• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 4,829 Views, 159 Comments

Fire Upon Strings - New Dawn

Jake is your average brony gamer... 'cept he's mute. One day at Comicon he finds a cosplay Evoker. What does he do? Buys it and gets sent to a candy colored land by someone called 'The Merchant'! Follow his adventure as he... What does he do exactly?

  • ...

Fifteen: Spelunking for an artifact? Screw that!

_Orpheus’ POV_

I slammed open the set of double doors and was greeted with the familiar hallways.

“You ready?”

"Bitch I was born ready." She says back. I don't think I’ll ever get sick of hearing her say stuff like that.

I nod my head and step in. Silver follows suit and I hear the slam of the door closing behind us. We looked around the room and saw her on the wall.

"Over there!" She shouts as she points to Dinky.

Keeping my guard up I slowly walk over. That’s when the chains start.

“Already?!” I shout.

"Shit! Listen you grab her, I'll hold that bastard off." She said as she drew her blade.

“Seriously, You think you can stand up to the Reaper?!” I shout.

"What's more important, my life or a child's?!" She shouts back as the Reaper steps into view.

“Gaah! You make a good point!” I shout, running off.

"Damn right I do." I heard her say.

I dodged the various shadows that made their way towards me as I grabbed Dinky under my arm.

“Silver! Let’s go!”

"AHHH!" I turned to see her being held and crushed by the huge sack of shit. No pun intended. "Shit! Get out of here!"

“I told you so!” I shout, pulling off my harp with one hand. The sword that she was holding fell to the ground, blade first and an a loud clang followed by a crack sounded. Jane roared as she burst into flames. It must of been too hot for the Reaper as he let go of her while screaming in pain. Upon closer inspection I saw that a bit of her blade was cracked and chipped off.

“Uh… Oh…” I silently whispered as I backed towards the door. Something in my gut was telling me to run. She jumped onto the reapers chest and ran up said chest. She then latched onto its face and dug her thumbs into its eye. Then she...she set the thing on fire! It screamed in pain as it was slowly burnt alive and turned to dust.

“Holy…” I spoke in disbelief. She turned to me with nothing in her eyes but anger. She growled at me and swung her hand at me. Still meters away.

“... I’m going to be going now!” I shouted, running. I heard her run after me growling as she did so. I just made it out of the tower before she pounced onto me. She growled as she showed her sharp teeth.

“Please don’t kill me…” I whisper. Screw the Reaper, He’s a good dream compared to this nightmare! A large beam of rainbows hit Silver and sent her off me and I watched as she slowly turned to stone, anger still present.

“... Yeah… back to your world you go..” I mutter.

I pulled out the locket and watched as a rip opened again. I then pushed her back in, leaving her Twilight to deal with her. The rip suddenly reopened and she was flung back out with a note attached to her forehead.

+nope, you deal with it.+

“Ah… Shit.” I mutter.

I really can’t handle this kind of stuff anymore…

I sigh and pick up the statue.

“Welp, What am I gonna do…”

"Oh, oh I know!" The pink pony said.

“Yes, Pinkie?” I reply, turning around.

"You can turn her into a gargoyle." She smiles

“Yeeeaaaaahhh… How would that help anything?” I deadpan.

"It could help Adrian drive off Lyra!"

I facepalm.

“No pinkie, He deserves to be molested by Lyra.” I deadpan.

"Oh, well that's all I had." She sits down and folds her ears.

“Welp, I could just sit here and endlessly throw her in the portal?” I joke.

In my mind I can hear her laughing a little.

"Okay!" She grabs the statue, zip opens a portal from god knows where and threw her into it. She later came back out with another note saying.

+ I said NO!+

I growl and pick up a random pen that pinki brought and flip the note over and wrote:

+Your Displaced, your responsibility+

Sticking the note back on I tossed it back in.

“Wait, Where’d the pen come fro- never mind. Don’t question it.” I say to myself. Silver came back out with a new note.

+Her sword was broken there, she already burned down half of the castle when it broke here. Go see if your Celestia can fix it+

“Gaah! Fiine!” I groan.

"Okay everypony, hold on." A flash of light and a feeling of wanting to throw up we appeared in front of sunbutt as she was eating a...banana? The fanfics are coming true!

