• Published 11th Mar 2015
  • 1,516 Views, 30 Comments

Following Their Hoofsteps - Rated Ponystar

For many years, Equestria has been at peace with all six famous mares comfortable spreading friendship while raising their daughters. Yet, the forces of darkness are never one to sit still for long as a new evil erupts and causes devastation.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Aura Nova had heard about Dark magic before, both from stories and her mother’s lessons on it. It was one of the most powerful forms of magic, but it was the deadliest both to those on its receiving end and those who wielded it. Dark magic was created in, unsurprisingly, the Dark Ages where war and death was everywhere. An era, many say, was even worse than the Discorded Era; if only for the fact Discord never killed. Dark Magic focused on all the negative emotions in the world such as hate, fear, and pain and turned it into a weapon. The magic was addictive, and tainted the soul to the point where one needed to use it daily just to survive. While there had been many dark magic users in the past, the one most commonly known, and recognized, was the Tyrant of the Crystal Empire: King Sombra.

The stallion who, single handedly slew, the original Royal Crystal Family save for a bastard that survived and escaped to Equestria for sanctuary. The one who managed to wipe out entire legions with hellfire and demon summoning. Even more scary was the fact that he had mastered dark magic to the point where its corruption and addictive nature no longer affected him.

He was pure evil, nothing more.

“How the hay is he still alive?!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she dive kicked a dark crystal abomination into the ground before Applejack, leaping into the air, came down and smashed its head. “Didn’t he get blown to smithereens thanks to the Crystal Heart?!”

“Some part of him must have survived somehow!” shouted Cadence, firing her horn while her husband and son used shield spells to cover the fleeing civilians. “Sombra can’t be destroyed unless every bit of him is annihilated. Even if a small fraction of him was to stay intact he would still live!”

Upon the start of battle, the princesses immediately ordered half their guards to protect the town while the other half was ordered to forum up battle squads and attack the dark crystal invaders. Aura and her friends were huddled close to Spike who was watching over them while their mothers fought alongside the princesses and guards.

Nova nearly found herself losing her lunch upon seeing the bleeding corpses of both guard and civilian lying around. Some of them she knew from seeing them around town or at the castle. She closed her eyes and cover her head with her hooves. “Please be a dream. Please be a dream.”

“Yeah! Kick their flanks, Moms!” shouted Apple Streak, who seemed to into the fight to notice the danger they were all in. Unlike Aura and Glitterfly, who were cowering under Spike’s protective large body.

Opening her eyes, Aura saw her mother, side by side with her fellow princesses, blasting spells she had only heard about. Beams of ice and lightning, swords of light, and claws of earth swallowing the dark crystal creatures like there were nothing. The princesses themselves were just as amazing with Celestia shining as bright as a star and sending out a beam of light that went through an entire line of dark crystal enemies, shattering them into dust. Luna, raised high above with her eyes glowing, summoned the magic of the night and made bat light creatures made out of blue ethereal energy. The bats scattered and attached themselves to the dark crystal minotaur like beasts. After a single screech they blew up, taking their prey with them. Even her other mother, Pinkie Pie, had her party cannon locked and loaded, firing everything out of it from cannonballs to pies to even a kitchen sink. All while giggling of course. Such as was the way of her mother.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack had taken to the front lines, working together to deal physical harsh blows that only they could do. Rainbow would come in, distract and sneak attack with her speed and agility, while Applejack would be right behind her with her powerhouse kicks to finish them off. Meanwhile, Rarity and Fluttershy were busy helping civilians make their way out, doing their best to tend to the wounded, and making sure none of the dark crystal ponies got close.

Aura felt her fear slowly recede as she saw all of this in awe. Even her fellow CMC’s had their eyes widen with amazement. It was one thing to hear their mother’s heroic deeds, but it was another thing to witness it. The way they moved, obeyed Twilight’s orders, worked like a single unit despite having no military training except for Rainbow Dash. So... cool...

Before they knew it, the dark crystal ponies were no more, at least in this area. They could still hear the sounds of battle and cries of panic all over Ponyville. As the wounded were tended by medics, Twilight and everypony else gathered back at the stage.

“I can’t believe this is happening. How did Sombra survive?! What does he want?!” asked Luna, growling.

“What else? Revenge against all of us,” said Shining Armor, glaring at the floor. “We need a plan. We need to get Ponyville evacuated and find Sombra.”

