• Published 27th Feb 2015
  • 1,875 Views, 46 Comments

The Green Eyed Gryphon - misskoifishpony

Sequel to "Count's Traveling Haunted House". Lord Ruber didn't die of Excalibur's magical might, but instead transported himself to Equestria. And this crazy and power driven man is on a quest to find Excalibur's magic in this new land. And his griff

  • ...

The Kidnapping

"And so, Daring Do was on the edge of the water fall…waiting to defend her life and the crest of hope….from the evil Ahuizotl and his snarling cat minions!" narrated by the very energized Rainbow Dash. The rainbow Pegasus was snuggled in her warm bed reading a new Daring Do book to her favorite turtle Tank. He was wrapped comfortably in Rainbow's arms and looking at the clean book pages with curiosity and excitement. He was thankful to only be in his owner's embrace, but also for her to read the story to him. Tank didn't know how to read. His propeller and googles were resting in the bottom drawer of the nightstand next to Rainbow's large and fluffy bed.

"Despite the daunting falls behind her, Daring Do smirked at Ahuizotl's cats and said 'Ahuizotl, are you sure that your pussy cats were willingly to swim after little old me?'" continued Rainbow the Daring Do book narrator. Daring Do's remark to Ahuizotl made Rainbow snort and chuckle so loud that she had to put the book down in order to catch her breath. Tank smiled brightly at his expressive owner, his own happiness growing in Rainbow's happiness.

After wiping away from laughter tears from her eyes, Rainbow turned her face towards Tank and said "Boy! That Daring Do! She sure knows how to get under Ahuizotl's skin! I don't blame her for wanting to tease him all the time, he's waaaaay too much fun to tease."

Tank nodded his head in agreement and grinned at Rainbow with his shy smile. This made Rainbow let out a small side smile and chuckle softly at her awesome pet. She patted his head softly and whispered "I think we should get to bed…before we pull another all-nighter like last time."

As Rainbow was going to her nightstand to turn the bed lamp off, Tank let out a grumbling turtle-like growl. She looked down at Tank finding his once grinning face into a frustrated pout. Rainbow chuckled while still reaching for the lamp, "Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger buddy but all good little turtles and good little pegasi need their sleep. I promise that I will finish the story tomorrow night. Sound good?"

Rainbow got her answer when Tank slowly licked her cheek with surprisingly long and slimy tongue. She giggled at his wet touch and wiped her cheek away of the turtle drool. Once the lamp was off, she brought herself and Tank back into the covers. She whispered a sweet good night before dozing off. And Tank followed her lead. While making themselves more comfortable in the cloud-like master bed, the pony and turtle snuggled closer to each other and smiled peacefully in their slumber.

Rainbow Dash's room, along with the rest of her enormous palace in the sky, was sweetly lit by Princess Luna's serene white moon. The moon was shaped like a crescent tonight. Even though it wasn't full, it still gave enough light for the ponies to see when traveling around at night. The crescent moon wasn't bright enough to keep tired and sleepy ponies from, well, sleeping. Rainbow's house will also quiet and filled with the sounds of the gentle night breeze that would sometimes pass by. There were times in the night where this breeze would blow through the tiny holes of the white clouds that make up Rainbow's home, and in this process, would create a whistling chime like sound.

Truly, it was the perfect night to dream of adventure, excitement, and awesomeness for Rainbow Dash and her little Tank. That is until…..CLASH! A large and sharp claw swiped through Rainbow's cloud and glass window! Boom! Crash! A hulking furry mass followed after this sharp claw through the window and landed in front of Rainbow's master bed. The rainbow pegasus and her pet instantly woke up and found a pair of…green glowing eyes…staring straight into their souls. Rainbow Dash noticed in her shock that the eyes belong to a giant beast that was lurking over her body and bed, while its claws were buried deep into her bed posts. Its bulking back almost reached to the top of her bedroom ceiling, Rainbow thought to herself Dang this guy is huge! When Rainbow stared back into the glowing green eyes, she saw that his eyes highlighted the long yet piercing looking beak. Rainbow then realized to herself Wait a minute…is this guy a….?

Before Rainbow could finish her thought, the intruder harshly grabbed her around the waist with one of his massive claws. When the creature grabbed Rainbow, he also capture her entire bed blanket in his grip as well. Rainbow struggled, kicked, and tried to flap her wings in the beast's claw but couldn't. When she realized she couldn't, she shouted at the top of her lungs "LET! Argh! GO! Ugh! OF ME! What is it?! Argh geez! That you want?!"

