• Published 18th Feb 2015
  • 13,504 Views, 716 Comments

Nightmare, Nightmare - Admiral Q Ponyform

Twilight's experiament gets out of control and Selene finds herself in another Equestria that has the LAST thing she ever expected to see.

  • ...

Night At Winter Bells: Part 1

Selene took a breath and saw it come out of her mouth in the cold air. Winter was here in Ponyville and she had been here for months. All her attempts at getting to her Equestria have failed. She just didn't know what Twilight was working on at the time. Her best hope was her Twilight figuring out and rescuing her. She still tried in her alone time but she was being realistic. But that wasn't to say it was all bad. She was seeing her friends back in their prime again and they were just as open with her as the ones she knew. She tried to be as open with them without revealing what she was exactly. Heck she was in the Running of the Leaves and got third after Rainbow and Applejack. Twilight managed fourth this year. Not bad for a scholar, though her Twilight could do much better thanks to training Selene had her do. And she absolutely adored Nyx. Many times she ended up sitting for Twilight when she needed to do something so she and Nyx were close. Today she was meeting the girls in Sugarcube Corner for lunch. She opened the door and spotted her friends at a large table in the corner. She first checked on Rainbow. She looked better. She really had it rough saying goodbye to Tank for the winter. But hey, it was the first time she ever saw a snow nuke before.

“HEY SELENE! OVER HERE!” Pinkie yelled and her hoof in the air. It brought a smile to her lips as she walked over. To them and took a seat.

“How is everypony today? Selene asked.

“WE GET TO DO THE HEART'S WARMING PLAY AGAIN ISN'T GREAT!?” If Pinkie ever was a keyboard her caps lock would ALWAYS be on.

“And it will be Nyx's first Hearth's Warming so we are leaving ahead of the group to spend time with my parents, Shiny, and Cadence. We'll be leaving in a couple days.” She bet that will go over well. Shiny was mind controlled by Chrysalis (Selene learned her name as she had encountered the queen a couple of times in the past few decades) then by the magic in the Children of Nightmare.

“Good luck with that meeting Twilight.” Twilight frowned at that as Selene addressed the group. “It's great you all will be doing the play this year. I wish you all the luck.”

“May I ask dear what you have planned for this year?” Rarity asked.

“I will just hang out at home and do some reading.” They all seemed shocked by this.

“Don't you have any family Selene?” Rainbow asked.

“Nope.” She saw both Pinkie and Fluttershy tear up. 'Oh great I'm making them both cry.'

“Now that's just not right. Nopony should be alone during Hearth's Warming.” Applejack commented. Twilight clopped her hoof on the table.

“That's it. You Selene are coming with me to my parents.” Selene was a tad surprised. Yes she and her Twilight have become like family. Heck all five alicorns had because in a world that changes around you and friends grow old and die you needed some constants and that's what they all were to each other. She had only known this Twilight for a few months and she was making this big of a leap.

“You sure Twilight? I wouldn't want to intrude on a family thing.” Twilight put a hoof on top of Selene's and looked with such kindness.

“Selene. You've been helping me look after Nyx when me and the girls can't. You've been there for all of us. You may not bear an Element of harmony but I consider you as much as family as I do them.” Selene looked around and saw the girls nod in affirmation. Selene couldn't help but tear up. They were doing it again. Opening their hearts to her.

“You win Twilight, so when are we leaving?”

“The day after tomorrow. After lunch Rarity is fitting our costumes for any changes that need to be made.” Twilight answered Selene couldn't resist.

“You mean so Rarity won't feel bloated after pigging out on holiday dinners.” Rarity sputtered trying to come up with a response as the girls laughed. The meal arrived before Rarity could come up with a retort but the sweet smile Selene gave showed she was just joking. Selene looked at the tray and gave another smile. Pinkie had her favorite dishes available in the bakery. No matter how different things are in this Equestria, many things stay the same and Pinkie Pie will always be Pinkie Pie.

