• Published 18th Feb 2015
  • 13,504 Views, 716 Comments

Nightmare, Nightmare - Admiral Q Ponyform

Twilight's experiament gets out of control and Selene finds herself in another Equestria that has the LAST thing she ever expected to see.

  • ...

Games and Destinies

Selene sat next to Nyx with an amused smile as Twilight got the girls to go through their routine yet again. She leaned down towards the little alicorn and said. “Your mom is a bit obsessive isn't she?” Nyx just nodded amused herself. Winter had ended last month and Selene was still no closer to getting home. Her best hope now was that her Twilight figures something out. Good thing she was now an ageless being so hanging around with these versions of her friends.

Twilight's latest practice was brought to an end by the training braking and the gang was thrown throughout the car of the train. Selene just shook her head and helped them up and they headed out to meet Cadence at a spa. Rarity of course commented on the shininess of the Empire.

“They need this Rarity. After all the crap they have gone through, having the games will be a big morale boost so they are going to go all out to get it.” Selene mentioned.

“And we're gonna give it to them!” Rainbow declared and Rarity just nodded and soon they stepped through the door of the spa. Cadence was longing on a sofa till she saw Twilight. She raced over and soon both her singing.

“Sunshine, sunshine ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” No matter how many times Selene sees that dance it never stops being cute. Breaking off their hug Cadence went over to Nyx and rubbed her mane.

“So how's my favorite niece?” Nyx looked at her deadpanning.

“I'm your only niece.” She stated and Cadence lifted up a hoof.

“Doesn't mean you are not my favorite but you haven't answered my question.”

“I'm doing good Aunty Cadence.” The two then shared a hug before Cadence looked towards Selene, smiled and walked over to greet her. Selene noticed the slight baby bump on Cadence as Cadence embraced her in a hug.

“Nice to see you again Selene. How are you doing?” Cadence asked.

“Doing okay, but how are you doing with the pregnancy?” Cadence rolled her eyes.

“Thankfully the morning sickness didn't last long but now I have a craving to have Bananas with EVERYTHING.” Cadence's look caused Selene to laugh before responding.

“I've been to many places, Cadence and trust me. Every pregnant female I have encountered has had weird cravings so you are doing fine.” Breaking off the hug Selene looked down at Nyx. “So you ready to explore the Empire?”

“Yup!” The little alicorn filly said cheerfully, honestly I think Nyx was more excited by the fact she could run around as herself and not disguised.


“Alright then let's go and let your mom and her friends do their job.”

“Good luck mom!” Nyx said and waved to which Twilight waved back.

“Have fun Nyx!” Twilight said before the door closed behind them.

“So where do you want to go first Nyx?” Selene asked.

“CANDY STORE!” Nyx's answer caused Selene to smile.

'Still such a child, treasure that Nyx.' Selene thought mentally but aloud she said. “Alright, first stop is a candy store.”

* * * * *

In the end it turned from a candy shop to an ice cream one but Nyx was happily licking her ice cream cone while Selene enjoyed her own. The two then checked out the local zoo and saw the animals unique to the Empire as well as some good ones through Equestria itself. It was amusing to see Nyx interact with a sheep with such wonder. However what interested Selene more was the look on Nyx's face. She had seen that look on Twilight, both versions several times. It was Twilight's near orgasm fascination look and is just short of the yes dance.

'It's truly amazing, she and I were created for the same reason and have to deal with the past sins of Luna. Yet personality wise we couldn't be more different. She has the ideals and curiosity of Twilight, actually she may be more curious then Twilight and is a bit meek with a hint of a temper. Whereas I am cool, calm, collected with my mischievous side. Yet we both try to redefine what it is to be Nightmare Moon, we have rejected that name, that identity for something we created. We both live in worlds where we are seen as villains and while I might have decades of undoing that Nyx has not. The events during the last Hearth's Warming proved that she still has to deal with what happened. As long as she was here I swear she will defend Nyx from that.'

