• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 4,829 Views, 159 Comments

Fire Upon Strings - New Dawn

Jake is your average brony gamer... 'cept he's mute. One day at Comicon he finds a cosplay Evoker. What does he do? Buys it and gets sent to a candy colored land by someone called 'The Merchant'! Follow his adventure as he... What does he do exactly?

  • ...

Fourteen: This chick's a Demon! Literally!

Author's Note:

I regret nothing. I loved doing this crossover so much. I'm sad that this will be the last crossover of the arc... But then there will be new chances in the second!

*This can get a bit... mature (No clop/sex/anything else, however. Just a bit of.. You'll see.)

*Lot's of POV changing.

*Alloooot of fire as well. You have been warned!

*A bit of gore warning. This is the chapter that gave this story the gore tag. Like I said, You've been warned.

Crossover with The Fire In My Heart by Nightblade64. Enjoy

I'm also sorry if this has been all messed up. The gdoc screwed up when I put it in. Also yes, I'm lazy so I did barely any editing. I'm sorry. I'll do that tonight (Not).

Whoever reads this... just know I had a really interesting day. It started with Celestia giving me a wake up call...

_Orpheus’ POV_

My eyes fluttered open as I saw the light of Celestia’s sun filter through the branches.

“I will get you for this Sunbutt..” I mutter, standing up.

I pull out the locket again and look at it.

“Ok… Let’s do this…” I mutter.

I close my hand around the photo part.

“Silver, I call to you across the void! Come on… Just please come here?” I say, awkwardly.

The locket began to glow and suddenly a huge rip just suddenly shot down in front of me.

“Talk about flashy.” I mutter.

Out steps a girl. With a .. is that a uniform? Wow. Her Equestria must be pretty cool.

_Silver’s POV_

So here I was enjoying a well deserved rest, given the fact that I got my ass kicked doing so, when all of a sudden a giant ass portal opens up and sucks me into it. What felt like hours of spinning, and throwing up, I found that I wasn't in the same place that I was before. I did a quick survey of the area before spotting a large lump of metal. That later turned into a living man....thing. And from what I have learned from things in creepy areas, mainly the everfree forest, instantly I drew my sword, activating my Powers. My tail, already out, and body ignited in a blue fire. Horns of pure blue flame burst from my head and my pupils turned from a black to a deep red. I got into a fighting stance, ready to pounce and melt this motherbucker....god damn it Twi.

“Woah woah woah! Yeesh! I’m friendly! No burning me!” He shouted obviously trying to save his skin, Uhh metal. I pointed the tip of my blade towards him.

"Prove it!" I shouted at him.

“Will this work?” He asks, holding up the locket.

'Is that my locket?' I think to myself. After a few seconds I withdraw my blade and sheathed it in its scabbard. I sigh before answering "Shit man, sorry I've been a little jumpy lately." I slowly start to walk over to him. Can you blame me? I mean I did only get possessed a week ago. After a few seconds he calmed down from his panic attack that I caused him and he started to talk to me.

_Orpheus’ POV_

I sigh as the crazy fire girl calms down.

“It’s no biggie… Fire wouldn’t have worked on me anyways. Persona stuff.” I joke.

"Uhh-huh, sure." She says in a sarcastic tone as she itches her left arm.

“So, You’re Silver?” I ask.

"The one and only....well except a hedgehog named Silver buuuut he's not here right now."

I laugh a little at her joke.

“Names Jake. But you can also call me Orpheus. The ponies call me that mostly.” I say.

"Sweet name Orp's. So let me guess your one of those displaced? If so what are you? I mean I've seen your character somewhere on a game before but I just can't put my figure on it." She asks me.

“Well, Yeah. Damn merchant went and fucked up my life at a convention. I was cosplaying as, well, Orpheus from Persona 3.” I say.

"Ahhhh, so that's were I recognise you from. And what do you mean it fucked up your life?" She asked.

“Well, to be honest I had near no life. I couldn’t get to college to there went most of my career. But he basically just gave me a magical gun and sent me off to ponyland without my say. then again that happened to most displaced I met.” I say.

"Meh, true. When I got shipped off I was hoping for a change in life. To get away from my life you know?" She looked like she wanted to say more but she caught herself before saying it. A great look of pain and sadness flashed in her eyes before vanishing.

“I don’t mind it anymore. It’s better than not speaking for the rest of your life.” I say, trying to be cautious.

"You couldn't speak? Damn dude that sucks." She says as she sits down on a middle sized rock near her. She crossed her arms and waited for me to continue.

“Yeah it did. Got alot of crap about it in Middle school especially. So, how are things on your end of the multiverse?” I ask.

"Meh ain't bad. Although I did get possessed by my 'Father' and I almost killed one of my best friends."

I wince. “Ouch. I was possessed twice by a evil unicorn shadow called Sombra. I dunno if you’re there yet in your Equestria.” I say.

"Nah, I past it. I arrived in Equestria just after Discord was reformed." She giggled again at the sound of 'evil unicorn.' "Sorry I still laugh at that sometimes."

“I see... It was season one for me. With the braggart Trixie. I nearly actually killed her... I still regret that.” I smile a little at the memory.

"Ugh, I heard about that bitch. I swear if i was there and she was treating my friends like crap, I would have drawn my sword not caring about my secret and cut her in half." She said.

“Secret? You mean the blue flames?” I ask.

"Yeah. Well they only just heard about Satan and I'm the daughter of him now so if I show my flames they would know that I was related to that bastard." She clenched her fist and a few leaves around her shrivelled up and died.

“Huh. It’s the ultimate father issue.” I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

"Heh, heh heh. Hahahah! Oh god i can't stop...heh...help!" She clutched her sides as her face twisted up in laughter. I couldn't help but chuckle with her.

“Glad to see you’re in a better mood.” I say, smiling a little.

She laughed a little bit more before wiping a tear away. "God damn I haven't laughed like that in ages." Her mouth was open allowing me to see her sharp fang like teeth that glistened with the saliva that was on them.

