• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,491 Views, 401 Comments

Fangs: The Order - Sapphic

Octavia finally got what she wanted, but it seems that a new struggle to keep it is arising.

  • ...

For The Record


"Any reason you're wanting to do this?" I asked Sterling, taking good note of the cutesy little grin on her face. She was actually excited about this, wasn't she?

Truth be told I knew a lot of reasons Silver would wanna do this. She's top dog around here, it could be to keep that status alive and well by beating up the mare who busted out and gave everyone a scare, but I'd doubt she's as petty as that. She was doing this for herself, not for the guards around here. If I had to guess, she wanted a challenge.

"Well, even us General's hear rumors, no? I figured that if anyone can give me a good time, it'd be her, right?" She said, giving me a glimpse at her ever present smile.


We both got real quiet as we walked down the hallway, though Silver seemed too ecstatic too care.

Truth be told, I never really talked to Silver. No one really did. Not to say she was unapproachable or anything like that, she was easily the nicest mare around here in terms of appearance and attitude. Everyone else was either a grumpy stick in the mud, like most of the so called 'elite guard', or didn't give two craps like Flint did. Course there were exceptions like General Care and Maple, but Silver was the biggest stand out.

She was about as threatening as a lady bug.

Well, without her wings on at least.

Silver suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes going wide with a sudden look of... was that fear?

She looked back over her back, her eyes scanning her back with hawk like precision. She then lifted up and extended her wing, revealing the gleaming silver plates that were clad on them, and looked over them with the same narrowed eyes.

"Something wrong with your wings?" I asked casually. It wasn't that common to see her with such a look of worry on her face.

"Do you think I should have dressed up?" She asked, still looking over her body with a look of almost disgust.


"I'd like to make a good impression on her." Was her only response.

"Silver. She's a prisoner. She's a vampire. And she's also a bum." I began, listing off just what Whitey was, hoping to imply some reason for her to drop such a stupid idea.

"She's a prisoner too, no?" She said, her faint smile returning to her face as her eyes lost their focus. It was a clear sign she wasn't looking at her wings anymore, but was way off somewhere else and thinking about something else.

I guess a different approach was needed, and I felt my nose begin to burn as the words bubbled up on my tongue.

"I'm sure that whatever impression you make will be a good."

I felt like vomiting after saying something so cliche and cheesy. What a stupid idea. Impressions? For a prisoner? Why not serve her lunch while were at it?

"Oh! Do you think she'll be hung-" Silver began.



The second me and Silver - and by me and Silver, I mean Silver - even turned the corner of the hallway to the guarded doors of the testing floor, the guards stiffened up to the point where I began worrying for their backs. It kinda got me a bit envious of Silver's respect around here in spite of her actual personality.

Well, at this point I guess now it was just Whitey's cell. We had never really thought it necessary to give the entire room as a cell for a single prisoner, but Care seemed pretty determined about it.

"Attention!" One of the four guards yelled, shaking me from thinking.

Silver was too busy smiling to herself to relieve the guards, so I had to.

"Knock it off boys. Silver's in a hurry to meet with the prisoner, so get this door open." I all but sighed.

The guards gave each other a nervous look, then a look to Silver's wings before feverishly rushing around and unlocking all the parts to the door, probably under the same assumption as me that Silver was pretty keen on showing the "white menace" just who she was messing with.

Though, in reality, Silver was closer to setting up for a date with her.

The doors were opened in an instant, requiring two of them for each door in order to open the massive double doors, and the bright white walls already made the entry almost blinding.

Silver pranced into the room with a child like pep.

The guards watched her intently, then turned their heads to me, all of them with a confused look on their faces.

I sighed heavily.

"She's... ah, real happy." I said simply, leaving it at that and trotting in behind Silver and watching as the door closed.

As I turned, I noticed Silver was already half way across the massive floor to get to Vinyl - who was near invisible thanks to the color of her white coat.

I quickly followed, going a bit faster than her so I could catch up, and went ahead and lit my horn up with magic. I'd let this mare embarrass me once, and that was one too many times in my book. So now it was time for a bit of payback.

I didn't have to use restraint now, and I planned on using every bit of that freedom.

I felt my eye twitch unconsciously, more heat coming from my horn than usual; getting to the point where the bottom edge of the flames that wrapped around it came into view of my eyes.

I'd never been this excited.


"So, how are we supposed to get her up?" Silver asked me, taking a position over the sleeping form of Vinyl Scratch. It was around this time that I noticed she was cuddling a hefty looking medicine ball like a filly would a teddy bear.

