• Published 21st Mar 2015
  • 2,059 Views, 134 Comments

A DJ in the Night - dj_neon_lights

Neon Lights takes it upon himself to help a particularly lonely mare loosen up and have a good time, and boy is he in for a surprise when he learns who this mare truly.

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Arc III - Chapter: 13 - Back to "Normal"

A DJ in the Night
By: Michael A
Chapter: 13 - Back to "Normal"

Have you ever had an eye-opening experience? Like, an event that makes you think, “Wow, I never realized that?” Well, I’m currently dealing with the aftermath of such an event, and it sucks!

My hooves trot firm along the cobblestone streets, their sounds muffled by the many other hooves that stomp around it. Canterlot during the day was a busy place, ponies from all parts of Equestria either visiting the nation’s capital, either for pleasure or business. The influx of computing ponies was a constant within the city, almost half of the ponies who were in the city at any given time weren’t even residents. I had been one of them, at one point in time. The cities nightlife and many clubs made it the perfect city for me, as it wasn’t that hard to find a job. Sure, Manehattan had its share of clubs, as well as other cities, but none brought the crowd like in Canterlot. Because of the variety of ponies who visited from all over equestria, and even neighboring lands, you never knew who’d you bump into.

As I trotted through the sea of ponies, I couldn’t help but think of how none of them would know what happened to be, nor know how close they were to being in real danger. They were completely oblivious, unknowing of the return of the demon that had cast the land into darkness many years ago. My eyes scanning the crowd, watching the rainbow of different colored ponies of all races trotting around as if nothing had happened. To be honest, nothing had happened, as far as they were concerned. Celestia had told me not to tell anypony about what had happened to me, even going so far as to have one of her ‘Scribes’ write up a cover story, one I hadn’t gotten the chance to read yet.

I wonder how many of them noticed I was missing? I thought to myself, eyes returning to a forwards position as I flowed with the current. It was a good question, one that I knew I would be depressed if I knew the actual answer. My epiphany yesterday was still fresh in my mind, my unclouded view of my life still sinking in. I was a loner, and had been one pretty much since I got out of college. Actually, even when I was in uni I still wasn’t the social one, the only ponies I even hung out with were my lab partners.

I let out a sigh, taking a turn and breaking off from the stream, heading down the final street that would lead to my apartment. I figured that I’d make it my first stop, seeing as I needed to pay my rent. Actually, I was overdue. On my journey from the castle I had stopped and asked a random mare what the day it was. To my surprise, the day she gave me meant that I had been gone for a whole month and a half.

It only took a little longer until I was back at my apartment complex. I headed inside and up to my apartment, relieved when I didn’t see an eviction notice on my door. Using my magic I removed the spare key from under the door, pulling it out before using it to unlock the door. I trotted inside and was shocked at the fact that, well, it was clean. Like, really clean! I closed the door behind me as I trotted forwards, scanning my spotless home.

I trotted past the kitchen, stopping when I noticed a piece of paper taped to the door. Curious, I levitated the note over to me and read.

Dear Neon,

If you are reading this, then you have been freed from your nightmare and have returned home. We hoped this would be the eventuality, and have since made sure your house was in good condition whilst you were away, as well as taking care of your rent for the month… and two after that just incase.

From, Luna

I smiled at the note, folding it and putting it in my shirt pocket. I looked over the rest of the house and found it spotless, someone had even taken the time to neatly manage my cable system to my music setup. I was nervous at first, but whoever had done it had known what they were doing, taking extra care and putting everything back where it belonged.

The last thing I check was my bedroom, which was just as clean as the rest of the apartment. I flopped on the bed, smiling as I slowly sank into the sheets, happy to finally be back in my own bed.

Maybe… maybe things won’t be so bad, I thought, wiggling my body and scootching up towards my pillows. Resting my head down, I remembered that I still had to read the cover that Celestia had created for me. Curiosity piqued, I used my magic to remove the scroll from my shirt pocket, floating it into my hooves. “Now, let’s see what Celestia had prepared for me…?”