The monster paused his descendent from her bed to the ground, and then looked at the creature in his paw. His eyes stopped glowing, and he looked at her…what appeared to be in shock and curiosity…as if surprised that words came out of her mouth…however this moment didn't last too long. He shook his head and brutishly headed towards the window he came in through. This action made Rainbow shout, scream, and fight in his paw even more. It also made the turtle trying to balance in the bed sheet, flip over the bed while the intruder dragged the bed along with him. The beast showed no signs of caring about whether his prey would scream and alert other creature around her. He didn't show any signs of caring about the state of her home, and he certainly didn't notice the turtle that was on the bed.

As the furry yet massive creature was about to fly out of the window, Tank dug himself out of the bed blankets on the floor and ran as fast as his shell could carry him to attack the monster taking his friend away. Tank was aiming for the intruder's tail, hoping to bite it and give the creep some pain. However…poor little Tank was…too late…

The monster opened his giant wings quickly and thrust himself into the sky, while leaving a powerful gust behind him. This made Tank fall over to the floor and spin on his shell. When Tank stopped spinning on his shell and the gust of wind was gone, he slowly went to the window above him and looked sadly towards the sky. Rainbow saw her turtle Tank at her window and cried out "TANK!"

Tank's heart broke into millions of pieces when he heard Rainbow calling out to him. He was helpless when she needed him the most. If only he was wearing his propeller, he could have stopped that creep and Rainbow would still be safe. Some loyal and dependable pet I turned out to be Tank pondered to himself. He lowered his extended neck and head to the floor…and let out some small soft tears.

Rarity was helping Sweetie Belle gather up all the things she brought over to the boutique into Sweetie's pink saddlebag. Rarity was always shocked to find Sweetie Belle bringing over just about a million of items for their weekend sleepovers. It was only two days yet Sweetie Belle brought over her entire room with her. Oh well, Rarity thought to herself, I suppose she inherited this trait from her sister. This made Rarity chuckle and smile to herself. It was about two minutes till eight pm, and Rarity's parents were about to pick up Sweetie Belle and take her home. It was Sunday night after all, she needed to get her rest and prepare for school tomorrow. Despite Sweetie Belle's suggestion of staying over tonight as well. As much as Rarity loved having her little sister around, the fashionista knew that she would not be the most helpful pony in helping Sweetie Belle get ready for school in the morning. Rarity knew that she would get overly stressed trying to pick out the right outfit for Sweetie to wear or packing up her lunch for her.

When Rarity found Sweetie Belle's small silver hair brush underneath one of the mannequins, she gently lifted it with her magic and put it in Sweetie's saddlebag. Rarity then asked her sister politely "Did you get everything Sweetie?"

It was in that moment that Sweetie Belle popped up out of a pile of fabrics in the corner of the room. She was holding one of her bows in her mouth. She happily skipped out of the pile and headed towards her saddlebag to tuck her bow into its pockets. "Yup, sure did sis!" Sweetie responded with a cheeky smile.

Rarity smiled along with Sweetie Belle and levitated her saddlebag on top of Sweetie's back. The weight of the saddlebag almost had Sweetie tip over, but because of her fast reflexes, she was able to regain her balance quickly. This made Rarity put her front hoof over her mouth and hide her giggles. As the two sisters headed towards the front door, Sweetie Belle then begged her sister "Are you sure that you don't any help tomorrow with the shop?"

Rarity smirked and rolled her eyes at Sweetie, knowing exactly what she was trying to get at. Rarity responded "No Sweetie, for the twentieth time."

Sweetie Belle pleaded with an innocent smile "If its school you're worried about, I can always skip."

Rarity chuckled while answering "My my Sweetie, I know you've always been persistent about our weekend sleepovers but this is too much. Even for you. What's going on with you?"

Sweetie Belle smirked and stared at Rarity with a 'know it all' kind of look before replying "You know exactly what's going on."

Rarity confused by Sweetie's statement "Um…I'm not quite sure what you're getting at Sweetie."

Sweetie gave her face a light smack with her front hoof before proclaiming "Aw c'mon Rarity! You know what! Think about it!...It starts with a D and ends with iego." Sweetie Belle emphasized her last statement with a slight wiggling of her eyebrows.

