• Published 7th May 2012
  • 1,258 Views, 14 Comments

As the rain falls - icilu2

What happens when eveything you love is taken from you

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'Why is it that i find myself here now, fighting, killing? Just 24 hours, no 22 hours, 32 minutes, and 12 seconds ago i was sitting in the library enjjoying the greatest news of my life... but who's counting?' "One two three", a huge roar of pain jolted out from the ursa major, yes MAJOR. What was it about love that drove her to do this? Normally her peaceful nature would have left after seeing the body, but still she felt this thing had to suffer...badly. The creature screamed as a bolt of ice went straight through its leg.

1 day ago

Twilight Sparkle sat down at her desk and used her magic to pull out around 20-30 books and have them move along in a line in front of her. This, like most days, had been mind numbing. Ever since the changelings invasion, everything just seemed to come to a halt. Nopony had any problems or issues, even Celestia herself had sent Twilight a letter stating she could stop sending her letters for a bit. This could only be fixed by a long and enthralling book.

She looked through the books 1 by 1 and slowly found herself out of books to read. She didnt think she could ever run out of books to read, especiall since her house WAS a library... 'well...the buck do i do now' She looked through her books and found a book of things to do whilst bored...too convienent...to convienent to turn down. She opened up the book to page 42 and started reading

"Try a long distance teleportation spell"
"Give a pony wings"
"Make Friends"
"Fall in love"
"Do-...thats not what i expected." She glanced to see she was on page 375. The last page. "i guess i lived a full life" she said "But not that full they would just get in the way of my studies" So she walked toward the balcony and lay down to allow her thoughts to drift...drift to her first day in ponyville.

She had just finished up with Applejack...*sigh* 'why cant i just be left alone.'
"You okay?" Spike yelled back
"Yeah just ate i bit too much apple...eveything"
"Where are we headed next" he said obviously wanting to finish up as bad as she did
"There should be a peaguses pony named Rainbow Dash clearing the skies"
"ow" Twilight said
"ow" the other pony said in agreement
"ummm can you ya'know get off me...please?"
Twilight shook her head and realised she was on top of a blue...aqua...cyan yes cyan peaguses.
"sorry" twilight muttered as she stepped off of her
"hey, no prob, names Rainbow Dash by the way."
"Twilight" she said
With a small spell she collected all the mud off of her coat into a condensed ball and moved it off to the side
"Wait Rainbow Dash... arent you supposed to be clearing the skies?" Twilight inquired
"ummm yeah but what good is clearing the skies if i dont get into the Wonderbolts? And that needs ya'know training?" Rainbow said as if mkaing a valid point.
"well for starters THE Wonderbolts wouldnt let a peaguses who cant even keep the skies clear in" Twilight retorted with a bit of challenge entering her voice, she wouldnt admit it but she LOVED being in the spot like this, the adrenaline the whole thing.
"pfft, please i could clear this sky in ten...seconds...flat" Rainbow said with the same challenging tone
"Prove it" Twilight said letting the pleasure of saying it fill her slightly and she looked generally suprised. To help her along..."ten"
Then she spang up and started to the sky leaving a beautiful trail behind her.
one cloud gone
three gone
2 gone
4 gone
3 gone
2 more
1 more
3 gone
all gone
"What'd i tell yah, ten seconds flat" She saiid triumphantly, a little too trumphantly.
"Congratulations heres your reward"
Before Rainbow could even react a huge ball of mud from Twilight's coat dropped on Rainbow
She couldnt help but giggle a little
but before she could do anything Twilgith was around 20 feet behind her and yelled back
"That was loads of fun and we'll have to do this again sometime"
then with a load crack she was gone
Twilight let out a satisfied sigh as she walked to the Town hall to meet Rarity. 'That was perfect'
"That was perfect" She said aloud
"speak of the devil"
"Hey Twi, whats up?"
"BORED!!!" She said exasperated
"i know right, aside from the weather ive done NOTHING" Rainbow said in agreement
"Princess Celestia is giving me time off so im doing nothing"
"That sucks" Rainbow said somewhat sympathetically
"i know" Twilight said half-heartedly
"Well you wanna do somthin?"
"i dont really know..." Then it clicked, she did want to do somthing, she craved that...that spirit rainbow had her passion everything, she needed that, it would kill her to not have it. And who loves life more than Rainbow all the time she spent thinking about how being around her made Twilight feel alive. And it clicked she didnt just want she needed to have dash around to keep her sane, to show her life could be just as fun as books
"Yes, ummm" She found it to be extremely hard to speak...
"Would you wanna, idunno, go out...som...time....with...ummm...me?"
"Sure, where you wanna go egghead?" Rainbow said it with such a smile and such a zest for life that it eased Twilights tension
"Well there is a Wonderbolts show at Canterlot in a few hours and Celestia gave me a ticket-"
"CAN I GO?!?!?!?" Rainbow asked her voice crakcking a little from the exitment
"thats what i was asking" twilight said a little bit cockily
"omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Calm down rainbow"

Then Rainbow tackled her down in a hug...'Come on rainbow i just find out i have feelings for you and you go and do this!!!!???' Then the worst thing happened. As Rainbow tried to get up twilight squirmed and lost her footing...and fell... and their lips connected.