“It’s not what it looks like!” She suddenly yells.

“Suuuure it isn’t…” I mutter.

"U-uh, what do you need my little ponies?" She said as she hid the banana behind her with her magic.

“A magic sword has broken. You need to fix it.” I deadpan. Twi lifted the blade and broken pieces in front of her. She sighed as she looked towards us.

"I'm sorry I can't fix it. The metal used for this sword can no longer be found." She said.

“Excuse me?” I deadpan.

She sighed before answering. "The metal is very rare and old. And with the fact that I sense something evil that was housing the sword, I'm afraid that my magic can not affect it." She said.

“Ah great.” I hear Rainbow mutter.

“So, what exactly is this metal?” Twilight asks.

"The metal was the same as the metal that surrounds your elements. It was heated to a point of boiling and infused with a spiritual balm that gains power every time you use it. It was mostly found in meteorites before discord came." She explained.

“So, are you sure we can’t melt the elements down?” I ask.

I’m greeted by 6 angry faces.


"Darling, excuse me but, ARE YOU COMPLETELY INSANE!" An angry marshmallow said.

“I think Silver made that happen.”

"Yes but still, you can't be serious about melting the elements. It's the one thing that protects equestria." The marshmallow said again, only less angry.

“But still…” I moan.

A loud cough came from sunbutt. "There is...something else you can do."

I facepalm and turn towards the doors. "This affects you too, Orpheus."

“Oh come on!!!” I whine.

"As I was about to say, deep in the crystal caverns there is said that ancient relic. Something that is stronger than this blade. If it is there it can hold her...demonic side? Would that be a good way to describe it? Anyway if you can bring it here I could re-trap her demonic side in it." She explained. I honestly expected skyrim music to start. It would have been really epic.

“We’ll do it.” Twilight announces.

“WHAT?!” I shout.

"Well we have to, unless y'all want something that could destroy Equestria." AJ said. "Unless y'all want to go back to a crazed Lyra."

“Hell No.” I say once Aj is finished.

We turned to go and find it. "You will know it when you see it. Just look for a shield with a sword hilt coming out of its centre." Wait what?

“Uhhh.. Exactly how do we get there?” I ask.

Twilight sighed. "Magic." She prepared a teleportation spell.

“NO!” I shout.

"Too late!" Twi said as she fired the spell.

I fucking hate magic. No seriously I do. After I had stopped throwing up I rejoined the group. With Kuro on fluttershy's back.
“S-so where is this thingie.” I stutter.

Twi gulped. Uhh, down there. We looked over a cliff and spotted a shield. It was long, Around sword length, and it was gold in colour. There was a hilt coming out the edge of the shield. It was had black and red silk ropes wrapping up the hilt. But that was the easiest thing to spot. It was on an island separated from the main land. On the main land there was large crystal like snakes, as if someone took an onix and switch it from rock to crystal.

"Well...shit." I manage to mutter out.

“Rainbow, Can you fly over?” Twilight asks.

“No problem Twi.” Rainbow says, darting over. The minute she got close she came flying back.

“Oh great…. If this is what I think it is…” I mutter.

"Wonderful, there's switching magic here. We have to continue on hoof." Twi said slightly annoyed.

“Great...” I hear Rainbow deadpan. She flaps down to the ground and Kuro jumps off of fluttershy's back. He meows to her before changing into his other form.

"He says that he can take some of us to the land below." She relayed the information before Kuro lies down onto his stomach. I help some of the ponies on before getting on myself.

“Thanks, Kuro.” I mutter to him. He meows again and lumps down, landing on the slant of the cliff and sliding downwards. The snake things took notice of us and began to move closer, meanwhile a magical charge began to form on their heads.

“Oh crap…” I mutter. The first one fires the charge at us, releasing a beam of pure energy at us. It really was like Pokemon! Kuro sidesteps away from the beam as it hits the rock behind us, making it explode in molten magma.

“Rock snake used hyper beam. It was super effective….” I mutter to myself.

"Now’s not the time!" Twilight shouts at me as Kuro dodges another beam of it. When he was close to the ground Kuro pounced onto the nearest snake and slashed it with its claws. I watched as it shattered and crumbled away.