Eyeing her fangs, I asked her a simple question. “Now, who are you supposed to be?”

"Ever see Blue Exorcist? I dressed up as him, bought kurikara here and poof. I'm in anthro land. Woah, didn't mean to tell you my life story."

“It’s ok. I’ve never seen “Blue Exorcist” Before. I think my...Brother… has…” I say, heavy venom dripping from mentioning my brother.

"Oh, I know that look. What happened?" She asked

I sigh.

“Fine… Well, he basically just up and left the minute after Luna did something to my mind. She apparently told him about me not wanting to leave so be just vanished off somewhere.” I narrow my eyes in anger.

“He can just go screw himself.” I mutter.

I then realised what I said and turn back to Silver.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go on a rant.” I said to her.

"No it's...it's okay. I know about family problems." The same look of pain and sadness appeared but this time I decided to bite the bullet and ask.

“Are.. You ok? You’ve looked that way twice now.”

"Yeah, I'm..no I'm not. After hearing what you went through with your brother it just....brought up bad memories." She told me.

“Ah. Father issues again?”

"Yeah, my real father though. Not Satan, not Shiro. Well actually I never knew my real father. Just a foster parent."

“Dang. I thought I had a bad life.”

"Heh, yeah. My life's pretty fucked up. But if it wasn't, I probably would have never met my friends. Speaking of which, did you know that it took me a full three years before I could even trust them?" She asked me.

“Huh. I guess everything needs to start at some point.” She smiled and her tail twitched, as if something poked it.

"Meh I guess your right" She lifted up her sleeve to scratch her arm and that's when I saw it. It was an image of a black heart with blue fire behind it and a sword jutting out. It looked really cool.

“Did that come with the character?” I ask. She looked at me confused before looking at her arm where the image was. She smiled and laughed.

"Nope, it's a....well it's a cutiemark." I didn't know that we could get cutiemarks. Her Equestria must be special.

I quickly sneak a peek at the sky. The sun is nearly midway, but not yet. I release a sigh. "What's wrong?" She asks me Looking concerned

“I just was checking how long we were talking. The.. Dark hour does exist here and the time seems to be speeding up since it’s appeared.” I say.

"The what hour?" She asks as she gets of the rock and pulling down the sleeve of her uniform.

“The DARK hour. It’s an extra hour at midnight. It’s dangerous to say the least.”

"Dangerous? Bitch did you not hear me? I'm the daughter of a god damn demon, a powerful one at that. The creatures in the forest will be afraid of ME." She tells me with an ego that could put rainbow to shame.

I laugh a little. “Good attitude but the monster that lurk in the tower of demise are stronger than anything you or I have faced… one that is basically death itself called the Reaper lurks there…” I say.

"Well unless it's a giant living space craft that could destroy a city in a few seconds from SPACE, I'm not afraid." And there's that ego again.

I guess I’ll play along with a little ego work of mine….

“Try an avatar of death who can destroy the world- no universe with a single attack.” I smirk. She starts to walk towards me with a look in her face as well as the same smirk that I had.

"Oh yeah? Try a being that could shatter time and space itself by only thinking it."

WHAT?! BUh… what?!

“Eeeuuhh….” I utter out.

She was inches away from me with a massive smile. "I win." She says before pushing me playfully.

“I-i… The one guy I had to deal with who could control time and space could never do that!” She started to snicker. Then that blew into full laughter.

"Hahaha! I'm just messing with you....I haven't even met him....yet. But he is real."

“The Avatar of death thing is also… a lie… I haven’t met Nyx yet. I don’t want to either.” I say. She smiles and takes another step before tripping on a rock that just so happened to be there. She fell on me and we rolled over a few time before ending with her on top of me.

I crack a small smile. But that turns into confusion because she was blushing and her face was twisted in something I could not put my finger on."Please don't squeeze" She tells me. I turned my head and looked to where my hands where, only to blush afterwards. Let's just say they where on something that they shouldn't be.

“GAAAH!” I shout, pushing her off of me.


"Woah Jesus!" She rolled over again, landing on her back. "You were the one grabbing!"

“You’re the one who landed on me!”

I turn around and facepalm.

“Well, you’re not the worst Displaced I’ve met.”

"I'll take that as a compliment. Sweet baby Jesus, your fingers are cold." She replies as she rubs her...well...you know.

I take a deep breath and calm down.

“You better… At least you aren’t a fangirl.” I shudder at the memory. She fails to stifle a laugh.

"Ha! Thank god I haven't met any." She says as she gets up, her tail jerking as she did so.

__Silver’s POV__

As I rubbed my special place, I looked around and got a...feeling. The same feeling I had after my run in with the...timber...wolves. Ahh,shit. "Get ready, I feel like we're in trouble." I tell him as I get ready to draw my sword. He reaches behind him and grabs the Harp on his back. I don’t know how good that will be.

Sure enough the wooden bastards burst out of the shrubbery like a bat out of hell. Twenty, a pack of twenty fucking wolves came out of nowhere. I released the sword from its scabbard and let the flames cover me. I twirled the blade twice before getting into a stance. Orpheus muttered something and his entire harp caught on fire?! "Don't know how the hell you did that but I don't think that will help us." Three wolves pounced on me. I swung my sword and cleaved one of them in half and let one of them pass me to smash into the wall, shattering it. I caught the third one by its throat and smashed it on the ground, I then stuck my blade into its chest setting it on fire. I look over at Orpheus to see how he’s doing and I see three wolves simultaneously catch fire.

“It’ll help.” He smirks. Smart ass. I saw movement behind him. Seconds later another timberwolf launched at him and I let my Instincts take over. I poured my energy onto my hand and watched as a small ball of fire appear. Then I shot it at the wolf sending it towards another one setting the both of them on fire. We closed in on each other and pressed our backs against one another.

“How’d they sneak up on us?” He asked me.

"I don't know. Normally I would have sensed them a mile away." A large cluster of them was in my sight and I decided to show off a bit. I struck the ground with my blade. The ground cracked and erupted with fire as it moved towards them exploding as it reached them. "Bet your harp can't do that." I say smugly as I pulled the blade out.