* * * * *

After some time at the arcade where Selene won a plushie of Cadence and gave it to Nyx who loved it. Selene was a bit worried about it since Nyx eyed a plushie of an earth pony with pink fur that was so poofed out she looked like a fluff ball.

They checked out the Crystal heart and both felt so at peace next to it that it felt nice. She eventually nudged Nyx and they moved on to see more of the city. However before leaving the cover of the palace she spots an orange earth pony mare getting drenched in water. Selene raced over to assist the mare and summon a magic powered blow dryer. “You okay miss.”

“Yes thank you for your kindness.”

“It always sucks when something like that happens, so it's always nice to have somepony to lend a hoof.” The now dry mare brushed her outfit.

“So are you a local?”

“Oh no I'm just visiting and looking after the daughter of a friend.”

“Oh!” The mare looked at Nyx and the curious face she had left for a frown. “Oh.” She stated in a darker tone and Nyx wilted causing Selene to bring Nyx closer to her side.

“Whatever you think, stop. She has suffered enough from ponies who tried to force their expectations on her.” The mare snorted and looked away.

“Well I have a job to do so I do that for you for help but I must be going.” The mare picked up a flowered suitcase and moved on. Selene just shrugged and gestured to Nyx to move on themselves. Nyx was down for a bit but some ice cream cheered her up. They were heading for the stadium when they heard Rainbow screaming. Looking up they both saw Rainbow flying through the air in an uncontrolled flight. Then she noticed where Rainbow was heading for.

“RAINBOW! WATCH OUT FOR THAT...(Rainbow splats on the glass dome of the spa).....OOOOOHHHH!” Selene cringes at first then she starts laughing as Rainbow slid down the glass dome. “Come on Nyx, let's go see how Rainbow is.” She finally manages to say and she picks up Nyx and gallops to the spa to check on their friends.

As she approached the scene she saw Dash standing up with Shining and another mare Selene didn't recognize. Then she heard Dash.

“WE GOT THE WRONG PONY!?” Selene winced a bit at that. Dash was just short of RCVing.

“What on the moon is going on here?” She asked with Nyx perched on her head.

“After you left we got a letter saying that the inspector was coming earlier than planned so we went to go pick her up and show her around and we ended up getting the wrong pony.” Dash explained.

“Did they describe the inspector?” Selene asked.

“That is was a mare with a flower pattern suitcase.” Selene facehoof at that.

“Of course in the land of colorful ponies no pony even thinks of using a pony's coat color or even cutie mark, no they go after the one thing there can be multiple copies of.” She sighs and then continues. “Come on let's go find this mare.”

* * * * *

A half an hour later and no sign of a mare with a flower suitcase.

“Why is this so hard? We should have found her by now!” Dash complained.

“Well she has to be around here somewhere.” Selene commented.

“Didn't that mare we helped have a flower suitcase?” Nyx asked and Selene looked up. Nyx hadn't moved from her spot on Selene's head.

“You're right she did and she was dirty from the puddle splash........” A light bulb appeared above her head and doom was seen on her face. “Oh Apple buckets I bet she's at the spa.” The group left quickly to the spa hoping to avoid disaster.

* * * * *

Selene awoke with the remnants of that memory. It made her smile. They did find the Inspector at the spa and it seemed she was talking with the mare the girls accidentally did the whole spiel for and what was seemingly a disaster turned into a great thing. The Crystal Empire will host the games, just as it did in her universe. And man did the pulse from the Crystal Heart feel good and it crystallized her form, but thankfully didn't take her disguise off. She stretched grateful to again be in her true form. Looking outside the bedroom window she saw a beautiful day forming. I was shimmering this morning in Ponyville. She headed to the kitchen and made her breakfast and was enjoying it when she saw storm clouds out the window and she felt down about that. She wanted to go out today. She cleaned up breakfast and was walking to the library when she noticed something odd. In the window she just passed it was raining but the one in front of her had a beautiful sunny day in it. She looked out the window and towards Ponyville she saw a checker pattern in the sky of blue sky and clouds.