“Remind me not to get on Kuro’s bad side…” I mutter. He turns his head and smiles at me as he showed me his teeth. We made a deadline sprint towards the relic. Jumping, slashing and cutting as we went. We skidded to a stop as we reached the edge of the land.

“So! How exactly are we going to get this thing with no wings and most likely no magic?” I ask twilight. Kuro turns around again and smiled at me and pointed at his chest.

“Oh right… We got a giant demon cat.” I mutter. Kuro took a few steps back and got ready to run. He pushed down on his leg muscles and padded to the edge at full speed. He jumped as he reached the edge of the land and we soared across the air with the beauty of a swan....well until we reached the island. Kuro misjudged the distance and we were currently hanging of the edge with two claws.

“Crap!” I yell, trying to get off of the cat. Kuro managed, with some ungodly strength might I add, to some how pull all of us up and he collapsed onto the ground, panting.

“That was amazing!” Rainbow yelled. She galloped up too Kuro and Nuzzled him before noticing that we were all watching. "But uhh, it needs to be twenty percent cooler." I sighed and shook my head.

I know I’ve heard enough of that back on earth.

“Right. Let’s just get this artifact and get back to the princess.” Twilight says. She picked up the shield and a scabbard dropped from underneath. It was probably there if the user wants to change where to get their sword. A low humming came from the area. Suddenly lights in the darkness in front of us lit up and a...giant golem started to rise from it's resting place.

“Dear heavens! What IS that?!” The marshmallow exclaims.

“Oooh! Pick me! Pick me!” Pinkie shouts. The golems glowing eyes focused onto Pinkie.

“Uh.. Shouldn’t we focus on.. Oh I don’t know… RUNNING?!” I shout. The golem turned to focus on me as we all ran to Kuro. He immediately lied down and we climbed onto his back as it charged towards us, the ground cracking as it stepped.

“Oh shit! FASTER KURO!” I shout. He charged and jumped right as the golem smashed his fist onto the ground. We landed, a bit better than before, and turned to face the giant hulk of rock.

“What are we doing...” I mutter.

"Ha! You can't reach us from here you giant stupid rock!" Rainbow said. Why do jinxes exist?

"Tom...SMASH!" he jumped into the air after us. Wait did it say his name was tom? I looked over to rarity. She looked nervous. RD opens her mouth to say something.

“I thought we were never going to talk about that…” She seethes.

Rainbow closes her mouth, most likely irritated now.

"Maybe we should..oh I don't know...run before it kills us!" Twi said as Kuro began to run for his life. Twi charged up her spell and teleported us away, just as “Tom” the golem was about to hit us.

“I REALLY hate that…” I mutter. We all looked around and stopped at the throne. Celestia was no longer eating bananas...just cake. She hid it as she saw us.

“Well, No wonder you’re fat!” I shout, falling to the floor with laughter.

Luna suddenly shot in.

“We told you, sister! Thy can’t handle the truth can thou?!” She shouts.

"Do the both of you want to be sent to the moon?" She asks as she glared at the both of us.

“No thank you, I’m good.” I reply casually. Luna just runs away.

"That wouldn't help, you'd see it from space!" RD shouts as she rolls on the ground with laughter. I just try, and fail, to hold in mine.

"Yes well, do you have the metal?" She asked as she magically kicked RD.

“Yes Princess.” Twilight replies, holding out the … sword-shield… with a telekinetic grip. Celestia drew the blade and thought to herself.

"Hmmm, nope it isn't it." She said after a while. "You'll just have to go back and try again."

“Oh fuck that!” I shout. I will NOT risk my life anymore against “Tom” or crystal onixes! She began to laugh hysterically as she clutched her sides.


“OH FORGET YOU TROLLESTIA!” I shout. She stopped laughing, after a while, and took a hold of the shield and scabbard.

"Hmm, I didn't know there was a scabbard with it. Oh well I'll just channel the magic into both so she can switch." She took a hold of the sword. "I shall begin the process meanwhile you can rest." She then teleported out of the room with both the shield and scabbard. I turned to the statue of my friend and found Pinkie already drawing, hilarious, pictures on it. Including a moustache.

“Pinkie, Can I have a turn?” I ask.

"Sure!" She threw the pen over to me.

I caught it and uncapped it.

“Oh sooo many evil things I can draw…” I start to laugh like a generic evil villain.