He smirks before laying the harp flat in front of him.

“No, But it can cause an explosion that I’m sure will end this fight.” He says.

Pulling the strings he shouts a single word “AGIDYNE!” And behind me there’s an explosion of flames, tossing timberwolves left and right. But as cool as it was I guess he didn't put friendly fire on because that same explosion hit me and sent me flying over the cliff. "Shit, shit, shit ,shit!" I yell as I spin out of control.

“CRAP!” He yells, running after me. As I try to balance my self I hear him shouting thing I couldn't understand. But I quickly block that out as I need full concentration for what I'm about to do. As the ground nears me I close my eyes and focus my energy on my back. Soon my whole body glowed blue and large fiery wings sprouted from said back. I opened my eyes and flapped my new wings as hard as I could while turning upwards. I flew straight up and passed him, Spreading my wings fully. I looked down and saw him staring at me while the rest of the wolves inched up on him.

“They’re behind me aren’t they?” They inched closer but I didn't say a word. I didn't know this at the time but I was completely unconscious. My eyes closed again and shot open. This time they glowed a light blue. I raised my hands above me and extreme heat began to spread. Soon a large orb started to grow. Bigger and bigger it went until it grew no more and I was ready to release it upon the wolves.

“Holy-” I threw the large ball of fire at the wolves and just about missed him. As soon as it collided with the ground it shot out towards the remaining wooden bastards, and some of the trees, that lit them on fire. Whines and howls of pain echoed as they died slowly. I slowly landed on the ground and fell to my front. That's when I snapped out of it and realised how much energy I had used. I lazily drifted my sight to to him as he snaked me, trying to keep me awake.

“Come on! Don’t go unconscious now! We’re not out of the woods yet!”

I chuckled as I lifted my arm towards him and placed my hand on his shoulders. "Heh, heh...I....win." I barely mutter out as I smiled. But it was short lived as my arm splatted on the ground and I completely lost consciousness.

_Orpheus’s POV_

Ohhh shit oh shit oh shit!

I picked up the unconcious pyro and slung her on my back.

“Welp, Where’s the nearest town.” I mutter.

I look over the cliff to see if any towns were nearby. The closest looked like it was still Ponyville.

“Ah great.” I mutter.

I took a deep breath and began to walk back to where I made camp with RD.

I nudged the pegasus awake as she muttered something about the wonderbolts.

“Come on! We’re going back to ponyville!” I shout.

“Huh?! What?! Spitfire?!” She shouts.

“Uhhh… Don’t tell me what you were dreaming about..” I mutter.

“Who’s the… thing.” She asks.

“Another Displaced. She’s unconscious.” I say.

I lay her down on the leaves RD was previously lying on.

“So… Who exactly is she?” She asks.

I facepalm and begin to tell her what happened.

“And there’s that.” I finish.

Rainbow looked at me with surprise.

“I didn’t understand half of that… but that sounded so cool!” She jumped into the air and began to hover.

“Calm yer jets.” I mutter.

I hear a small groan coming from Silver and I look over.

“Sleeping beauty is awake huh?”

"Mmmm, can you read me the story about the bunny?" She asks. I guess she's not fully awake yet. I thought to myself.

“No.” I bluntly say. She gets startled by my voice and jumps awake. She took one look at me and blushed.

"I didn't just say that out loud....did I?" Rainbow was in the background trying, and failing, not to laugh.

“Eeyup.” I say, imitating my favorite apple family member.

"Ohhh, god I wish I had my gun so I could shoot my self." She says blushing like Big Mac himself. Aaaaand that's when RD shit herself with laughter.

“That’s the wrong way to… oh never mind. That joke would just fall on dead ears…” I mutter.

"No, go on Please. Just take the embarrassment away." She said as she look expectantly at me.

“Fine. I was going to say that was the wrong way to summon me. My token is a gun.” I smile a little at the twist I did on a joke I would see back on earth.

"Oh my god you don't mean the Evoker do you?" She said as she giggled a bit. I honestly didn't think she would get that joke.

“Y-yeah.” I say.

At that moment a void opened up on top of her and out fell a shiny silver gun. On her head.

“Oh.. looks like the multiverse has a sense of humor.” I giggle a little.

"Well then. I didn't expect that. You want this?" She asks me as she takes the gun off her head and offers it to me.

“Nah. I’ve already made it into my token so you keep it. You can summon me when you get in trouble or something.”

"Sweet." She says as she noticed the holster on her thigh. "Huh, forgot about you." She opened the flap and placed it inside of the holster. Just then another portal to the void opened up and a black...cat? fell out of it. "Oh, Kuro? The hell you doing here, I thought I was the only one that could do this."

“Your pet?” I ask. The cat growled at me.

"Umm, no. He is a familiar. And he hates being called a pet. Any way how did you get here Kuro?"

“Sorry.” I mutter. The cat meowed a few times before Silver spoke up.

"He said it's okay just don't do it again." The cat nodded.

“You can understand him?” I ask.

She nodded and said. "Demon to demon telepathy." The cat meowed again only it was longer, probably explaining what happened. "Ohh, god damnit Twi." She sighed and facepalmed.

“What happened? Your Twilight botch up a spell or something?” She shook her head before answering.

"No, apparently Twi saw me vanish and tried to recreate what happened. Did you know that the rift that is left behind with the opening of a void portal leaves a magical source?" She asked me.

“Huh. I wouldn’t know. My token works the same as the Evoker in the game, except using a small amount of the user’s magical power. I guess it uses that as a gateway, leaving no magical… whatever.” I say.

"Hmm, weird." Kuro meowed again. "Oh right umm, Kuro this is Orpheus. Orpheus this is Kuro." She lifted him up and he waved at me. I nearly dawwed at seeing that.

“S’up?” I smile in return. Kuro meowed at me before she set him on the ground and padded off towards Rainbow.

"He says the same." She said.

“That’s really neat, that Telepathy thing.” I say.