"Well..." I began, the flames surrounding my horn flaring even higher. "...I can think of a few ways."

Oh the ideas I could think of. Set her mane ablaze, or her tail and watch her chase it in circles like a dog. I could heat up the medicine ball and make it pop underneath her and give her the scare of her life time. Oh! Or, I could just torch her altogether! Engulf her in flames and wait for a scream before killing the fire out. Don't want her to die to early or else it won't be any fun.

I felt a bit wretched thinking of these kind of ideas while I admired how cute she looked all curled up.

It was about this time that I noticed Silver had already walked up to her and crouched down beside her, placing a hoof on her stomach and gently shook/rubbed her while whispering.

"Wakey wakey." She said gently, smiling as her white eyelids opened and a set of tired red eyes revealed themselves.

She almost purred as she adjusted her body to Silver's hoof, mumbling something about 'Tavi having wings' or something odd like that.

"Could you wake up for us deary? We need to give Mister Care some notes so he can stop being so cranky."

I cringed a little at the sentence, the flames on my horn also wincing at the sentence that came out of Silver's mouth. I knew I hadn't spent much time around her, but my god I didn't expect her to be so out of place for this job. We were here to beat her up, yet her she was trying to coax her to get up by 'rubbing her tummy'.

Whitey gave another mumble before letting out a big yawn and stretching her hooves out. Her eyes focused in on Silver and a look of disappointment and confusion crossed her face.

"Huh? You're not Tavi..." She said, looking hard at her wings as if to determine if they were fake before looking away in contemplation.

"...but those tummy rubs..." She whispered

Silver stood to attention and took a few steps back.

"Sorry about that, but I hope you'll still help us out by sparring with Flint here." She said, gesturing to me.

Vinyl looked to me and her eyes lit up as she realized who I was.

"Oh! Hey Ashy!" She said, waving to me happily.

"Don't get to comfort- wait, Ashy?" I asked, realizing the nick name she had given to me.

"Yeah. You're, like, really, ashy colored and Flint doesn't exactly roll of the tongue. So, I'm calling you Ashy." She said cheerfully.

'Well, Whitey, I guess we don't think to differently after all.' I thought to myself, still a bit surprised that she had bothered to think about my enough to give me a nick name. Or was it a pet name.

My cheeks began to flush at the thought.

"You alright Flint? You look a bit flush?" Silver noted, looking at me with concern.

I snapped back to the task at hoof and began to stammer for an excuse.

"My horn is hot!" I shouted defensively.


"Ahh, so that's it..." Silver noted with a nod, even getting Whitey to nod in agreement as they both admired my flaming horn.

"Well," Silver began. "If you wouldn't mind, Vinyl?" She said, clearly referring to us getting notes for Care.

I cast a gaze up to the observation room above and made out the silhouettes of both Shakes and Care staring down intensely. Through the tinted glass, I managed to see the worried looks of both of them. I assumed Shakes' was for Vinyl's sake, and Care's possibly was too since Silver was in here.

I was pretty sure Silver scared Care. Though I have no idea how.

I turned back to Whitey as she stood herself up off the ground and yelped suddenly. Her hoof shot off the ground and she hopped a little before steadying.

"Are you okay?" I asked a little too quickly.

"Yeah, hoof fell asleep." She said, chuckling sheepishly.

"Should we wait?" Silver asked.

"Nah, I'll be fine." She said, limping forwards a little.

I dipped down a little, flames pointed towards her ready to fire. Literally.

She grinned at me, placing her hovering down in a test, only to wince as it hit the ground before yanking it back up to it's old position.


"So, Miss Scratch?" I asked, trying to strike up some conversation as the three of us walked along the cobblestone sidewalks of Canterlot. We, well I guess it was only me, were going towards my parents house before setting out to go find Vinyl.

Albeit, we had hardly anything to point us to where it was at; even Vinyl's mom had no clue where to find the main head quarters. And the only things we had packed were in Sweeps' bag, of which we had no idea what was included. But the one thing we were going to do was look. We'd find something I was sure, and if we didn't, I'm sure Vinyl would make enough noise after awhile to tell us where she was.

As for my parents, I wasn't going to leave Canterlot without telling them first. A few reasons were behind that reason; one of them being because the last time they couldn't find me resulted in half the guard storming the city. And another was that my dad was a pretty good source of info on almost everything nearby, so maybe he might know where we should go.