Rarity's face immediately burned up and turned into a deep and ripe tomato red. She had to put her front hoof in the middle of her face to hide her embarrassment from her little sister. How dare she assume such a thing?! "Oh honestly Sweetie Belle! I can't believe you! Not only are you suspecting something that's not….even there, but you're insulting your one and only sister! You just want to stick around just to tease your sister and her friend!"

Sweetie Belle then responded sincerely "I don't want to tease you and Diego. All I'm saying is that I love seeing you and Diego together. Aww you two are so sweet together. It's like Beauty and the Beast in the real life."

Rarity sighed "Oh Sweetie, what is up with this recent obsession over Beauty and the Beast."

Rarity was trying to calm down the heat and blush spreading across her face, but she couldn't and this made Rarity very frustrated. What was it with this werepony that made her act and feel this way?! Ever since Nightmare Night, Diego has been visiting her in the boutique every day for the past two weeks. How he found out about her boutique and where it was in Ponyville is something that she will never know. And every single time, he could barge into the door without Rarity letting him in properly. But every single time, he would make up with giving her a bouquet of dried roses. The whole boutique and even her room were being covered with dried roses galore, she was running out space to store them all. She found the dried up roses to be a strangely kind and flattering gesture.

However, she found it irritating when Diego would the coo her with some strange nicknames he makes up for her, and try to lock her in his embrace. But Rarity was always thankful for how she can use her work as an excuse to get out of their locked embraces. Rarity always found it fascinating how intrigued and curious Diego was about her work…and about her life in general. At first, she thought his fascination with her fashion line came solely from his obsession over her…however his eyes were always bright and wide whenever he saw a new creation she made…or that his questions about her fashion and art were always spoken in a genuine tone. Not to mention, Diego was a splendid participatory listener when it came to learning the little things that made Rarity who she is. He always understood what she was talking about, instead of being caught in the daze of her beauty like most stallions would be. In fact, Diego always showed signs that he remembered all the things she would tell him…as if all her words were important treasures to him. It was actually quite refreshing for Rarity. So far in his visits, he hasn't tried to kiss Rarity once. Not on the cheek, or the lips, or even on the hoof. He was just…simply happy to hold her and be in her presence. She wondered why he wouldn't want to kiss her especially with his specially loving devotion to her and all….not that she wanted him to kiss her. Oh all of these facts just put her head in the whirlwind. She needed to focus on something else.

Luckily, a distraction came knocking on her door and she quickly opened it with a bright grin on her face. It was of course her sweet and adorable parents. Sweetie Belle shouted while charging at her parents to give them a hug "Mom! Dad!"

The sisters' parents happily embraced in their little filly's hug, hugging her tighter to show how much they missed Sweetie Belle. "Aww shucks, it's great to see you kiddo!" said their Mid-western sounding dad.

"Did ya have some fun with your sister now?" said their also very Mid-western sounding mother.

Sweetie Belle cheered "I sure did!" Then she shifted her eyes towards Rarity behind her with a sly smirk on her face "Especially when Die…"

Rarity rapidly covered Sweetie's mouth with both of her front hooves, while trying to look innocent in front her now confused parents. Rarity's mom asked Sweetie "When what happened?"

Rarity quickly answered with a fake cheerful voice "When dear Spike came to visit. Yes! When Spike came to visit! He's always so much so fun! Fun Fun! Right Sweetie?!"

When Sweetie was able to escape her sister's powerful grip and catch her breath, she pouted at Rarity before replying "Yeah…lots of fun."

Rarity hasn't had the chance to tell her parents about her new 'suitor' yet. She just didn't know how to explain some pony like Diego to ponies she knows, especially if those ponies are her parents. Rarity keeps telling herself that soon she will figure out a way to tell them somehow.

After Sweetie Belle's dead pan statement, the unicorn sisters' parents were still perplexed by the strange and very suspicious behavior of their children. But the parents knew darn well that Rarity and Sweetie Bell were bad liars, eventually, they will cave in to the pressure.

They chuckled quietly to themselves before the father of the household took Sweetie's hoof and said "Well now, we better get going and get our sweet little groundhog here to bed."

Their mom then added while adding a kiss to Sweetie's forehead "Oh yeah you betcha!"