"Yeah but the only thing that sucks is that so far if he wants to talk to someone I have to translate." In the corner of my eye I saw Kuro pounce on RD's tail.

“Well, He’s cute atleast. Also, just saying if your Twilight is as big as a nerd as mine you may want to think about going home and stopping her. It could turn out bad.”

"Yeah, just hold on. Umm can you help me with it. I don't exactly know how to travel back." She says awkwardly.

“One of the Displaced I met here said that when they were done all I had to say was contract fulfilled or something. Then again she did jinx us.” She thought to herself before nodding.

"It could work, you mind doing the honours?" She asks me.

I nod.

“The contract is fulfilled now take her back to stop her twilight or something.” I say. For the longest time nothing happened. At all.

"Huh I guess I'd didn't wor-" A large portal opened behind her and sucked her in, closing behind her. Seconds later it reopened and she was covered in...is that silly string? "God damn it pinkie. Ugh, all done."

“So, was that yours?” I ask. She looked at me with a glare that could shatter glass.

"It was pinkie, what do you think? Ugh, longest fifteen hours EVER!"

“It’s.. only been a few seconds...” I nervously say.

"I don't want to explain so I'll say this; wibbly wobbly, timey wimey...stuff." She sighs afterwards.

“Gotta love doctor who.” I laugh at the reference.

"Strange, I thought that after I said that to Blood Cleaver. Small world ain't it?" She smiled after saying that.

“Rather, Small multiverse.” She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." She sat down on a tree stump and looked at it. "Don't come alive...please." She said to herself.

“It’s just a stump.” I say, knocking on it.

"Ever since my first encounter with a timberwolf I've been really cautious towards wood." After a few seconds she began to laugh. "Damn my dirty mind"

“Wha- Oh…” My eyes shrink to the size of pinpricks.

“Y-yeah ... Let’s move topics!” I shout.

She tuts at me. "It was just a joke jeez." She said. She turned to the side to look at some water. Her eyes widened and snapped shut. She shook her head and looked up to me. For the tiniest moment I swear I saw a shine of red instead of silver but it quickly vanished.


“So, about your Equestria… is your pinkie pie that much of a party animal as mine?”

"Y-yeah she is. You know when just I just stopped Kuro over there from destroying the town I had to go to rarity's because she wanted to make a dress for me. God I hate dresses. When I had it on they just stared at me. It brought up...bad memories." She said. She seemed...hesitant. Like she wanted to tell me something at the start.

“Ok, Seriously. You don’t have to hide anything from me.” I say.

"What? I just..thought I saw something. In the water. But it was gone a few seconds later. Probably just my mind playing tricks on me. Nothing to worry about." She ended with a smile.

“You’re hesitant. My girlfriend back on earth was a detective. I know when someone’s hiding something.” I simply say.

She looked to the side again before looking at me. She cringed and clutched her head as she made a grunt of...pain?

“Are… you… Ok?” I carefully drawl, taking a few steps forward.

_Silver’s POV_

...he lies...

'the fuck was that?' Was Kuro warning me of something? No his voice isn't that deep. I chose to ignore that and answer him. "Yeah I'm good. I guess my head still hurts from when he possessed me." I shook my head again before looking up to him.

“Good. I’d hate for someone to be hurt on my account again. I first thought you hadn’t recovered yet.” He said to me.

....he doesn't care...just like your first father...

There it is again. So am I tripping or something I mean first I see a shadowy figure in the water with fucking smoke coming out of its eyes and now I'm hearing voices. 'Hey Kuro. You hear anything?' I think to him. 'No. Should I?' He asks. So he has no clue either. 'No never mind.'

"Yeah I can understand that. You're just like me." I said to him.

“How so?”

"Well, because of me or my power I'm always afraid that I will hurt my friends. Hell I've done it before. I don't want it to happen again." I said with disappointment.

“Huh. I get it now.”


He gets up and stretches.

“So, what else can you do with that fire?”

"Well other than lighting things on fire, throwing projectiles, huge fucking wings I can turn into a phoenix, heal others with it well not by much but it helps and...I think that's all I can think of just know." I said to him With glee.

“Huh. Interesting.” I...sense something. Something dark coming from...ponyville?

"Hey I think we should head to Ponyville. Something is about to happen there." I said quickly looking around the area.

...yes...go there...

“M’kay. I could use to go see Twi to get some supplies.” He says. I looked over to Kuro.

"Mind giving us a ride Kuro?" He stood up and stretched. 'Yeah, just give me a sec.' He yawned before a puff of smoke surrounded him. A few seconds later we all stood before a giant cat. The looks on their faces were priceless.

“Holy mother of Izanagi…” I had to hold back my laughter. No really I did. They were soooooo funny! Ha! I shook my head before jumping onto Kuro's back. I then patted behind me on his back,signalling them to get on.

“O-ok…” With a little difficulty, Orpheus climbed on. I then remembered that skittles over here could fly so I gently thumped Kuro's sides and we sped off towards ponyville.

"Hey! Hug me any lower and you'll be grabbing my ass. Just hold my sides." I could feel the heat coming from his cheeks. God he can be adorable sometimes.

...yes...soon I will have a body again...

God damn it. I must be tripping.

“Why does your demon cat change size?!”

Kuro's paws slapped against the ground with branches snapping. "He's a cat sidhe. Basically he's a demon that Shiro managed to get as a familiar." Kuro jumped over a large ravine and both of us looked down.

“Oh god… That’s deep.”

"That's what she said!" We were close to the edge of the forest. Kuro decided to jump over the remaining trees and landed looking at the town. We both got off and Kuro returned to a normal cat size. He then jumped onto my left shoulder.

“Welp, What did you need?”

"I don't need anything. I just feel like-" I was Interrupted by a deep male voice.

"Ahhh, so they have arrived." Just about everyone, i mean pony, stopped what they were doing. Like they had heard him before. I looked over to Orpheus. Only to see anger in his eyes.


"What? What's going on?" I asked him.

He remained silent.