“Oh, and I spent so much time on these clothes! Ugh, I’m going to tear his horn off for this!” shouted Rarity, glaring at the dirt clods on her dress.

“I can get the Wonderbolts and any reserves in the area for aerial assistance,” said Rainbow Dash, puffing out her chest.

“The farm has enough room, and it is far enough to set up a base for townsfolk and wounded. Plus, it can be pretty well defended. Ah got enough family members in the area to hold it down,” said Applejack.

“I wish Discord was here, he could help us,” whispered Fluttershy, looking over all the carnage as a tear dropped from her eye.

Twilight stepped forward and everypony went silent. “Okay, here is the plan. Princess Celestia and I will try to form up a counter attack with the guards in the west area while my brother and Cadence do the same in the east. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash, you’ll gather the Wonderbolts and give us aerial support while also saving refugees. Applejack and Pinkie Pie will spread the word that we’re gonna use Sweet Apple Acres as a haven and gather as much support as you can to make it defendable. Fluttershy? You stay here to travel with the wounded we already have. And Princess Luna? We’re gonna need reinforcements so we need you to travel back to Canterlot and bring a whole army with you.”

“I will leave now. Fight on and be safe my friends,” said Luna before flying off as fast as she could.

“What about me, Twilight?” asked Rarity.

“You still remember that scrying spell I taught you?” asked Twilight to which Rarity nodded. “See if you can sense where Sombra is located. If we can find him, we can attack together and stop him before any more lives are lost.”

“Wait, what about me?” asked Spike, raising his claw. “I can help too you know? Dragon and all.”

Twilight sighed before looking at her adopted brother with sympathy. “I’m sorry, Spike, but I need you to sit this one out and take the girls to the farm and look after them.”

“What?! But I can help! I’m the one who defeated him all those years ago after all!”

“Exactly!” shouted Twilight, stomping her hoof. “You’re the one who stopped him from ruling the Crystal Empire so you’re the one he’ll be gunning for the most! You’re life is in danger and I won’t risk it. Besides, I need you to protect my daughter.”

“Ours too!” said the rest of the mane girls.

Spike sighed, but gave a small smile and nodded. “Okay, but if you need me, come get me.”

“But wait!” shouted Apple Streak, stepping forward. “I wanna help!”

“Apple Streak, no,” said Applejack, sternly. “Ya gonna get out of here and leave this to the grownups!”

“But I want to help!” begged Apple Streak.

Glitterfly turned her friend around and glared at her. “Are you crazy?! We’re up against one of the most powerful dark magic users in history here! Are you that much of a hurry to dig your own grave?!”

“But this is my town! My friends he’s attacking and killing! I can’t just sit here and take it!” shouted Apple Streak.

Rainbow Dash got in front of Apple Streak and lowered herself to eye level. “Listen, squirt, I know you want to help. Believe me, I’d be pissed too. But ya gotta trust us to deal with this, okay?” Apple Streak muttered to herself. “Okay?”


Glitterfly rushed to her mothers and hugged them. “Please be safe.”

‘“Just be safe as well,” said Fluttershy, doing the same thing.

Pinkie and Twilight went over to Aura and nuzzled her. “Now, you be good with Uncle Spike, okay? Me and Twily are gonna be back licky split! In fact, when we win, let’s have some banana splits when this is all over,” said Pinkie Pie.

Aura only nodded before she joined the rest her friends. Her heart praying for their safe return.

“Leon, go with them. You’ll be safer with them,” said Cadence, pointing to the group.

“I will. You be safe as well, Mother. You too, Father,” said Leon, walking over right next to Glitterfly who was blushing.

With everypony ready, Spike lead the girls before everypony split up to do their respective tasks. Flying through the air, Celestia turned to Twilight with a smile. “Twilight, I’m proud of you.”

“For what?” asked Twilight.

“For being calm in the face of all this chaos and planning a way to stop it. You have come far my former apprentice,” said Celestia, bowing her head in respect.

Twilight gave a small blush before focusing her attention back on the ground. “Come on! Let’s do this!”


A part of Glitterfly wished she could fly away from all this, but she wasn’t going to abandon her non-pegasi friends when they were all in danger from a supposed madpony. Spike lead them down Mane Street with Prince Leon keeping his horn ready incase any danger showed up. The other girls were right beside her, looking just as worried as she was about her parents. It had been years since they faced any sort of danger like this and they weren’t as young as they used to be. No! Stop thinking such things Glitterfly! You have to have faith!