The three ponies happily traveled into the dark night of Ponyville, while Rarity happily waves goodbye at them until….they were just about…out of sight. Once they were gone, Rarity quickly shut the door behind her and collapsed in relief to the floor. Rarity sighed "That was a close one!"

After forty minutes of neatly prepping herself for bed, Rarity puts her fuzzy red robe on and starts walking peacefully to her bedroom from her bathroom. Rarity was also wearing huge blue curlers in her mane and tail in order for them to keep their magnificent curls. Rarity just couldn't wait to go to bed. After a long day of keeping both Sweetie Belle and Diego entertaining while working on her fashion master pieces, she certainly needed her beauty sleep. Rarity was so eager to get to her bedroom that she didn't notice…a pair of glowing green eyes following her from one of her hallway windows…

When Rarity placed her white and polished hoof on the door knob leading to her bedroom, a harsh claw tighten around her shoulder while another claw swiftly covered Rarity's mouth before she could scream for life….

Pinkie Pie was woken from her slumber by a deep yet loud grumbling sound. She opened her eyes in confusion and looked underneath her covers to see what was causing the noise. But when she thought about what the sound could be, Pinkie laughed "Hehe it's just me! Wow stomach you're really hungry tonight, aren't ya?"

Her stomach answered her question with another grumble, which made Pinkie giggle in delight. She then told her stomach "Don't worry, I'll get us something to eat. But you got to be veeerrryyy quiet."

Pinkie Pie dived back into the covers of her bed, and snaked all the way to the end of the bed. Her head slowly revealed itself out of the covers at the end of her bed. She looked suspiciously to the right and left before sneaking out of her bed. She tipped down all the way down the stairs, careful not to wake up the Cakes and their precious babes.

Once Pinkie Pie was at the bottom of the stairs, she again gave her suspicious looks to the right and left before dashing into the kitchen with great speed. She grinned widely at the fridge before opening it with anticipation and excitement. On the middle self…in the fridges' glorious yet blinding light was…Ms. Cake's fresh baked carrot and banana cupcakes! Pinkie Pie smiles and licked her lips greedily before stuffing her entire head into the cold fridge.

When she pulled her head out, she had three cupcakes in her mouth. She closed her cupcake eating mouth and began to chew happily on the sweets. She even closed her eyes just to enjoy the bliss of it all. Pinkie Pie may love sweets as much as the next pony, but she would never eat all of Ms. Cake's masterpieces before she could sell them to Ponyville. That would be selfish of Pinkie.

In the dark front entrance of the kitchen….lurking in the shadows beyond the fridge's light….was an enormous and bulking figure with….glowing green eyes….raising its massive paws to…strike….

Twilight was on the highest crystal branch balconies of her new castle, looking at the stars with her old telescope that she managed to save in the wreckage of her old home. Princess Luna's were all out tonight, along with some glittering star dust and specs of the Milky Way galaxy to go with it. Spike was fast asleep in his little dog-like bed in Twilight's room. He went to bed early in order to wake up early to not only finish all his chores, but get to Rarity's boutique before Diego the werepony can. Twilight could see how much Rarity's new suitor has been bugging Spike lately. The poor little guy Twilight thought to herself.

Twilight was observing the North Star tonight, and she was an awed in her new star observing deck. She felt so close to the stars that she could touch them with her front hoof. Even though that was impossible and illogical according to astronomy and physics. But when it came to the stars, Twilight always loved acting like a filly and dream of all what she could do with stars if she had the power and magic to fly wherever they are. After analyzing the North Star in her telescope, Twilight went to the small coffee table on her right and wrote down some notes in her star journal. Notes like the star's changing position in the sky, new developments in its size and measurements, and how bright its light was tonight. When Twilight finished writing notes on the North Star, she suddenly heard the flapping of wings…but it was louder than the usual pegasi wing flap.

Twilight looked to the right side of Ponyville from her coffee table….the noise wasn't coming from there. Then she quickly went over to the left side of the balcony, and found the source of the noise was coming from….Sugar Cube. Twilight narrowed her eyes and focused on Sugar Cube in the darkness. From what she could make out, she saw….some large creature on the roof! She rapidly grabbed her telescope and swooped it towards the Sugar Cube corner direction. Her eyes widen to their fullest capacity…she saw a massive and furry griffin like monster…about to fly off roof…with…an unconscious Pinkie Pie in its front paw!