"Well...aren't you going to tell her my friend?" A shadowy figure appeared on a rooftop overlooking the town.

“... Silver…” Okay I'm really starting to get scared here.

"W-what?" I ask as the figure looks at me.

“This… Is Sombra…” He growls. This 'Sombra' began to laugh.

"Bingo. Now I know that you think that I was dead. But let's be honest you can't stop the shadows." He said as he laughed.

“I’ll try.” Sombra laughed again.

"Do you want to know why I was able to possess you? It was because you had a darkness inside you. Something that you did, something that you tried to cover up." He laughed again.

Orpheus flinched and took a step back. “But…”

"But I know someone that did something worse. Isn't that right....Silver?" My eyes widened. 'He couldn't be meaning..no please no.' I thought to myself.

“Ignore him.” Orpheus said. Suddenly Sombra vanished and sped towards me like a bullet. I felt something pass over me but it stopped.

...now to break you...


My vision turned dark as I stood in darkness. "Where am I?" I ask looking around frantically.

..you are in your mind...father killer...

No...no please I don't want to remember that. "H-how did..." Sombra laughed.

...I'm in your mind remember?...

I looked around and saw a...window? Orpheus was there shaking the window as ponies gathered around. A flash of light and I was...a little girl again. Five years old.

"There you are you little shit." My eyes widened. It was him my father. I heard Orpheus's voice echo around the room.

“Silver! Fight him!” he said.

My father lifted his hand and smacked me sending me to the ground. I writhed on the ground and felt something on the ground. It was a knife. He came closer and grabbed me by the throat. I coughed and heaved and the pressure Increased around my throat. I lived the knife and stabbed him in the chest. He fell to the ground with me on top and I kept doing it. Over and over again I stabbed him until he didn't move. I crawled of of his corpse and sat in a corner, covers in blood and shivering.

...I can make it go away....this memory...the reason for your nightmares.

I cried in the corner. "Yes" I sniffed.


"Yes just...just make it go away"

...your wish is my command... He said and my vision went dark.

_Orpheus’ POV_

“SILVER! Please... I know what Sombra is doing…” I whispered to her.

I put her limp body down as I sit there, waiting for Twilight to come back.

Her body began to move a little. I crouched closer to her. Then suddenly she punched me and sent me crashing into a cart.

“Fuck.” I mutter, jumping out of the cart. I turn to look at her but she was now on her knees. Silently giggling.

"Hehehe" she lifted her arm up and placed her hand on her shoulder. Then she dug her nails into her shoulder and dragged it, causing her flesh to tear. "Heheehahahaaha! Finally."

“Sombra…” I spit. He raised up into the air with her sword in hand, Ready to draw it.

"Miss me?" He asked, his and Silvers voice acting as one.

“Hell no.” I say, pulling my harp off. He took the sword out, But instead of bright blue flames they were a dark blackish red. He smiled as he got into a stance.

“Gokuentou.” I mutter, setting my harp on fire as I got into my fighting stance.

"Hahahaa! She is so much stronger then you can ever hope to be." He shot at me, blade in hand. I raised the harp to protect myself but he...he cut it in half. He sent a wave of fire at me launching me across the area.

“You… broke it…” I mutter.

"Did I? Hahaha!" He grabbed me by the throat and lifted me in the air. But I remembered something. She had a cutiemark. Maybe I can get her to remember her self again.

“Silver... “ I cough.

I gather the energy to say something else.

“I don’t need my harp to fight… just as you don’t need anything else to fight…” I choke as I run out of air.

He slammed me into the wall. "Do you think that would really work?"

“I don’t know Silver that well, but she’s had some bad times… So have I. But I’m saying this: I use those memories as my power! AGIDYNE!” I feel an energy gather in me as an explosion of fire hit Silbra and knock him away.

"Hahah! Nice move." He laughs as I try to gather in air. Twilight and her friends appeared a few meters away and watched in horror as I fought him.

“Gaah! SILVER!” I shout out in pain. His eyes widen before he shook his head and laughed.

"You keep trying to reach her. But she is no longer there. Kinda like your girlfriend isn't it?" He laughed as he knew that would get a reaction out of me.

“Don’t. Talk. About. Selene… Like.. That..” I growl.

My vision wavers with anger. With a burst of light, a new golden harp shows up in my hands.

"Hmm?" He looked at me confused as my anger grew. "Or what? Hahaha!"

I remain silent, waiting. He stood there board. "Well if I have to end this, I will." He charged at me as a smile grew on my face.

“I don’t wish to harm Silver…” I mutter.

My new harp glew with new flames.

“But… I will harm you Sombra.” I spit out.

He slowed down as I mentioned her but continued charging at me. "You think you can harm me?! Haha! You are weak."

“Think. Again..” I laugh.

I flicker my eyes to Twilight.

“TWILIGHT! ATTACK! FLAME LINK!” I shout, charging forward.

Twilight panics a bit but manages to shoot a lavender beam at him. I charged alongside it as I deflected the blade.

"WHAT?!" He shouts as I get closer to him.

“I won’t have another be harmed by my own foolishness!” I shout. As I was about to hit him something unexpected happened.

"Orpheus?" It was her! Her eyes were no longer red. And smoke stopped coming out of her eyes.

I stop just a Millimeter away. Suddenly she grinned and it reversed. Sombra tricked me. He grabbed me by the face and used me to deflect the lavender beam. Then he flung me towards Twilight. "You really are weak"

“Ngh… I may be weak... “ I stand up with difficulty. "But Silver...isn't."

His face softened but quickly returned to anger. "Really? You're still on about that?"

“Oh… She’s stronger than you realize…” I say.

He began to...shake as he snarled at me. "Shut..up!" His upper lip twitched as his face hardened into a look of fury.

“Temper, Temper.” I try to joke.

"Heh, heh..I-I said shut it!" That was a laugh. Not his. Hers.

“Gotcha.” I smirk. "Tell me Sombra what does her mark tell you?"

"Her mark?" he glanced to his arm and pulled up the sleeve, Revealing her cutie mark.