“Oh it's that day. Twilight is going to need me.” She quickly turned into her alternate unicorn self and teleported into town. She quickly found Golden Oaks and went in. “Twilight!?”

“She's up here Selene!” She heard Spike say and she ran up the stairs to see Twilight looking down with both nyx and Spike near her.

“Twilight what happened?” Twilight told her of the book she got last night featuring Starswirl the Bearded unfinished spell and she read it aloud and it altered her friends, mixing up their cutie marks and what they thought their roles were.

“And now I have messed up my friends' lives!” She wailed and cried.

“This is why you take precautions before trying out a spell Twilight. More on that later. Now we focus on fixing our friends.'

“But how!? Even the Elements have been affected!”

“Then this spell is tied to your bonds with them. I bet that's the key.” Selene summoned the picture from the living room and put it in front of Twilight. “What do they mean to you?” Twilight looked at the picture. It was taken the day of the Summer Sun Celebration and not long after she was allowed to stay with them.

“They are the first real friends I made outside of family. Till Nyx my most treasured relationships. Maybe I'm a bit wrong as they have become like family to me.”

“So what do you think they feel about you or each other?”

“My friends....” Twilight said then she glowed and her eyes literally sparkled. “I GOT IT!” Twilight started to race down the stairs and grabbing the Elements before looking back at Selene. “Thanks Selene but if...” Selene waved a hoof.

“I'll watch over Nyx while you fix this.”

“Thanks again Selene.” Selene waved it off again as Twilight zoomed off to fulfill her destiny.

“You think she will do it Selene?” Nyx asked nervously. Selene smiled at her.

“Have faith in your mother Nyx. She has succeeded in every challenge to date. She will succeed here.”

* * * * *

Selene and Nyx were reading when they heard a musical number going on.

“See, what did I tell you. She solved it and is finishing up with a music number.” Twilight and the other Elements bearers burst through the door. Twilight grabbed the book, opened it and began writing while she said a lot loud.

“From all of us together, together we're friends

With the marks of our destinies made one there is magic without end.” Twilight dramatically finished the spell and in seconds all the Elements activated and blasted Twilight. Selene saw Twilight have a resigned look before the brightness became too much.

Then it was clear they all saw that Twilight was gone and in her place was a scorch march that looked like Twilight's cutie mark.

“mom?” Selene heard Nyx weakly asked with tears in her eyes. “MOM!?” Nyx raced to the scorch mark and started crying. Selene walked up to Nyx and pulled her close.

“It will be okay Nyx.” Selene said.


“Because the Elements have never killed anypony. They stoned Discord and restored Luna to her true self. The closest thing to kill was what happened to the First Nightmare Moon. Now do you think the Elements would harm their own bearer without cause?” Nyx shook her head as did the girls. “Now all of this started when Celestia sent Twilight a book. Who wants to bet this is all part of a plan she has for Twilight. So keep your eye out something has yet to happen.”

It was a few hours later and the sun was setting when a white flash happened and the girls headed out of the Library and looked up. Up in the sky was Twilight's cutie mark and it was descending in front of them. With another flash Applejack asked.

“Twilight, is that you?” Twilight stood in front of them, looking a little taller. Then she flashed her wings at them. “I-I never seen anything like it.”

“Hah, Twilight's got wings, AWESOME! A NEW FLYING BUDDY!” Rainbow interjected.

“MOM!” Nyx raced over and tackled Twilight and the two hug. “I thought I lost you again mom.”

“I'm still here Nyx.” Twilight responded with a deeper hug.

“Why you have become an alicorn darling, I didn't think that was possible.” Said Rarity.

“ALICORN PARTY!” Pinkie comes swinging in and Selene looks up and mentally asks.

'What's the rope attached to?' Fluttershy then approached Twilight and said.

“Wow, you look just like a princess.”

“That's because she is a Princess.” Celestia said as she landed with the biggest smile. Selene knew why. With Twilight becoming an alicorn she has yet another pony she can spend eternity with. The thousand years alone really affected her and she didn't want a repeat. She sought out ponies that had the potential to become one. She had seen two in Selene's Equestria. Sunset, and Twilight. Cadence was a happy unplanned event.

