal Guard must inspect the interior, and from what I understand, the RoH guards are particularly nasty when the Royal Guard is inside their building. Patrons visiting are subject to RoH laws when inside, and violating any human law would lead to a nasty incident. Even if opened, I'd advise against visiting.”

“But what if we want to go in?” asked young stallion.

“That is up to your teachers,” Green Bean replied. He then took a cautionary glance towards the border, “But I don't think you will be getting in, period.”

The classed audibly sighed its disapproval.

“What is that building on the human side with the big clock?” asked a filly.

“That would be the RoH Welcoming center.” explained Green Bean, “It was built after the Equestrian welcoming center was completed. Every-time the building on our side is remodeled, the humans immediately attempt to match or exceed the design of their building. What is interesting about the RoH welcoming center is that if you are extremely quiet, you can hear the gears inside the clock as it ticks. It is also believed that the original....”


As Green Bean continued, Apple Bloom fidgeted with the bow on her head. No matter how many times she reset the clasp to keep the bow tight to her mane, it would become undone over and over. Finally upset, she undid the bow and began to work on it with her hooves when suddenly, there was a gust of wind and the bow took to the air...

“Hey!” cried Apple Bloom as she jumped for the wayward bow. “My bow!”

Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell, and other classmates also began to jump for the crimson ribbon. Green Bean completely stopped his boring dialogue about the clock tower and attempted to restore order by pushing them back in the box and pouncing on a little pegasus colt who was about to take flight, while Cheerilee, Gentle Moss, and Berry Shine attempted to quiet everypony down. Sensing that the noise level was not agreeable nor consistent of an orderly border, an Equestrian guard turned away from his his post, and stomped its hoof, and bellowed:


As the disorderly class froze, Apple Bloom watched as her bow blew away towards the sky, and then land at the feet of a RoH guard.


The guard regarded it briefly by bowing its head to look at what had just appeared out of nowhere, then returned to its position, still as a statue.

“Give it back!” Screamed Apple Bloom.

“Apple Bloom, be quiet!” hissed Cheerilee. She then turned her head to look at Gentle Moss, who had a half confused, half bemused face. She then looked towards Green Bean pleadingly, who shook his head. “I'm sorry, but once its on their side. It's theirs. There is no way to get it back”.

Apple Bloom lowered her head dejectedly.


Border Master Tavian Krass, of the 1st Border division, was extremely upset. Border Master Sarah Rafaeli, of the 2nd Border Division, was late. Not late as in coming after the time that she was supposed to be here. But late as in “hurry up and be here, so you can wait to be on time” late. His mood was steadily become worse as Border Master Assistant Christopher Haagen was showing signs of increasing panic while reading off final reports from the other BMA's. His Boss's handlebar mustache was twitching, which was never a good sign.

“...And north mile marker 44 says that they have suspicions that coffee and currency smuggling has picked up again in the region due to the lack of watch stemming from mile marker 38 to 42. We think that it may be because of the lack on the enemy's part to actually have regular patrol-”

“Why do we even care, Teacher Haagen!” shouted Krass. “Explain to me how they can stand in the more crappier part of the front line and report on 'Coffee smugglers' instead of actual violations!”.

Comrade Haagen held back the urge to shake, “Master... there have been no violations by the enemy for at least a year in that particular area. The problem is more political, and poor planning on our part economically, and the enemy's preference to simply not keep a more watchful eye... which actually gives us an advant-”

ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!” shouted Krass, “And where the hell is 2nd division!” Krass got up from his chair and marched towards the easterly window of his office on the second floor of the welcoming center, putting his scarred hand to the glass to block out the sun as he peered out the window.

Haagen gulped and fumbled with his clipboard and adjusted his officers cap so that he could grip it better under his arm, “Coffee is banned in Equestria due to health issues and the overall trade ban while the peace treaty is in effect. Thus, Equestrian currency, which are gold “Bits” are also covered by this ban. The smugglers are importing gold from the enemy for our undersold supply of coffee... which could...” Haagen hesitated as he thought up a clever lie to get his boss to take the issue seriously for the sake of peace “...fund rebel groups?”

“They there are!” shouted Krass. As he pointed out the window at a group of human soldiers that had just appeared. “Those slackers! Teacher Haagen!”

“Yes Border Master Krass?” replied Haagen as he stood at attention, afraid that he had been completely ignored.

“Prepare the 1st for the changing of the guard and colors!” he ordered, re-buttoning his uniform as he marched his way towards the office mirror to put on his cap. “As for the coffee smugglers...” he tighten his collar and adjusted the clasp before turning to look at his subordinate, “I think Comrade Rafaeli would be best to handle it, since she cares more about the enemy like the seditious traitor she is, then I ever will! You will stay here to brief her before returning to the barracks for leave!” he commanded.

“Yes Master Krass.”


“Again, I must remind all of you...” Sgt. Green Bean whispered with a bit of a nasty tone in his voice, “...That noise, flying, or doing anything else to distract the guards of either side will not be tolerated.”

“I do apologize again Sargent,” Cheerily said with compassion, “I think that after that, we will take greater seriousness in your warnings.” She glowered slightly at Apple Bloom, whose head still hung dejectedly.