“It signifies Hope, Yet with a touch of anger.” I say. His eyes glow red before switch between red and silver.

"And a reason to fight for the sword." He said. "S-so? That doesn't mean anything"

“I guess not. But nothing is meaningless in this world, or hers.” I says.

"And what do you mean by that?" He said little bits of anger slipping into his voice.

“It means that this may be just all nonsense. Just a distraction. Or I could be doing something else.” I say, trying to confuse him. To be honest, I’m confusing myself.

"Wah? What are you?" He said. Its working.

“Just think about it Sombry?” I tease. He went silent as his eyes danced side to side. He looked behind him but his face did not leave me.

"I don't..." He muttered as his eyes narrowed.

“Don’t what?” I say, my voice completely void of any trace of teasing.

"I don't understand."

“Don’t understand what?”

"Y-your trying to confuse me!" Well it was fun while it lasted. "I-I'll kill you for that!" No he won't. Come on Silver! You can do it.
“Welp, Guess I gotta try something else…” I mutter.

"No...I..I won't let you." Silver? Sombra's eyes widened.

“WOO HOO!” A random pony shouts, Most likely Pinkie.

“Just a little more…” I mutter.

"Hm. I was wrong about you Silver. But nonetheless I am stronger." He said before grinning.

I grin back.

“Actually I’m quite glad you came back.” I speak.

"Oh? And pray tell why that is?"

“Just a few questions.” I smirk.

"I suppose you can humor me."

“One. Who… Is M?” I ask, watching several white cards shoot from the ground. I knew you would stick around…

“You’ll be send out no matter what so make it count.” I say, watching him sweat.

"I..I uhh." Man really I got him this time.

“Answer… NOW!” I shout.

He mutters something that I can’t hear.

“Speak up.” A I reconised snarls.

“M is my master.” He spits.

The cards glow brighter until they flash.

“Times up. Should have gotten through them quicker.” I snarl.

"T-the only time that is up, is your time." He lifts up his blade.

A mighty thump hits the ground as a black shadow hangs over me.

“Thanks for that fake-out dude.” I mutter to him.

"What? There are two? Aw well. I guess there will be two deaths today." Suddenly the blade turned black in colour as it curved at the end. The blade shimmered like crystal.

“Well, Sombra, I guess you don’t recognize the one who defeated you last.” I say, trying to fake him out.

“DUDE! Don’t bring that up!” He shouts.

A moment passed before it hit him like a bag of bricks. "YOU! YOU WILL DIE!" His eyes split and turned jagged as his pupils turned into thin slits.

“FUCK!” We both shout, jumping out of the way. He ran passed us and he ran up the wall. He sprung from said wall and spun around to hit one of us. His nails grew into claws as his tail turned scythe like. His mouth was open and we saw his teeth grow sharp and long.

“Seriously, This is some horror movie stuff right here…” I mutter. His claws just missed my face as we backed away from him.

"Come back here! SO I CAN RIP YOUR INTESTINES OUT!" He shouted out us.

“Fuck that!” I shout, jumping up on top of a building. He jumped onto the same building and ran after me. I quickly turned to run but he some how made it there before me. "Fuck your fast!"

I tried to jump out of the way as he swung for me but he caught me by the foot. Then he...he began to melt my foot! "Where do you think your going?"

“GOD OW! JESUS, SERIOUSLY!” I shout. I started to kick at him with my other foot, missing badly. Suddenly I was dropped to the ground. I looked at him and he was...backing away? He was shaking. He shook his head before turning back to me.

"I-I. I will kill you!" He ran towards me before being slammed in the face with a giant sword.

“Huh?” I turned to see my brother next to me grabbing my shoulder.

I smile up to him.

“Seriously, Who is this chick?”

“I am NOT having this talk again!” I shout. A loud roar came from the direction of his sword. We both turned and saw Sombra run towards us.

"That hurt!" He jumped a mile into the sky and dove towards us.

“Welp, We’re dead.” I sigh.

I close my eyes and relax. But the attack never came I opened my eyes to see his claws inches away from my eyes. "No..I am stronger." He screamed as he backed away and fell to his knees he shout out and shadows came from his mouth and eyes. We just sat there watching as he slowly began to revert to normal and back to silver. She luched over as the lat of e shadows.

"Silver?" I mutter out.

She got to her feet and jumped in the air with her sword. She threw it like a javelin directly to what remained of Sombra and pined him to a wall. Then she took out a rather small knife and..and she cut her wrist! Blood dripped onto the ground and moments later it turned into a dark abyss. Metal began to form around the abyss and two large eyes grew. She grabbed Sombra by the throat and pulled out the sword. She en threw him into the thing that formed.

"Have fun being Satans bitch." She said as the last of Sombra was dragged in. She then angled her sword and stabbed a heart that was on the gate like portal and it slowly burned away. She backed away from the fire until her back was pressed against a wall. She slid down the wall and sat down as she hugged her knees, blood dripping down her legs.

I slowly stood up and tried to limp over with what I had left of my legs.

“That. Was. Freaking badass.” I mutter to her. She didn't say anything though. Her eyes took a distant look, as if she wasn't there anymore. I sat down next to her.

“I’m guessing he tried to break you by using your past.” I say. She only whimpered and looked away from me, burying her face in her clothes.

“He did the same to me when he tried to possess me... “ I say, remembering what happened the first time.

"Yeah? Well did you kill your father? Did you...did you enjoy doing it?" Okay that was disturbing.

I looked away and sighed.

“Well.. Actually.. I burned my parent’s house down to the ground… On purpose..” I start to shudder at the memory.

"I bet you didn't laugh when you were doing it." She said as a tear fell and mixed with her blood.

“I didn’t… But… No one even knows what happened that day… Only I do…” I feel a tear slip down my cheek. She lifted her head to look at me. She then sighed and placed her head on my shoulder.

“I also thought you might want to meet my brother. He’s somewhere around town, hating me.” I say.

"How do you do it?" She asked me.

I look over at her.

“Hm?” I ask. She lifted her head to look at me.

