• Published 11th Mar 2015
  • 1,515 Views, 30 Comments

Following Their Hoofsteps - Rated Ponystar

For many years, Equestria has been at peace with all six famous mares comfortable spreading friendship while raising their daughters. Yet, the forces of darkness are never one to sit still for long as a new evil erupts and causes devastation.

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Inside the chambers of Equestria’s wise Council of Friendship, four young mares sat in their respective chairs with bored expressions on their faces. Rarity sighed and turned away from filing her hooves to Fluttershy who was looking over some paperwork. “Fluttershy, dear. Did Discord say anything about why he wanted us here? We’ve been waiting for at least half an hour now. I want to get back to the store and try out these new designs I made. And you have the perfect figure to do it.”

“Sorry, Rarity,” apologized Fluttershy. “But I don’t know anything else. Twilight?”

Twilight turned away from a scroll she had been reading before looking up and shaking her head. “Nope. All I know is that Discord has been busy with a project of his own again.”

“You don’t think it’s like that last project of his? The one where he tried to create a hivemind for ponies based on the changelings, right?” asked Rarity, nervously.

Everypony shivered at the thought of that day and the chaos it created. Discord got a laugh out of it, even if it was unintentional. The former Lord of Chaos, had changed a lot the past five years since the Tirek incident. He had worked very hard to improve Equestrian society and repent for his actions, slowly earning Equestria’s trust. A problem that both Twilight and Celestia realized originally was that Discord needed to do chaos, but in a way that didn’t harm Equestria. So they asked him to become their official “Unorthodox Researcher” who was dedicated to researching uncommon ways to help Equestria society.

Sometimes it was good, like the invention of the TV and pink chocolate cloud generator. Those were popular with the little ones, and Pinkie Pie. Other times it wasn’t so good, such as the hivemind idea. Twilight slowly turned to Pinkie who cheerfully waved hello. Never again... I love you and all, Pinkie, but I will never want to get inside your mind... again... nor will all of Equestria I think...

“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are late, again...” muttered Rarity, rolling her eyes. “I swear, they only got married two months ago. Do they really have to spend, every moment bucking each other’s brains out.”

“Silly Rarity! You don’t buck with your brains! You buck with your—”

“I think we know what we’re suppose to do, Pinkie!” shouted Twilight, blushing. She then smiled and leaned over, kissing her wife on the cheek. “After all, we’ve done it ourselves a few times, my naughty little Pinkie.” She leaned forward. “And if you behave well enough I’ll let you bring out the whip cream tonight.”

Pinkie began to drool at the thought her, Twilight, and whipped cream. The servants would be annoyed in the morning, but that was their job.

Rarity looked away with a blush on her face. Although she couldn’t hear what Twilight was whispering, the look on Pinkie’s face was evident enough, especially when her tail started to wag like a dog.

Rarity turned to Fluttershy and whispered, “I swear, we are the only married couple with any amount of decency and privacy when it comes to our love lives. We’ve never done something so crude and animalistic.”

Fluttershy gently began to tap her hooves together. “B-but Rarity? What about our honeymoon? When we were in our suite and you took out that leathered costume, chains, whip and huge—” Fluttershy yipped as Rarity’s hoof pressed against her wife’s mouth. She slowly turned to face Twilight and Pinkie who were staring at them with raised eyebrows. Rarity gave a nervous smile before Pinkie got bored and grabbed Twilight for another make out session.

Rarity quickly turned to a shaking Fluttershy and hissed. “I thought we agreed never to speak about that again.”

When the hoof was removed. Fluttershy whimpered. “You... you mean you didn’t like it? I... I wasn’t good... enough.”

Her earlier embarrassment quickly turned to regret before Rarity gave a comforting smile and hugged Fluttershy close to her heart. She rubbed her back and nuzzled her while whispering, “No, darling. That was an amazing night. You are the perfect lover and never think otherwise.”

Fluttershy quickly pressed forward and gently pressed her lips against Rarity’s. Unlike Pinkie Pie and Twilight, where Pinkie always dominated and Twilight allowed herself to be explored in her mouth with every crook and cranny while her hooves focused on Pinkie’s pink backside, Rarity and Fluttershy preferred grace. It was even with them, neither side letting the other dominate. Whenever they kissed it was as on, tongues gently touching each other as both grew closer and closer until they could feel the other’s fur against them.