They passed by various stores and shops that were once decorated for celebration, but were now in ruins thanks to the flames. It seemed like the entire town was on fire and nothing was being done to stop it. Even worse was the amount of bodies they found, mostly those hurt or scared as they cried out for help. And, of course, there were some corpses. Most of them were ponies she barely recognized, but a few she did such as the dentist Colgate, the donkey couple Cranky and Matilda who were held in each others embrace one last time, and Twist, an old friend of their predecessor CMC.

“Can’t we do something to help them?! I know healing magic!” shouted Aura, gazing at a crying mare who had a horrible gash on her left hind leg.

“I know you want to, Aura. Trust me, I do too. But we have to get you girls to safety first. Once we are at the farm we can help ponies, I promise,” answered Spike, to which Aura nodded in dismay.

“This is a disaster,” muttered Leon, his sympathetic eyes shedding a tear.

Tears formed in Glitterfly’s eyes as she wondered how could such an evil and violent pony exist? What could he gain by murdering and hurting all these innocent ponies? This is why violence never solves anything.

But besides that sorrow there was also another emotion buried inside her that she did her best to contain.


She wanted to take her hooves and shove them down Sombra’s throat. Let him beg for mercy as she watched as his life was taken away just like his victims. Glitterfly slapped herself with her wing to banish such thoughts. No! I can't get angry! Not now! I swore never to be angry again!

Before she could push herself to forget, Glitterfly stopped and realized why they did so. Some of the dark crystal ponies were waiting for them with sharp axes and greatswords that already had blood splattered on them. Ponies who could still walk did their best to get away from the monsters, helping each other out as the crystal abominations slowly made their way towards the group.

“Oh great,” muttered Spike as he turned to the others. “Leon, protect the girls. I’ll take care of these bastards!”

Spike gave out a roar before charging. He tackled the first two and crushed their heads with his great strength. One of the creatures tried to take his head off with one blow, but Spike ducked and uppercutted its head off. Jumping into the air, he spread his wings and inhaled deeply before unleashing his green fire. The blazes scorched straight on the creatures who were reduced to ashes in seconds. Spike grinned as he dived down to deal with the remaining monsters.

While Spike dealt with the creatures, the others tried to hide behind a broken carriage on its side. The flames of Spikes fire continued to spread as more and more legions of the the crystal ponies began to surround him. Suddenly, they stopped. They slowly began to back away much to Spike’s confusion, still he kept his guard up for anything.

“Look! Up there!” shouted a nearby citizen as everypony turned around and looked up.

Glitterfly felt her eyes widen and her wings flop as she saw the biggest fireball she had ever seen. It was of pure black fire with green embers and it looked like falling comet of death heading straight for them.

“Everypony duck!” shouted Leon as they all hit the dirt and covered their heads with their hooves. The black fireball landed near Spike and exploded, sending him and anypony else nearby off their feet and into the air. The girls and Leon were almost knocked away too, but the carriage managed to protect them from the blast. Glitterfly was sure she heard Aura scream and Glitterfly felt something leave her voice as well. Was it a scream or a cry for help? Was she saying something?

She didn’t know, all she could hear was ringing in her ears that was slowly fading away. Soon she began to hear crying, screaming, and moans as Glitterfly opened her eyes. Her friends were right beside, opening their eyes as well while Leon stood above them with his wings spread out. he felt a drop of blood hit her face and looked up only to gasp.

“You girls okay?” asked Leon with a smile as the cut on the top of his forehead continued to bleed.

“Leon, you're hurt!” shouted Aura as she began to heal it with her magic.”Wait, where’s Uncle Spike?!”

The four of them turned to the left where the found the dragon, near some rubble, holding on to his side where a very nasty looking burn was. This made Glitterfly’s jaw drop, and she was sure others did as well, since dragon scales were said to be flame proof. What kind of magic can make fire that even burn dragons?!

“L-l-l-look!” shouted Aura as they turned around where a large wall of black fire could be seen where Spike once was. Anything nearby was already ash and it seemed to be as if hell itself has opened its gates, but what caught their attention was the fact that something was slowly walking out of the flames.

It was about the size of Princess Luna’s height, and carried a dark aura like she did only more meaning to the point where you could feel the unpleasantness coming from him. His dark green and red pupiled eyes emitted dark smoke out of them, the sign of a pure dark magic user. HIs horn was blood red, his armor silver and cold. His red robe blowing in the wind as he gazed upon them with a sinister smirk.

