• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 374 Views, 2 Comments

Six elements - Melancholy Bacteria

Before the Mane Six, their were six ponies who were the embodiment of the Elements of Harmony.

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Evil Fate

Nobody knew what had become of Night Crown, but one day in her loneliness Chrysalis ventured into the Everfree. She found him summoning a Shadow Phoenix, an evil version of the gorgeous bird that spread mischief and hatred wherever it flew. When it burned itself into ashes, not only did it reincarnate but it also made it's owner stronger. Many evil ponies summoned them and tried to set them afire so they could become infinitely stronger.

"Chrysalis! What are you doing here!" Night shouted in rage. A small part of him didn't want to hurt his former friend, but his corrupted part was growing stronger and stronger. He was starting to want to kill her.

Chrysalis sniffled a bit and asked, "What are you doing? Why did you leave? I love you, Night Crown!" She galloped towards him, her horn glowing pink. She was going to try and purify him and maybe cats a love spell as well. Chrysalis was sneaky like that.

"Get... away from... me!!" He sent out a pulse of dark green magic, sending Chrysalis flying into a tree. Her skin turned oily black and her mane turned green blue. She had holes every where and her beautifully feathered wings become gossamer bug wings.

She let out an evil laugh. "My true self has been freed," she cackled, and flittered away as fast as she could. She would go on to create a changeling and begin her reign of terror on all of Equestria.

How and what would happen to Sombra? Would he fall prey to his tormented former brother? Would he corrupt himself?