I opened the scroll with my magic, reading it over. But, after I got about half way my excited smile started to curl into a frown, and by the end of the letter, I was completely dumbfounded.

“Seriously, Celestia?! This is the best you could think up?!”

I like Celestia, I really do. She’s a good leader, and even a good pony when she takes off her royal mask. And even though we got off on the wrong hoof she more than made up for it.

But this is just sad.

I had slept like a baby for the rest of the day, setting my alarm clock ‘Til I would have to head to the club and just slept. It was good being back in my own bed, in my own home. Heck, it almost made me forget all the shit that had happened.


But, my nap had ended with the an electric chime, and it had been time for me to return to work. Now, Celestia had been kind enough to cover for me at work, establishing an alibi for me, a solid one, and her note had instructed me to return to the club at my usual hour and, well, return as if nothing had happened.

The short trot from my apartment to the club was peaceful, actually. The night sky shone overhead, stars shining brightly down on me from miles away.

An ironic thing about the sky is that most of what we see are just ghosts, the stars that had once created the light we see long since dead while others have been born that we haven't seen yet.

But, it was still peaceful, and I enjoyed it while it lasted. He canterlot nightlife was still as I remembered it; ponies of all ages and types enjoying what he night had to offer. Some went to bars, some went to clubs, and other just enjoyed the night itself, no particular destination in mind. A smile crossed my lips at the diversity as I rounded the last corner to the club, the thought of something remaining constant a comforting sight.

Finally, I made it to the club. The outside sign was lit up in neon lights (yes, I see the irony), and I could hear the base of another DJ’s songs reverberate from inside. I cut in front of the line as I approached the bouncer, much to the annoyance of those who stood in said line, and was happy that the usual bouncer was still there.

He gives me a smile, opening the door to the club and motioning for me to go inside. I nodded at the large stallion and trotted inside, immediately being blasted by the atmosphere of the nightclub. The smell of sweat and alcohol immediately assaulted my nostrils; the flashing lights and blasting sounds adding to the sensory overload. I didn't flinch, instead a smile crept across my face as I soaked in the experience, my body absorbing it greedily as if it was a drug, one that I had been in withdrawal with for a long time.

After I had my fill of the initial fill, my hooves started up again as I set my course for my bosses office, which was situated in a room directly behind the bar. As I approached the bar the bartender, Shot Glass, noticed me and waved me over, a huge smile on his face.

“Yo’, Neon!” The green station called out, his magic still mixing his current order’s drinks and he trotted over to meet me. “I haven't seen you in forever, man! Where’ve you been?”

I chuckled as I bumped hooves with the stallion. “Long story, Glass, I'll give you the short version later,” I began, before motioning to behind the counter. “Is the boss in?”

He nodded, opening the entrance to behind the bar top. “Yeah, he’s in there.” He gave me another smile. “Good to have you back, again. The club's been really lacking lately without your musical flair,” he finished as he returns to his duty, drinks and ingredients flying through the air as he mixed the alcoholic concoctions.

I made my way to the bar and into the office, opening the door and seeing Big-Time sitting at his desk, reading over some papers. He tilted up his gaze at the intrusion of sounds of the club as I opened the door, his bored gaze shifting to excitement upon noticing it was me. “Neon, my boy!” he spoke, putting down the papers and motioning for me to take a seat.

I did as he said, taking a seat in one of the chairs that faced my boss. “Hey, Big,” I began. “Finally back.”

He nodded enthusiastically. “That indeed you are, and I'm happy for that because, as you can hear, it's been hard to find a temporary replacement that could live up to the seat you held.” He shook his head, chuckling.

I had heard the music and had though it wasn't that bad. Sure, the transitions were a little off and he (or she) should have been playing something slower since it looked like it was a cool down period, but the actual music wasn't that bad. The opposite, actually, and since I hadn't heard the current track before I expected it to all be original content. “Yeah, sorry for making that so difficult,” I said with a chuckle. “But, I'm back from…”

And this is where things got… Well, this is what Celestia had pissed me off with. Out of all the excuses and situations she could have used, this had to be the most… Embarrassing!