“Ah, and there you are...” said Sombra before letting out a cruel laugh


Rarity tried to ignore the sounds of battle all around her as she stood as still as can be on the top of Town Hall. Her horn was glowing with one of the gems from her dress levitating and spinning around in different directions. She had mastered this spell over the years ever since she asked Twilight to help her with her magic after the Tirek incident. Rarity realizes that if she was going to be putting herself in danger for the sake of those she was duty bound to protect she needed to be a better mage. Despite lacking the raw strength and overall magic pool that Twilight had, Rarity found herself gifted with perfect accuracy on how much magic was required as well as the focus needed to use it.

The scrying spell was designed to find items or people based on their magical aura. Rarity, who had a good memory, easily remember the disgusting and hideous aura that brute Sombra had years ago. The problem was his aura was nearly everywhere in this chaos so she focused on finding the biggest energy spike she could find. Speaking of Spike, she hoped that her dragon friend and the children were safe. Rarity momentarily lost her concentration upon thinking about Glitterfly.

Her miracle child.

When Fluttershy gave birth and the foal hadn’t been breathing, Rarity felt her entire world shatter. To this day, there was no worse feeling in the world she had felt then those two minutes before Glitterfly took a breath and cried. It was a miracle, and she swore never to lose her daughter again.

She would rather go face first into the bowels of Tartarus before letting that happen. Speaking of Tartarus it sure is getting hot aroun-

“Rarity! Look out!”

Eyes snapping open, Rarity felt her heart stop upon seeing a giant black fireball heading straight towards her. As her life began to flash before her eyes, she was suddenly tackled down just as the fireball passed right over them. After realizing she wasn’t dead, Rarity got up just as Rainbow Dash smacked her on the head. “Idiot! Watch your front next time. If I wasn’t flying in the area and saw that you would be ashes.”

“Well excuse me for trying to find... wait....” Rarity got up noticing that the gem was pointing the direction of the fireball. Her eyes widened and her knees began to shake at the feeling of what, or who, was with that fireball. “It’s him... Rainbow, Sombra was in that fireball!”

“What?!” shouted Rainbow Dash before an explosion forced them to get down again. When it cleared up, they saw the dark flames rising above.

Rarity used her spell again to make sure the twisted fiend was there, but a gasp escaped her lips when she sensed five familiar magic signatures along with him. She quickly turned to Rainbow Dash and shouted, “The children are there! He’s right in front of them!”

Rainbow Dash didn’t waste a second and was already flying at the direction of the crash site at top speed. It proved to be futile as a dark energy shield surrounded the area in a two mile radius and Rainbow Dash bounced off it like it was rubber. She continued to bash at the shield over and over again, but it was no use. Rarity quickly sent out distress fireworks from her horn and hoped the others would arrive to help at once.

Hang on, Glitteffly! Mama’s coming!


Apple Streak always thought of herself as a brave filly for her age. She was the daughter of the two bravest ponies in the world after all. Yet, despite her bravado, even she was tempted to run away screaming upon seeing Sombra for the first time in her life. What nerved her so much was the eyes, and the evil that was pouring out from them. The dark flames coming out of them didn’t help much either. It was only comforting that she wasn’t the only one who was scared out of her wits, as the others huddled together with her and took a step back for every time he stepped forward.

Leon, stepping forward, had his horn ready to defend them if need be. Sombra just snorted. “I see you get your bravery, and stupidity, from your father.”

“Shut up, don’t you dare come closer,” warned Leon, teeth grinding.

Sombra gave out a laugh that sent shivers down their spines. I think a part of me just died, thought Apple Streak.

“You? Stop me? I’d love to see you try.”

“How about watching me try instead?!” shouted Spike as he got up and charged at Sombra. Apple Stream was about to cheer him on when Sombra teleported and vanished much to Spike’s shock. “Where did... Augh!” he cried out as a magic blast from behind knocked him into a building.

Sombra snorted as he walked forward. “I will not make the same mistake as to underestimate you again, little dragon.”

Spike grumbled to himself before turning towards the others. “Get out of here! I’ll hold him off!”

“But we can’t leave without you!” shouted Aura.

“I’ll be fine! Go!” Spike growled and got up, rushing towards Sombra with his flame bursting out of his jaws. Sombra’s eyes merely glowed before he shot out his own dark flames from his mouth that matched Spike’s power dead even.