I cough and start to draw a monocle to match the mustache. On her forehead I drew a unibrow. Just cuz I can.

“Hey RD, Wanna try?” I ask. a small crack started to appear where I drew the unibrow. But I didn't see it at the time.

"Sure! Why not?" I threw the pen over to her and let her do her stuff. In the meantime I helped myself to Sunbutt’s leftover cake that she forgot."uhh, is there suppose to be a crack here?" Wait there's a what?

I look over at RD. “Nm. No. yes? I dunno. I’ve got cake, why should I care?” I joke. The crack suddenly grew larger though not by much.

I dropped the plate and ran over.

“W-what’s happening…” Fluttershy stutters, hiding behind Twilight.

"Umm, I think we made her mad." Pinkie said as she pulled out a...small tank? The fuck?

“Where the hell do you get this stuff Pinkie?!” I shout. The crack started to glow a faint blue.

"From my pinkie space!" She said as she pulled a cannon out of her mane.

“I’m not questioning it.” I mutter. More and more cracks started to appear on the statue as a low rumble was heard.

Fluttershy let out a squeak and ran to hide behind Applejack, who has been surprisingly quiet this whole time. The statue exploded and Silver’s unconscious form fell to the ground.

“I… think we messed up…” I mutter. Silver's eyes shot open and stared at us before she started to growl.

"Uhh, Twi can you put up a shield spell around her?" I ask

“Uhh… Maybe?” Twilight replies, lighting her horn. In a few seconds a magenta barrier surrounded Silver. Silver slowly got to her feet and faced us. Not two seconds later she charged and punched the edge of the barrier, cracks slowly spread on the shield once she did so.

“She’s that powerful?!” Rainbow yells. Silver backed away and slowly circled around, her eyes never leaving us. "She's like a wild beast!" Rainbow said again.

“She’s half Demon.” I say to Rainbow. As if on cue she charged again and slammed both fists onto the shield and jumped away, landing and catching the other side of the barrier.

"That would explain it." She said.

“Your princess needs to hurry up.” I mutter to Twilight. Speaking of which, Sunbutt decided it was a good time to step in as she stood in the doorway staring in shock.

“Stop staring and help us!” I shout.

"O-oh, right. Um can somepony knock her out? I need to transfer her soul but I can't when she is moving around like that." Silver bashed the barrier again and a larger crack formed, threatening to break the next time.Everypony looks at me.

“What? Oh.. I get it. I’m the toughest here…” I groan.

"Well I wouldn't say the toughest but alright." Rainbow muttered out just loud enough for all of us to hear.

“Yeaaaah. Rainbow, You’d be ripped to shreds by that girl.” I deadpan.

"Yeah, yeah just get in there!" She shouted at me.

“Fine..” I groan.

Twilight opens a hole in the barrier and I charge in.

“What am I doing?!” I shout as I run from the demon girl.

"You need to make her unconscious!" Twilight shouted at me as I dodged a burst of flame.

“Easier said than done!” I shout. She drops down and started to run after me. I quickly dodge her charge and grab her tail. She roared as she span around and tried to throw me off. I flailed as I held on for dear life.


“What are you doing?!” Twilight yells.

“YOU TRY TO STOP A HALF DEMON WITHOUT USING MAGIC!” I shout. She slams me into the ground with her tail. I groan as I try to inch away from her but she grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up.

“Oh come on…” I whisper. "I know..you're still there."

Her eyes narrowed before widening. "Orphe...us?" She calls me by name.

“‘Bout time you didn’t try to kill me.” I try to joke. She rolls her eyes. Even if she is in a demon state she can still roll her eyes at my jokes? That’s Pinkie logic right there.

“Seriously, Try harder not to rip me apart next time.” I felt her grip around me loosen as she backs away, And then completely falls over .unconscious.

“Welp, I did it!” I smile at twilight. She has a huge blush on her face.

“What?” I ask. She just makes the shield vanish and walks to the corner.

"Well just give me a second to transfer her demonic soul into the new sword." She lifted up the sword but it changed into a katana. Well I know someone that is going to be happy when she wakes.