“Hey, if you guys wanted to have a make out party we could have arrived a bit earlier!”

Both couples quickly separated and got up as an amused Rainbow Dash and Applejack walked in before taking their respective seats. Applejack leaned on hers and glanced at Rarity with a smirk. “So, what did we miss? Beside y’all trying to suck the life out of each other.”

“Waiting for you,” answered Twilight, reshaping her hair from all the wild curls and tangles. “Discord summoned us here, remember?”

“Yeah, but I don’t see the big guy. Guess that means he’s late himself, huh?” said Rainbow Dash, leaning back against her chair with her wings spread open.

“Actually, I’ve been watching the entire time waiting for all of you to arrive,” said a familiar voice that made all the girls jump out of their seats. They looked up and glared seeing the familiar draconequus above the ceiling with a hammock in place and binoculars in one hand while a bowl of popcorn in another. “And I must say you were all touchy feely on your own before you got married. Now that you're all in the old ball and chain it’s like you can’t stop.” He chuckled to himself before a third arm tossed popcorn into his mouth.

“Did you call us here for a reason, Discord? Or just to annoy us?” asked Twilight, huffing.

With a snap of his fingers, Discord blinked out and reappeared before the six mares with a proud smile. “Indeed, I have oh Princess of mine. You see, I have just finished my latest unorthodox idea ever!”

“It’s not like the last one is it? I don’t want to go to therapy again for looking into Pinkie’s mind,” warned Dash, rubbing her head.

“No, this time it’s very unique. Actually, I’m only half done. I can get it to work with mares, but stallions are proving to be a bit more difficult,” said Discord. The girls raised their eyebrows at each other before Discord continued. He turned around, back turned and stared into one of the glass painted windows that showed the six mares defeating Tirek with their new Rainbow powers. “As you all know, five years ago I made the mistake of betraying you all and siding with Tirek. A mistake that I still regret to this day.”

The others tone quickly changed to that of sympathy. Even after all these years, the betrayal was still a hard thing for Discord to deal with. He had earned their forgiveness instantly upon his helping in stopping the mad magic eating demon. The rest of Equestria, not so much. Many had demanded he be turned to stone or exiled for his mistakes, with even Cadance and Shining Armor supporting them. Discord never felt worse in his life, and spent many nights in Fluttershy’s house, sulking. It took all of them to help him gain confidence back to win their approval once more and he worked hard to do it. He tried to improve Equestria life, save towns from danger, even make dreams come true with his powers.

“But you’ve changed, Discord,” said Fluttershy, flying over and hugging him. He looked down at his best friend as the two shared a smile. “You proved that two years ago when you saved us from war.”

It wasn’t until the changelings invaded again that Discord saw his chance to be forgiven. Queen Chrysalis arrived with an army that outnumbered Equestria three to one. Her people were starving and she was determined to capture Equestria to feed her subjects or die trying. It looked like war was about to happen. That’s when Discord used his reality shaping powers to transform the entire changeling race into something else. Creatures that were not disfigured but pony like with butterfly wings and antenna. Ones that did not steal love, but instead could release it. A race that wasn’t always hungry or starving to survive, but could eat, drink, and be merry like everypony else. They were now Flutter Ponies. Named by Discord out the honor of his best friend.

It had been one of the most amazing things seen in history. With the flutter ponies no longer needing love to survive, they were finally free to peacefully interact with other races. Queen Chrysalis, thankful for Equestria help, established an alliance and sought to repair all the trouble her kind had caused over the millennia. Discord become a worldwide hero that day, but he owed it all to his friends for making him who he was now.

Nuzzling Fluttershy on the nose, he turned around and smiled at his best friends. “And I have you all to thank for it. I always used to think causing chaos was the only way I could ever be happy, but you proved to me that I can be happy doing good as well.” Discord snapped his fingers and medals of Discord’s face with the words “best friends” appeared on their chests. “So to thank you girls, I’ve decided to give you a gift.”

“The medals are nice, Discord, but you didn’t need to do that,” said Twilight.

“Speak for yourself, another trophy for the Wall of Awesome Achievements,” replied Rainbow Dash, proudly showing her’s off.

