• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 374 Views, 2 Comments

Six elements - Melancholy Bacteria

Before the Mane Six, their were six ponies who were the embodiment of the Elements of Harmony.

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Sombra's Corruption

Discord was playing with a magic spell when Sombra suddenly walked in. Discord went to show him his trick. "Hey Sombra! Watch this!" He took an energy ball and turned it into a chicken.

"That's so cool," Sombra said. "I wanna try." He formed a ball of energy on his horn and tried to turn it into matter, but it suddenly crackled and fizzled, exploding in a ball of gooey zappy tar that coated him from top to bottom. He licked it all off with his unnaturally long tongue and teleported to the north, summoning crystals to build his kingdom. He would rule the Empire that lay before him.

Discord was stunned. It had all happened ridiculously fast; he barely knew what had happened; he was scared and alone. Celestia and Luna were busy shopping.


Night Crown snickered as he gazed into the pond, watching the library where the lone Discord stood. He had done it. He was starting to get to all of them. Only three to go.

Comments ( 2 )

Interesting, I look forward to more:raritywink:

Jesus Christ tat dark

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