“Welp, We wait?” I ask. I get a nod from everyone present. Celestia charged up her magic and surrounded both Silver and the sword. Blue like energy left her as it transferred into said sword. After a while it stops and Celestia slid the new sword into the scabbard. She stumbled as she walked over to us.

“I really hope this worked…” I mutter.

"It did. I no longer feel her more demonic soul in her body....woah." She ends her sentence as she lifts a hoof to her head.

“Princess!” Twilight yells.

"I'm fine Twilight, just a little light headed. Perhaps we should all rest now. Silver won't wake until tomorrow so we might as well." Celestia reassures.

“Thank. You!” I moan. Everypony laughs as a couple of maids lift up Silvers sleeping body and carries her off somewhere.

"Yes you and all of us deserve it." Twilight says as she looks at me again.

“Thank god… Seriously. I’ve had too many close calls for one day.” I mutter.

_Silver’s POV_

My head hurts. No like really hurts. It's as if someone got you drunk as hell and smashed you over the head with a baseball bat. And that happened to me before! I'm gently awoken by the sun’s rays hitting my eyes. And I'm dimly aware of voices, but I don't know who. It sounded like Orpheus's voice.

“Ugh… Pinkie! I told you that’s not how you play that!” heh, heh that's what she said. Ugh, really? It's like seven AM and I'm already thinking dirty thoughts.

"Mm, shut up!" I mumble as I throw a pillow in his direction.

“Oooh! Silvys awake!” I bury my face in the next pillow as I hear a big old smack.

"Yes and I'm moody in the morning." I sigh as I re-close my eyes. But it was short lived as the door slammed open.

“Before you say anything Twi, Yes she’s awake.”

"Uuugh, what part of shut up don't you understand!" I yell as I, once again, force my face in the pillow.

“Oh come on! Just… lift your face real quick?” I swear to god.

"I swear to god, if I lift my head and a flash goes off in my face I'm going to kill someone." I say before lifting my head a little.


"The fuck you on about?" I ask as I look groggily at rainbow.

i “Pfftt… So-somepony bring her a mi-BWHAHAAHAH!” okay something is going on here and I don't like it. Twi passed me a mirror and I looked at my face. Both my right and left eyes twitched at what I saw.

"You drew on my face?" I look at rainbow with a glare that could stop time itself.

“IT WAS PINKIES IDEA!!!” I looked at pinkie as her ears folded against her head.

"Well you and Rainbow will die know." I say before drawing out my blade that was on the desk.

“B-but O-orphey did some too!”

“Really? Do you think I’d do that?”

"Yes you would. Now you have exactly five seconds to run." I command as I stand up.


“Uhh… I-i think I left the… sink on in ponyville!” Rainbow excused.

“I think there's a party calling me!”

"Get back here so I can use my new blade!" Wait new blade? Ahh fuck it I don't care. There's three people I need to violently murder. I ran after them as they left the room. Only tripping twice.

“Run faster Pinkie!”

“I’m trying!”

"I will kill you all!" I said as I jumped in front of them.

“Let me off me hook this once! I saved you from being a crazy demon!” Saved me? Saved me!

"Bitch I'm a crazy demon now! You should've thought about that before you drew on me!" I shouted at him as I aimed my blade.

“I’m sorry!” Wow he screams like a girl. I couldn't help but laugh at him as It looked like he shit himself.

“Gotcha!” He yelled, pushing me off of him.

"Woah fuck!" I say as I fall on my ass. "You’re making it worse on yourself!" I shout as they run by.

“Ok I’ll admit that was a bad move!” he said. Ohhh, no. You're not getting out of this one. This continued for about an hour before we were all back to back and panting like dogs.

“Are… you … done?”

"For now. But I may kill you later." I said as I rest my the back of my head on the back of his.

“Well, You might want to get to a bathroom. You still have it on your face.” He snickers. Oh hell naw.

"You know I could kill you with a head but, right?" I say as I look over my shoulder.

“Shutting up.” Damn strait.

"Meh I need a shower anyway." I get up and laugh as he falls over. I walk away but stop because I thought of something. And I didn't say anything dirty for a while so why the hell not. "You can join me if you want." I ask huskily as I leave. Leaving him in a blushing state and I slowed down enough so that he could answer, if he wanted to.

“H-hell no.”

"Hahah! You know you want to." I ask in a singsong voice

“What the hell Silver, I have a girlfriend back on earth!” He shouts, glaring.