* * * * * *

Days later Selene was on the train to Canterlot with Twilight, Nyx, and Spike. Spike was going over his lines. When he finished Twilight commented.

“Very good, Spike,” Twilight said. She smiled and looked up from the script she was holding. “It was perfect, though don’t you feel the accent is a little thick?”

“But that’s the best part,” Spike said in his faux british accent. He then stood up on the train seat and struck a dramatic pose. “It is this accent that brings the flavor of olden times to the stage. It is what enchants ponies and draws them in. It is what brings greater life to the story and greater meaning to its message of friendship and harmony.
“And besides,” Spike continued as he let his voice shift back to normal, “I learned the accent from the pony who did the narrating before me, and he was the best pageant narrator ever. Princess Celestia said so herself.”

"Well, I like it," Nyx said, looking up from the book she's reading, which was a collection of Hearth's Warming stories both old and new.

“So do I. It adds character.” Selene interjected.

Spike laughed and pointed a claw at Twilight. “Ha, three against one, the accent wins.”

“All right, all right,” Twilight said with a small giggle. Selene joined her in it but honestly her mind was a bit elsewhere. Last night she passively scanned the dreams of ponies in Canterlot. She didn't want to alert Luna to her presence as she checked those ponies. What she found disturb her a bit. Ponies were beginning to suspect that Nyx wasn't in prison. While the Princesses hadn't lied about how they dealt with Nyx it could lead to many to assume Nyx was in prison. Selene bet they also knew that belief wouldn't last forever. She hoped that I had plans for that. Selene had already made a couple. Spike headed off to get a hot drink while Nyx looked out the window. Soon Twilight asked why she was looking and she replied that she wanted to see her grandpa. That got a chuckle out of Selene as Twilight directed Nyx to the other side so they could wave.

“Hey, I think I can see the station,” Nyx said. She was pressing her face so hard against the glass, she was likely frightening any ponies that happened to look at the train as it passed by. “Wow, there’s a lot of ponies on the platform.”

“Really?” Twilight said as she and Selene leaned in to look out the window themselves. “This train doesn’t leave to go back to Ponyville for another hour. Why would there be―” Selene didn't need Twilight to finish. She saw waaaayyyy too many ponies at the station. They could only be one thing.


And no doubt they were after Nyx.

“Okay everypony I have a plan.” She summoned a headband. “Nyx wears this, it will disguise your features quite well. Twilight when Spike gets back, have him hop on you then put your cloak on. That should distort you enough to be unrecognizable.”

“That could work for us but what about you?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight I'm a nopony that was a late addition to all of this. They won't be looking for me. I'll be fine.” Selene whirled her cloak around her as Spike showed up and was given the details. He grumbled about the waste of his drink but relented.

When they were all bundled up the train had stopped and they calmly as possible got out. Some reporters glanced their way and especially at Nyx but unknown to Twilight and Nyx was that Selene quickly made clones that looked like them and had them exit another way.

“There they are!” a reporter yelled and raced to the clones. Selene smirked in victory as Twilight found her dad waiting at the sidewalk instead of the platform and walked up to him.

“Hey dad.” Twilight whispered. Night Light looked over in confusion till Twilight pulled back her scarf to reveal her face.

“Oh Twilight I didn't recognize you.” He looked at her with confusion. “Why are you dressed like that?”

“Reporters Mr. Light.” Selene interjected. “We had reporters waiting at the platform so word leaked out that Twilight was coming. And we better hurry soon. My distraction won't keep them long.” Night Light nodded in understanding. In a louder voice he said.

“Mother, sister, and my dear niece! Let's get you out of this cold.” He summoned a taxi and they were off to the Sparkle household.

