• Published 12th Sep 2015
  • 2,491 Views, 401 Comments

Fangs: The Order - Sapphic

Octavia finally got what she wanted, but it seems that a new struggle to keep it is arising.

  • ...

Good Day


I watched the door shut on their way out, not exactly the warm reunion of finally getting out of the damned Order's base I was expecting, but I also wasn't expecting Silver to be popping in any time soon either. I couldn't really blame Octavia for upping and wanting to leave, though I was still skeptical about what her and Vinyl were going to be doing after learning that kind of thing.

'Eh, they'll probably be fine. Octavia's pretty tame and Vinyl's good at listening to Octavia, so I doubt they'd do anything too crazy. Maybe a letter or something.' I thought, turning my eyes back to the silver mare still sitting at the bar.

"So was that the only thing you came here for?" I asked her, picking up my "stress glass" as I liked to call it, and began to polish its already crystal clear rim.

"Well, actually not." She said.

I could practically smell Purple tense up at her words, her hoof pawing at the underside of the counter in an attempt to look for more plumbing to rip out. She must've caught my sideways glance, because she stopped pretty quickly and took to just gripping the counter to the point where the wood started groaning.

"Aside from giving that folder to those two, I've got two more things to attend to. One of which can be linked to those two in a way." She said, her voice sort of mundane as she went into a silence.

Silver never really was one to express emotions subtly, she was either all or nothing, if that made any sort of sense.

"Mind saying what those two are? If you don't mind." Sweeps chimed in, her head propped up on her hoof as she leaned on the counter.

Silver jumped a little bit at the request.

"Ah- well, I assume you want to know the one involving those two then?" She asked, getting a nod from both me and Sweeps.

"The council or whatever they call themselves, are a little bit angry about Vinyl escaping - and sent me to retrieve her." She said, disarmingly timid.

At the mention of those words, I stopped my wiping of the stress cup, calmly opening up a draw under the counter and pulling out my old crossbow before dropping it with an intentional hardness on the counter. It was well rusted around everything that wasn't necessary for firing, but that didn't matter in any regard since I had kept a bunch of the bolts from our little trip - and those were what were going to hurt you.

Sweeps lit her horn in a livid glow, while even Purple reached out and grabbed one of the thicker bottles of whiskey lying behind me on the shelf. I didn't even think she had any attachment to Vinyl, but maybe she was just really wanted Silver out of here.

Despite the instinctual defense I put up for Vinyl, I was more than shocked at what she had said. For them to actually send Silver out on a mission meant that they were desperate. I mean, Stone and Flint was already a sign, but they were aware enough to hold each other back and blend in. Silver wasn't nearly as keen on those two ideas - she didn't exactly know how blending in worked, and if she actually started fighting, then she was going to be winning.

Silver's face twisted to a sheepish smile, her hooves held up in a "don't shoot" sort of way as an awkward chuckle slipped through her teeth.

"Calm down..." She said, lowering her hooves.

She was actually a somewhat good actor, considering I knew she could easily take all of us. I mean, Octavia and Vinyl were borderline unconscious when we picked them up after their fight, meanwhile it seemed like Silver managed to flee the scene.

"...I have no plan on following that order. Those guys never let me leave, so maybe this'll teach them to be less strict with me." She said, smiling a little bit as if she were 'sticking it to the man' or something of the likes.

I felt my knees go weak at her reason for not following orders. I was expecting something not so, well, childish.

"W-Would have followed it if they were less strict with you?" I heard Sweeps ask, equally weak from her reasoning.

"No." She said quickly, her face taking on a look that was much more serious, her smile completely dropping. "They've been through more than enough. If they want to do more, they can do it themselves."

The way she said that made it sound like she was more on Vinyl and Octavia's side than I was.

Everyone visibly relaxed at the statement, save for Purple, but she was weird anyways. Sweeps went back to leaning against the bar and I went back to cleaning my stress cup.

"Want something to eat? I guess it's the least I could do for you since you're, you know, going rogue or whatever. You said you had a second thing?" I asked her.

Of course I wasn't completely convinced, but Silver didn't really understand people things - like lying or socially acceptable hugs - but the most I could do was take her word for now, and watch her with a few bolts loaded just in case.

"That'd be nice." She said, smiling and visibly relaxing. "Oh, and as for that second thing..."


