• Published 27th Feb 2015
  • 1,875 Views, 46 Comments

The Green Eyed Gryphon - misskoifishpony

Sequel to "Count's Traveling Haunted House". Lord Ruber didn't die of Excalibur's magical might, but instead transported himself to Equestria. And this crazy and power driven man is on a quest to find Excalibur's magic in this new land. And his griff

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What We Feel and What We Confess

Spike and Diego traveled nonstop from Canterlot. Well,since it was Diego the werepony was doing the galloping and carrying Spike around. It was truly Diego that was traveling nonstop. Diego didn't talk. Diego didn't slow down. Not for one second. Diego was determined. Spike has never seen Diego like this. Then again,he hasn't known the werepony long. So,perhaps Spike was discovering a new side to the hairy pony? Who knows?

Celestia's sun was setting at a rapid pace,and Luna's dark sky was rising in it's place. Spike knew they had to camp soon due to the monsters that linger at night. Even though Diego can scare away any monster that attacks them, Diego was clearly tired from their journey and couldn't have the energy to fight them off. Plus, they would need their rest in they were to face the kidnapper. Diego would need his rest if he were to keep his sanity.

The mountains near the Saddle Arabian desert was on the horizon, but still miles and miles notice that a large lush forest was in front of them and would need to pass through. Before reaching and climbing the mountains. This forest was the perfect place for them to camp. Now Spike had the challenge of convincing Diego to stop.

Spike shouted while clinging to Diego's mane "Diego! Maybe we should make camp in the forest and rest?"

Diego panted through his gallop "We're...almost...there!"

Spike yelled "We need a plan first! We need our energy before attacking this guy! Diego please!"

Diego reflected on Spike's suggestion for a moment or two. Spike sighed out, feeling that his plan didn't convince Diego. He shuddered as he felt an immediate change of speed on Diego's back. Diego slowly progressed into a trot...then into a walk. Spike smiled at this and mentally patted himself on the back.

After five minutes of searching, Diego found an abandoned Timber Wolf cave for them to rest in. When Diego collapsed upon the floor of the dark large cave,Spike immediately started a fire for them. Then, he went into the woods to gather supplies for dinner. Spike brought back berries and roots to accompany their jerky. After Spike prepared their plates, Spike threw a blanket over the sweaty Diego. So that way, the werepony wouldn't catch a cold. Diego gave the small dragon a weak smile before laying his head down.

The two travelers ate their meals silently and observed the fire in peaceful bliss. Spike, ever now and then, glanced over to Diego in the corner of his eye. The small dragon began to wonder why he was so calm in all this. He pondered why he wasn't freaking out in some way like Diego. Is because he has to in order to calm down Diego? Spike felt like he was acting like the wise leader Twilight in this scenario. Spike felt like he should be freaking because Twilight and his friends are in danger. He should be freaking out because Rarity is in danger. But he isn't. Does this mean that Diego cares for Rarity more than he does? Well maybe it's because his friends and Rarity have been in tons of life threatening situations before. And Spike is used to it. Spike just couldn't figure it out.

With Diego, everything is complicated. At first, Spike had faith that Diego could never win her heart. Their meeting on Nightmare Night proved that. However, over the course of Diego's visits, Rarity's defenses kept lowering. Rarity slowly showed signs of enjoying Diego's company. She slowly smiled and giggled more around him. Should Spike finally accept Rarity falling in love with an older stallion? Should Spike finally let her go and move on with his life? Could he ever find somepony to love? Could he ever love another mare after Rarity?

Spike finally uttered out "Hey Diego?"

Diego looked up at Spike with a surprised look on his face. He responded with food in his mouth "Uh yeah, little buddy?"

"How come you're friends with me?" Spike asked seriously.

Diego gulped down his food before happily answering "What are you talking about Spike?"

Spike asked again "Why are you friends with me?"

Diego laughed joyously "What kind of question is that?! C'mon bud, why wouldn't I be friends with ya?!"

Spike proclaimed while slamming his fists in his lap "I'm serious! Why are ya?!"

It took Diego a minute to settle down his laughter. He calmly tells Spike with a smirk on his face "Is it so hard to believe that I just like ya and nothing more?"

Spike speaks through his gritted teeth "Why can't you just admit that you only 'like' me just to look good in front of Rarity?"

Spike panted slowly. In and out. He focused on getting his breath again. He closed his eyes in order to settle down his mind. When he finally looked up...Diego's mouth was wide open. Diego looked confused, hurt, and mad.

Spike immediately regretted his statement. He was about to immediately apologized,but Diego cut him off with "My love for Rarity has nothing to do with our friendship! How could you say such a thing?!"

Spike mumbled out sadly while turning his gaze away from Diego "I'm sorry Diego. I didn't mean it. I'm just...I'm just..."

Diego's frustrated face softened when he heard the sadness in Spike's voice. He comforted his friend with "No buddy, forgive me. I know how you feel. I'm mad too. I'm tired, and I feel so utterly hopeless and useless."

Spike then tells Diego "But Diego...that's the problem."

Diego responded with a quick "Huh?"

Spike explained "Right now, I don't how to feel. It's like I can't feel at all. I should be feeling all those things you said. But, I can't."

Diego softly replies "Maybe you're feeling everything all at once? And because of this, you feel like it's almost nothing?"

Spike sighed out "No...that's not it."

Diego added "Spike, I would rather be feeling what you're feeling. You're able to think through all this. I mean, if it weren't for you...I would be galloping towards my downfall with the enemy."

Spike yelled out with tears in his eyes "But feeling something means you love somepony! It means I don't love my friends! It means I don't love Twilight! It means I don't love Rarity!"

Spike instantly covered his mouth after his confession about Rarity. He held his breath and stared at Diego. Awaiting his response.

Diego blinked at Spike a couple of times before whispering "Spike, why didn't you tell me that...you love Rarity too?"

Spike slowly removed his claws from his mouth. Wiped the tears from his eyes and said "Because it's not love. It's a school pony crush. And nothing more."

Diego soothed his friend with "No Spike. You do love Rarity. You care for her more than I ever could."

Spike exclaimed "But Diego! That isn't true! I have never met any stallion...or were-stallion...that adores Rarity more than you do!" Then he softly chuckled "In fact, you worship Rarity more than I do."

Diego and Spike softly chuckled with each other. After they enjoyed their moment together, Diego went over to Spike and sat down. He placed the blanket over them and proclaimed "Spike, just because you're young...that doesn't mean that your feelings don't matter."

Then he placed his large foreleg over Spike's shoulder. Spike sighed "That may be so...but that doesn't mean Rarity and I would work out."

Diego sighed and turned his gaze towards the fire. Spike notices this and adds "But you're right. I do love Rarity. I will always love her. No matter what. Just like with Twilight. I want Rarity to be happy, so..."

Spike smiles at Diego warmly and says "she should be with somepony like you."

Diego smiles warmly back at Spike and asks "Are you sure this is what you want? If you say the word, I will back off. As much I love my sweet Rarity, your friendship still means alot to me."

Spike nods his head yes and answers "Yeah, I'm sure."

Diego whispers happily "Thank you...my friend."

Author's Note:

Yay! Bromance:)! Lol;)! MissKoi doesn't own MLP and "The Quest for Camelot", for they belong to their respective owners. I only own my OCs like Diego, and my fan name for Ruber's gryphon.