"How do you recover from what you've done? I took me three years with a shrink and a lot of lies for me but I still have dreams about it." She looked into my eyes as I looked into hers.

“I… Haven’t. I use it to fuel my passion. I never make myself forget anything so I can remind myself to be better than I was.” I say. Wow, our faces are really close.

"It's different for me. All I want to do is forget about it." She noticed how close we where as by her blush indicated anything. "Wow, uhh one might think we were going to kiss or something." She looked away, embarrassed.

I hear a cackle come from behind me. I quickly look over and glare at my brother.

“Oh shut up! It’s no different than what happened to you!” I yell at him.

He’s too busy laughing to reply. Meanwhile she's still looking away with a huge blush spreading from her cheeks to her neck. Oh what the hell, I might as well. I move her head over and without thinking I push my lips against hers. She pulled back out of surprise but leaned into it shortly after, I little moan escaping. After a little while I pull out. I look over at my brother and wink at him.

“OH FUCK OFF!” He shouts, storming off.

I turn back to silver.

“You do know that was just that once.” I say to her. "Uhh, Silver?" She was just staring out into space. Mumbling something about 'so that what it's like'...oh god It wasn't her first kiss was it?

“What did I get myself into..” I sigh. She shook her head, violently.

"Well...that's one way to forget it." She said. Blushing even harder and refusing to look at me. She clutched her head as a look of pain returned to her face. "Fourteen."

“What?” I ask.

"That's where the Reaper is correct?" She asked. How did she know that?

“He usually roams around the whole tower but yeah, Last I saw him was the fourteenth floor.” she looked at me with concern.

"She's there." She said. "Dinky is on that floor. With the reaper."

“How… Did you know that?!” I shout.

"When Sombra was in my mind, he looked in it. But I looked into his as well and saw her there." She said. "Come on we have to get her!" She got to her feet but stumbled a little, blood dripping down her hand.

“You need to rest… If what you said is true… I’m expecting he’s trying to lure us there… We’ve got a bit of time.” I say.

"I'm fine." She said. Refusing to rest. "Summoning the Gehenna gate took a bit out of me, but I will be fine."

I sigh.

"I said I'm fine!" She said, annoyance building in her voice. "Sorry, I can continue."

I nod. There’s no convincing this girl.

"Gee thanks, unless my sword gets broken I think we'll be fine."

“Alright. Well, Let’s get to canterlot before the moon rises.” I say.

She nodded and Kuro jumped on to Silver's shoulder. "I know, I know. I scared you Kuro and I'm sorry." She said as she scratched his head. "So how are we going to do this? I suggest that we take the train because Kuro is...pooped for a lack of better words." As if on cue, Kuro began to snore lightly.

“Yeah, It’s the better way. But first,” I say, looking down at the molten iron on the floor. "I need my foot back..."

"Hm? Oh hahaha!" She began to laugh at me until she sighed. "Hold on, I think I can melt it back on." She said with a snicker.

“Oh haha… Laugh at the guy who is suffering.” I joke. She picked up the metal with me wondering how she can hold it with that kind of heat. She stuck the metal onto the remains of my leg and began to re-create my foot.

“Thanks.” I say, feeling coming back into my foot. I wiggled my new appendage before getting up.

“Welp, Let’s go.”

"Do we need anyone else?" She asked me.

I think for a moment.

“I honestly think if we brought Adrian, me and him would fight until we got to the fourteenth floor.” I joke.

"Haha! I was more or less thinking about the elements of harmony over there." She pointed the the group that was looking over the damage to the town.

“Hahaha! No.” I say.

"Okay so where do we go-" she was cut of by a familiar sound of a Lyra.

"HAAAAANDS!" The crazed pony said.

“AAAnndd… Here comes Lyra with her crazy hand thing… I think it’s gone too far to even call it anything anymore..” I sigh.

"Wait what do you mean?" She said confused.


I facepalm.

“Welp, She discovered that he’s back. Meh, Someone will pry her off of Adrian.” I sigh. Then she spotted Silver.

"Oh hell naw! I'll race yea!" She sped of to the direction of the train station.

“CRAP!” I yell, running after her.


"NOPE!" Silver said as she achieved full speed. It was something that could put Rainbow to shame.

“WE GOT A LYRA ON THE LOOOOSEEEE!” I shout, dodging a telekinetic blast.

“YOU’RE GOING TO LOVE MEEEE!” Silvers tail was literally in my face so I decided to risk it and I took a hold of it. Bad move. I was flung side to side as silver dolphin dived into the train carts window.

"I'll pay for it later! Just go,go,go!" She said as I smashed into her.

“Owww.. Why does this happen to me…” I said as I let go of her tail.

"You know my tail is as sensitive as pony ears. And cutiemarks but given the situation that we were in i'll let it pass." She said as the train began its journey.

“I’m not in right now… Leave a message after the beep..” I reply, dizzily.

"Hey. Who's touching my butt?" She said as I got off of her.

I give a deadpanned look at I now notice all the ponies we landed on. "Ahh, now I know." I gave her my hand and she accepted. "Sorry, we were being chased by a crazy pony with the obsession for hands." She said as I pulled her up.

The ponies got up, grumbling

“Yeah, I think these are a few of the canterlot...ians?” I say.

"To be honest. They can all eat a bag of dicks for all I care."

I roll my eyes as I sit down in an empty seat.

"What? There a bunch of arrogant pricks." She said as she sat across from me.

“I guess.” I say, feeling exhaustion take me.

"Tired?" She asked me, lifting Kuro off her shoulder. How he managed to stay asleep and hold on at the same time I will never know.

“A little. Nothing a little snack won’tl fix.” I say.

"You want a snack huh?" She looked at me while..smiling at me...oh god no! she laughed at my expression.

“Not like that!” I shout.

"I was just kidding, god." She giggled.

“Well, Really with you, It’s near impossible to tell whether or not you’re joking.”

"Ahh the joys of being a girl. You can just string men along." She waited a few seconds. "Well that and I'm just genially dirty minded."