“What is this guy?! Part dragon?!” shouted Glitterfly in disbelief.

“We have to get out of here!” shouted Aura Nova, and nopony was disagreeing with her. However, just as they were about to turn around and leave, they gasped upon seeing two of the dark crystal ponies appear before them from opposite corners with their weapons held high.

“Scatter!” shouted Leon as he pushed the girls out of the way with his telekinesis. He managed to then summon his energy shield spell up just in time as the weapons clashed against his magic. He then leaned back and bucked one of the crystal ponies away while the other managed to slice at his head.

Leon ducked, but yelled as a part of his left ear was nicked off. The dark crystal pony tried for a second swing, but Glitterfly managed to fly over and grab him out of the way. She froze, however, as it raised its weapon for a third time, but Apple Streak had seen enough and charged. Leaping as high as she could, Apple Streak held onto the dark crystal pony by the neck and began swinging around as it tried to grab her off. “Yeehaw! Now this is a rodeo!”

“Apple Streak! Get down!” cried out Glitterfly with worry.

“Relax! I got this! Now take him down, Glitter!” shouted Apple Streak, whooping all the way. Glitterfly leaned back to attack when she suddenly froze, fear planted on her face. “What’s wrong with you?! Attack!”

“I... I can’t!” shouted Glitterfly, closing her eyes with shame. “I just can’t!”

“Are you insane?! Woah!” cried out Apple Streak as the monster grabbed her off his neck and held her up with his minotaur hands. He wrapped his large fingers around her neck as she began to struggle to breath.

Fortunately, Leon had decided to act and blasted a giant hole straight through it’s chest, causing it to shatter and Apple Streak to land on her rear. Hissing and rubbing her backside, she glared at Glitterfly who was looking at the ground with shame. “Okay, I know Fluttershy is one of your mom’s and all, but you could have done something!”

Glitterfly didn’t answer, she just turned away.

Sighing, Leon, holding his bleeding left ear with one hoof, walked in between them. “What matters is that we’re all safe. Fighting isn’t gonna help anyone.”

“Is your ear okay, Prince Leon?” asked Glitterfly.

“Yeah, nothing too bad. I’ve always wanted to have this ear pierced anyway,” he joked.

Apple Streak raised an eyebrow. “Wait, doesn’t getting left ear pierced mean you're ga-”

Suddenly a scream interrupted her that made the others gasp. “Aura!”

They turned around just as they saw the second dark crystal pony that Leon had kicked earlier was advancing on Aura who was backing herself up against a crumbling building. The unicorn filly was shaking with fear as she gazed upon the sharp battle axe raised above her, whimpering. Apple Streak was the first to shout. “Get out of there!”

Just as the axe was about to come down upon her, Aura closed her eyes and lit up her horn before slamming her hooves on the ground. In an instant, a smoke cloud appears just as the blade fell. Glitterfly shrieked as she turned away, unable to look at the possible site of their friend split in half. Apple Streak held her breath as the smoke cleared away, revealing the axe lodge in the ground as it’s handler tried freeing it. Aura was safely behind it, catching her breath.

Seeing her chance, she then glowed her horn again as the house right next to the axe wielding monster began to glow and shake. With a loud cry, Aura was able to bring down the roof of the house, and more, down upon the creature. It tried to escape, but the rubble smashed it into pieces as Aura fell to her haunches in exhaustion.

Apple Streak could hear Glitterfly and Leon’s jaw drop alongside her. Rushing up to her, the three stunned ponies held the nauseated looking unicorn who was starting to look green. “Holy horsefeathers, Aura! That was awesome!”

“T-thanks... but I think... it took a l-l-lot out of m-m-me...” whispered Aura as she struggled to stand.

“Where did you learn that spell with the smoke?” asked Leon.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie used it in her opening show. I can remember feeling the smoke and the taste of the magic in it. I just thought of that spell that could help me disappear and I used it,” answered Aura, shaking her head. “I’m just surprised that it worked.”

“Man, who cares! We kicked their evil crystal flanks! Nothing can beat us!” shouted Apple Streak with a grin.

A scream of pain erupted and the four turned around to see a sight that made them gasp in horror. Spike, in a pool of his blood, was lying on the ground with what looked to be a broken arm, leg, and wing along with dozens of bleeding wounds. The only sign that he was still alive was by the slight raising of his chest.