Gentle Moss was eager to change the subject, “Um, Sargent. When exactly is the changing of the guard?”

Green Bean looked towards the human clock, “The RoH change of guard is not for another few minutes... but usually the replacement division is here much earlier then that to stage their pomp and ceremony... one moment...” he strained his ears for a moment “I hear the music now! Everypony please be quiet, you are about to witness the RoH changing of the guard. As you are aware, this particular day is also for the change of command. We are particularly cautious when this happens because of the sheer amount of massed RoH soldiers at this point. Please do not make any sudden movements. Thank you.”

“Gentle Moss! Look!”

A sudden troop of humans appeared from around one of the corners of the imposing clock tower, wielding band instruments as they marched to the front of the building. Only the flute and drum players were working their instruments, playing a catchy marching tune. Behind them followed a perfect trio line of fresh RoH border guards. Dressed similarly as their current counterparts on duty, they also moved in a clockwork fashion, goosestepping in their polished boots and starched pressed uniforms as they made their way front and center of the boarder. The class of small equines could not help but whisper amongst themselves, while the Royal guard stood ready with spears at hooves in case anything went amiss.

The RoH soldiers then stopped when the music finished. They slammed the butt of their rifles against the ground which made a thunderous clap that echoed against both equine and human buildings. They then formed two lines, and faced the RoH welcoming center.

“What happens now?” asked Berry Shine.


Then the clock tower tolled, and the human band began to play. As they did, a far off group of Border Guards began to stork march towards the building, The leader was a highly decorated women, followed by Border Master Assistants, all saluting as they approached the building. When they got close, a highly decorated, mustached man came out of the building, followed by his Border Master Assistants.

When the two parties came close, the music stopped. Then the man shouted “Who goes there?!”

The the woman shouted back “Border Master and comrades of the 2nd division Border Guard, Ready to relive Comrades of the 1st!”

“Advance, Comrade Border Master and Comrades!”


After the long and drawn out pomp and circumstance the 1st marched away, Leaving Border Master Sarah Rafaeli at the top of the steps of the Welcoming center, surveying all that was hers to guard against. She noted a grouping of enemy civilians, which one of her assistants informed her were schoolchildren. Nothing wrong with that, education was precious in her culture, and disruption to the educational process was not tolerated. She then looked over her guards, all of them stiff as a board and where they needed to be, and the BMAs were marching about, inspecting each and every post... except for one she did not recognize, which simply stood in a salute to her.

She promptly return the salute, and ordered “Approach! Name and rank!”

“Border Master Assistant, Teacher Christopher Haagen, 1st division, responsible for the region of Mile markers 38 through 42, here on orders of Border Master Krass to advise Border Master Rafaeli on a sensitive matter before returning to barracks!”

“At ease!” she commanded. Both then relaxed, and Sarah asked, “What suspicion does Tavian have now that demands that you be delayed your well deserved leave, Teacher Haagen?”

“It is actually a matter I would request be discuss inside, Master.” said Haagen. “I assure you, it will not take more then fifteen minutes of your time.”

In her mind, Sarah sighed. She wanted to spend some time outside rather in the office right now, as it still reeked of Tavian's metallic smelling cologne. She scanned her border one more time, then stopped to look at one particular soldier. There was something red under his glossy jackboot.

“Teacher Haagen, please wait in my office. I will be with you shortly.”


The steely eyed stallion Sargent watched as the Human border guards gathered like bees around their queen, and they began marching towards the border. He only seen this once before when the enemy wanted to talk... or the Border Master wished to discipline their subordinates.

“What's going on?” asked Gentle Moss.

Green Bean huffed, “Not sure, but get your class ready to run back up inside the building at my command.”

The children were getting restless at the approaching humans. There was one that was really different and had a really long mane, and must have been important as it was surrounded by more humans.

“Shh...” scolded Cheerilee.

The gathering stopped half way, and then parted way for the different one. It marched forward flanked by it's personal guards, then stopped next to its query right at the warning line.


“Face... Left!” commanded Sarah.

The border guard who was at the front line faced its commanding officer and saluted.

“What is the second rule of guarding?” she asked.

Her subordinate replied “To walk or stand my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observe everything that takes place within sight or hearing, sir!”

“Very good.” said Sarah. “Anything to report?”

“The enemy has a teaching activity in progress and there is unknown debris at my feet, sir!”

“Anything else?”

“Nothing else of interest to report!”

“Hand me your weapon for inspection!

“Yes, sir!”

In a well oiled maneuver, the guard opened the chamber of the rifle which spat out a loaded round, passed it to the BM. He resumed standing while the BM began to inspect his rifle.

After completing the inspection, she handed the rifle back to the guard, then marched behind him, and plucked from the ground with a white gloved hand a dirtied ribbon. She then turned it in her hands to inspect it. The loop that held the flang-pin in place was broken... Easily fixable... but who was its careless owner who allowed it to be broken?

She then looked at the enemy. Four royal guards had appeared to back up the one that was there and observe her and her sudden group. Beyond them in a chalk drawn box was the class of colorful equine, one the stood out from the rest was a yellow one with a red mane who looked longingly at Sarah.


“Prepare to open the Human Learning Center for our guests.”