"You sure you okay?" Vinyl asked casually.

I glanced to the side to see her armed with a prideful smile and purple glasses hiding her eyes from view, her head bobbing gently as the two of us walked down a sidewalk. I wasn't sure if she was aware that her smile was more comforting than if she were to have shown concern, but it was.

I wanted to say that the name inside the folder was a surprise and devastating to me, but it wasn't. The thought of Father being the name written inside the folder had crossed my mind, and that name would've hurt me more than if one of the princesses had signed it.

I shook my head lightly, turning back to Vinyl as a small smile forced its way across my lips.

"Thank you Vinyl." I said simply.

"No problem." She said simply, almost as if she hadn't heard me, but the small, slit eyed, glance from one of her crimson eyes let me know that she had more than heard me.

There was a brief silence, the sound of both our hooves hitting the cobble becoming the only sound around, before she spoke again.

"Hey Tavi." I felt her lean into me slightly.


"Who was written in their anyways?"

I paused for a moment, my thoughts slowly siphoning through the correct way to phrase my response.

"Someone we will be visiting soon."

"So where are we going now?" She asked.

I had planned to go visit my mother and father, considering I - well, we - hadn't seen them since I had left to go get Vinyl back. I figured they were worried about me, of course, but I knew that they had a lot of trust in me. Then again, most of that trust came from how independent I had become, not to mention the last time I left to go get Vinyl.

"I figured we might see my mom and dad, if you were okay with it." I said slowly, looking down in thought.

I felt a quick peck on my cheek send bright red streaks across the bridge of my nose while my stomach suddenly fluttered a little. Turning, I saw Vinyl with a sly grin, but also with her fair share of blush.

"S-Sorry, I thought you might've been still thinking about how squeamish I got when people saw us in public." She said, her hoof stretching to the back of her head.

"J-Just wanted to let you know I wasn't." She said a bit shyly.

I was more than surprised, and for more than one reason as well, but it was little slip ups like these in Vinyl's mask that made her all the more lovable. She still had slip ups, despite how many ages she must've lived through, and she still couldn't perfect her ability to handle situations. It was pretty adorable, actually.

I felt my chest heat up as an idea came to my mind, but before I could even consider how it might look in the public's eye, I found my head leaning over to Vinyl's where I planted a small kiss of my own.

I watched in glee as a peck on her own cheek had an effect even more extreme than mine, or maybe it was just how sharply the red of her blush contrasted with her white coat. Either way, she was about as red as a beet.

"Don't worry Vinyl. I know." Was all I said as I took the lead, pulling her along for a first time, heading off into the direction of my parent's home.


"So good to see you again, safe and sound, Miss Octavia." A crackling voice called from a small box situated on a brick pillar that held the black iron gates of my parent's home. It was about the only place where the iron of bars was visible, the rest of their expansive fence having covered in ivy after they told Wilfred to stop trimming them. It gave them a calm and aged looked, undisturbed even.

Or, it would've if it weren't for the shifting of Vinyl's hooves.

The gates creaked open, causing Vinyl to redouble her shifting. She seemed nervous, and I couldn't help but think it was about seeing my parents again. I mean, I had thought that their meeting had a gone a little rough, sure, but Vinyl seemed almost afraid to meet them.

"Are you sure you don't want me to wait out here with the umbrella Tavi?" She said, glasses blocking out any sign of nervousness from view.

'Maybe that's why she has them after all.' I pondered briefly before responding.

"Nonsense Vinyl, I left to get you back, so not showing them that I succeeded wouldn't be right." I said rather nobly.

The truth was that I was eager to push her to meet them again from seeing her shiftiness, as well as an attempt to strengthen their relationship. It wouldn't be comfortable to have Vinyl and my parent's on odd terms - not that we'd visit them every waking minute - but for when we did visit them.

I noticed mother must've had another delivery, as the front porch had at least three ponies, Wilfred included, piling packages on the patio.

He stopped when he noticed us, set down his heart shaped box and began to walk to meet us. His eyes flicked to Vinyl, only taking a second or so to size her up before they turned back to me.

"So nice to see you again Octavia. It took you long enough to get back here." He said nonchalantly, offering a polite smile.

I would've said something back at him, but his eyes drifted over to Vinyl again as she shrunk under his seemingly cold stare. It wasn't the first time Wilfred had intimidated a guest I had brought home, though this was by far his best one yet - to the point where I was half convinced it was real.