Sombra, who stood tall, was uninjured. Not even a dent in his armor. Lighting coursed through his red and black horn as he shot bolt after bolt at Spike who only screamed in further pain. He then slammed his front right hoof on Spike’s face and smirked. “This is where you belong, little dragon. Right under my hoof as I crush you slowly, watching every breath you take be your last.” He then, surprisingly, took it off and continued, “As much as I would love to kill you, I think I should have you suffer for the humiliation you put me through all those years ago. It’s only fair.”

His horn glowed a sickly green and blackish color as it began to form a onyx colored crystal with a skull designed on it. With a smirk, Sombra pushed the crystal right against Spike’s chest as it seemed to vanish inside him. Spike gave one last gasp before his eyes rolled against the back of his head and he went motionless.

“Spike!” shouted the group as Sombra turned to face the four. “What did you do to him?!” shouted Aura.

“I planted a small curse in his body. It won’t kill him―not yet anyway―but he will go through unimaginable pain to the point where he will beg for the sweet feeling of oblivion to end his pain,” answered Sombra with a satisfied smile. “Now to deal with you four.” He looked ready to step forward until he frowned and looked above. “Hmm, seems I won’t have time to play with you today. No matter. I will take what I came for now.”

His horn glowed again as the surrounding area started to get colder. The four of them huddled together as a dark cloud began to form around the area, cutting of light from all directions. The gang tried looking for an escape route, but the darkness was doming over them, even above.

“Everypony stick together!” shouted Glitterfly, but soon it started coming for them. Glitterfly try to shout out again but it surrounded her and the smoke consumed her.

“Glitterfly!” shouted Aura before she too was swallowed by it.

“Wait! This spell is...” Before Prince Leon could finish Apple Streak saw him taken away by the smoke as well.

Every hair on Apple Streak’s fur shivered as she looked around for any of her friends, but there was nothing. Nothing but darkness. “No. No. No. It’s too dark! It’s too dark!” shouted Apple Streak as she fell to her stomach, putting her hooves over her head as she closed her eyes. “It’s too dark. It’s too dark. It’s too dark.”

She hated it. Hated the dark. It reminded her of that time long ago. All alone. In the dark. No light.No warmth. Just the cold shadows of the night.

“Mommy!” screamed Apple Streak, openly crying and screaming as if she was four years old again. Four years old and all alone in the darkness. “Mommy!”

And then she heard it. A boom. A specific boom. A boom she had seen, heard, and memorized ever since she could remember first seeing it. The same boom that inspired her to be a flyer despite being an earth pony. She opened her eyes and lo and behold she saw a rainboom wave throughout the darkness, dispelling it. It started spreading across the town like a wave of light and hope, blowing away all of the fire and smoke, allowing the sun to even shine in through some parts of the dark clouds above.

Apple Streak felt her tears dry away instantly as she saw her mother, Rainbow Dash, land in front of her and embrace her. “It’s okay, Streak. I gotcha.”

Apple Streak buried her muzzle into her mother’s chest. Soon enough she felt a second embrace and knew it was her other mother. The darkness was fading away as her thoughts turned back to that time when she was lost in the darkness again. And they had found her in her weakest moment. Mommies...”


Apple Streak looked up and saw Twilight rushing over to her half-dead brother, her horn blazing with magic as she tried to cure his wounds. Pinkie Pie was already holding a crying Aura while Rarity and Fluttershy were by a pale looking Glitterfly. Wait... where is Leon?

“Where’s our son!” shouted Shining Armor as he and Cadence looked around. “Where is Leon!”

“Hear me, Equestrians!”

Everypony looked up and gasped at the sight of a giant Sombra head looking down upon them. On instinct, Twilight, Shining, Rarity and Cadence all fired magic at the head only for it to phase through like it was nothing.

“It’s a projection!” shouted Cadence, only to gasp as something else was shown. It was Leon, unconscious, and held in a green bubble. “Oh no...”

“Here me! I, King Sombra, have taken Prince Leon hostage. If you wish to see your precious son again, Cadence and Shining Armor, you will deliver the Crystal Heart to me at the ruins of the Castle in the Everfree Forest in five days. Should you fail to do this, your son will die!”

The projection gave one last laugh before it vanished. Leaving an entire town silent.

Author's Note:

The prince has been kidnapped. What will the Mane Six and their children do? Find out next chapter!