The rest of the girls went “Huh?” And pinkie paused to do a proper spit take.

“A-a Princess?” Twilight looked worried and Celestia put a hoof on her and explained.

“Since you came to Ponyville you have displayed the charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and of course the leadership of a true princess.”

“Does that mean I'm not your student anymore?” Twilight asked.

“For the most part yes Twilight. As far as friendship goes I have nothing left to teach you. But I will be helping you out on being a Princess but you are now my equal. Princess Twilight Sparkle.” She bowed and everypony followed. After that was a massive alicorn party thanks to Pinkie that lasted most of the night.

* * * * *

Selene made minor adjustments on her dress, a Rarity Original of course, as they got ready for the coronation of Twilight to the Princesshood. But the mare of the hour was not seen as the time approached. Leaning over to Rarity Selene asked.

“Where's Twilight?”

“I don't know. She was in the dressing room last I saw after her dress was done.”

“Okay thanks.” With that Selene headed for the dressing rooms and found Twilight's. She opened it and saw Twilight all dressed up with the altered Element of Magic on her head. Twilight was looking out the window.

“Twilight what's up? It's almost time.” Twilight turned to look at Selene.

“Hey Selene, I just don't know. I'm now a princess or will be one soon. Why me Selene, why me of all ponies?” Selene closed the door and walked over to Twilight.

“Because of who you are Twilight. Whenever an event happens you are among the first to respond. You care about other ponies before yourself and most importantly of all. You didn't seek this power but was given to you. I think Celestia had this planned all along. She saw the potential in you so nudged you that way and saw if you could pull it off. You have proven her right more than wrong. Remember the monster attack during the whole Nightmare Nyx thing. Without a thought you took charge and led the evacuation and defense of Ponyville. Even Nightmare Nyx listened to you. You have always had these qualities Twilight. To paraphrase something I heard once. Great Leaders don't seek leadership, they have it thrust upon them. Now come on, this is your day. This is the second or third best day in your life.”

“Second or third?”

“I see getting married and having a kid beating this day.” Twilight just shook her head with a smile.

“Thanks Selene.”

“Hey a true, true friend helps a friend in need.” That got a chuckle out of the newly minted alicorn as they left the room with Twilight's spirits up.

* * * *

Selene took her place at the end of the line of Twilight friends and next to Nyx. After some talking it was decided that Nyx would appear as herself and with no disguise. There were some shocked and outrage looks but Selene just glared at them. Celestia started her speech. It sounded much like what she or more honestly Luna remembered from her world. That inherited memory throws her for a loop at times. However there was a difference when Celestia said this.

“She even redeemed the dark side of my own sister and can now live her own life. So I proudly present for the very first time. PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” The doors open and the singing of Twilight's new title and name and man did Twilight look regal. Selene knew she was working to keep that look. It took her Twilight a decade to do that naturally. After her presentation to the crowd inside she was led to a balcony and was present to the city. From the balcony she started her own speech. “Three years ago Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship. Which is something I didn't really care much about, but now on a day like today,” She gestures for Selene and the girls to come out to the balcony “I can honestly say I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship and for that I will always be grateful.” Selene gave Twilight the warmest smile. “Today I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria. Thank you friends, thank you every pony.” She went back in and teased her brother over his 'liquid pride.' Twilight and her fellow Bearers left the castle and with a commissioned chariot she waved to the crowd. Selene got a camera ready knowing what was to happen. Twilight took to the air, did a loop and crashed into a tree. Selene took a picture and smiled. She then set the timer for it as Rainbow Dash tried to get her unstuck but made it look like she was humping Twilight. Selene fell to her back laughing as the camera went off again.

Coming down from her bout of laughter Selene thought to herself.

“I may be stuck here for now but today was most certainly fine.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. Lost the flash drive that had this and other in progress works and MINECRAFT.

You can blame Hartsfire and Kitsy-Chan for the Minecraft thing.

Major arc is coming soon.