"Yes dear?" Vinyl's mom replied, shaking me from contemplation. She was using an umbrella in order to walk alongside me and Sweeps.

It took me a minute to remember what I was going to say.

"You were in the middle of telling me something before breakfast until our...uhm, guest arrived. Care to continue?" I proposed. She had seemed a bit shy about telling me then, but perhaps now she was a bit more encouraged. Well, Sweeps was here, so that might deter her from it, but it was still worth a shot to break the silence.

"Ah...about that." She said, her hoof snaking to the back of her head.

"Perhaps...in somewhere more private. Maybe when we get to your parent's home." She seemed nervous, though the look on her face gave the impression that she was more nervous about something that had already happened.

That confused me a little all things considered. Seeing Vinyl's mom look worried, from what I had seen in her so far, was about as uncommon as Vinyl grimacing -- whenever it happened, something serious was wrong.

What could possibly make an age old vampire worry? A vampire that had smiled joyfully through just about everything so far.

Something unnerving, that's what.

I watched Vinyl's mother closely for just about the rest of the walk, despite not knowing if she was looking back thanks to her closed eyes. Her face remained the same, absorbed in thought on a topic that was clearly worrying her.

"Say, Octavia?" Sweeps called, shaking me from thought.


"Do you know who issued the first contract on Vinyl?" She asked.

First contract? What was that? I mean, I had a little understanding about what it could be, but as for what it actually was I had no idea. After I told Sweeps this, she seemed a bit relieved.

"I'll take that as a no then. A contract is something that people can place on someone and have a member from The Order observe them and, if they're a vampire, dispose of them. Well, that's what Shakes told me anyways." She said.

"Close. Typically there's no observation involved if someone has the connections to place a contract in the first place." Vinyl's mother added.

"Wait, so how do they tell if they're a vampire or not." Sweeps asked.

"Simple. If they, upon confrontation, show vampiric signs then they'll proceed to 'take care' of them. If they don't, they'll subdue them and look in their mouths for a sign of fangs." Vinyl's mother elaborated, showing her knowledge of The Order.

"So, you're saying someone placed one of these contracts on Vinyl then?" I asked, turning the corner onto the block where my parent's home was. Dusk was already on it's way, and now the shadows of Canterlot were beginning to show their faces.

"Yes." Both Vinyl's mother and Sweeps said in unison.

"Vinyl was really good at blending in with normal ponies. Especially when she was fasting. So, it had to take someone who had either known about her secret, or someone who had been watching her for awhile to know that she was a vampire and then report it." She paused to breath.

"I figured it wasn't you, but any chance someone you know who would've done it?" Sweeps asked.

I put a hoof to my chin and thought hard about it.

'I supposed it could've been Beauty, but I doubt Harpo would've let her gone through with it.' I thought to myself. Nobody else had really played to heavily a role with Vinyl, other than my parents but they had gotten acquainted with her now. I could ask them in a bit.

"Not of the top of my head, no." I said honestly.

Sweeps sighed heavily.

"Well, it was worth a shot." She said.

It wasn't too long after that that we were standing in front of my parent's home.

After pressing the button near the gate and getting Wilfred on the other side, the gate slid open slowly. I hadn't exactly mentioned Vinyl's mother or Sweeps to them, but I hope they were okay with it.

Especially Vinyl's mother, as I was looking forward to whatever she had to tell me about.


"Aha,if it isn't my favorite-" Wilfred began as he opened the door to greet me, though he cut short when he saw the look on my face.

Even if we hadn't seen each other for years, Wilfred could spot when I was hiding something. We just stared silently at each other for a maybe two seconds or so before he dropped his act and cut to the chase.

"You brought guests with you again, didn't you?" He asked, one brow cocked with a deadpan voice.

My ears went flat as I admitted it.


"Well, where are they? It's almost time for dinner so getting them plates might be a chore." He said, as if this was a common occurrence. It had only happened twice!

I turned to the bushes where Sweeps had opted they hide in until I had gotten the go-ahead from my parents to come in. I had half expected Vinyl's mother to outright refuse to do it, but to my surprise she did it without a moments hesitation; the only words coming from her mouth being: 'My how times change.'

They emerged quickly and quietly and made there way up to the doorstep where they faced the judgment of Wilfred.

"Wilfred, these are my two guests. Sweeps and Miss Scratch." I said, introducing the two.

"Hello." Sweeps chimed lightheartedly.