"And this is that 'Vinyl' character correct? I'd seen you before, but you hardly seem to fit the description the Mister and Madam put in for you." He said, turning a bit more to face her properly as his sizing up came back with a vengeance.

There was something in his eyes that spoke venom, a gaze that seemed to reflect a history that no one knew about - like a war hero looking onto a battlefield where all his comrades had fallen. Though his eyes glinted to me, and that venom seemed to dilute into something softer as a little smile graced his now warm face.

"You're sure she's one of those 'Vampires' or what not? She seems far to shy for how your father described them from stories." He said, scanning up and down Vinyl's near trembling form.

I felt myself freeze up at that. How did Wilfred know that Vinyl was vampire? Or better yet, did my parents know?

"H-How did you learn that?" I stammered, a tinge of fear building up in my chest.

Wilfred seemed to see this, and dropped his teasing act in an instant and replaced it with a look filled with concern with a hint of regret. Before he could do anything however, Vinyl had a similar reaction. She threw out her shyness and replaced it with an equal amount of concern, wrapping her hoof around my back and pulling the two of us closer as if to protect me.

"I apologize Octavia, had I known it would disturb you this much I would've refrained." He said, etiquette coming into full play as he bowed his head.

I had caught a brief look of awe on Wilfred's face when Vinyl had pulled me close, right before he looked down. I thought it might've meant something more, but I couldn't worry about that now.

"I-It's fine. Sorry for scaring you Wilfred." I said, a nervous chuckle trying to hide my mounting concern.

He breathed relief at this point.

"Please, come in. I'm sure your parents are eager to see you." He said with relief as he led us up to the door, opening it and gesturing in.

As me and Vinyl crossed over, he placed a hoof gently on my shoulder as Vinyl continued a few paces ahead of me. Perhaps she knew Wilfred wanted to talk in private, or maybe she didn't.

"I'm sorry about my reaction. I'm not sure what came over me, but I can tell that you're in no better hooves in terms of protection." He said vaguely.

I ignored the last part, and focused on his apology.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. It was just...surprising." I said.

In truth, I was still concerned for Vinyl that my parents now knew about her being, well, her. I couldn't say I was surprised though, after who had placed the contract on her.

He removed his from my shoulder and smiled warmly as he closed the door behind me, rejoining Vinyl and leading us through my parents home.

It never failed to impress me how odd their house was - perfectly cozy while also showing prestige. Wooden borders with intricate engravings covering the archways that led from room to room, each of which held paintings and chairs for various purposes. The living room was where Wilfred led us, which had the most character and effort put into it and honestly was the most normal looking room in the house - looking more like one you'd see in any other home.

Turning into the living room, I saw my parents both sitting on the couch next to each other, something that I hadn't seen often. Father usually chose the recliner to read the paper while my mother sat on the couch with servants to gossip with them. This time they were both alone, my mother talking relentlessly to my father - who was still paying attention despite what some might assume.

Thought, the second my parents caught sight of me, they all but jumped up - even my dad.

"Oh Octavia! Thanks Celestia you're okay!" My mother shouted, literally tackling me and bringing me to the floor in a bear hug of motherly affection.

Poor Vinyl wasn't nearly ready enough for my mother, getting tossed to the side herself and landing on her haunches with a fake hurt look on her face. I didn't mind those looks though, they were always cute.

After my father and Wilfred managed to pry my mother's iron grip from me, we finally all managed to take a seat in the living room - Vinyl and Wilfred flanking either side while my mother and father squeezed together in the recliner.

It was a bit awkward to start a conversation at this point, but it seemed I didn't need to.

"It's good to see you. The both of you." My father started gesturing to Vinyl with a nod of the head.

"Oh yes, you have no idea how worried we were. I wanted to send someone out to look over you, but your father said no." My mother said, a bit of agitation in her voice as she looked at my father, who disarmed it with a quick peck on her cheek.

I wanted to not cut to the chase about things, but Wilfred's interactions with Vinyl kept floating around in my head, and I couldn't help myself from asking.

"Erm, Mother? Father?" I said slowly.

They looked to me with a bit of concern thanks to my tone.

"You all... know what Vinyl is, correct?" I asked.

They looked a bit confused for a second, but then my father laughed a little nervously - a bad omen for the oncoming dialogue.