Anger and fear boiled quickly in Twilight's heart and soul. With a snarling yet determined look on her face, she magically transported herself quickly to Sugar Cube.

"Drop my friend….NOW!" shouted a very furious Twilight to the powerful griffin monster.

The beast folded its wings and turned around to face the purple alicorn. He saw a raging fire in her eyes, and if she was a predator, she would show all of her sharp fangs to him. Despite her intimating appearance and stance, the creature was unfazed by this.

He unfolded his wings in a flash, zoomed through the air, and charged at Twilight with all his might. The surprised yet terrified Twilight didn't have the time to back up and fly, or at least think about her next move when the monster…swooped over her head with great speed and…grabbed her face by his large tail!

Before Twilight knew it, they were already high above Ponyville and heading towards the town's bounders. The purple alicorn was going to scream for help, but the beast's large tail coiled around her mouth and her eyes…and her whole world became dark….

Winnona's barking echoed throughout the serene and quiet Apple household. This made Applejack, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith slowly and tiredly enter out of their bedrooms to meet their dog waiting for them in the hallway. Applejack yawned "What-what is it girl?"

When Winnona saw Applejack, her barks became more high pitched and panicky. Her dog's eyes were big and filled with fear. Winnona clawed her front paws up on Applejack's front legs, followed by Winnona running down the hallway. Winnona stopped by the top of the stairs, to tell Applejack to follow her. Applejack knew something was wrong and comforted Winnona "Don't worry girl, I'm coming."

Before Applejack could run after her dog, Apple Bloom said to her older sister "We're coming too Winnona!"

Granny Smith added "Darn tooting!"

Big Mac added a serious "Eeyup."

Applejack gave her family a smile before the whole gang followed rapidly after their dog down the stairs.

Winnona lead the Apple family to the vampire fruits bats section of the orchard. Applejack groaned in her mind Don't tell me that those varmint are up to no good again! Despite this thought, she had a feeling that her little Winnona was tracking down a varmint…far worse than the vampire fruit bats.

After traveling a couple feet into the vampire fruit bat's part of the orchard, Winnona created a halting hockey stop in front a Red Delicious tree and began growling ferociously at it. The Apple family soon arrived at the tree, panting and sweating to no end. Applejack was the first one to notice the beast that Winnona was baking and growling at.

This varmint was half the size of the tree itself, it was furry and feathery with paws as big as the tree trunks. It looked like it had the strength to knock down the tree it wanted to…but instead, the beast had a large burlap sack in its claws and gathered all the tree's apples into its sack.

Applejack couldn't stand no good thieves in her orchard, no matter how big and bulky they are! She growled at him "Put the apples down! You no good varmint!"

The monster turned its head around to Applejack, while still holding the sack in its paws. He stared at her with…his glowing green eyes… Applejack couldn't deny that those eyes petrified her in that moment. She was so scared that she didn't notice that the creature swiftly stuffed her into its apple sack and rapidly took to the sky. This made the rest of the Apple family desperately call out her name for her, praying that Applejack could hear them.

Winnona immediately followed the varmint and galloped with all her might in his direction. The Apple family, with fear and panic in their hearts, ran after their dog. They didn't care how tired they were or how hopeless their situation may seemed, they were determined to bring their little Applejack home safe and sound.

Winnona and the Apple family ran after that beast for what seemed like to be fifteen minutes, unsure where the varmint was going to strike next or what he wanted in the first place. They ran through the grassy hills, the dirt paved paths, the bushes and rambles that surround the outside of the pony, just to be in shadow of the creature's flight. They were dirty, scratched and bruised….but their adrenaline and determination never faltered. It wasn't until that…they saw Fluttershy's cottage…did they realize what the creature was up to.

Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith screamed Fluttershy's name with all their breath, hoping that the sleeping pegasus would hear their warning before the creature takes her too. Angel bunny and Fluttershy came to the living room to investigate the screams coming from outside. Fluttershy opened the window and…her eyes and jaw opened wide to find the poor Apple family running after…a terrifying monster…with haunting glowing green eyes…heading towards her little cottage. Fluttershy looked like a deer…caught in the bright light of a flashlight…staring into the terrifying light of the creature's eyes…looking like a prey ready to be caught.

Author's Note:

MissKoi doesn't own MLP and "The Quest for Camelot", for they all belong to their respective owners and creators.