• Member Since 4th Jul, 2012
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Distorted Flare

Comments ( 81 )

“Oh don’t be such a prude! You enjoyed that and you know it,” Celestia replied, pushing Luna down, motioning for me to approach. Celestia lit her horn as I felt a strange tingling on my face. I realized instantly that the unpleasant sticky feeling was now gone.

Need to bridge these two paragraphs

Positioning myself so I was comfortably tucked in between Luna’s large thighs I lightly placed my hands on her waist, lining myself up with her.

Missed something in editing otherwise great

This story was great. Thanks for the sequel.

(I see a new story from one of my favorite authors)

hmm let's see how interesting this looks

(Looks at cover art)

oh my......


(falls off of computer chair)

yep gonna read it later

Its a joke

So…Luna will stop being mean with David and instead will start to be all lovy doby with him? because that could be funny and an idea for a follow up, with her starting to act like a teenager in love and start to get distracted on her work so they need Cadence help to mellow Luna down

6154238 So you're basing a story's quality and readability simply based off of the author's ability to find a raunchy picture?


6154407 no of course not i read the description and was kind of surprise he made a sequel and i loved the other story and going to read this one soon i was trying to be funny, i don't work like that

6154238 I've seen that avatar somewhere...

6154407 One must remember the mods even seem to believe this to be true, especially when stuff like Spike's Bimbo Life's cover art is approved. All I know is that with recent developments, I'm surprised he didn't make it his normal style and guaranty a feature.

6155309 Actually, this was me complaining more about stupid mods and surprised that the tits aren't 90% of the picture like your style normally is. I never said I don't use sexy pictures either. Merely commenting on the fact that you could have gone sexier and promoted your normal style of art that you're paid for normally. I was not actually ragging on you, at least not much.

6155316 Why? i was not commissioned to draw anything and did not want to use my art work. Also Jumble I get it we have had spats in the past but what is the point of "ragging on me."

6155323 Okay. Honestly, I'm surprised it isn't your art, as I know you are capable of some good looking girls like this. Though, now I wonder why you've decided to leave the author unannounced.

6155332 Because I usually find this art on Funnyjunk/ redit and there is never a link to the name so I just sort of leave it there until someone finds it and tells me who it is. that and I will replace the art once I find the time to draw.

6155336 Okay. Nice to know, thank you.

The heat from Celestia fur and the attention I was receiving from the two mares left me flustered my teeth clenched as Luna’s tongue teased and prodded at my head her eyes glowing with mischievous intent.

The mare’s tongue skillfully dances along my length her hands resting on my legs

I think you mean "Celestia’s fur"
The first part is also a run-on sentence, perhaps break it up after "flustered" with a period?

Comma after length, or maybe a semicolon (;)
Also needs a period after 'legs'

sister's teasing.Biting her hand Celestia’s body twitched with every flick of Luna’ tongue

Need a space after the period and you're missing an "s" after Luna'

There's a few other errors elsewhere, but it's not a bad story

I do love me some lovely Luna~♡

6155353 Thanks man corrected them.

The picture you chose for the story is very sexy! The story itself is mediocre and cliche.

6155666 I could not begin to describe to you how little I care. Either leave criticism about the story or fuck off. it is a quick read for anyone bored and is not meant to be taken as a thinking piece. Dude fucks pony the end.

6155723 At least the feeling is mutual.

wow I am at a loss for words just wow.

6155904 Aww that's sweet of you to say. I'm touched.

6155918 I am a sweet guy once you get to know me. Rude as fuck though.

6155116 It's from a scary game, thats a hint for you if you get it right i shall give you a cookie

Oh hey i recognized the images artist :D

6156178 tell me who he is!!!

Okay, I read the story, and...I just couldn't get into it. The story was alright and so was the sex...but it just didn't click with me. In my opinion, the sex was...a little plaid, Not exactly sure how, but I found it to be lacking.

But it was a good job nonetheless, and I hope you will do more.

6157227 Nope for disrespecting my work yak I mean Flare no longer friends with you for 1000 moons.

6157294 I'm sorry, please don't hate me. :applecry:

Love this series. Big fan of the first story. Keep up the good work.

Days later, David dies from a crushed pelvis...he regretted nothing.

For both stories. 10/10

The clop was enjoyable on its own.
The story was enjoyable on its own.
Putting them together...I felt a dissonance. It feels like David switched gears too fast. He went from "Not do Luna, would be betraying Celestia" to "Do Luna" in a few seconds with just Celestia saying "Trust me." Now, if Celestia had at least whispered that it was her idea, I could buy it...but this way it just feels like he doesn't care.

to lazy to look through all the comments but either you planned the protagonist's name to be Derek and forgot about it or you were thinking of something else when making your small description for the story

suitable noble

Too bad the nice and kind ones are either married or has a boyfriend/girlfriend

I think i've seen the artwork before. "Mastergodai" Right?

6159320 I have no clue found the image on redit with no link so I was waiting for someone to tell me.

6159378 head to e621 and type his name in.


You clearly know what "criticism" is. No, really.

6159513 No, had they come in and critiqued it explained why and the how for their opinion you would be right about my response. But they said "The story itself is mediocre and cliche." That is not critique. If I turn and say a story is shit and give no reason for it then I would be no better. Why is it mediocre, why is it cliche. Those are what should be included in a critique

I never give people a hard time for giving thoughtful critiques of my work. Because i am not arrogant about my work. I do it as a hobby and for a bit of a laugh. I am always looking to improve and I get annoyed when rather than explain where I could improve, they simply say it is bad and move on.

This fucking sucks Jkbabes<3


Rude? Not really. Hotheaded? Maybe. :raritywink:

Anyway, welcome back.

6159961 Hot headed not so sure about that I tend to be quite laid back with everyone. I have a habit of arguing with people when I am exhausted and end up snapping at them or being unreasonable but i try to be civil. Given we are hated by a good few fandoms and people best we all stick together.


Although mediocre is just a general analysis of a story, "cliched" is much more specific. You should be able to figure that one out on your own, rather than insist that someone hold your hand to do it.

Cliched is contextual. It means that a story premise is commonplace, hackneyed, or overused.
Assuming that the term itself automatically means the same to everyone means you assume everyone has the same background experience in terms of stories. What's cliched to one person might be new and unique to another, simply because they've never encountered it before.

Made a little mistake here:
Honestly she is out of her mine.
"Mine" should be "mind"

Anyway I like the small bit of improvement of including their non-human features more often during the sex scenes. It made them all the more exotic.

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