“That’s not the gift. This is,” said Discord as he snapped his fingers again, but this time he did it three times in a row.

In an instant, a warm yellow glow enveloped each of them. It lasted for a few seconds, and then it was gone. Pinkie looked around to see if her or any of her friends had changed, but nothing. “That’s it? I was expecting more,” pouted Pinkie, crossing her forelegs.

Discord pretend to be insulted and raised his chin. “Well, sorry for making it so you can all have foals.”

The girls blinked before Twilight chuckled, “Um, Discord. we can all technically have foals. We just can’t because... well,” she turned to Pinkie and held her hoof. “We’re all married to a mare. We can adopt, but that’s it.”

Discord grinned. “Maybe I wasn’t clear. I made it so you can all have foals. Together.”

A split second later every mare’s mouth was open and their eyes in shock. Discord quickly took out a camera and snapped shot and saved it in a photobook he had right behind his left ear. Rarity was the first to awaken from her stunned reaction. “Do you mean... we can have foals... together? Without a stallion?!”

“Yup! No need to thank-OOF!” Before Discord was finished he was tackled by Fluttershy who was hugging him with tears in her eyes. Needless to say, the other girls were also either crying tears of joy or were so shocked at the fact they and their wives could actually have children they had fallen off their seats.

Fluttershy immediately began to kiss Discord multiple times on the face while saying “thank you” each time. She finally stopped and flew over to Rarity with the biggest smile anypony had ever seen from her. “Did you hear that, Rarity! We can be parents! We can have a foal! We can bring a cute little filly or colt into the world and raise them and love them and eeeeee!” Fluttershy had spread her wings out and lifted a equally smiling Rarity into the air. “This is the best day ever!”

“Oh, Fluttershy,” whispered Rarity, softly as she was gently placed down and kissed her wife. “I never thought... I mean I wanted us to become parents and we were planning on adopting, but... oh this is a dream come true! Think of the outfits, the memories, the moments we can look forward too! I don’t care if I’m even going to be fat in the future, it’s worth it to bring a child of our love together into this world!”

She turned to Discord and bowed before him. “Thank you, darling! Thank you, there are no other words to describe how much this means to us.”

Applejack took off her hat and smiled at the spirit of chaos with a hint of a tear in her eye. “Same here. Ah only told a few ponies this, but Ah’ve always wanted to be a mother. In fact,” she turned Rainbow Dash and walked towards her. Dash was still frozen in place until she was lightly knocked on the head. At first, she glared at AJ for the hit, but was soon smooched which made her angry gaze completely melt into comfort. “Now Ah get a chance to have mah own filly or colt with the love of mah life. Havin’ all that, plus mah farm’s business doin’ great? Ah’m as happy as a clown in a rodeo.”

“And with my genes mixed with your genes? It’s gonna be the most awesome pony ever!” shouted Dash, punching the air.

“I don’t even understand how it’s possible,” asked Twilight, scratching her head. “How did you even manage to do this?”

Discord snapped his figures and turned into a scientist with a whiteboard behind him that had numerous equations that were mind boggling even to Twilight. Discord cleared his voice and spoke with a heavy Trottingham accent. “Well, my dear, Twilight. It is quite easily explained in simple terms.”

He snapped his fingers again and the equations disappeared on the board to change into: “I’m Discord. I can do anything!”

Twilight frowned at the answer, but was soon taken into a deep hug by Pinkie Pie who looked at her with a sultry look in her eyes. “You. Me. Bedroom. We’re gonna make some muffins in our ovens.”

Before Twilight had a chance to respond, Pinkie hoisted her up bridal style and they were already out of the room before anypony knew it. Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at each other and grinned. “Yer spare room in the castle or mine?”

“Mine’s closer. Race ya!”

“Yer on sugarcube!”

The two raced out as well, leaving Fluttershy, Rarity, and Discord alone in the room. The two looked at Discord before he realized that they wanted some privacy and snapped his fingers to disappear.

Fluttershy grinned at Rarity with a rare dominating look and asked, “Here and now?”

“Oh, yes, Darling,” answered Rarity, before she was tackled onto the center crystal table and tongue wrestling with Fluttershy.

Needless to say, the servants would be very busy when they got back.

Author's Note:

This fic is a gift to a friend of mine. Hope he enjoys it.