“Great. I got another crazy.” I mutter under my breath.

"Hey, like it or lump it. Either way you're stuck with me for now." She smiled.

“Sorry, I just get a bit irritated when I’m tired.” I say.

"It's okay, just get some sleep. I'll wake you if I need to."

“M’kay. Just one question that’s been on my mind for a while.”

"And that is?" She asked.

“Am I the first Displaced you met?” I ask.

"No, your the third one that I had met." She answered

“Huh. Funny. You’re the third one I’ve met as well, unless you count that one time manipulating crazy guy I told you about.” I joke.

"hmph, that so?" She asked.

“So, real quick, who were this people?”

"Well one of them was a girl named Blood Cleaver, which was an alternate form of pinkie from a different universe and the other was called Lee which he dressed up as Venom from Spider-Man." She said.

“Interesting. The one’s I’ve met was a crazy fangirl who had a giant ass scythe called Pecila, Beware of her rope if you meet her, and the last one who summoned me was a guy named Anson.” I say.

"A rope you say? Hmm, kinky." Really Silver? Just really.

“Yeaaah… God no.” I shake my head in disbelief.

"In the words of a famous cartoon character, Giggity" she smiled after saying that and scratched Kuro behind the ears.

“Welp, That’s all I had. I’m going to nap now if you didn’t have any questions.” I yawn.

"No, no go ahead." I thanked her before closing my eyes in blissful sleep. I was later awoken by the sound of...singing? I lifted my head and Silver wasn't there.

“Hm?” I looked around the carriage to find the source of the singing. It was beautiful and sweet, yet sad at the same time. The voice also sounded familiar.

“Silver? Are you there?” There was no answer just more singing. I decided to get up and find the voice. Or Silver.

I look around the carriage and found that it was empty. I looked behind me and there was someone standing outside of the train.

“What the…” I mutter, walking to the window. Their back was turned so they couldn't seem me. I pressed my ear against the window and listened.

"The autumn wind may be cold. But your heart warms it around me." It was definitely a girl. She just stared at the moon as she sung.

"You may be gone now but your still with me." Her singing was so...I can't even describe it. It seemed that it ended as she stopped looking at the moon and at the tracks. I decided to step outside with her.

_Silver’s POV_

I stopped my song to stare at the ground and plants. It was the first song that I had learned and I decided to sing it. I dedicated it to a friend that died. It did happen five years ago after all.

“So, That was you.” A voice said behind me. And I...I screamed.

"Jesus dude! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I shouted at Orpheus as I saw him standing there with a gentle smile.

“You have a nice singing voice you know?” That's been said before. But I still blush every time.

"T-thanks." I sighed as I looked at the moon again. Luna did a hell of a good job tonight. "Did I wake you?" I ask. leavening my eyes on the moon.

“Kinda. My mind has a sorta internal clock that tells me when there’s about an hour or two ‘til the Dark hour.”

"So your internal clock tells you an hour or two before midnight and tells you: Hey get the fuck up!" I joke as I turn to face him and lean against the railing. "That sucks dude."

“Meh. Not really when you are the only one who can actually touch the shadows, much less harm them.” I laugh a bit as I look in his eyes.

"Luna did a beautiful job tonight didn't she?" I say as I look to my right to catch the mountains as the moonlight shines on them.

“I guess.” He looks around awkwardly. 'He's probably going to ask me about the song isn't he?' I thought to myself as he looked at me.

“I guess I should ask about that song, but the lyrics I did hear sounded kinda personal.”

I sighed as bit my lip. "It was a song I made. I dedicated it to a friend of mine that...that died of cancer. Five years ago to be exact." I looked to the ground.

“I see. You don’t have to tell me anymore if you don’t want to.” I waved a hand dismissively.

"Nah, it's okay. I don't mind." I scratched the back of my head as I remember her.

“Well, Then.” He stretches as his head snapped torwards the moon.

“Oh crap. The dark hour is starting soon.” I looked at the moon also as it slowly started to change in colour.

"Well shit, how long until we reach our destination?" I ask, getting ready. I walked inside and woke Kuro up. He yawned as he jumped onto my shoulder.

“I don’t know!” He shouted as he paced back and fourth. I didn't say anything. I knew that it was troubling, knowing that someone you loved is so close but you can't get to them. He stopped and sighed as he turned to me.

“Ah great. Ponies are already in coffins.” I hear him sigh. 'What about coffins?' What was he meaning about that?

"Coffins? As in coffins you would put into the ground kinda coffin?" I said as I raised an eyebrow.

“Sorta.” The trail slowed to a stop and we jumped onto the station floor. We looked around noticing that Nopony was there. So what I said Nopony, what are you going to do sue me? I looked at him and waited until he spoke again.

“Alright. To the castle maze. Be careful not to step in any puddles. I think water turns to blood in the dark hour.” He says, walking away. 'Oh...lovely' we made our way to the maze, which by the way was a pain in the ass to get there. My wrist had all but healed and I felt stronger than ever.

“The tower should- Ok, it’s bigger than I expected.” He mutters as we come to a giant tower where the maze should be. I found it so damn hard not to say "that what she said" but it wasn't the time nor place to do it.

"So onward my silver knight." I joked as I pointed my unsheathed sword at the tower and made my way over there.

“Don’t call me that.” He grunted.

"Like I said, like it or lump it." As we walked into the first room it turned very...creepy. Don't know why though.

“Alright. Just warning you now, Things are going to turn very… very…. creepy. Many Shadows are resistant to flames so if I’m not attacking with fire, I don’t recommend it.” Really? Don't you know my power yet?

"Well, that's going to be a problem." I said as I lit my self on fire. Bathing the room in a blue glow. I turned to him and awaited his answer.

“Can your blue flames not act like fire?” Really? That's like asking ice not to be cold. Oh wait.

"I think I can turn it into pure energy but other than that, I don't think so." I replied getting ready for anything that may happen.

“Good. Last thing, Hear chains rattling, run like hell.” He says, walking up the giant staircase in front of us.