• Published 2nd Mar 2015
  • 9,117 Views, 227 Comments

The Dragon Sage - Dragon Sage

Spike has remained young while everypony else ages. Is he destined to stay as a baby assistant forever? When Spike receives a letter from Princess Luna, he's faced with a difficult decision that will change his whole world.

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Chapter 5: Letters

Dear Spike,

It is good to hear that you are enjoying your lessons with Princess Luna. It sounds like you are learning some fascinating things! I’m a little envious. The first thing I’m going to do next time I’m in Canterlot is go straight to that observatory you told me about. It sounds like a dream come true.

All is well in Ponyville. We enjoyed Nightmare Night celebrations in town square. Rainbow Dash was at her usual pranks again by spooking people with a thundercloud. I went as Scorpan this year since I had a pair of wings to complete the costume. I looked a little silly, I’ll admit, but it was nice to see everypony else laugh with me about it instead of bowing. I hope Nightmare Night was fun for you as well.

The Cutiemark Crusaders are each helping me out in the library these days. They could never replace you of course, but it’s nice to have somepony around. Most days I’ll venture out of the castle and meet with some friends. We hold official meetings in the throne room twice a week and discuss our role and our next plan of action. We’re working on spreading the magic of friendship all across equestria, but that is easier said than done for the 6 of us. I’ve decided to chronicle my experiences with my friends in a book so that I can teach others about what I’ve discovered. Perhaps I’ll make some copies and send them out to places I can’t reach right now, like Las Pegasus or Baltimare.

We all miss you Spike. Your chair is always sadly empty during our meetings. We wish you well and hope that you’re happy.

Your Friend,
Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

I would have paid 10 bits to see you in that Scorpan costume. That sounds hilarious. I personally went as a Hydra and fashioned a few extra heads out of some molts I painted purple and green. It grossed people out instead of scaring them, which was close enough for me. Princess Luna gave me the night off so I hung out at Moondancer’s party and got to see some old friends. I think she went off to scare some town that night just like she did in Ponyville. She’s been flying off some nights in the middle of our lessons, just like before. Some Night Watcher will come in with urgent news, and she will disappear. I asked her about it, but she told me that it was none of my concern.

I’ve been growing pretty steadily recently. My tail is almost half a foot longer now and the spines on my head are starting to form sharp points on the end instead of being rounded. I woke up one morning with the biggest one stuck in the headboard of my bed and I had to wrestle it out. I’m also constantly sore from growing pains, mostly in my shoulders for some reason. I’m not sure if this is all from the studying or the physical training or both, but the books I’ve been reading say that I’m probably going to grow much more. Aurora sounds like she was a great dragon. I read about how she lit the entire night sky over Cloudsdale with nothing but her bright fire breath! She called it a ‘flare,’ and I’m going to try it soon!

I miss Ponyville everyday, but I know I’ll be back soon enough. Maybe you guys could all come visit for some of the holidays? I don’t get much time off but I could find some excuse if I could see you all. The snow is starting to fall here, so I assume the Ponyville pegasi are getting ready for another winter. As usual, wish everypony my best and take care of yourself.

your favorite assistant,


Dear Spike,

I’m so sorry we weren’t able to visit you this Hearth’s Warming Eve. All of the Princesses had to be present in the Crystal Empire, again. Can you believe how much royal presence that one city gets? The girls came along as well, though they wanted to see you. You can expect some fun things in the mail soon (we’re sorry they are late).

The snow is nearly 3 feet thick at this point. Rainbow Dash says Cloudsdale has been holding on to a bunch of it for way too long so we had a thicker winter. But thankfully Winter Wrap-Up is on its way next weekend. I’m very excited to have the same role I had last year as organizer. The mayor tried to keep me out of it, saying that royals shouldn’t dirty their hooves with commonpony work. I wasn’t having it. It’s exciting to hear about how much you’re growing. You’re probably going to be as tall as me pretty soon.

I find it worrying that Princess Luna is concerned about something that doesn’t seem to be going away. After that letter I received from you describing how someone was “on the move” in Manehattan, I did some research looking for anything odd going on there. But I couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary. It’s not exactly Ponyville when it comes to crime rates, and anything interesting that does happen there gets reported regularly. I wanted to write to Princess Celestia about it, but then I realized my assistant is gone and I’d have to send it via mailmare, and ours isn’t exactly dependable.

I hope you had a wonderful Hearth’s Warming Eve. Study hard and don’t forget about your pony friends here who miss you.

With love and care,
Twilight Sparkle

Dear Twilight,

I got all the presents from the gang, so tell them I say thank you. Fluttershy sent me some tea, RD got me a squirt gun, and Applejack sent me her recipe for spiced potatoes suggesting that I try it on some gems to make them even tastier. Rarity got me a big green emerald, so I tried it on that and it was delicious! I finished it up gorging on the cupcakes Pinkie sent.

Thanks so much for the photo of all of us! It’s sitting right next to my basket so I see it every day. Speaking of basket, I’ve out-grown the one we kept here. I’ve gotten so long now that Knight Wing is training me to walk on all fours. My claws are a little weak still, but my scales are tough so that it never feels uncomfortable. Plus, I can run much faster than I used to. But that’s not the coolest news of all.

