• Published 21st Mar 2015
  • 2,058 Views, 134 Comments

A DJ in the Night - dj_neon_lights

Neon Lights takes it upon himself to help a particularly lonely mare loosen up and have a good time, and boy is he in for a surprise when he learns who this mare truly.

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Arc III - Chapter: 17 - Everything Changes [Progress: 25%]

Author's Note:


A DJ in the Night
By: Michael A
Chapter: 17 - Everything Changes

Nothing is forever. You try your entire life to hit one point of perfection; a point in life that you can call ‘perfect’. And, when you reach that point, you try desperately to keep it there—to make it last as long as possible.

But, it never lasts.

Things change. Life throws challenges and obstacles in your way. That point eventually slips away and becomes something you will forever try to reach again. Sometimes, you can reach it, and maybe even surpass it. Or, sometimes, it remains completely out of your reach, and forever becomes an elusive point that you can never, ever reach.

I had reached that point.

Loving somepony was one thing, but being love is a completely different story. It was like… it was like I had finally found someone that I could be myself with. It was like finding somepony who completed you, and bettered you in every way. It may be cliche, but the saying does hold true: Love is finding your other half.

I had found mine.

Sure, she was a princess. Sure, she had a sister who seemed to bounce between tolerating me and wanting to set me on fire (successfully doing so, several times). And sure, she was a little old fashioned. But I didn’t care. I didn’t care she was a princess. She could have been homeless, and I still would have felt the same way. Actually, in hindsight, her being a princess only made things more difficult. There were politics that I had to avoid. Public image that I didn’t want to spoil. And with all of her responsibilities brought with it little time for us to share.

I honestly hated the fact that Luna was a princess.

It was a solemn anger, one that titered on the edge between this and just frustration. I knew I’d learn to live with it as there was nothing I could do about it. She was a princess, I was a DJ. Those were the facts that could be altered. It was an unchangeable constant. It was a fact.

It was our lives.

I awoke with a gentle yawn.

Fabric… crappy. Luna? I felt around with my weak hooves that gripped no warmth. No… damn.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to the sight that my pre-waking checklist made me suspect: alone in my own bed. I curled myself tighter into the sheets. I tried to remember which day it was, but it somehow managed to elude me. Was it the weekend? Did I have anything to do? Was I required somewhere? All these questions I had no idea the answer to, and I probably should change that soon.

I groaned. I hate morning.

I opened my eyes and hissed at the sudden influx of light. Well, at least I knew it was morning. I rubbed my eyes and tried to get used to the light. Relief and proper vision soon came, and I immediately rolled myself off the side of the bed and onto my hooves. If I had waited any longer for that step, I probably would have just said, ‘screw it!’ and fallen back asleep.

As soon as I felt weight on my hooves, I began part two of my morning ritual.

A bowl of generic, totally not marshmallow filled, cereal, a quick shower, a brushing of teeth, and a donning of signature ware later, I stood in front of my mirror, smiling at my visage. It wasn't a work day, nor was it date-night. It was a day off that, honestly, I had nothing productive planned. But, I had a hankering that there was something that I needed to do. What, I didn't know, but I liked to entertain my gut feeling every once and a while to see where it took me, and hoped for the best. And, that was just what I did.

The streets of downtown Canterlot were a bustle of life. Ponies walked and talked, walls of equine flesh blocked my passage to pretty much everything, and the air was filled with the sound of hundreds of voices that created a symphony of sound. It sucked, and was never in tune. A damn shame, because I always wanted to use this general dissonance as a sample.

I trotted down the street, not sure of my destination. Belly still full, food wasn't a priority. Marefriend was busy with work. Or, well, ruling a country, but I digress. And I had literally nothing planned. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. Ziltch.

"I need to get some friends," I mumbled to myself.

I stopped when I eventually found myself in front of a park. It was large, spanning a good hoof-ball field in size. It was perfectly rectangular, with a small pond in the center. Tables and pick-nick areas littered what wasn't covered by gravel paths, and fillies and colts played. I even saw a few dogs. I kept my distance. I liked dogs, don't get me wrong, but a bad experience with one while I was younger kinda ruined them for me. A damn shame.

I made my way down the path, chuckling at the kids as they played. They screamed, ran, jumped, and simply enjoyed life. They had no purpose, no responsibilities -- only enjoyed life for what it was. I envied them, being able to simply... well, have fun! There was no plan, no goal, no worries about food or mortgage payments or the threat of evil cults possessing you. That last bit might be a little oddly specific, but it had become a genuine concern of mine after recent events.

It was then, a though struck me: I was fucking bored!

Like, seriously, bored. I had done nothing all day, nothing worth writing about, at least. Would make a seriously boring chapter in some non-descriptive fan-fiction, if you ask me. A voice in my head told me not to think about it, and I'm actually inclined to listen to it, for once. But anyways, things had become... bland. I mean, I cherished every moment I spent with my marefriend -- even standing next to her, or a little chat when Luna 'poof!'ed next to me for a quick nuzzle, then 'poof!'ed back to whatever it was she was doing at the castle. I chuckled to myself about that one. It scared the shit out of me, but I could never tell the mare that -- everyone needed to recharge at one point or another. My job was also great. I loved my boss, loved my work. Loved the club. It was all... great!


That was it. Other then those two things in my life, there was nothing. I didn't really have any friends, or hobbies that weren't work related. Even now, my day off had ended up with me getting up and end up taking... about ten or so laps around the park.

Comments ( 6 )

omg your alive

9712814 Yes. Alive-ish.

I should finish this.

And now begins the arduous process of waiting for an update

I really hope this story does continue

11378602 I remember when I wrote this in the back of my science class. Ah, the memories.

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