“From being in the Hospital with a rare stomach parasite.” Yup, she had gone with that. Not an injury, or something normal, but with a God damn creature that lived in my stomach!

“Yeah, that had to suck.” Big Time shuttered. “But, it's over now and you can return to duty… Right?”

I nodded happily. “Hell yeah! I'm ready to hit the tables as soon as you say the word!”

“Well, then, you’re on in…” The stallion looked at his desk clock. “Five minutes.”

My eyes went wide, and I launched out of my chair and out of the office as I bolted to the back room, intent of grabbing the gear I would need and using the remaining time to start a set that I would have to make while performing. Usually I customize as I work, but I at least have some template to work with before hoof.

As I trotted through the crowd, pushing through the dancing ponies, I took note of who was currently in attendance. Young... most look like mostly college students… okay, gonna go probably go with some heavy Dubstep to begin with. I noticed their current mood towards what was being played. Doesn't seem to respond to a fast-paced trap, so I’ll toy with that later once there had a cool down.

I finally made it past the dance floor and pushed open my back room. Everything seemed to be where I had left it, so it was relatively easy for me to quickly grab the things I deeded. My laptop, cables, switch-board, and my high quality headphones floated over to me in my magical aura. After quickly looking over each to make sure they weren't broken or anything (just incase, as nothing is worse the a DJ cutting out over equipment failure) I trotted back out and up towards the perch, my equipment floating behind me like a very expensive balloon.

The current DJ came into view and, much to my surprise, I recognized the mare currently at the tables. Her electric blue hair bounced with absolute energy as her horn glowed as her magic engulfed her set up, mixing and altering her track as it played. I got closer and she seems to recognize me as well, turning to me.

“Hey! If the King of the Tables hasn't returned!” She screamed to me, just barely audible over the bass that screamed below us. I set my stuff behind the setup and trotted next to her, giving her hoof bump that she soon returned. “Well, if it ain't the Queen who’s been trying to steal my spotlight?” I called out, chuckling. “It's good to see you again, Vinyl.”

The white mare smiled, pushing her signature purple shades up to rest above the base of her horn. “Hey, you can't blame me for trying to usurp you while you had a worm up your ass.”

I flinched, giving myself another of the many mental notes to kick Celestia's ass the next time I saw her. “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up,” I exclaimed as I rolled my eyes. “But I'm back and my title is still standing!”

It was true, Vinyl truly was a match for me when it can to DJing. My specialty was reading the crowd and playing what they wanted to hear, as well as all of my custom sound gear that gave me the advantage. Her, on the other hoof, she was a far better producer than I was, her tracks absolutely amazing and revolutionary. What she lacked in crowd reading and equipment she made up for with custom sound. I may be the King of the tables, but she is definitely the Queen of sound.

“I’ll beat you yet, don't you worry!” Vinyl began, shaking her head with a chuckle. “Anyways, I'm guessing you’re playing next?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I'm hoppin’ in as soon as you finish your set, which should be…”

The track ended, and Vinyl’s eyes went wide as she turned as fast as she could and ran back to the mic. I let out a chuckle, only slightly feeling bad for almost making her miss her outro.

“Hey there, everypony!” The mare screamed into the mic, eliciting a thoungeous applause of stomping hooves and screaming fans. “Look’s like DJ Pon-3’s time had come to a close.” The crowd got quieter as it opposed her leaving, begging for an encore. “Now hold on, it ain't like I'm going anywhere! And I think you’ll be taking that back when you hear who’s up next!” While she was making my intro, I used the distraction to start plugging in and setting up my gear. “So please welcome back the only pony who can put on a show better than me, DJ-MCW1SH!”

The crowd went wild at the introduction, the smile on my face threatening to split my head as I trotted into view, taking the microphone from Vinyl. I have her a hoof-bump and whispering, “Thanks,” before turning to the ground and levitating the mic to my lips.

“Helloooooo ponies of Canterlot!” I screamed, the crowd somehow going wilder. “As the amazing DJ before me was so kind to announce, I am indeed back and ready to entertain!” I opened my laptop and flicked through my playlist, at the same time putting on my headphones. “After all, I need to make sure that I prove that nothing can stop this DJ from rocking!”