"Yes, we know. We had a hard time believing it, and still do, but it would..." He began, trailing off as his gaze shifted from me to a shrinking Vinyl.

"...explain some things." He finished, offering up his best smile to Vinyl to show he meant to do nothing harmful with that information.

"You're are daughter, true, but who you date is up to you I suppose." My mother added.

I figured they were skeptical, just as I was when I first learned about Vinyl, but it didn't really answer my main concern.

"So, erm, how'd you figure it out?" I asked hesitantly.

There was brief moment of silence before any answer came out. And when it did, it was from Father with the kind of voice that he would use when delivering bad news. He was serious, his face calm with focused eyes.

"A young stallion came by and gave us some...bits of information." He said plaintively.

'No. Did he...' I began to think, the gears in my head grinding, but Father continued.

"He informed us that he had done some...rather regrettable things. He didn't describe them as that way, but he ought have. He seemed to want us to take some sort of action to follow up on it. But he said that he had placed some sort of 'contract' of sorts on Vinyl here. Though it sounded more like a bounty with no reward to me." He was beginning to sound more and more grim by the second, disgusted almost.

I felt my hoof tighten a little bit, to the point where both Vinyl and Wilfred noticed it.

It was vile. Truly rancid. It was one thing to do it, but it was another to attempt and convince my parents to attempt and do something else afterwards. It was low, desperate and disgusting. Not only that, but it showed that he was still active in his efforts. I guess I maybe had some half hope of him 'seeing the error in his ways' and having a more happy ending, but it seemed to be out of the question at this point.

"What did he ask you to do?" I asked simply. If there was one thing I got from my father, it was his ability to mask emotions under a cold and calm mask.

"Simple and petty things with our position. Tip off guards. Gossip about her. Other petty things just to make her life here less comfortable." He said calmly, the disgust in his voice almost palpable.

'That prick.' I thought inwardly.

"I figure you plan to go visit him." My father said, more or less stating it.

"I do."

"And I also figure you plan on bringing Vinyl too?" This one was more of a question, but the answer was the same. It was also notable that my father addressed Vinyl by name this time.

"She does." Vinyl said calmly, the smile on her face making Wilfred fidget a little.

My father chuckled lightly.

"I admit, when Octavia first came to me asking where to find you. I was nervous. You've been on public records under so many names for so long that it's hard to keep up with you." He said, eyes sparkling.

"I thought it were a coincidence or something, and thought it strange when Octavia came asking about someone who was bound to be covered in wrinkles for how old she would've had to have been. But what that stallion said definitely did explain why you look the same age as our daughter despite being in the public records system long than my father." He said, laughing pleasantly.

He was oddly at rest and happy despite what had happened, and it was more than likely because of the fact we were going to be visiting a certain someone sooner than expected.

I took it as a queue and stood up, Vinyl following slowly afterwards. I had planned to stay much longer, possibly enjoy lunch with them and Vinyl. But with the new information brought to light, the problem needed to be solved immediately.

"Please be careful dear. Even if you teach him a lesson, it takes more than punches to bring down someone with power and influence. He'll still gossip in attempts to make life hard." My mother said, a sad look on her face as she spoke words that had never rang more truthful - and actually probably rang true with The Order.

I nodded and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry mom, we'll bring more than punches." I said calmly.

Of course, I had no idea what that meant, but it was more to calm my mother than to get a point across.

"I shall escort them to the door then, if the two madams are ready?" Wilfred said, standing up.

"We all will." My father said as him and mother said as the two stood.

The walk to the door felt much shorter than usual, probably thanks to the thoughts racing through my head about what to do. I hadn't even notice Vinyl grab the umbrella and Wilfred open the door, and I only realized I hadn't waved goodbye when I was halfway to the gate.

Turning around, I saw Mother, Father and Wilfred each offering a smile and waves of varying speeds - save for Wilfred, who kept his hooves planted on the ground, though he made that up with his smile that was far more than knowing.

I turned back to the gate, smile fading as my thoughts turned back to a single individual who had started all this - the contract, Vinyl getting taken, everything. Someone who had sunken far lower than I had thought.


Author's Note:

So between school, a new pupper, and laziness it took me a lot longer to do it than intended :/

*Sigh* Either way, here it is. Enjoy, leave a comment, and have a wonderful day.