* * * * *

Fearing reporters, Twilight continued to wear her clock and Nyx her headband as the carriage took them to Sparkle Manor. Even with Luna's memories and decades of living in Equestria the naming conventions still eluded her. She just rolled with it now. Though calling the place a manor would be a bit of an exaggeration. It was certainly a large house with three stories and in the ideal location not far from the key areas of Canterlot. She had been there many times for Hearth's Warming till Twilight's parents passed away. With her own castle and the tower in the Canterlot one Twilight saw no reason to keep it. The new family has taken great care of the place so far and Selene hoped this version would as well as they pulled up to it.

Night Light stayed back by the taxi a moment, paying the stallion for the trip, while The others stood at the end of the walk that led to their front door. The house was in its holiday best. Garland and strings of enchanted, glowing glass hung from the edges of windows and the roof. A wreath hung on the door, and a blanket of snow covered everything. Twilight said she doubted she could have found a more welcoming site in all of Equestria. Selene found it hard to disagree with her.

“Twilight!” Spike whined. The hump in Twilight’s cloak shifted. “Can we get inside already? It’s getting hot under here.”

“Did her hump just talk?” the taxi puller asked with a cocked eyebrow.

“Yes, it did,” Night Light answered as if nothing was out of the ordinary. “Now, here are your bits and you can keep the change.”

The prospect of a very generous tip quickly drew the taxi stallion’s attention back to Night Light. “Thank you, sir, and have a Happy Hearth’s Warming.” He pulled away and night Light leaned in and said quietly.

“So that's where you are, how are you doing son?”

“I'll be doing better once we are inside.” Taking the hint the group went inside and took off their cloaks and Spike hopped out of Twilight's. As Nyx took off the head band and gave it back to Selene.

“Here let me take your cloaks.” He then turned his head to face behind him. “Velvet, honey there here!”

“I’ll be right down!” the voice of Twilight’s mother, Twilight Velvet, called down from the stairs. “I’m just putting a few things away!”

Night Light chuckled, shaking his head. “Your mother. Can’t be happy with guests around unless she knows this house is spotless.” He then turned back to Twilight, his smile widening as she took off her saddlebags. “But you know that as well as I do. Now, come on, give this old stallion a hug.”

Twilight was more than happy to oblige. She lifted her forehooves and hugged her father tight, giggling a little as he gave her a squeeze. The pair then stepped apart, letting Night Light turn and smile at Spike. “And how is my daughter’s number one assistant?” he asked as he offered a hoof. “Still keeping my daughter out of trouble?”
Spike took Night Light’s hoof in his claw and gave it a shake, laughing as he said,

“More than you know.”

“Well, it’s good to see you both. How have things been since the wedding?”

“Actually, dad, there’s one more pony you need to say hello to,” Twilight said. She stepped to one side, smiling as she swept a hoof from her father to Nyx, who had been standing behind Twilight, trying to go unnoticed. “Dad, this is Nyx. Nyx, this is your grandfather, Night Light.” For a moment, Night Light’s smile weakened. He inspected Nyx closely, and she stepped back anxiously under his gaze. She looked away, staring at her hooves as she scratched her foreleg with the other, but his gaze remained constant. He then took a step forward, towering over her as most adult ponies did.

“Nyx,” he said with a calm yet commanding tone, forcing her to look up and meet his gaze. He then bent his head down and extended a forehoof, bringing it to the side of her head. “What’s this behind your ear?” He brought his forehoof back a moment later, which was now holding a small holiday cookie. He also smiled, which in turn made Nyx smile as she took the cookie. She took a single bite, and her smile grew until it threatened to burst off her face.

“This is good!” was all she could say through the flavorful food that filled her mouth.

“That’s a secret, family recipe my grandfather came up with,” Night Light said as he raised his head. “He was a royal chef, and nopony came into his house during the holidays without getting a cookie.”

“Hey, what about the rest of us?” Spike asked.

“There’s a whole plate of cookies in the kitchen,” Night Light assured Spike. “In fact, why don’t you take Nyx in there. You can get yourself a cookie and then some milk from the fridge for the both of you.”