I pressed play and a soft music box tone slowly overtook the club. I smirked at the confused faces in the crowd as I reached for my switchboard connected to my lighting display and shut off the main lights to the club, engulfing it in complete darkness. The music box continued to play it's creepy, unsettling melody as I started the smoke machines, giving the club floor a thin layer of must, which Nopony could see, yet.

This was a little set that I hadn't gotten to play yet, an intro I like to call, Dance of the Damned!

My hooves pressed up against the switchboard as I raise the lights that line the lighting up the club from the ground up. I then move to the soundboard and added an overlaying baseline, softly building up with the overlying melody.

The crowd stood in relative silence as the music and feeling breathed over them like a looming ghost, their previously pounding hearts slowing down, but still keeping a higher beat. They were hooked, their minds melding with the music as the senses I gave them filled them with ease, but wonder.

The track slowly, and carefully, began to rise again. I added more sounds to the accompaniment, the soft and simple beat growing into an intricate mixture of sounds

Then, when they were least expected it, I added the drop.

The club filled with an explosion of bass and reverb, everypony complexly caught off guard as the real music kicked in. Being suddenly broken from their trance, the crowd erupted into cheers and hoof stomps as my track truly begun. Unlike usual, I had to listen and mix the track as I was playing, and couldn't truly soak in their reaction. But, even so, my smile remained on my face as my hooves and back bolted around like lightning, mixing track after track.

I was home.

I was back!

I know how much time past, but it truly only felt like minutes. After three hours strait of mixing live tracks and rushing to keep ahead of what was currently playing, I was truly wiped.

I stood over my perch, the last bit of my set slowly wound down. Sweat dripped from my muzzle and brow, my tie hanging loosely around my neck and my shirt was completely unbuttoned. Even though I had barely enough energy to stand up, I pushed myself for a little bit longer as I picked up the mic.

“Okay, everypony! It’s about time this DJ passes out for the next twelve hours,” I spoke, trying to sound as pumped as my performance had been. I heard sounds of sadness and a literal chant of an encore, but I could only laugh and wave them off. “Sorry, but I’m done for the day. I love you guys, but we all gotta call it quits some time. I have been DJ-MCW1SH, and you have been an amazing audience! Goodnight!” And with that said, I dropped the mic (because that never went out of style) and slowly unplugged my equipment, floating it behind me as I made my way towards the back room.

The door swung open and I spent only enough time on my feet to carefully put away my stuff before belly flopping onto the couch, once again (for the millionth time) thanking my past self for putting it here.

My heart rate slowed down as I snuggled into the soft material, pulling one pillow below my head and hugging another tightly between my hooves. I then closed my eyes, letting my mind wander back to my performance. Although Celestia had chose an embarrassing excuse for my absence, I decide to hold off on kicking her ass as she had made sure that I could keep my job, something I was just reminded that I couldn’t live without. The thrill of the crowd, the beat from the speakers, the flashing lights and, well, everything just reminded me why I became a DJ in the first place. But, on top of that, I loved watching all of the happy faces of the crowd as they danced their cares away, the music and atmosphere giving them a sanctuary where they could forget the worries of the day.

A smile spread on my face as I snuggled in deeper into the couch, letting the soft embrace of sleep take over…


My eyes shot open and my hooves flailed as the sudden sound and influx of light scared the shit out of me, causing me to roll unceremoniously off the couch and land muzzle first into the floor. I scrambled into my hooves as soon as they would respond, turning towards the sound and intent on screaming my head off to whoever had made that racket.

But, I didn’t.

My anger filled expression instantly faded as a face that I had not seen in a long time came into view, standing just beside the door to the backroom. “Well, you aren’t a face that I was expecting to see.”

Midnight (or, rather, Luna disguised as Midnight) stood nervously beside the door, her face red with embarrassment. “S-sorry about scaring you,” she muttered, looking away and refusing to meet my gaze. “I didn’t mean to wake you…”

Now this was Luna. Not putting on a royal mask, not afraid about past sins or the judgment from others, not trying to prove herself to anypony. Just an adorable, socially awkward mare way past her time.

