• Published 2nd Mar 2015
  • 9,108 Views, 227 Comments

The Dragon Sage - Dragon Sage

Spike has remained young while everypony else ages. Is he destined to stay as a baby assistant forever? When Spike receives a letter from Princess Luna, he's faced with a difficult decision that will change his whole world.

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Chapter 17: Home

One week later

Dear Princess Luna,

I want to thank you for your guidance and your teachings over the past few seasons. I feel stronger and more useful than ever. Your wisdom has really meant a world of difference to me, and I am very grateful.

However, I’m sorry to say that I won’t be returning to continue my training. At least, not for some time. I feel like my age and my body match now, and I want it to stay this way. In all honesty, I want everything to stay this way. I’ve found more happiness than I ever thought possible, and I’m afraid of too much change too quickly. Someday, far in the future, I hope to return and continue to study. But until that day, I want to remain here in Ponyville. This is my home after all.

If you are ever in need of my help, I will be there as fast as these new wings can carry me. You need only write.

Your faithful student,

P.S. Tell Knight Wing that “Kiddo says thanks.”

Spike looked over the page and read through it once more. Satisfied, he rolled up the page and tied a ribbon around it securely. He then made his way over to the window in Twilight’s room and opened it up. The hinges squeaked and the cool evening air wafted into the room as he held up his hand. With a full breath, Spike blew the note into the wind and it sailed off into the distance towards Canterlot.

“Who was that too?” he heard from behind him. Twilight walked in carrying with her a saddlebag full of books.

“Princess Luna,” he answered. “I just want to keep her up to date on things, you know?”

Twilight dropped the book she was holding and gasped at Spike.

“You didn’t tell her about us, did you?!” she said slightly frantically. Spike laughed and waved his hands as if surrendering.

“No, but what’s the big deal? I mean, you told me that she said ‘anything is possible’ with friends or something, right?” he remembered.

“I just don’t think we should tell other ponies just yet,” she said picking her book back up again. “I’m still getting used to it myself. I mean, I don’t feel any different around you, but the thought of other ponies seeing us together just feels odd still.”

“I get it,” Spike said and walked over to her. “We have all the time in the world, so let’s just worry about everyday things for a change. No monsters, Miasmas, malicious villains or anything for a while, ok?”

“No promises,” she said rolling her eyes, “I am a princess still. But that does sound nice.” Spike came over to her and sat beside her. He extended a wing and wrapped it around her. She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder.

“Applejack is having everypony over for dinner at the orchard. How’s that for an everyday thing?” Twilight suggested. Spike looked down at her and smiled.

“Perfect,” he chirped and held her a little closer. “But if we’re going to be hiding this from our friends--”

“--just for now,” she interrupted. “They deserve to know. But we need to figure out how to tell them.”

“Okay,” Spike nodded. “But if we’re going to stay princess-assistant for the rest of the night, you’re going to have to give me a kiss good enough to last the night,” he said and shot her a sly smile. She giggled and put a hoof up to his shoulder. She smiled up at him, leaned forward, and closed her eyes. Spike leaned downward and slowly approached her face. Then his eyes shot open as his stomach began to churn.

uh oh, the thought.

“EEEUUURRPP” he belched loudly as green flames spouted out of his mouth. A second later, a scroll of paper flew out and bounced right off the end of Twilight’s nose. Spike looked down at her with a mixture of concern and terror.

Her eyes were wide and her entire face was scorched black. Her mane was singed and arrow-straight pointed backwards. One strand of hair on her mane was lit like a match which quickly fizzled out. Her wings were splayed in shock and her hoof slowly let go of his shoulder. Her gaze went from shock and slowly morphed into anger and frustration. Spike gave a sheepish smile and laughed nervously.

“Eh, sorry?” he offered weakly. She continued to stare at him with contempt and he lowered his head as he cowered away from her. She groaned and lit her horn with magic, lifting a towel out of the bathroom and floating it through the door towards her.

“Well, at least it’s not a book this time,” she said and began wiping her face off.

“You’re not mad?” Spike asked.

“I’ve been living with a dragon for years, Spike. I’m hardly a stranger to fire-breath mishaps. But you are cleaning this up,” she said and tossed the dirty towel at him. He sighed as he looked at her again. She cleaned up nicely considering he could have burned her into baldness.

“Alright. I'm sorry, Twilight. Guess I blew my chance at getting a k--”

Twilight cut him off by springing up next to him and giving him a peck on his cheek. He looked back at her with a surprised look and smiled. She smiled back at him and sweetly turned towards the door.

“We should get going or we’ll be late,” she said and walked out the door into the corridor. Spike shook his head rubbed his face where she had kissed him. The sensation was still a little new, but she was still the same Twilight, and deep down, he still felt like the same Spike. He made his way towards the door to follow her when something crunched underneath his foot. He looked down and saw the scroll that had flown out his mouth at the worst possible time. He picked up and tore it open.

The letter was short, but it still made him smile. He placed it down on Twilight’s desk carefully and looked out her window towards Canterlot.

“You coming?” she called out from the hallway.

“Right behind you,” he called and walked out the door.

The room was left still and quiet as the two walked away. The air was warm and comfortable as the last of the day’s sun lingered on the walls. Twilight’s room had not changed much at all since the day the castle was made. Her bed was made nicely, her window was tall and majestic, and her desk was littered with pages of parchment. Of all these pages, however, only one was unique. The letter bore a simple message to the purple dragon that had left it there.

Best of luck, Dragon Sage


Author's Note:

What a ride this has been. I started watching this show in January, and I've been swept away into it like nothing I've ever seen before. This story is my debut into the fandom, and I thank you all for reading.

Will there be more? I may do a few Slice of Life one shots as an epilogue of this story. But as for "The Dragon Sage", this is all there is. Please let me know what you liked and perhaps how I can do better.

As always, thanks for reading.

Go ahead and play this song and roll the credits