"I'm only joking, jeez. And I thought I was fuming, ha get it? Fire? See ya later!"

“Good riddance!” I quickly turn around and flip him the bird before running off. Five hours later and a lot of bubbles later, I was as clean as a whistle. I quickly changed into a small shirt, jeans and a hoodie supplied by Rarity and joined the rest of them in the main hall.

“About time you got here.” Rainbow mutters.

"Hey you try and wash off permanent ink of your face." I answer back sharply.

She winces and hides under a pillow that was oh so conveniently placed.

“I see you're in a good mood.” Twilight greets.

"No I'm still in the same mood. I'm just hiding it." I say with my right eye twitching a bit. I really have no control over that. I just happens when I'm pissed.

“So why are we here?” Rainbow then asks.

"Fuck if I have a clue." I say leaning on a pillar.

“I think the princess wanted to talk about something… I dunno.” Oh joy. I hold the shield out I front of me. It was plain with a golden touch of colour. It was also a thick metal but it felt like a feather. I eyed the slot to where my sword would go and I looked to my right hip where my sword was at currently.

"I wonder why?" I ask as I look over to them.

“I think she’s gonna kick you out.” Rainbow jokes.

"Well judging by the damage I caused, I guess that could be it." I smile as I look up to a window with the Main 6 on. It was the one where they banished Nightmare moon from Luna and it was my favourite.

Pinkie runs over sobbing.

“I just met you and you haven’t even had your paaarrtyyyy!”

Hmm. "Well maybe I can convince them to let me stay for the party?" I half ask, half tell. I honestly don't know.


"Really. I've had one of your parties before, in my universe, and it was really awesome." I say with a smile.

She lets out a gasp.

“Really?! Then I need to make it a double party fast! I need to out party my other dimensional twin!” And like in my universe she sped off like sonic on cocaine.

"Fuck she's fast." I say still astounded by her antics.

“She’s just being pinkie.” Twilight butts in.

"If I had a Bit every time you said that, I would be as rich as Celestia." I say jokingly.

“I’d still be dirt poor.” Orpheus says, joining in.

“And where you?” Twilight starts to scold.

“Not my fault Pinkie led me to a dead end before running off.”

"Uh-huh suuuure." I say as I smile.

“Believe what you want.” He says.

"So I'm still tired as shit and I've got a headache. How are all of you doing?" I ask

“Still tired and hungry. Also my harp is back to it’s normal color.” Orpheus replies.

"Awww, I liked the colour gold." Twi says depressed. Wow I've never seen her like that before.

“You just wanted to see what magic that was.” Her breath caught in her throat. Oh yeah, she did. You never change do you?

“I- you- We- … Yeah.. Yeah … I did.”

I sighed and facepalmed. "God damn it Twi." I look at her as she blushes like crazy. Like Big Mac red, kinda blush.

“Ah. I see thou are all up.” The voice of Luna breeches my ears. We all turn to the left to see her slowly trotting towards us with a smile on her face..

“We were just heading to our chambers when we all heard thy talking and making merry.”

"I wouldn't say marry, but it's okay." I say as I crack my neck and knuckles

“Welp, Goodnight luna.” Orpheus says, leaning against a wall.


“Sister, you should be heading to bed. You need your energy.”

"Celly's right. You need your sleep." I say

Luna sighs and walks off.

"Aww sweepy wittle Woona." I mock as she walks away but she stops and looks at me with a glare before huffing and trotting down to her chamber.

“Welp, What did you want?” Orpheus speaks up.

_Orpheus’ POV_

Celestia suddenly teleported all of us into a long hall with a table filled with food.

“Ok, I think she’s trying to butter us up or something…” I say to silver.

"Well that or she's really hungry, but I think your right." She says back.

“I seriously have no idea what she wants us to do.” I say, sitting down. She shrugs and sits down next to me as she picks up a piece of bread with jam on it.

"Fuck if I have a clue." She said before biting on the bread.

I looked around to see everypony eating before Celestia cleared her throat.

“My dear ponies…. And er… Orpheus and Silver.” She starts.

“Woooow….” I deadpan.

"Really!" She shouts with a mouth full of bread.

Celly blushes before starting again.