I gave her a soft smile, trotting over to her and wrapping her in a hug, pulling her close. “You don’t have to apologize to me for anything, Luna. You are worth the occasional scare.”

I watched as the mare’s face brightened even more, but she returned the hug and even nuzzled her head into my neck. To be honest, I liked Luna when she was in her normal form better, but I had to admit that she had done one hell of a job creating a form that managed to capture her to a “T” if she had been just a unicorn.

We broke the embrace after a little bit, both of us just pulling back far enough for our muzzles to be only inches apart. “So, Midnight, what brings you to this fine nightclub?”

Midnight smiled innocently and nervously tapped her hooves together. “Well, uh…” she began, before blushing. “We really just wanted to see you… is that bad? Am I being too pushy???”

Before the mare could spiral into a never ending circle of anxiety, I pulled her in close, our lips pressing together. I can feel her body relax in my hooves as we continue the kiss. When we finally break apart, I can’t help but smile at the goofy grin plastered on Midnight’s face, which I probably have an equally, if not more, one of my own. “Don’t worry, Luna. You are not being pushy or anything like that. We are dating now, I have no problems with you spending time with me--the opposite, infact!”

She blushes and nods in understanding. “Okay…”

We both stand there for a second in a comfortable silence, before I let out a loud yawn, my exhaustion from before finally returning. “As much as I would love to stay up and chat, I really need to get some sleep; I’m on the verge of passing out as it is.”

“Oh… Yes, you must be exhausted. We should have expected this before we decided to visit,” Midnight says with a sheepish grin. “Go ahead and rest, Neon. Perhaps we can meet again tomorrow at a more convenient time?”

My head nods vigorously. “Of course! That would be awesome!” I say before jumping back into the couch, curling up into the pillow while still facing Midnight.

I watch as the mare stands there, awkwardly, her face looking as if she had something to say, but didn’t know, or have the courage, to say it.

Curious, I inquired about it. “What’s on your mind?”

“N-nothing!” the mare blurts out, before adding. “Well… we were wondering if it would be… if we could… if it were proper to…” The midnight blue mare paused, taking a deep breath. “We… I was wondering if we could sleep with you, tonight… It was… we liked the company of another whilst we rested.”

I crack a smile at the now blushing mare in front of me, holding back a chuckle at how adorable she was being. “Of course, Luna. I would like that.”

I rolled off the couch and onto the floor, using my magic to move pillows long enough to pull out the bed part of the couch, then replacing them.

“Oh… we were afraid that there would not be enough room, but now see that the couch is also a bed… most curious.”

“Yeah, I got the pull-out version because I knew I would sleep on it, but am usually too tired to actually set it up so I usually never use it,” I say as I levitate over a blanket, jumping onto the bed as I laid it over me, snuggling in close. “You gonna join me?”

The mare nodded meekly, slowly crawling onto the bed and laying down next to me. I lift the blanket with my magic while using my hooves to pull her in closer, letting the blanket then fall down and cover us both. I felt the mare then snuggle into my, resting her head on my chest. With our bodies intertwined, I let a smile spread across my lips as I closed my eyes, kissing the top of Midnight’s head. “Goodnight, Luna,” I spoke softly to her.

“Goodnight, Neon…” the mare replied, holding me tighter.

As I slowly drifted off to sleep, my fillyfriend wrapped in between my hooves, I could help but chuckle at how the worst few weeks of my life had ended with the best day of my life.

Life can be strange, can’t it?

Author's Note:

Another chapter, another part of the story. I'm actually really proud at how this turned out, to be honest. Anyways, the next few chapters are going to be just as fluffy, with only a hint of conflict as Neon deals with, well, trying to make friends, with a surprise appearance from someone from his past.

Thanks for reading, and give it a like if you enjoyed. And, per usual, don't be afraid to leave a comment about what you though—I love reading them!

~ Michael A.