"A pleasure." Vinyl's mom said with a small curtsy.

Wilfred let out an almost ecstatic chuckle as soon as Miss Scratch had finished.

"My, my Octavia! Seems like your etiquette is rubbing off quite nicely on that mare friend of yours! I even see you got her to style her mane and abandon those glasses of hers." He said, admiring Vinyl's mother's manners.

'Mare-Friend? Oh! Looks like Wilfred is in the same boat as Sweeps was in.' I said, realizing that Wilfred had mad a similar assumption about Vinyl's mother and deciding to clear it up.

"Oh no. That isn't Vinyl." I said simply.

Wilfred looked a bit shocked.

"Really? But I could've sworn I heard you say 'Miss Scratch'. Unless this is a different one..." He said, a hoof sneaking to his chin whilst he thought about it.

"It is." I added, hoping he could draw his own conclusions.

"Oh? Then who's this one then?"

"It's Vinyl's mother." I said, deciding to drop the charade.

Now Wilfred's eyes lit up at that.

"No way...." He said, his gaze carrying over to Vinyl's mom, who only nodded.

"Unbelievable. Your mother's going to be dying to know her secret about stopping wrinkles you know? I mean, this madam looks as young as you do Octavia!" Wilfred said, surprisingly quick to believe the fact - quicker than I was admittedly.

He shook his head suddenly and stepped aside, allowing us to enter.

"Come in, come in. Your parents are in the living room. Dinner will be ready within the hour." He said, holding the door and smiling genuinely as he let us pass.


My mother and father were in the living room just as Wilfred had claimed, both of them occupying themselves with something small as dinner was being prepared. My father had the paper in hoof and my mother was talking with one of the maids about mane styles. She never could pick up knitting, claiming - much to my agreement - that it was 'boring as all hell'.

"Master and Misses Melody," Wilfred said with a polite clearing of the throat. ", your daughter has arrived, with two guests."

Mother and father looked up quickly, smiling as they saw me standing behind Wilfred, and to their credit kept smiling as Sweeps and Vinyl's mother walked in behind me.

After a quick exchange of hugs between me and my parents, we all settled in on the numerous seats available and began on introductions.

"So, Octavia, care to introduce us?" My mother piped, looking at my two guests with great interest.

"Ah, well, this is Sweeps." I said, gesturing to Sweeps, who for some reason decided to keep her massive camping bag on whilst she walked through the house. She opted to greet them with a simple hoof raise, looking a bit shy in the face of my parents.

"And this is...um, Miss Scratch." I said, preparing for the inevitable.

"Ah, so is this Vinyl's sister? Or is it another 'Scratch' of no relation." My father asked, looking at Vinyl's mother with a notable amount of interest.

It was probably her shut eyes. Still haven't exactly figured that one out.

"Ah, well..."

"I'm Vinyl's mother." Vinyl's mother interrupted me, getting a wide eyed look of shock from my mother and nothing more than a smile and a chuckle from my father.

"How old are you dear?! You look as young as my daughter! You simply must tell me y-" My mother began, but Vinyl's mother was quick to butt in.

"My secret to wrinkles, yes. Uhm, Octavia, dear, might we have that chat now? Perhaps in another room?" She asked me, her previous look of nervousness now turned to a look of full fledged guilt at this point.

"I - uh - sure." I stammered, turning to my parents and asking to be excused.

"Go right ahead dear. You can talk in my study if you'd like privacy." My father replied, his smile unmoved by Vinyl's mother's sudden outburst.

I thanked him and walked off to the side of the living room where a small hallway led down to the office door to my father's study. Vinyl's mother was right behind me as we went, actually looking eager to get whatever it was she needed to say off of her chest. After entering the room and shutting the door behind me, she let out a large sigh of relief.

"I'm terribly sorry about my manners just a second ago, but I couldn't let this weigh in my head any longer." She said, looking for my forgiveness but clearly not going to be affected if I didn't offer it.

"Look, dear, last night as you went to be and... well, you know what I did as I've already told you this part, but the part that I left out was arguably the more important part." She said, tilting her head down to avoid what would've been my gaze had her eyes been open to receive it.

"You can tell me, Miss Scratch." I said.

I honestly didn't know if she should. At this point I was acting more out of sympathy than rational thought.

She looked up to me with a said expression about her before trotting over to me and whispering into my ear. As the words left her lips I felt myself stiffen up and the hairs on the end of my neck stood at attention.