“I want to thank you all for going to that cave…. But that wasn’t any ordinary cave…” She continues.

"No shit! I heard what happened in there." Silver shouts again.

Rarity fiercely blushes.

“I… Kinda actually wanted to keep that Tom…” I mutter.

"Yeah, so that rarity can think that he is a diamond golem all day long." Silver ends in a singsong voice.

“I told you we’d never talk about that!” Rarity shouts. Silver just full blown laughs her ass off after Rarity's sentence.

“Moving on!” Twilight shouts.

“Twilight’s right. That golem was not created by me or my sister.” She states.

“No shit. It had Discord written all over it.” I mutter.

“It was recently created by Discord.” Celestia then says dramatically.

“OH COME ON! That was seen a mile away!” I shout.

"Wait I thought discord was good now. Oh wait, my universe never mind."

“He was recently sealed back in stone when I was possessed by that jackass Sombra.” I explain.

"Ahh, continue Celly."

She gave a deadpanned expression, no doubt tired about our acts.

“As I was saying, Discord was the one who made that cavern and that golem, although the cavern was an accident. His magic lingered in there for too long, creating the creatures you see in there. Only while you were all in the tower he created the Golem. Most likely to protect the Artifact stored down there.” She says, pacing.

“Huh. Go figure.” I mutter.

"Speaking of which, here." She tosses the shield over to me. "I have no need for it. I'm too much used to being agile."

“What use do I have for it?!” I shout, flinging it frisbee style to twilight.

"I don't know, mount it on a wall or something." Silver said flicking her tail.

“Right… So… Can you use a shrinking spell or something on it?” I ask Celly.

“On the shield?”

“Yeeessss… No! The golem!” I shout.

“Why?” She asks, arching an eyebrow.

“For science?” I excuse.

"Best. Excuse. Ever!" Silver shouted sarcastically as she took a bite of some toast.

I roll my eyes at her.

“We don’t know how magic will affect it so no.” She says.

“Aw… There goes my tiny tom.” I moan. Silver began to choke on her food as low laughter was heard.

“Oh haha. You got Kuro!” I shout.

"Good point." She said as she wiped the crumbs off her face.

I pick out an apple from the fruit bowl and start to eat it. Silence overtakes the room.

"Well....this is creepy." RD said looking around.

“There’s not much to say. Really.” I mutter.

I look over at Silver.

“I’m guessin’ You’re done with this universe huh.” I ask.

"For now yes. You never know I might come back." She got up and stretched.

“For once, I actually do hope you’ll come back. You’re pretty fun to mess with.” I joke.

"And your fun trying to kill." She said as she smiled. Creepily I may add.

“Just get outta here.” I mutter playfully.

"Yeah, yeah. Oh! Before I go, can you tell when someone is in love with you?" She said.

“Funny you should mention that.” I deadpan sarcastically.

"Hey don't get sarcastic on me. It's just that what I and my main six went through, fluttershy has been throwing me strange looks before turning away blushing." She explained.

“Oh yeah. She likes you.” I start to snicker a bit at the idea of a fluttershy like that.

"Great, that's something else to think about. Well see ya!" She said before a portal to the void opened up and she walked through, The portal snapping shut as she left.

“Welp, That was fun!” I say, walking away.

AAAAAND that brings me back to where I am now. Canterlot Castle. Dinky's ran off again but... she had this glaze in her eyes for some reason... I'll check back in the afternoon.

Author's Note:


A small funny bit of behind the scenes that happened in Gdocs at the end:

Night: And a ship has sailed!

Me: Toot tooooot~! There’s no going back!

Night: Damn right!

Back to my normal authors note...

I'm still keeping that thing about 50 likes I'll do a character Q&A for the next arc. So come on! Like all you want! I also think Celly is going to be wanting to turn Orpheus to stone by the end of these story arcs. Also sorry Night about your page break. I couldn't find it anymore. I honestly looked through the gdoc and couldn't find it. Like I said, the Gdoc screwed up.

One final note: SO. MANY. REFERENCES! I also don't fully support the Silpheus ship I put but AH DON'T CARE! I SUPPORT IT TO A DEGREE! They are not romantically involved however. I'd say through this entire ordeal they'd still be just friends.

Ouch. Friendzoned.