“Sounds good,” he said as he began to lead Nyx to the kitchen. “Maybe this time I’ll actually get to enjoy it.”

Night Light cocked an eyebrow, watching Spike and Nyx walk into the living room and then through the door into the kitchen. He then looked back at Twilight, who smiled and laughed a little under her breath. “He’s a little steamed. Selene made him leave the hot chocolate we bought back on the train.”

“Hey blame the reporters not me.” Selene commented.

“Well, he is a dragon that likes his hot chocolate,” Night Light said.

“That's certainly true. By the way, thank you for having me on such short notice.”

“My Twilight said you had no family and no pony should spend Hearth's Warming alone. So it is no problem.”He turned to go to the kitchen, but Twilight caught his shoulder. She was wearing a smile that was both thankful and hopeful. “Yes, honey?” he asked.

“Thank you for doing that for Nyx. Does this mean...?”

Night Light lifted a hoof and placed it on Twilight’s shoulder. “Listen, Honey, I still don’t think you should be the one taking care of her. You should be having fun with your friends, finishing your studies with Princess Celestia, and maybe finding a special somepony like your brother. You’re too young to be taking care of a filly, let alone an alicorn filly.” He then smiled. “But that’s no reason to ruin Hearth’s Warming for you or her. Let’s just enjoy these next few days and we can talk about it later.”

' A wise choice.' Selene thought as Twilight pulled her father into a hug again, squeezing him.

“Thanks dad, but I still think I can change your mind before we get on the train back to Ponyville.” That was when Twilight's mom showed up.

“Mom,” Twilight said as she squeezed Twilight Velvet tightly. “How are things? You finish your new book?” Pure Kodiak moment.

“Trying. Just need to polish off the last couple chapters,” Velvet answered with a tired sigh. “And I need to do it soon. The publishers are starting to get impatient.”

“Ouch, that sucks at this time of year.” Said Selene as she shooked Velvet's hoof.

“It does but can't be helped.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get it. You always do,” Twilight reassured her, “and I can’t wait to read it.”

“You’ll get the first one off the press, like always,” Velvet assured before looking around the home’s small entryway. “I thought you were bringing—”

“They’re in the kitchen,” Night Light said.

Velvet nodded, turned, and crept to the kitchen door. She poked her head in for just a moment, just long enough to get a glimpse. She then retreated back to where her daughter and husband were standing. “I don’t know why, but I thought an alicorn filly would be bigger. And where’s her disguise? I thought we agreed that, when we go out, she’d have her disguise.”

“Well I did make one and it's in my bags but Selene pulled one out.” Twilight eyed Selene. “When did you make that?”

“Since I knew I was coming. I traveled around solving problems before coming to Ponyville so I saw Nyx's natural features would be an issue so While you were making sure everything was good in town I bought and enchanted that headband. She handed the head band to Twilight. “Here, I got this solely for Nyx to use. I can understand her not wanting to hide here in the house.” 'I'm freaking envious of the little thing. She can do that I can't for the next few days.' “We can use Twilight's as a backup in case of accidents.”

“Why do you think there would be accidents?” Twilight asked fearfully and Selene gave her a look.

"Twi, She's a CMC, IT goes with the territory. Not to say she isn't a good filly but that group can rival Pinkie on occasion."Twilight sighed at that and Velvet laughed a little.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you, honey. I just wanted to be sure."She then moved over beside Twilight, smiling and nudging her daughter's shoulder. "Now, come on, let's get you two a cookie and make sure Spike and Nyx don't ruin their dinner.・

"Now there's a never ending war."Selene clopped her hooves together like a filly. "But I do so enjoy trying." With that Selene heading for the kitchen.

Author's Note:

I originally wanted to put Nightmare, Nightmare after Winter Bells, but that wouldn't just work so here it starts. Selene's POV of Winter Bells.