I have wings!! A few weeks ago I started this crazy molting and shed off like 3 layers, and after the third one I noticed two little bumps on my shoulders. I was worried I was deforming, but I read about it in the Sage’s Lyric and apparently these are what wings feel like when they grow in! They’re super tiny now, but they started to fill out a little and I can flap them around kinda like Scootalo does. I could be flying by the time I see you next!

I’ve got a ‘test’ coming up soon, according to Knight Wing. He’s not telling me anything specific, just that I’ll have to try hard to remember what it was like to overcome greed. That was hard, and I nearly destroyed Ponyville in the process, so I’m not too excited about this test.

I don’t have any news about Princess Luna’s concerns. She hasn’t vanished in the middle of a lesson for almost a month now so I bet we’re just freaking out over nothing. According to Rune Reader, ‘Our decisions are always half-chance, as are everyone else’s. Worrying about that half can only distract us from the other part we can control.’

I hope you had a great winter wrap-up!

Your favorite assistant,


Dear Spike,

Twilight went absolutely insane yester-----------------

What Rainbow Dash is trying to say is that we had a bit of an issue yesterday, and I may or may not have had another minor anxiety attack. Princess Celestia sent me a letter about updating her on my successes as princess and I didn’t really know what to say because I’ve only been princess for so little. But it was totally not a complete mental breakdown like when I thought Princess Celestia was going to send me back to filly-kindergarten. I didn’t even use the want it need it spell. Granted I may have set the new castle on fire while trying to synthesize a friendship potion, but I put it all out!

The truth is, you are always the one who can pull me back to reality when I get like that. Everyone else tried, but you would have stopped it so much sooner because you know me too well. I should have listened to your advice. You sound like you’ve gotten very wise in your studies, and I’m very proud of you. I’m sure you can pass this test of yours. From what you’ve been telling me, you have studied very well and I know you can get past it. I have faith in my number one assistant.

With love and care,


p.s. Rainbow Dash wants to know when your flying lessons start with her.

Dear Twilight,

Happy Hearts and Hooves day.

I passed my test, but it was pretty scary. Luna had this gemstone in a box, and she said that when I looked at it, I’d be shown true Envy. I looked at it, and at first it was nothing. But then everything started changing around me. I was seeing things that made me furious and hateful and envious beyond belief. It was kind of like King Sombra’s door that showed you your worst fear. I don’t really want to say what I saw, but the only reason I passed was by thinking about you. I mean, all of you and my ponyville friends. When I snapped back to reality, I was nearly another foot taller! I grew too much too fast and I fainted right away and Knight Wing had to carry me to bed.

I woke up this morning feeling loopy, but now I’m probably only a little shorter than you. My wings are big enough to do small glides too! I’ve never had so much fun before. Aurora described the feeling to me in the 'Lyric', but it didn’t do any justice. Now every chance I get, I glide to where I’m going. I can’t wait to show them to you. Now two of us have sprouted wings in the group, and I bet the others will be excited too. Tell Rainbow Dash that I’ll be flying circles around her in no time.

I got a little chocolate from Moondancer for Hearts and Hooves day, but so did everypony else so I don’t think she was asking me to be her special somepony. Gotta say, I’m a little relieved. As we both know, I don’t care much for chocolate anyway, so I thought you’d better have them instead. I tried rolling the box up in the letter and then sending it to you, but I nearly set the box on fire so I sent them via mailmare. Enjoy!

My studies are very interesting right now and all I can think most days is that you need to come and see this observatory someday. Better yet, we’ll build you one just like it in the new castle. We’ll dig a great big hole in the roof and line it with glass and build you a massive telescope surrounded with books. It sounds like a good place to me.

I’ll likely be returning home soon, according to Princess Luna. She tells me that I’m forging my own path, which means I can leave whenever I feel I need to. I think I’m going to stay a little longer, because there is still a little more I want to know. As soon as that’s done, I’ll be back fetching books before you know it.



p.s. We’re going to need a bigger bed for me when I get back.

Dear Spike,

It’s nearly been 8 months since you’ve left. It feels like a lifetime ago, but we can’t wait to see you again, and I can’t wait to have you back home.

I finished my book on the magic of friendship and I’m ready to send out some copies to some libraries across Equestria, but I’m thinking that it might be better to have each one of our friends deliver a copy to a different city personally. After all, my friends are the greatest example of the magic of friendship at work, so maybe this will make a bigger impact.

I got a letter yesterday from the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadence is coming to visit again next week, so it will be good to catch up with her. It sounds like she has something she wants to discuss with me. I’ve asked Fluttershy to keep discord busy and as far away as possible to avoid any repeats of last time.

Please take as much time as you feel you need. I miss you and can’t wait to see you, but I will always support whatever it is that you do. I’m happy to hear that you are doing so well. Please take care and return safely. I’ve made arrangements to turn the second floor of the study into your new bed-chamber. You’ll never guess who’s designing it: little Applebloom. She’s doing a great job so far and I think you’re going to like it.

With Love,
